M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection
- Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1816
- Begun and held at Washington, Coshocton Co. O.
- Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1817
- Begun and held at Br. Joseph Denman's in Wayne Township, Knox County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1819
- Held at the Baptist Meeting-House, Salt Creek, Muskingum County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1822
- Held By Appointment at Hopewell Meeting-House, Perry County, Ohio
- Minutes of the New Jersey Baptist State Convention
- Held in the Meeting House of the Baptist Church at Salem, N. J.
- Minutes of the New Jersey Baptist State Convention
- No. 12, One Sheet Periodical. Held at the Meeting House of the New Brunswick Baptist Church
- Minutes of the Ninth Anniversary of the East New Jersey Baptist Association
- Held in the Meeting House of the Baptist Church at Middletown, N. J., on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4 and 5, 1850.
- Minutes of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the North Liberty Association of United Baptists
- Held with the Providence Church, Clay County, Missouri
- Minutes of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Sac - River Association of United Baptists
- Held with Crisp Prairie Church in Polk County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Ohio Association of Baptists
- Begun and held at Symms Creek Meeting House, Lawrence County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Ohio Association of Baptists
- Begun and held at Tigert's Creek Church
- Minutes of the Ouachita Baptist Association
- Convened at Catahoula Church, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana
- Minutes of the Oxford Regular Baptist Association
- Held at Sugar Creek, Montgomery Co. Ohio
- Minutes of the Pearl River Baptist Association
- Constituted at Fair River Church, Laurence County, State of Mississippi
- Minutes of the Platte River Association of Regular Baptists
- Begun and held with the Union Church in Buchanan County -- inscription on front page: "A different body from 'Platte River United Baptists.' They call themselves 'Regular' but mean: anti [illegible]
- Minutes of the Portage Baptist Association
- Periodical, Number 7
- Minutes of the Portage Baptist Association, 1840
- Held with the Church in Bedford
- Minutes of the Portage Regular Baptist Association
- Held at Garretsville, Ohio
- Minutes of the Powell's Valley Association of United Baptists
- Convened at Hinds' Creek Meeting House, Anderson County, Tennessee
- Minutes of the Red River Baptist Association, 1816
- Holden at Cave Spring Meeting House, in Robertson County (Ten.)
- Minutes of the Red River Baptist Association, 1817
- Holden at Halfpone Meeting-House in Robertson County, (Ten)
- Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association
- Convened at Tenmile, Washington County, Pennsylvania
- Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association, 1808
- Convened at Uniontown Fayette County Pennsylvania
- Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association, 1814
- Convened at Uniontown
- Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association, 1815
- Held by Appointment, at Big Redstone, Fayette County
- Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association, 1821
- Held at Ruff's Creek, Green County, Pa.
- Minutes of the Regular Baptists Association
- Began and Held at Spring Creek M. H. Hardiman County, Ten.