The Charles D. Gould, Jr. Collection


Advertisement for Heiland Model "K" Flash Synchronizer included in continuation of K. Chester article in December 1946 Popular Photography entitled "Photographing the Nuremberg Trials, Again the Camera Makes History."
Advertisement for Heiland Model "K" Flash Synchronizer included in continuation of K. Chester article in December 1946 Popular Photography entitled "Photographing the Nuremberg Trials, Again the Camera Makes History.", Pub. Date Dec-46
Advertisement for the Grover Universal View Camera, included in continuation of K. Chester article in December 1946 Popular Photography entitled "Photographing the Nuremberg Trials, Again the Camera Makes History."
Advertisement for the Grover Universal View Camera, included in continuation of K. Chester article in December 1946 Popular Photography entitled "Photographing the Nuremberg Trials, Again the Camera Makes History.", Pub. Date Dec-46
Autographed photo of General George Patton
Autographed photo of General George Patton, estimate, 1946-47
Back cover of document, states that it was prepared by the Public Relations Division of the OCC-WC (Office of Chief Counsel-War Crimes)
Back cover of document, states that it was prepared by the Public Relations Division of the OCC-WC (Office of Chief Counsel-War Crimes), 1946-10-25
Back cover of document, states that it was prepared by the Public Relations Division of the OCC-WC (Office of Chief Counsel-War Crimes)
Back cover of document, states that it was prepared by the Public Relations Division of the OCC-WC (Office of Chief Counsel-War Crimes), 1946-11-13
Back of German WWII Black, Silver, and Red Banner Shield that was worn on the tropical Pith Helmet, Insignia-Army Africa Korps, Unidentified mark in center of back of shield. 3 prongs intact.
Back of German WWII Black, Silver, and Red Banner Shield that was worn on the tropical Pith Helmet, Insignia-Army Africa Korps, Unidentified mark in center of back of shield. 3 prongs intact., estimate, 1939-45
Back of German WWII Eagle Shield that was worn on the tropical Pith Helmet, Insignia - Army Africa Korps. Unidentified mark on back of shield, 3 prongs intact.
Back of German WWII Eagle Shield that was worn on the tropical Pith Helmet, Insignia - Army Africa Korps. Unidentified mark on back of shield, 3 prongs intact., estimate, 1939-45
Caption of Case No. 1: The United States of America against Karl Brandt, Siegfried Handloser, Paul Rostock, Oskar Schroeder, Karl Genzken, Karl Gebhardt, Kurt Blome, Rudolf Brandt, Joachim Mrugowsky, Helmut Poppendick, Wolfram Sievers, Gerhard Rose, Siegf
Caption of Case No. 1: The United States of America against Karl Brandt, Siegfried Handloser, Paul Rostock, Oskar Schroeder, Karl Genzken, Karl Gebhardt, Kurt Blome, Rudolf Brandt, Joachim Mrugowsky, Helmut Poppendick, Wolfram Sievers, Gerhard Rose, Siegfried Ruff, Hans Wolfgang Romberg, Viktor Brack, Hermann Becker-Freyseng, Georg August Weltz, Konrad Schaefer, Waldemar Hoven, Wilhelm Beiglbock, Adolf Pokorny, Herta Oberhauser and Fritz Fischer, 1946-10-25
Caption of Case No. 2: The United States of America against Erhard Milch
Caption of Case No. 2: The United States of America against Erhard Milch, 1946-11-13
Collage of photos including photographer, Nazi flag, military vehicle and personnel
Collage of photos including photographer, Nazi flag, military vehicle and personnel, estimate, 1946-47
Conclusion of Indictment and official presentation of the charges to Military Tribunal No. 1
Conclusion of Indictment and official presentation of the charges to Military Tribunal No. 1, 1946-10-25
Conclusion of K. Chester December 1946 article in Popular Photography, "Photographing the Nuremberg Trials, Again the Camera Makes History"
Conclusion of K. Chester December 1946 article in Popular Photography, "Photographing the Nuremberg Trials, Again the Camera Makes History", Pub. Date Dec-46
Continuation of K. Chester article in December 1946 Popular Photography, "Photographing the Nuremberg Trials, Again the Camera Makes History."
Continuation of K. Chester article in December 1946 Popular Photography, "Photographing the Nuremberg Trials, Again the Camera Makes History.", Pub. Date Dec-46
Continued description of activities taking place at Bad Nauheim during the ARC (American Red Cross) Continental Club program, covering July 3 to July 5, 1947, including German language classes, a floorshow by the Esquires and dance music by Stein's Orches
Continued description of activities taking place at Bad Nauheim during the ARC (American Red Cross) Continental Club program, covering July 3 to July 5, 1947, including German language classes, a floorshow by the Esquires and dance music by Stein's Orchestra, 1947-06-01
Count Four, Membership in Criminal Organization, against defendants Karl Brandt, Genzken, Gebhardt, Rudolf Brandt, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Sievers, Brack, Hoven and Fischer
Count Four, Membership in Criminal Organization, against defendants Karl Brandt, Genzken, Gebhardt, Rudolf Brandt, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, Sievers, Brack, Hoven and Fischer, 1946-10-25
Count One continued: illegal conscription of labor from civilian populations and prisoners of war, forced labor under inhumane conditions
Count One continued: illegal conscription of labor from civilian populations and prisoners of war, forced labor under inhumane conditions, 1946-11-13
Count One, the Common Design or Conspiracy, against all defendants; Count Two, War Crimes, against all defendants
Count One, the Common Design or Conspiracy, against all defendants; Count Two, War Crimes, against all defendants, 1946-10-25
Count Three continued: crimes against humanity in connection with slave labor and medical experiments
Count Three continued: crimes against humanity in connection with slave labor and medical experiments, 1946-11-13
Count Three, Crimes Against Humanity, against all defendants
Count Three, Crimes Against Humanity, against all defendants, 1946-10-25
Count Two continued, specific war crimes alleged: bone, muscle and nerve regeneration and bone transplantation experiments; seawater experiments; epidemic jaundice experiments; sterilization experiments
Count Two continued, specific war crimes alleged: bone, muscle and nerve regeneration and bone transplantation experiments; seawater experiments; epidemic jaundice experiments; sterilization experiments, 1946-10-25
Count Two continued, specific war crimes alleged: high altitude experiments; freezing experiments; malaria experiments; lost (mustard) gas experiments; sulfanilamide experiments
Count Two continued, specific war crimes alleged: high altitude experiments; freezing experiments; malaria experiments; lost (mustard) gas experiments; sulfanilamide experiments, 1946-10-25
Count Two continued, specific war crimes alleged: spotted fever experiments; experiments with poison; incendiary bomb experiments
Count Two continued, specific war crimes alleged: spotted fever experiments; experiments with poison; incendiary bomb experiments, 1946-10-25
Count Two: war crimes involving medical experiments, including high altitude experiments and freezing experiments. Count Three: crimes against humanity
Count Two: war crimes involving medical experiments, including high altitude experiments and freezing experiments. Count Three: crimes against humanity, 1946-11-13
Courtroom Chart
Courtroom Chart, 1946-10-25
Courtroom Chart
Courtroom Chart, 1946-11-13
Cover of booklet containing the indictment of, and counts against, 23 defendants tried before the Military Tribunal No. 1 in October 1946 (the Medical Case or the Doctors' Trial)
Cover of booklet containing the indictment of, and counts against, 23 defendants tried before the Military Tribunal No. 1 in October 1946 (the Medical Case or the Doctors' Trial), 1946-10-25
Cover of booklet containing the indictment of, and counts against, Erhard Milch, who was tried before the Military Tribunal No. 2 in November 1946 (the Milch Case)
Cover of booklet containing the indictment of, and counts against, Erhard Milch, who was tried before the Military Tribunal No. 2 in November 1946 (the Milch Case), 1946-11-13
Cover page of a menu/booklet about Schloss Stein, where the international press was billeted during the Nuremberg Trials. The cover displays a photo of Schloss Stein and the inscription "Nurnberg 1946"
Cover page of a menu/booklet about Schloss Stein, where the international press was billeted during the Nuremberg Trials. The cover displays a photo of Schloss Stein and the inscription "Nurnberg 1946", 1946-12-25
