M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection


Arkadelphia Institute
1851 newspaper post about the Arkadelphia Institute along with a list of departments and officers
Constitution of the General Association of Eastern Arkansas
Also includes Report on Sabbah Schools by chairman John Bateman and a Report on Destitution by chariman William M. Lea.
Constitution of the Ohio Association
Founding document of the Tayses Valley Association
Fifth Session of the Taunton Baptist Association
Held in the Meeting-House of the First Baptist Church in Swansea
Forty-Sixth Annual Report of the Baptist Missionary Convention of the State of New York
Held with the Baptist Church in Watertown, October 12th and 13th, 1853, with the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, A List of Life Directors and Life Members, and Auxiliary Bodies, &c.
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association
Held at Mount Hermon Meeting House, Howard County, Mo.
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1824
Held at Little Bonne Femme Meeting House, Boon County, Missouri
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1825
Held at Mount Zion Meeting House, Howard County, Missouri
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1826
Held at Mount Vernon Meeting-House, Boon County, Missouri
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1827
Held at Mount Pleasant Meeting House, Howard County, Missouri
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1828
Held at Chariton Meeting House, Howard County, Missouri
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1829
Held at Mount Gilead Meeting House, Howard County
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1831
Held at Mount Araratt Meeting House, Howard County, Mo.
Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1832
Held at Mount Moriah Meeting House, Howard Co. Mo.
Minutes of West Tennessee Baptist Association
Which was Held at New Hope, Hickman County, Ten.
Minutes of a Convention of Delegates from the Several Baptists Churches of Central Wisconsin
Called for the purpose of forming a Baptist Association. Held on Thursday, October 5th at Milwaukee, W. T.
Minutes of a Convention of United Baptists
Held with the New Hope Church in Clay County, Missouri
Minutes of the 150th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Baptist Association
Held with the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia
Minutes of the 16th Aniversary of the Ohio Baptist Association
Held with the Sandfork Church, Gallia County, Ohio
Minutes of the 18th Aniversary of the Ohio Baptist Association
Held with the Bloom Church, Scioto County, Ohio
Minutes of the 20th Annual Session of the Hiwassee Association of United Baptists
Convened at Chickamauga Church (by consent of Chattanooga Church) Hamilton Co. Tenn. on Friday before the 4th Saturday in September, 1843.
Minutes of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Sac River Association of United Baptists
Held with Union Church on the 27th, 28th, and 29th Days of September, 1844
Minutes of the 31st Red River Baptist Association
Held at Spring Creek of Red River Meeting House, Robertson County, Ten.
Minutes of the 3rd Annual Round Lick Baptist Association
Began and held at Round Lick Meeting House. Wilson County, Tenn.
Minutes of the Albemarle Baptist Association
Held at Preddie's Creek Meeting House, Albemarle County, August, 14th. 15th. and 16th. 1841. Minutes of corresponding Associations, &c. should be addressed to "Alex: Pople Abell," Clerk of the Albemarle Baptist Association, Charlottesville, Va.
Minutes of the Baptist Association in the District of Goshen
Held at the County-Line Meeting-House, Caroline County, Virginia, Third Friday in October--'til Lords day, inclusive, 1801
