M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection


Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1816
Begun and held at Washington, Coshocton Co. O.
Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1817
Begun and held at Br. Joseph Denman's in Wayne Township, Knox County, Ohio
Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1819
Held at the Baptist Meeting-House, Salt Creek, Muskingum County, Ohio
Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1822
Held By Appointment at Hopewell Meeting-House, Perry County, Ohio
Minutes of the New Jersey Baptist State Convention
Held in the Meeting House of the Baptist Church at Salem, N. J.
Minutes of the New Jersey Baptist State Convention
No. 12, One Sheet Periodical. Held at the Meeting House of the New Brunswick Baptist Church
Minutes of the Ninth Anniversary of the East New Jersey Baptist Association
Held in the Meeting House of the Baptist Church at Middletown, N. J., on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4 and 5, 1850.
Minutes of the Ohio Association of Baptists
Begun and held at Symms Creek Meeting House, Lawrence County, Ohio
Minutes of the Ohio Association of Baptists
Begun and held at Tigert's Creek Church
Minutes of the Ouachita Baptist Association
Convened at Catahoula Church, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana
Minutes of the Oxford Regular Baptist Association
Held at Sugar Creek, Montgomery Co. Ohio
Minutes of the Pearl River Baptist Association
Constituted at Fair River Church, Laurence County, State of Mississippi
Minutes of the Platte River Association of Regular Baptists
Begun and held with the Union Church in Buchanan County -- inscription on front page: "A different body from 'Platte River United Baptists.' They call themselves 'Regular' but mean: anti [illegible]
Minutes of the Portage Baptist Association, 1840
Held with the Church in Bedford
Minutes of the Powell's Valley Association of United Baptists
Convened at Hinds' Creek Meeting House, Anderson County, Tennessee
Minutes of the Red River Baptist Association, 1816
Holden at Cave Spring Meeting House, in Robertson County (Ten.)
Minutes of the Red River Baptist Association, 1817
Holden at Halfpone Meeting-House in Robertson County, (Ten)
Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association
Convened at Tenmile, Washington County, Pennsylvania
Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association, 1808
Convened at Uniontown Fayette County Pennsylvania
Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association, 1815
Held by Appointment, at Big Redstone, Fayette County
Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association, 1821
Held at Ruff's Creek, Green County, Pa.
Minutes of the Regular Baptists Association
Began and Held at Spring Creek M. H. Hardiman County, Ten.
