Plates from "The North American Sylva" by François André Michaux

Black Walnut
Plate 30 from "The North American Sylva", a color stipple engraving after a painting by Pierre-Joseph Redouté, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Box Elder (Acer negundo)
Plate 46 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", a lithograph after a painting by Pancrace Bessa, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Butter Nut
Plate 31 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", lithograph after a painting by Pierre-Joseph Redouté, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus canadensis)
Plate 50 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", a lithograph after a painting by Pancrace Bessa, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Cork Oak (Quercus suber)
Plate 13 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", a lithograph after a painting by Pancrace Bessa, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Dogwood (Cornus florida)
Plate 48 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", lithograph after a painting by Pierre-Joseph Redouté, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Georgia Bark (Pinckneya pubens)
Plate 49 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", lithograph after a painting by Pierre-Joseph Redouté, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Laurel Oak
Plate 15 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", lithograph after a painting by Henri-Joseph Redouté, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Live Oak (Quercus virens)
Plate 12 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", lithograph, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Red Flowering Maple (Acer rubrum)
Plate 41 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", a lithograph after a painting by Pancrace Bessa, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Shell bark Hickory (Juglans squamosa)
Plate 36 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", a lithograph after a painting by Pancrace Bessa, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
Sugar Maple
Plate 42 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", lithograph after a painting by Henri-Joseph Redouté, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.
White Maple (acer eriocarpum)
Plate 40 from "The North American Sylva; or a description of the Forest Trees... Not Described in the Work of F. André Michaux", a lithograph after a painting by Pancrace Bessa, 10.25 in x 6.25 in, The Mercantile's prints are thought to be from the Philadelphia printings of Nuttall's publications in the 1840s, 1850s, and 1860s.