Kräuterbücher aus fünf Jahrhunderten : 50 Originalblätter


Tafel 01: Harbarius Patauie impressus
A drawing of the plant 'Herbarius Patauie impressus', A page from a book, which is mounted on a sheet. The front of the page has a drawing plus text. The verso has text. Stains on page., Title and publication information from label mounted on sheet., On label: Herbarius moguntinus
Tafel 02: Tractatus de virtutibus herbarum
A drawing of the plant 'Catapucia', Page from book: Herbarius moguntinus, Page: XLV, Ink stain on page next to drawing
Tafel 03: Herbolario volgare
A drawing of Athanasia, Includes printed annotations, Page from book: Herbarius moguntinus, Page number: IX
Tafel 04: Gart der Gesuntheit
Two drawings of unidentified plants, Includes written annotations
Tafel 05: Gart der Gesuntheit
A drawing of the plant Linaria and another of the plant Linum, Stains on page
Tafel 06: Gart der Gesuntheit
A drawing of the plant 'Lappatium' (docce), Includes written annotations
Tafel 07: Herbarius zu teutsch
A drawing of an unidentified plant, Stains on page
Tafel 08: Gart der Gesuntheit
A drawing of the plant Enula campana and an unidentified plant, Includes written annotations, Published: 1486/87
Tafel 09: Garten der gesunthait
A drawing of an unidentified plant, Includes written annotations
Tafel 10: Gart der Gesuntheit
A drawing of an unidentified plant, Pages have started to crumble on one edge, stains on page
Tafel 11: Herbary oder krüterbuch
A drawing of the plant 'Spicanarde' and 'Spicaceltica', Ink stains on page near text., Page from book: [Gart der Gesuntheit]
Tafel 12: Das kreuterbuch oder Herbarius
A drawing of 'mauerpfeffer oder daubentropff' and 'Erdopffel' (potato)0., One corner of the page is slightly folded in on itself, stains on page., Page from book: [Gart der Gesuntheit]
Tafel 13: Ortus Sanitatis
A drawing of 'Zractatus' and 'Belberbis', Page edges seem a little frayed.
Tafel 14: Ortus Sanitatis
A drawing of 'Tractatus de Herbis', Has handwritten letters on the side of the text to mark paragraph shifts (?)
Tafel 15: Ortus Sanitatis
A drawing of 'Tractatus de Herbis', Has handwritten letters on the side of the text to mark paragraph shifts (?)
Tafel 16: Ortus Sanitatis
A drawing of 'Tractatus de Herbis', Has handwritten letters on the side of the text to mark paragraph shifts (?), stains on page
Tafel 17: Liber de arte distilandi de Simplicibus
A drawing of an unidentified plant, Stains on page, Author?: Hieronymus Brunschwig
Tafel 18: Das Büch von pflantzung der acker, Boum und aller Krüter
Repair tape partially covers text on page CXVI, Author?: Pietro de' Crescenzi
Tafel 19: Vom Ackerbaw, Erdtwucher und Bawleüte
A drawing of 'Cipzeffo' (?), Stains on page, one corner is frayed, Author?: Pietro de' Crescenzi
Tafel 20: Contrafayt Kreüterbuch
A drawing of an unidentified plant, Author?: Otto Brunfels, Published: 1532-37
Tafel 21a: Kreutterbuch von allem Erdtgewächs
Two drawings of unidentified plants, Stains on page, Author?: Eucharius Roesslin d. J.
Tafel 21b: Kreutterbuch. Von aller Kreutter, Gethier, ... natur, nutz, unnd gebrauch
A drawing of several plants, Black marks on the side of page., Author?: Eucharius Roesslin d. J.
Tafel 22: Kurtz Handtbüchlin und experiment vieler Artzneyen
A drawing of several plants, Discoloration and fraying around the edges, Author?: Walther Hermann Ryff, Page number: 98, Published: 1550 und 1553
Tafel 23: New Kreüterbuch
A drawing of an unidentified plant, Large stain on both pages, some discoloration to the figure, Author?: Leonhart Fuchs
Tafel 24: New Kreüterbuch
A drawing of the plant 'Sternfraut', Discoloration around the edges, Author?: Leonhart Fuchs
Tafel 25: Läbliche abbildung und contrafaytung aller kreüter
A drawing of the plant 'Perfoliatum', Author?: Leonhart Fuchs, Page number: 363-364
Tafel 26: Kreuter Buch
A drawing of several plants, Printed annotations on the side of text, Author?: Hieronymus Bock
Tafel 27: De stirpium ... nomenclaturis etc.
A drawing of the plant 'Verum de nobnile Pentaphyllon', Printed annotations on the side of text, some fraying around the edges, Author?: Hieronymus Bock, Page number: 505-506
