Edwin Fulwider and Kathryn Fulwider Collection
- Caboose Window
- An image of a lantern and clipboard laying on a desk by a window overlooking the railroad tracks and power lines.
- Children Playing
- A colorful image of a train crew on the back of a passenger car with mountains in the background.
- Deadhead
- An image of a red locomotive trailing steam, and its caboose passing through a switch with the train's flagman standing next to the signal.
- Dock Side, Seattle (On the Waterfront)
- An image of a train on the railway at a port city surrounded by buildings, people, and mountains in the background.
- Empire Builders
- An image of a grading crew, two horses, and various rail equipment in front of a train and railroad surrounded by buildings and mountains in the background.
- Fast Express
- A view of a train moving at a fast speed with smoke billowing from the engine and a figure standing beside the railroad in the foreground.
- Gandy Dancers
- An image of railroad employees working on a track with a Great Northern steam locomotive passing behind them in a landscape setting.
- Harper's Ferry, West Virginia
- A colorful image depicting a town along the Virginia shoreline of the Shenandoah river with mountains in the background and three winter trees in the foreground.
- Men and Speeders I
- An image of a track gang on a railroad interacting with each other by a railroad motorcar.
- Men and Speeders II
- An image of workers on a railroad interacting with each other between railroad motorcars.
- Michigan Avenue Bridge
- An aerial view of a Great Lake boat on a river under a raised drawbridge.
- Morning Work Train
- A view of a parked train surrounded by buildings with passengers in the foreground that are about to board.
- Pay Car
- A depiction of a train on a railroad siding in a landscape setting surrounded by cliffs and powerlines.
- Start-Up
- An image of a train leaving a train station from a town with buildings and mountains in the background.
- The Guardian
- A detailed image of a crossbuck with lights at a railroad crossing with a view of two buildings and a powerline in the background.
- Village Crossing
- A colorful image of a railroad crossing surrounded by buildings with a powerline in the background.
- West Portal
- An image of two trains parked on railroad tracks at a tunnel with people walking around them, in a landscape setting.