M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection
- Minutes of the Baptist Association of Arkansas
- Held at Little Rock, September 13th and 14th, 1839.
- Minutes of the Beaver Baptist Association
- Held by Appointment at Providence Church, Beaver Co. Pennsylvania, August 19, 20, and 21. 1824.
- Minutes of the Beaver Baptist Association
- Held by Appointment at Sharon, Mercer County, Pennsylvania on the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of August. 1821
- Minutes of the Beaver Baptist Association
- Held by appointment at Sharon, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, August 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1817.
- Minutes of the Beaver Baptist Association
- Held by Appointment at New Lisbon, Columbiana County, Ohio, August 19, 20, 21, and 22, 1819
- Minutes of the Beebe Baptist Association
- Convened at Chickasawha Meeting-House, Green County Mississippi, On Saturday before the fourth Lord's Day in September, 1821
- Minutes of the Big Hatchee Baptist Association
- Held with Philadelphia Church, Fayette County Tennessee. Commencing on Satursday Before the Fourth Lord's Day in October 1839.
- Minutes of the Big Hatchee Baptist Association
- Held at Mount Olive Meeting House, Haywood County, Tennessee. Commencing on Saturday before the 4th Lord's day in September, 1841.
- Minutes of the Big Hatchey Association
- Held with the church at Piney Grove, Hardeman County, Tennessee on Saturday before the Fourth Lord's Day in September, 1847 and days following.
- Minutes of the Broad River Baptist Association, 1806
- Held at Cedar Sprink meeting-house, in Spartanburgh district, South-Carolina, on Saturday the 18th of October, 1806.
- Minutes of the Concord Association
- Held at Hopewell Meeting House, Sumner County, West Tennessee, September 26, 27 and 28, 1812.
- Minutes of the Concord Baptist Association
- Held with the Concord Baptist Church, Union Parish, Louisiana, on the 11th, 12th, and 13th days of October.
- Minutes of the Concord Baptist Association
- Convened at Rehoboth Church, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana on Friday, the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth of October, Eighteen Hundred and Forty-Three.
- Minutes of the Concord Baptist Association
- Convened at Bethel Church, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana on the seventh, eighth, and ninth, of October, eighteen hundred and forty-two
- Minutes of the Cumberland Association of Separate Baptists
- Held at Head's Meeting House, Robertson County, Tennessee. On Saturday before the first Lord's day in October, 1843, and the two succeeding days.
- Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
- Convened at Leiper's Fork, Williamson County, Saturday before the fourth Lord's day in September
- Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
- Convened at Wilson's Creek, Williamson County, Tennessee, Saturday before the fourth Lord's Day in September, 1844.
- Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
- Begun and held at Piney Meeting House, Hickson County, on Saturday preceding third Lord's day in September 1816, and days following.
- Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
- Met in the state of Tennessee, Dickson county, at Yellow creek meeting house on Saturday preceding the third Lord's day in September 1811.
- Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
- Convened at Cool Spring, Williamson County, Tennessee, Saturday before the fourth Lord's Day in September, 1839.
- Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
- Convened at Plat Creek, Williamson County, Tennessee, Saturday before the fourth Lord's Day in September, 1842.
- Minutes of the East Fork of the Little Miami Baptist Association
- Held at Round Bottom, Hamilton county, Ohio, the first Saturday, Lord's Day, and Monday, in September, 1825.
- Minutes of the East Tennessee Association of Baptists
- At their Fourth Annual Meeting, held at Pleasant Grove Church, Cocke County, Tennessee, on Friday, September 2, 1842, and following days.
- Minutes of the East Tennessee Association of Baptists
- At their second Annual Meeting, held at Clay Creek Meeting House, Cocke County, Tennessee, on Friday, September 4th, 1840, and following days.
- Minutes of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the General Association of United Baptists of Missouri
- Held with the church in Fayette, Howard County, Wednesday, May 25th, and following days.
- Minutes of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
- Held at Goshen Meeting House, St. Louis County, Missouri
- Minutes of the Eighth Anniversary of the Zoar Regular Baptist Assocation
- Held at North Township, Harrison County, Ohio
- Minutes of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Sac River Association of United Baptists
- Held with Mout Pisgah Church, in Dade County, Mo.