Kräuterbücher aus fünf Jahrhunderten : 50 Originalblätter
- Tafel 28: Kräuterbuch
- A drawing of several plants, Discoloration and fraying around the edges, Author?: Pedanios Dioskurides, Page number: 123-124
- Tafel 29: Kreuterbuch
- A drawing of several plants, One corner of the page is slightly folded in on itself, stains on page., Author?: Adam Lonitzer
- Tafel 30: Vollständiges Kräuter-Buch
- A drawing of the plant 'Paeonia', Repair tape on edges, some discoloration across the edges, Author?: Adam Lonitzer, Page number: 403-404
- Tafel 31: I Discorsi nelli sei libri Di Pedacio Dioscoride Anazarbeo della materia Medicinale
- A drawing of several plants, Repair tape on edges, some fraying on edges, Author?: Pierandrea Mattioli, Page number: 837-838
- Tafel 32: Herbarz
- A drawing of an unidentified plant, Discoloration around the edges, Author?: Pierandrea Mattioli
- Tafel 33: New Kräuterbuch
- A drawing of an unidentified plant, Lot of fraying across bottom and edges, Author?: Pierandrea Mattioli, Page number: 90
- Tafel 34: Kreuterbuch
- A drawing of the plant 'Arbutus', Slight discoloration and fraying around the edges, Author?: Pierandrea Mattioli, Page number: 93
- Tafel 35: Opera quae extant omnia
- A drawing of plants in the 'Acanthium' family, Printed and handwritten annotations next to text, Author?: Pierandrea Mattioli, Page number: 499-500
- Tafel 36: Parnassus medicinalis illustratus
- A drawing of the plant 'Auricula Ursi' and 'Phythologia', A lot of discoloration and some fraying around the edges, Author?: Johann Joachim Becher, Page number: 443-444, Published: 1662/63
- Tafel 37: Purgantium aliarumque eo facientum, ... historiae libri IIII
- A drawing of the plant 'Peplus', Some fraying around the edges, Author?: Rembert Dodoems, Page number: 163-164
- Tafel 38: Plantarum seu Stirpium Icones
- A drawing of several plants, Author?: Matthieu de l'Obel, Page number: 303-304
- Tafel 39: Rariorum plantarum historia
- A drawing of several plants, Discoloration and fraying around the edges, Author?: Charles de l'Escluse, Page number: 359-360
- Tafel 40: New vollkommentlich Kreuterbuch
- A drawing of several plants, Printed annotations next to text, Author?: Jakob Diether (Tabernaemontanus), Page number: 299-300
- Tafel 41: The Herball
- A drawing of several plants, Discoloration on pages, Author?: John Gerrard, Page number: 137-138
- Tafel 42: Phytographia curiosa
- A drawing of an unidentified plant
- Tafel 43: Plantarum Americanarum fasciculus I-X
- A drawing of several plants, Published: 1750-60
- Tafel 44: Introductio generalis in rem herbariam
- A drawing of the plant 'Carum', Published: 1690-99
- Tafel 45: Phytantoza Iconographia
- A drawing of an unidentified plant, Author?: Johann Wilhelm Weinmanmn, Published: 1737-45
- Tafel 46: Herbarium emendatum et auctum
- A drawing of the plant 'Rhamnus catharticus Spina cervina', Author?: Elizabeth Blackwell, Published: 1750-73
- Tafel 47: Icones plantarum medicinalium
- A drawing of the plant 'Eryfimum Alliaria', Author?: Johannes Zorn, Published: 1779-84
- Tafel 48: Flore Médicale
- A drawing of the plant 'Argukl', Published: 1814-20, Author?: Francois Pierre Chaumeton and Jean Baptiste Chamberet, Page number: 35
- Tafel 49: Darstellung und Beschreibung der Arzneigewachse
- A drawing of an unidentified plant, Author?: Friedrich Gottlob Hayne, Published: 1853-56
- Tafel 50: Darstellung und Beschreibung sammtlicher in der Pharmacopoea Borussica aufgefuhrten offizinellen Gewachse
- A drawing of the plant 'Ficus Carica L.', Published: 1858-63