Russian Early Map Collection

A mapp of the estates of the Crowne of Poland, where are the Kingdoms of of Poland with its Palatinates the Dutches of Russia : Noire Cujavia, Mozovia, Prussia, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, etc.
"To the Right Worshipfull Sr. Richard Otley of Pichford in Shropsheir Knight, this Mapp is humbly Dedicated by Ric: Blome." Decorative map with many towns, and with the mountains and forests shown. Dedication in cartouche in upper left corner, with winds depicted above a lynx, a white shield with blue bar sinister and three sheaves of wheat; wings carrying quivers of arrows surround the figures. in the upper right corner is a fanciful white swan. Boundaries outlined with different colors. Hand colored cartouche. Relief shown pictorially.
A mapp of the estates of the Great Duke of Russia Blanch, or Moscovia
"To the Right Worshipfull, the Governer Consulls and Court of Assistance, of the Company of Moscovia Marchants This Map is humbly dedicated by Ric. Blome." Decorative map with many towns, and with the mountains and forests of Russia shown. Two decorative wreaths in lower left corner, one displaying the dedication, the other displaying a shield with lion and boar on either side, with "God be our good guide" across banner underneath. Boundaries hand colored with different colors. In: Blome's A Geographical Description of the Four Parts of the World.
Ingermanlandiae seu Ingriae novissima tabula luci tradita
"Benevole Spectator, ut de fide hujus typi geopgraphica rite in struare, scias brevissimis, niti iftum avtographo Petropolitano, quod per Russicos Geodetas A. MDCCXXVI. descriptum primum et Petro II, Alexiewicz Imperatori et Monocratori totus Russiae a Domino Krailow Senatus Russici Supreme Secretario primario humullime dedicatum est Nostris dictum Avtographum expressum, Latino traditum, prout vides, prodit." Decorative map showing towns and waterways, areas and boundaries hand colored. Includes inset view of the harbor of "St. Petersburg," ornamental cartouche with scale and key, and cartouche featuring god and goddesses of the sea, one holding aloft the flag of Imperial Russia.
La Russie blanche ou Moscovie divisée suivant l'estendue des royaumes, duchés, principautés, provinces et peuples qui sont présentement soubs la domination du czar de la Russie cogneu soubs le nom de grand duc de Moscovie
Above top border: Les estats du czar de la Russie blanche ou grand duc de Moscovie où sont les duchés de Moskou, Wolodimer, Rezansky, Worotin, Novogorod-Swiersky, Czernihow, Smolensko, Reschow, Twersky, Novogorod-Weliky, Biele-Iézersky, Wologdsky, Ieroslawsky, Rosthowsky, Susdal, Nisi-Novogorod, Bolgarsky, Wiadsky, Permsky, Iuhorsky, Obdosky, les principautés de Pleskow, Bielsky, Kabardinsky, Cyrkasky et les provinces de Dwina, Gargapol, Outiugh, Petzora, Lucomoria, Ocraina et les peuples Lappons, Samoièdes, Tingoèses, Czérémisses, Mordwa et les les royaumes d'Astrachan, Casan et Sibérie... Decorative map showing cities in detail. Title and scale and key in decorative cartouches; boundaries outlined with different colors, with areas colored in.
Les etats du Czar ou Empereur des Russes en Europe et en Asie : en Europe et en Asie, avec les routes q'uon tient ordinairement de Moscow a Pekim
Decorative map with many towns, and with the mountains and forests of Russia and China shown. Upper left corner has pictorial representations including the Chinese court and scenes from the West to the East. Map shows route from Moscow to Peking. Relief shown pictorially.
Moscovey in Europe : from the latest observations
"Humbly inscrib'd to Abel Ketelbey of the Inner Temple, Esqr. by I. Senex." Decorative map with details of towns, mountains, forests and waterways. Includes boundaries in different colors. Upper right corner has ornamental cartouche of hunters at the base of statue which is surrounded by flags. Found in : Senex, John. A new general atlas. London : D. Browne, 1721. Scale given in Verstes of Moscovy; Common Polish Leagues; Common Leagues of Ukraine, Common British Leagues.
Moscoviae pars australis
Appears in: Jansson, Jan. Novus atlas, sive, Theatrum orbis terrarum. Decorative map with many towns, and with the mountains and forests hand colored. Boundaries outlined with different colors. Three pictorial insets depicting people in native dress with symbols of Russia. Relief shown pictorially.
Spatiosissimum Imperium Russiae magnae iuxta recentissimas Observationes Mappa Geographica
Decorative map with many towns, and with the mountains and forests of Russia shown. Areas and boundaries in different colors. Relief shown pictorially. Includes notes and decorative cartouche showing men in native dress and a classical soldier with instruments of math and geogrpahy on the ground between them. Above is the Imperial Eagle of Russia.
Taurica Chersonesus, hodie Przecopsca et Gazara dicitur
Summary: Detailed map of the Ukraine and surrounding regions between the northern coast of the Black Sea and Moscow. Shows ports, fortified cities and the mouths of the Danube. Hand colored forests and boundaries. Two decorative cartouches. Cartouche in lower left is scale with angels. upper right is title with allegorical figures. Hand colored forests.
Taurica chersonesus nostra aetate Przecopsca et Gazara dicitur
Detailed map of the Crimea and surrounding regions between the northern coast of the Black Sea and Moscow. Shows ports, fortified cities and the mouths of the Danube. Decorative cartouche. An early state, with the original Mercator Cartouche. Borders, boundaries, forests and mountains hand colored., Relief shown pictorially. Removed from Mercator's Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. P. 105-106. Signature on verso: Xx. Text on verso p.105-106 of Taurica chersonesus. Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, v. 2, p. 340.
The whole Russian empire : The European Part of the Russian Empire With the Several Countries that are the Theatre of the Present War between the Turks and the Russians ; The Asiatic Part of The Russian Empire, with the adjacent Coast of North America ; f
"Published as the Act directs, 2 March 1772." Decorative map depciting in detail towns, mountains and forests of Russia. Map shows Russia from the Black Sea in the west to the Bering Sea in the east. Includes Explanation of some Russian denominations and terms used in the confines of Tartary.
To His Most Serene and August Majesty Peter Alexovitz Absolute Lord of Russia &c. This map of Moscovy, Poland, Little Tartary, and ye Black Sea &c. is most humbly dedicated
Appeared in a previous atlas, ca. 1714, with a variant imprint. Decorative map with many towns, and with the mountains and forests and waterways depicted. Decorative allegorical cartouche with both secular and religious elements. Boundaries hand colored in different colors. Insets: [Continuation], To avoid too great a contraction of the scale, the north part of Russia &c. is continued here -- The River Wolga from Peter Gorod to where it empties it self into the Caspian Sea -- Asoph or Asof and ye forts, and mouth of ye R. Don or Tanais &c., Note: The greatest part of this map relating to Russia is done by the Czar's order, according to ye actual surveys of Cornelius Cruis His Czarrish Majesty's Vice Admiral, John Thesing, Captain Pamburg &c. whereby it appears that all other maps of this country yet extant are very erroneous and defective, and the Czar himself in this noble undertaking was present at ye soundings in in ye Palus Maeotis, and ye Straits of Kafa, which are set down in feet, and those in ye Black Sea in fathoms. NB. This map has all the improvements and corrections of Capt. Iohn Perry., Prime meridians: London and Ferro Islands. Relief shown pictorially and depths by sounds in feet and fathoms. Shirley, R. Maps in the atlases of the British Library, Vol. 1, T.Moll-4b, Map 13.