M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection
- Minutes of the Sixteenth Anniversary of the Pennsylvania Baptist Convention, for Missionary Purposes
- Held with the Pottsville Baptist Church, Schuykill Co., Pa.
- Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
- Held at Feefe's Creek M. H., St. Louis County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Saline Regular Baptist Assocation
- With Spring Hill Church, Jefferson County Arkansas
- Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Saline Regular Baptist Association; 1853
- With Spring Creek Church, Saline County, Ark.
- Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual Session of the Central Union Association of Independent Baptist Churches
- Held with the Norristown Baptist Church, Pennsylvania, May 30 and 31, 1848.
- Minutes of the Sixth Anniversary of the Baptist Association of Wisconsin
- Held with the church at Spring Prairie, on Wednesday & Thursday, June 26 & 27, 1844.
- Minutes of the Sixth Anniversary of the Spring River Baptist Association
- Held with the Little North Folk Church, Izard County, A. T.
- Minutes of the Sixth Annual Meeting of East Tennessee Association of Baptists
- Frenchbroad Church, Cocke City, August 30, 1844.
- Minutes of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention
- Held in the city of Camden, Sept 30th, Oct. 1st and 3d, 1853.
- Minutes of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Panola Baptist Association
- Held with Enon Church, Panola Country, Miss.
- Minutes of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Wells Creek Baptist Association
- Held at Tomaka Church, Coshocton County, O.
- Minutes of the Sixth Annual Session of the Liberty Regular Baptist Association
- Held with Hopewell Church, Union County, Arkansas. Commencing on Saturday the 13th of September AD 1851; and closing on Tuesday following.
- Minutes of the Sixth Annual Session of the Sweet-Water United Baptist Association
- Begun and Held at Tellico, Madisonville, Monroe County, East Tennessee
- Minutes of the Sixty Second Anniversary of the York Baptist Association
- Held at the Baptist Meeting-House in South Berwick
- Minutes of the Spring River Baptist Association
- Held at the Richland Meeting-house, in Richland
- Minutes of the Stillwater Babtist Association, 1821
- Held by Appointment, at Stillwater Meeting House, Belmont County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Stillwater Baptist Association
- Held Agreeably to Appointment, at Wills Creek, Guernsey County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Stillwater Baptist Association
- Held by Appointment in the Forks of Little Muskingum, Monroe County, (O.)
- Minutes of the Stillwater Baptist Association, 1825
- Held by Appointment. At Harmony Meeting House, Monroe County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Straight Creek Association
- Held by Appointment at Soldier Run Meeting-House, in the County of Adams and State of Ohio
- Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association
- Held August 22 & 23, 2017. Together with their Circular Letter
- Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association
- Held at Hillsborough, Highland County, Ohio. Also includes: Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, Held at Brush Creek Adams County (O.) on Friday, the 22d of August, 1816, & the two following days.
- Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, 1820
- Held at Bethel Meeting-House Highland County, together with their Circular Letter
- Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, 1821
- Held at Job Haigh's, Brush-Creek Church, Highland County
- Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, 1822
- Held at Bethel Meeting-House Highland County, together with their Circular Letter
- Minutes of the Straight Creek Baptist Association, 1825
- Held at New Market Meeting-House, Highland, Oh., Together with Their Circular Letter
- Minutes of the Strait Creek Regular Baptist Association
- Held with New Market Church, August 27, 28, 29, 1836, Highland County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Tennessee Association of United Baptist
- This Association Convened at the Mouth of Richland, Grainger County, E. Tennessee