M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection


Minutes of the Eighth Annual Stone's River Association
Held at Bethlehem Meeting--House, Rutherford County, Tenn.
Minutes of the Eighty-Seventh Annivesary of the Warren Association
Held with the First Baptist Church in South-Kingstown
Minutes of the Elk River Association of United Baptists
Begun and Held at Mount Pisgah Meeting House. Bedford County Tennessee, Saturday before the second Sunday in September, 1841 and following days.
Minutes of the Fifteenth Annual Session of the Central Union Association of Independent Baptist Churches
Held with the Vincent Baptist Church, Chester County, Pennsylvania. May 25 and 26, 1847.
Minutes of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Maryland Baptist Union Association
Held in the meeting house of the E street baptist church, Washington, D. C., November 6th and 7th, 1850.
Minutes of the Fifth Anniversary Meeting of the Union Baptist Association
Convened at Plum-Grove Church, Fayette County, Texas
Minutes of the Fifth Anniversary of the Baptist Association of Wisconsin
Held with the church at Racine on Wednesday and Thursday, June 28th and 29th, 1843
Minutes of the Fifth Anniversary of the Iowa Baptist Association
Held with the Bethel Church, Van Buren County, on the First and Second days of September, 1843.
Minutes of the Fifth Annual Meeting of East Tennessee Association of Baptists
Big Creek Church, Cocke County, Tennessee, September 1st, 1843.
Minutes of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention
Held with the Mine Creek Chruch, Hempstead County, Arkansas October 2d---5th, 1852.
Minutes of the Fifth Stone's River Association
Held at Overall's M. H., Rutherford County, Tenn.
Minutes of the First Anniversary of the New Cape Girardeau Baptist Association
Held With Pleasant Grove Church, Perry County, Mo.
Minutes of the First Anniversary of the Wooster Regular Baptist Association
Held in the Meeting House of the Baptist Church, Massillon O.
Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Baptist Association
Held with the Bethel Baptist Church, Wilkinson County, Mississippi, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 20th to 22nd, 1843.
Minutes of the First Session of the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association
Held with the Beulah Church, Parish of Washington, Louisiana. On the 19th, 20th and 21st days of November, 1842.
Minutes of the Formation and Proceedings of the Stones' River Association
At Ridge Meeting House, Wilson County, Tennessee
Minutes of the Forty-Eighth Annual Session of the Chowan Baptist Association
Held with the church at Bethel, Perquimons County, North Carolina, May 18 to 21, 1854
Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Cattaraugus Baptist Association
Held with the Church in Hinsdale, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., July 11 and 12, 1849
Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary of the New Cape Girardeau Association
Held With the Wolf Island Church, Mississippi County, Mo.
Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Pennsylvania Baptist Convention, for Missionary Purposes
And the Tenth of the Pennsylvania Baptist Education Society, Held with the Eleventh Baptist Church, Philadelphia
Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Zoar Regular Baptist Association
Holden with the Harmony Church, Monroe County, Ohio
Minutes of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
Held at St. John's Meeting House, Franklin County, Mo.
Minutes of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Maryland Baptist Union Association
Held in the Meeting House of the First Baptist Church, Baltimore, November 1st, 1849.
Minutes of the Fourth Anniversary of the Baptist Association of Wiskonsan
Held with the church at Beloit, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 22D and 23D, 1842.
Minutes of the Fourth Anniversary of the Maumee River Baptist Association
Held with the Baptist Church of Freedom and Clinton, October 19th and 20th, 1842
