M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection


Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
Held at Feefe's Creek M. H., St. Louis County, Mo.
Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Session of the Central Union Association of Independent Baptist Churches
Held with the Norristown Baptist Church, Pennsylvania, May 30 and 31, 1848.
Minutes of the Sixth Anniversary of the Baptist Association of Wisconsin
Held with the church at Spring Prairie, on Wednesday & Thursday, June 26 & 27, 1844.
Minutes of the Sixth Anniversary of the Spring River Baptist Association
Held with the Little North Folk Church, Izard County, A. T.
Minutes of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention
Held in the city of Camden, Sept 30th, Oct. 1st and 3d, 1853.
Minutes of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Panola Baptist Association
Held with Enon Church, Panola Country, Miss.
Minutes of the Sixth Annual Session of the Liberty Regular Baptist Association
Held with Hopewell Church, Union County, Arkansas. Commencing on Saturday the 13th of September AD 1851; and closing on Tuesday following.
Minutes of the Sixth Annual Session of the Sweet-Water United Baptist Association
Begun and Held at Tellico, Madisonville, Monroe County, East Tennessee
Minutes of the Sixty Second Anniversary of the York Baptist Association
Held at the Baptist Meeting-House in South Berwick
Minutes of the Spring River Baptist Association
Held at the Richland Meeting-house, in Richland
Minutes of the Stillwater Babtist Association, 1821
Held by Appointment, at Stillwater Meeting House, Belmont County, Ohio
Minutes of the Stillwater Baptist Association
Held Agreeably to Appointment, at Wills Creek, Guernsey County, Ohio
Minutes of the Stillwater Baptist Association
Held by Appointment in the Forks of Little Muskingum, Monroe County, (O.)
Minutes of the Stillwater Baptist Association, 1825
Held by Appointment. At Harmony Meeting House, Monroe County, Ohio
Minutes of the Straight Creek Association
Held by Appointment at Soldier Run Meeting-House, in the County of Adams and State of Ohio
Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association
Held August 22 & 23, 2017. Together with their Circular Letter
Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association
Held at Hillsborough, Highland County, Ohio. Also includes: Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, Held at Brush Creek Adams County (O.) on Friday, the 22d of August, 1816, & the two following days.
Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, 1820
Held at Bethel Meeting-House Highland County, together with their Circular Letter
Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, 1821
Held at Job Haigh's, Brush-Creek Church, Highland County
Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, 1822
Held at Bethel Meeting-House Highland County, together with their Circular Letter
Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, 1825
Held at New Market Meeting-House, Highland, Oh., Together with Their Circular Letter
Minutes of the Strait Creek Regular Baptist Association
Held with New Market Church, August 27, 28, 29, 1836, Highland County, Ohio
Minutes of the Tennessee Association of United Baptist
This Association Convened at the Mouth of Richland, Grainger County, E. Tennessee
