M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection
- Minutes of the Fourth Anniversary of the Spring River Baptist Association
- Held with the New-Hope Church, Lawrence County, A.T.
- Minutes of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention
- Meeting held at the Princeton Church in the Town of Princeton, Dallas County, Arkansas on Friday October 3, 1851.
- Minutes of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the North Liberty Association of United Baptists
- Held with the Pleasant Grove Church, in Platte County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Fourth Annual Session of the Liberty Regular Baptist Association
- Held with Harmony Church, Ouachita Co., Arkansas. September 8, 9, and 10, 1849
- Minutes of the Fouteenth Anniversary of the Monongahela Baptist Association
- Held with the Mount Moriah Baptist Church, Smithfield, Fayette Co. Pa. Constitution only.
- Minutes of the Free-Will Baptist Association
- Opened and Held at Union Meeting House, Hominy Creek, Buncombe County, North Carolina on the Friday before the First Lord's Day in October, 1829
- Minutes of the Free-Will Baptist Association
- Held at Boiling Spring meeting house, Spartanburg District, South Carolina, October 4 to 6, 1834
- Minutes of the Free-Will Baptist Association for the Year 1832
- Held at Avary's Creek Meeting-House, Buncombe County, North Carolina, October 5, 6, and 7, 1832
- Minutes of the Freewill-Baptist Association for the Year 1830
- Held at Tow-River Meeting-House, Burke County, North Carolina on the first, second and third days in October, 1830.
- Minutes of the French Broad Baptist Association
- Held at Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, August 25th, 26th, and 27th, A. D. 1827.
- Minutes of the French Broad Baptist Association
- Held at Ebenezer, Buncombe County, North Carolina, August 22, 23, and 24, 1829
- Minutes of the Goshen Baptist Association
- Held at Mount Gilead M. H., Goochland County, Virginia. Commencing on the 9th of September, 1837.
- Minutes of the Hiwassee United Baptist Association
- The Association commenced at Prospect meeting-house, Roane county, on Friday before the Third Saturday in September 1835
- Minutes of the Holston Association of Baptists
- Held at Lick Creek Meeting House, Greene county, and State of Tennessee the second Friday in August, and following days, 1809.
- Minutes of the Illinois Baptist Anniversaries
- Held at Jacksonville, October 1847
- Minutes of the Illinois Baptist Pastoral Union
- Also minutes of the fourth annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Illinois and the thirteenth annual meeting of the Illinois Baptist Education Society. held at Winchester--October, 1848.
- Minutes of the Illinois Baptist Pastoral Union
- Also the twelfth annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Illinois held in Canton, October 16th to 20th, 1856, and of the Illinois Baptist Education Society, at Alton June 22d, and Canton, October 17 and 18.
- Minutes of the Illinois Baptist Pastoral Union
- Also the thirteenth annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Illinois. Held in Paris, October 15 to 19, 1857, with reports and statistical tables.
- Minutes of the Illinois Baptist Pastoral Union
- Also the fifth annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Illinois, held at Griggsville--October, 1849. Also the minutes of the Illinois Baptist Education Society's fourteenth annual meeting, held at Upper Alton, September, 1849.
- Minutes of the Louisiana Baptist Association
- Held with the Beulah Church, at Cheneyville, Parish of Rapides, on the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth of October, 1842.
- Minutes of the Maine Baptist Convention
- Holden at Sedgwick, October 2nd and 3rd, 1839.
- Minutes of the Minority of the Hiwassee Association of the United Baptists
- Opened and held in the woods near Concord meeting-house, Meigs County, the third Saturday in September, 1836.
- Minutes of the Mississippi Baptist Association
- Convened at Bethel, Wilkinson County, Mississippi, on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd October, 1821.
- Minutes of the Mississippi Baptist Association
- Assembled at East Fork Meeting House Amite County Mississippi on the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth days of October, 1834.
- Minutes of the Mississippi Baptist Association
- Convened at the meeting-house of Mars' Hill Church, State of Mississippi, Amite County; On the 18th, 19th and 20th October, 1823.
- Minutes of the Mississippi Baptist Association
- Convened at Clear Creek Church, Adams County, Mississippi Territory, October 19, 1816.
- Minutes of the Mississippi Baptist Association
- Held with the Jackson Church in the town of Jackson, Louisiana on the 6th, 7th and 8th days of October, 1838.
- Minutes of the Mississippi Baptist Association
- Convened at Zion-Hill, Amite County, Mississippi, on the 14th, 15th 16th and 17th October, 1620.