M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection


Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Beaver Baptist Association
Held at Youngstown, Trumbull County, Ohio, August 21, 22, and 23, 1834
Minutes of the Twenty-Ninth Anniversary of the Georgia Baptist Convention
Held at Marietta, Georgia, on the 17th, 18th, 20th and 21st May, 1850.
Minutes of the Twenty-Seventh Anniversary of the Missouri United Baptist Association
Held with the Feefee Creek Church, St. Louis Co., Mo.
Minutes of the Twenty-Sixth Anniversary of the Beaver Baptist Association
Held at Zion Church, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, August 20, 21, 22, 1835
Minutes of the Union Association
Constituted at the Meeting-House of the Bayou-Pierre Church, Claiborne County, State of Mississippi
Minutes of the Union Baptist Association
Held at County Line Church, Copiah County, Miss.
Minutes of the fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Columbus Baptist Association
Held with the Siloam Baptist Church, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. From the 11th to the 14th September, 1852.
Minutes, Constitution and Rules of Decorum of the Regular Baptist Association
Begun and Held with the Wayne Church, Knox County, Ohio
Minutes, of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
Held at Feefe's Creek Meeting-House, St. Louis County, Missouri
Minutes, of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
Held at Feefe's Creek Meeting-House, St. Louis County, Missouri
New-Hampshire Baptist State Convention
Proceedings of the New-Hampshire Baptist State Convention, at its Annual Meeting, Held at New-London, N. H.
Organization of the Mount Vernon Baptist Association
Phillips and St. Francis Counties, Arkansas
Proceedings at the Seventeenth Anniversary of the Nolachucky Association of United Baptists
Held at Blackwell's Branch Church, Grainger County, East Tenneessee
Proceedings of the 59th Anniversary of the Holston Baptist Association
Convened in Cherokee Meeting-House. Washington County, e. Tenn. on Friday before the second Lord's day to August, 1844, and following days.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
Held at Johnson Liberty, Johnson County, North Carolina, October 15 to 18, 1841
