M-111, Series 1: Baptist Pamphlet Collection


Minutes of the Baptist Association of Arkansas
Held at Little Rock, September 13th and 14th, 1839.
Minutes of the Beaver Baptist Association
Held by Appointment at Providence Church, Beaver Co. Pennsylvania, August 19, 20, and 21. 1824.
Minutes of the Beaver Baptist Association
Held by Appointment at Sharon, Mercer County, Pennsylvania on the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of August. 1821
Minutes of the Beaver Baptist Association
Held by appointment at Sharon, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, August 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1817.
Minutes of the Beaver Baptist Association
Held by Appointment at New Lisbon, Columbiana County, Ohio, August 19, 20, 21, and 22, 1819
Minutes of the Beebe Baptist Association
Convened at Chickasawha Meeting-House, Green County Mississippi, On Saturday before the fourth Lord's Day in September, 1821
Minutes of the Big Hatchee Baptist Association
Held with Philadelphia Church, Fayette County Tennessee. Commencing on Satursday Before the Fourth Lord's Day in October 1839.
Minutes of the Big Hatchee Baptist Association
Held at Mount Olive Meeting House, Haywood County, Tennessee. Commencing on Saturday before the 4th Lord's day in September, 1841.
Minutes of the Big Hatchey Association
Held with the church at Piney Grove, Hardeman County, Tennessee on Saturday before the Fourth Lord's Day in September, 1847 and days following.
Minutes of the Broad River Baptist Association, 1806
Held at Cedar Sprink meeting-house, in Spartanburgh district, South-Carolina, on Saturday the 18th of October, 1806.
Minutes of the Concord Association
Held at Hopewell Meeting House, Sumner County, West Tennessee, September 26, 27 and 28, 1812.
Minutes of the Concord Baptist Association
Held with the Concord Baptist Church, Union Parish, Louisiana, on the 11th, 12th, and 13th days of October.
Minutes of the Concord Baptist Association
Convened at Rehoboth Church, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana on Friday, the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth of October, Eighteen Hundred and Forty-Three.
Minutes of the Concord Baptist Association
Convened at Bethel Church, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana on the seventh, eighth, and ninth, of October, eighteen hundred and forty-two
Minutes of the Cumberland Association of Separate Baptists
Held at Head's Meeting House, Robertson County, Tennessee. On Saturday before the first Lord's day in October, 1843, and the two succeeding days.
Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
Convened at Leiper's Fork, Williamson County, Saturday before the fourth Lord's day in September
Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
Convened at Wilson's Creek, Williamson County, Tennessee, Saturday before the fourth Lord's Day in September, 1844.
Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
Begun and held at Piney Meeting House, Hickson County, on Saturday preceding third Lord's day in September 1816, and days following.
Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
Met in the state of Tennessee, Dickson county, at Yellow creek meeting house on Saturday preceding the third Lord's day in September 1811.
Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
Convened at Cool Spring, Williamson County, Tennessee, Saturday before the fourth Lord's Day in September, 1839.
Minutes of the Cumberland Baptist Association
Convened at Plat Creek, Williamson County, Tennessee, Saturday before the fourth Lord's Day in September, 1842.
Minutes of the East Fork of the Little Miami Baptist Association
Held at Round Bottom, Hamilton county, Ohio, the first Saturday, Lord's Day, and Monday, in September, 1825.
Minutes of the East Tennessee Association of Baptists
At their Fourth Annual Meeting, held at Pleasant Grove Church, Cocke County, Tennessee, on Friday, September 2, 1842, and following days.
Minutes of the East Tennessee Association of Baptists
At their second Annual Meeting, held at Clay Creek Meeting House, Cocke County, Tennessee, on Friday, September 4th, 1840, and following days.
Minutes of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the General Association of United Baptists of Missouri
Held with the church in Fayette, Howard County, Wednesday, May 25th, and following days.
Minutes of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Association
Held at Goshen Meeting House, St. Louis County, Missouri
Minutes of the Eighth Anniversary of the Zoar Regular Baptist Assocation
Held at North Township, Harrison County, Ohio
