M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection
- Arkadelphia Institute
- 1851 newspaper post about the Arkadelphia Institute along with a list of departments and officers
- Constitution of the General Association of Eastern Arkansas
- Also includes Report on Sabbah Schools by chairman John Bateman and a Report on Destitution by chariman William M. Lea.
- Constitution of the Ohio Association
- Founding document of the Tayses Valley Association
- Fifth Session of the Taunton Baptist Association
- Held in the Meeting-House of the First Baptist Church in Swansea
- Forty-Sixth Annual Report of the Baptist Missionary Convention of the State of New York
- Held with the Baptist Church in Watertown, October 12th and 13th, 1853, with the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, A List of Life Directors and Life Members, and Auxiliary Bodies, &c.
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association
- Held at Mount Hermon Meeting House, Howard County, Mo.
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1824
- Held at Little Bonne Femme Meeting House, Boon County, Missouri
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1825
- Held at Mount Zion Meeting House, Howard County, Missouri
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1826
- Held at Mount Vernon Meeting-House, Boon County, Missouri
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1827
- Held at Mount Pleasant Meeting House, Howard County, Missouri
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1828
- Held at Chariton Meeting House, Howard County, Missouri
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1829
- Held at Mount Gilead Meeting House, Howard County
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1831
- Held at Mount Araratt Meeting House, Howard County, Mo.
- Minutes of Mount Pleasant Baptist Association, 1832
- Held at Mount Moriah Meeting House, Howard Co. Mo.
- Minutes of West Tennessee Baptist Association
- Which was Held at New Hope, Hickman County, Ten.
- Minutes of a Convention of Delegates from the Several Baptists Churches of Central Wisconsin
- Called for the purpose of forming a Baptist Association. Held on Thursday, October 5th at Milwaukee, W. T.
- Minutes of a Convention of United Baptists
- Held with the New Hope Church in Clay County, Missouri
- Minutes of a Convention, held November 3d and 4th, 1848, inclusive; with Mount Zion Church
- Hempstead County, Arkansas
- Minutes of the 150th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Baptist Association
- Held with the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia
- Minutes of the 16th Aniversary of the Ohio Baptist Association
- Held with the Sandfork Church, Gallia County, Ohio
- Minutes of the 18th Aniversary of the Ohio Baptist Association
- Held with the Bloom Church, Scioto County, Ohio
- Minutes of the 20th Annual Session of the Hiwassee Association of United Baptists
- Convened at Chickamauga Church (by consent of Chattanooga Church) Hamilton Co. Tenn. on Friday before the 4th Saturday in September, 1843.
- Minutes of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Sac River Association of United Baptists
- Held with Union Church on the 27th, 28th, and 29th Days of September, 1844
- Minutes of the 31st Red River Baptist Association
- Held at Spring Creek of Red River Meeting House, Robertson County, Ten.
- Minutes of the 3rd Annual Round Lick Baptist Association
- Began and held at Round Lick Meeting House. Wilson County, Tenn.
- Minutes of the Albemarle Baptist Association
- Held at Preddie's Creek Meeting House, Albemarle County, August, 14th. 15th. and 16th. 1841. Minutes of corresponding Associations, &c. should be addressed to "Alex: Pople Abell," Clerk of the Albemarle Baptist Association, Charlottesville, Va.
- Minutes of the Baptist Association in the District of Goshen
- Held at the County-Line Meeting-House, Caroline County, Virginia, Third Friday in October--'til Lords day, inclusive, 1801