John Mason Peck Book Collection

A Chronological History of New England
In The Form Of Annals: Being a summary and exact account of the most material transactions and occurrences relating to this country, in the order of time wherein they happened, from the discovery of Capt. Gosnold, in 1602, to the arrival of Governor Belcher, in 1730.
A Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri
Containing a general view of each state--a general view of their counties--and a particular description of their towns, villages, rivers, &c. &c.
A New Kentucky State Register: Accurately Compiled for the Year 1852
Containing the names, duties, salaries, terms of service, etc. of every officer in the State and the principal officers in the Federal Government; the names and address of every Clergyman, Lawyer, Physician, Merchant, and Tradesman in the State; the Literary Institutions, Colleges, male and female, Newspapers and Periodicals, with their Editors and location; also, useful statistics compiled from the late Census returns.
A View of the Lead Mines of Missouri
1819 study of the natural history of the Missouri and Arkansas Territories and the resources to be found there.
Discussion On American Slavery, Between George Thompson, ESQ., & Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge
Holden in the Rev. Dr. Wardlaw's Chapel, Glasgow, Scotland. Book contains speeches from two clergyman debating slavery. George Thompson, ESQ. is an agent of the British and Foreign Society for the Abolition of Slavery Thorughout The World and Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge is a delegate from the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, to the Congressional Union of England and Wales.
History of the Northern War; Commencing in 1812, To The Congress At Vinna In 1815
An Account Of The City Of Moscow, A Description Of The Cossacks, And A Variety Of Anecdotes Of The Emperors And Generals Connected With The History
Impartial History of the Late Revolution in France
From Its Commencement to the Death of the Queen, and the Execution of the Deputies of the Gironde Party. Volumes 1 & 2 (bound into 1).
Journal Of A Tour Into The Territory Northwest Of The Alleghany Mountains
Made In The Spring Of The Year 1803. With A Geographical And Historical Account Of The State Of Ohio. Illustrated With Original Maps And Views.
Observations on the Geology of the United States of America
With Some Remarks on the Effect Produced on the Nature and Fertility of Soils, By the Decomposition of the Different Classes of Rocks; And An Application to the Fertility of Every State in the Union, in Reference to the Accompanying Geological Map.
Remarks Made On A Tour To Prairie Du Chen; Thence to Washington City, in 1829
Late commissioner employed by the United States to negotiate with the Indians of the Upper Mississippi, for the purchase of mineral country, and author of western antiquities
The Tennessee Gazetteer
Containing A Description of the Several Counties, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, Rivers, Creeks, Mountains, valleys, Etc. in the State of Tennessee. Its Civil Divisions, Resources, Population, Etc. and a Condensed History From the Earliest Settlements Down to the Rise of the COnvention in the Year 1834.
Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811
Including A Description of Upper Louisiana, Together With the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, With the Illinois and Western Territories, And Containing Remarks And Observations Useful to Persons Emigrating to Those Countries
Western America, Including California And Oregon, With Maps Of Those Regions
And Of The Sacramento Valley. Book describes the author's trip through California and Oregon, with chapters on climate, agriculture, harbors, rivers, Indian tribes, government, and routes of travel.
Wisconsin Gazetteer
Containing the Names, Location, and Advantages of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, and Settlements, Together With A Description of the Lakes, Water Courses, Prairies, And Public Localities, in the State of Wisconsin