M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection
- Minutes of the Eighth Annual Stone's River Association
- Held at Bethlehem Meeting--House, Rutherford County, Tenn.
- Minutes of the Eighty-Seventh Annivesary of the Warren Association
- Held with the First Baptist Church in South-Kingstown
- Minutes of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Missouri Distric Association
- Held With the Swashen Church
- Minutes of the Elk River Association of United Baptists
- Begun and Held at Mount Pisgah Meeting House. Bedford County Tennessee, Saturday before the second Sunday in September, 1841 and following days.
- Minutes of the Fifteenth Annual Session of the Central Union Association of Independent Baptist Churches
- Held with the Vincent Baptist Church, Chester County, Pennsylvania. May 25 and 26, 1847.
- Minutes of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Maryland Baptist Union Association
- Held in the meeting house of the E street baptist church, Washington, D. C., November 6th and 7th, 1850.
- Minutes of the Fifth Anniversary Meeting of the Union Baptist Association
- Convened at Plum-Grove Church, Fayette County, Texas
- Minutes of the Fifth Anniversary of the Baptist Association of Wisconsin
- Held with the church at Racine on Wednesday and Thursday, June 28th and 29th, 1843
- Minutes of the Fifth Anniversary of the Iowa Baptist Association
- Held with the Bethel Church, Van Buren County, on the First and Second days of September, 1843.
- Minutes of the Fifth Annual Meeting of East Tennessee Association of Baptists
- Big Creek Church, Cocke County, Tennessee, September 1st, 1843.
- Minutes of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention
- Held with the Mine Creek Chruch, Hempstead County, Arkansas October 2d---5th, 1852.
- Minutes of the Fifth Stone's River Association
- Held at Overall's M. H., Rutherford County, Tenn.
- Minutes of the First Anniversary of the Mount Vernon Baptist Association
- Held in Phillips County, Arkansas
- Minutes of the First Anniversary of the New Cape Girardeau Baptist Association
- Held With Pleasant Grove Church, Perry County, Mo.
- Minutes of the First Anniversary of the Wooster Regular Baptist Association
- Held in the Meeting House of the Baptist Church, Massillon O.
- Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Baptist Association
- Held with the Bethel Baptist Church, Wilkinson County, Mississippi, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 20th to 22nd, 1843.
- Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the North Grand River United Baptist Association
- Held with the Church at Locust Creek
- Minutes of the First Session of the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association
- Held with the Beulah Church, Parish of Washington, Louisiana. On the 19th, 20th and 21st days of November, 1842.
- Minutes of the Formation and Proceedings of the Stones' River Association
- At Ridge Meeting House, Wilson County, Tennessee
- Minutes of the Forty-Eighth Annual Session of the Chowan Baptist Association
- Held with the church at Bethel, Perquimons County, North Carolina, May 18 to 21, 1854
- Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Cattaraugus Baptist Association
- Held with the Church in Hinsdale, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., July 11 and 12, 1849
- Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary of the New Cape Girardeau Association
- Held With the Wolf Island Church, Mississippi County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Pennsylvania Baptist Convention, for Missionary Purposes
- And the Tenth of the Pennsylvania Baptist Education Society, Held with the Eleventh Baptist Church, Philadelphia
- Minutes of the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Zoar Regular Baptist Association
- Holden with the Harmony Church, Monroe County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
- Held at St. John's Meeting House, Franklin County, Mo.
- Minutes of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Maryland Baptist Union Association
- Held in the Meeting House of the First Baptist Church, Baltimore, November 1st, 1849.
- Minutes of the Fourth Anniversary of the Baptist Association of Wiskonsan
- Held with the church at Beloit, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 22D and 23D, 1842.
- Minutes of the Fourth Anniversary of the Maumee River Baptist Association
- Held with the Baptist Church of Freedom and Clinton, October 19th and 20th, 1842