M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection
- Minutes of the Twenty-Eighth Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
- Held with the Salem Church, St. Louis County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Twenty-Eighth Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
- Held with the Salem Church, St. Louis County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Twenty-Eighth Anniversary of the New Jersey Baptist Association
- Held at Haddonfield
- Minutes of the Twenty-Eighth Anniversary of the Onondaga Baptist Association
- Held with the Baptist Church in Elbridge
- Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Beaver Baptist Association
- Held at Youngstown, Trumbull County, Ohio, August 21, 22, and 23, 1834
- Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
- Held with the Salem Church, Saint Louis County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Vermont Baptist Convention
- Held with the Church in Townshend
- Minutes of the Twenty-First Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
- Held with the Goshen Baptist Church
- Minutes of the Twenty-Ninth Anniversary of the Georgia Baptist Convention
- Held at Marietta, Georgia, on the 17th, 18th, 20th and 21st May, 1850.
- Minutes of the Twenty-Ninth Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
- Held with the Concord Church, St. Louis County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Twenty-Second Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
- Held with the Fefe Creek Church
- Minutes of the Twenty-Second Anniversary of the Ohio Baptist Association
- Begun and held at the Ohio Church
- Minutes of the Twenty-Seventh Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
- Held with the Feefee Creek Church, St. Louis Co., Mo.
- Minutes of the Twenty-Sixth Anniversary of the Beaver Baptist Association
- Held at Zion Church, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, August 20, 21, 22, 1835
- Minutes of the Twenty-Sixth Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
- Held with the Antioch Church. St. Louis County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Union Association
- Constituted at the Meeting-House of the Bayou-Pierre Church, Claiborne County, State of Mississippi
- Minutes of the Union Baptist Association
- Held at County Line Church, Copiah County, Miss.
- Minutes of the fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Baptist Association
- Held with the Siloam Baptist Church, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. From the 11th to the 14th September, 1852.
- Minutes, Constitution and Rules of Decorum of the Regular Baptist Association
- Begun and Held with the Wayne Church, Knox County, Ohio
- Minutes, of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
- Held at Feefe's Creek Meeting-House, St. Louis County, Missouri
- Minutes, of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
- Held at Feefe's Creek Meeting-House, St. Louis County, Missouri
- New-Hampshire Baptist State Convention
- Proceedings of the New-Hampshire Baptist State Convention, at its Annual Meeting, Held at New-London, N. H.
- Organization of the Mount Vernon Baptist Association
- Phillips and St. Francis Counties, Arkansas
- Organization of the White River Arkansas Baptist Convention
- Sept. 14, 1850
- Proceedings at the Seventeenth Anniversary of the Nolachucky Association of United Baptists
- Held at Blackwell's Branch Church, Grainger County, East Tenneessee
- Proceedings of the 59th Anniversary of the Holston Baptist Association
- Convened in Cherokee Meeting-House. Washington County, e. Tenn. on Friday before the second Lord's day to August, 1844, and following days.
- Proceedings of the Convention of South Western Baptists
- Held at Columbus Mississippi
- Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
- Held at Johnson Liberty, Johnson County, North Carolina, October 15 to 18, 1841