17 ArroiN'rMeNrs BY THE Pitrisiorziw, By and 'w'it/1. the advice and consent of the Senate. Levett Harris of New Jersey, to be Charge d’Af— faii"es of the United States to His Majesty, the King of the French. Peter V. Daniel, of Virginia, IVylly Sillinan, of Ohio, and John R. Livingston, Jr. of New York, to be Commissioners under the Treaty with Naples. Thomas Swami, Jr. of the District of Columbia,‘ to be Secretary to the Board of Commissioners, and George Breatliitt of Kentucky, to be Clerk under the same Treaty. Joseph Villamil, late of Louisiana, to be Cori- sul of the United States at the Port of Guayaquil. J. B. Ferrand, to be Consul of the United States at Panama in the Republic of New Gaenada. Francis Thomassin, of South Carolina, to be Con. sul of the United States at Baracoa, in the Islarfd of Cuba. - _ Obed Folga, of New‘York, to be Consul of the United States at P-ayta, in the Republic of Peru. Henry Carleton, of Louisiaiia, to be Attorney of the United States for tlie}Eastern District of Louis.‘ iana, in the place of John Slidell, whose Commission has expired. . 3 John VV. Livingston, of New York, to be Marshal of the United States, for the Northern District of New York, from the 19th day of February, 1833, when his Commission expired. I Jonas ,L.Sibley, of Massacliusetts, to be Marshal of the United States, for the District of Massachu- setts, from the 3d of March, 1833, when the conmiis. sion of Samuel D. Harris expired. Barrington Aiitliouy, of Rhodc Island, to be Mar- slial of the United States, for the District of Rhode Island, from the 3d of January, 1833, when his com- mission expired. Andrew J. Donelson to be the Secretary author- ized under the act “ prescribing the mode by which patents for public lands shall be signed and execu- ted,” approved -Marcli 2d, 1833. Thomas McCratc, to be Collector of the Customs for the District and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Wiscasset, in the State of l\/Iaine, from the 11th of March, 1833, when his present commission will expire, . Isaiah L. Green, to be Collector of the Customs for the district and Inspector of the Reveiiue~for the Port of Barnstable, in the State of,Massachusctts, from the 3d of March 1833, when his late coinmis. sion expired. i - I , Aers OF CONGRESS.——-In the annexed list will be found the titles of all the acts passed at the session which has just closed, except private bills, and some few others ofno general interest. The Land Bill is not included in the list, and cannot“ now become a law, even if the President was to sign it, as, in orde1'.to be so, it must be returned to the Congress that passed it. [From the Natioiml Intelligencer of Tucsrlrzg/.] An act to explain an act, entitled “ An act to re. duce the duties on coffee, tea, and cocoa,” passed the twentieth of May, 1830. ' An act to establish a Land Office in the Territory of Michigan. An act to improve the condition of the non—com. missioned officers and privates of the Army and Marine Corps of the United States, and toilprevent desertion. » - ‘An act making appropriations for the Engineer and Ordinance Departments. . M ‘An act granting an additional quantity of land for the location of Revolutionary bounty land Warrants. An act to amend an act, entitled-.“ An act to alter and amend an act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands for the encouragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive,” approved 19th February, 1831. An act for the purchase of certain copies of Water. ston and Vanzandt’s Statistical Tables, and ‘to an: thorize a subscription for the continuation of the same. , An act for making Calais and Pembroke, State of Maine, ports of delivery. . An act making appropriations in part for the sup- portofiGo'verniiient for the year 1833, and for eer- tain expenditures of the year 1821. . An act in addition to the act for the gradual im; provement of the navy of the United States. An act making appropriations for carrying on the fortifications ofthe United States during the year.1833. An‘ act making appropriations for the Indian de. partment for the year 1833. _. An act for the payment of horses and arms lost'.in the military service of the United_States against t e Indians onthe fron_tie,rs of Illinois and the Michigan Territory, ' I i < in the ADVOCATE OF INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 173 An actato change the names of William B. Finch and Elizabeth B. Finch, to that of William Compton Bolton and Elizabetli Bolton. An act to amend an act entitled “ An act to grant a quantity of land’ to the State of Illinois, for the pur- pose of aiding in opening a canal to connect the wa- and to allow further time to the State of Ohio for com- meneing the Miami Canal from Dayton to Lake Erie. An act prescribing the mode by which patents for public lands shall be signed and executed. An act to authorize the President of the U. States, to cause the public surveys to be connected with the line of dimbarkation between the States of Indiana and Illinois. An act to explain and amend the 17th and 18th sec- tions of “ An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports,” approved 14th July, 1833. ~ An act making provision for the publishing. of the documentary history of the American Revolution. An act further to provide for the collection of du- ties on imports. [This is what has been called the “ Revenue Collection Bill.] ’ An act to revive. the act entitled an “ act suipplemcn. tary to the several laws for the sale of the public lands. ' « . -. * An act for improving the navigation of certain Ri. vers in the Territories of Florida and Michigan, and for surveys, andfor other purposes. _ A An act for the establishing a port of ciitryand de. liver-y,at the village of Fall River, in Massachusetts, and discontinuing the ethos at Digliten. ‘ An act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treatie , and for other purposes, for the yca1' 1833. An act to amend an act Zentitled “ an act supple. mentary to the act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolution. ' ' An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year 1833. _ An act to authorize the President of the U. States to exchange certainlaiidsbelonging to the Navy Yard at Brooklyn for other lands contiguous thereto. By act making appropriations for carrying on certain works hitherto commenced for the improvement of harbors and rivers, and also for continuing and repair- ing the Cumberland Road and certain Territorial Roads. . n An act to establish, atown at St Marks, in Florida. An act authorizing an alteration in the election dis- tricts for members of the Legislative Council of the Teritory of Michigan. , , 4 ‘ ’ An act ‘prolonging the second session of the 5th Legislative, Council ofthe Teritory ofMichigan. ; An actto authorize the Governor of the Tcritory of Arkansas to sellthe land granted to said Territory by an act of Congress approved the 15th June, I832, and for other purposes. I . An act to carry into efi'e'c1: the Convention between the United States and his Majesty the King of the Two Sieilies, concluded at Naples on the 14th day or October, 1832. An act: making appropriations for Indian annuities and other similar objects, for the year 1833. An act to modify the act olthe 14th July, 1833, and all other acts imposing duties on imports. [This is Mr. Clay’s Bill. - ' v A. An act making appropriations for the revolutionary and other pensioners of the U S. for the year 1833. An act making appropriations for the naval service. for the year 183 . An act making appropriations for certain fortifiea- tions. . A An act making appropriations for the civil and diplo- inatie expenses ofthe Goverment for the year 1833. An act‘ to explain and amend the act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports, passed July 14 1832, so far as relates to hardware, and certain inanufactures of copper and ‘brass and o ther articles. V ' » - i — An act for the relief of the widows and orphans of the officers and seainen whowcre lost in the United States schooner the Slypli. , . ' ' C ‘ . i - .. ' Rtzsolitlions. . , I A resolution in relation to the execution of the act supplementary to the act for the relief of certain sur. viving oflieers and soldiers of the Revolution. A” resolution to place thirty copies of the Diploma- tic Correspondence of the American Revolutionat the disposition of the Secretary of State. Aresolution for the relief of sundry owners of ves- sels sunk for the defence of Baltimore. ' ‘ Resolutions authorizing the delivery of certain pa. pers in the Department of State to the Commissioners for several Claims under the treaty with France, of the 2d of February, 1832, ’ ters of Illinois River with those of Lake Michigan, 3 Resolution providing for the continuation of Gales 8.: Seaton’s Compulation ofStatc papers. ‘ - - Resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to rect certain mistakes. ; 1 601'- LEGISLATURE OF NEW—YORI(. Monday, March 4.-——IN SENATE. Mr. Tracy introduced abill to incorporate the Ame: rican Seamen’s Friend Society. The Senate sat some time as a Court of Errors. Y'L'l.£‘.S‘d0.y._-I-IN SENATE.‘ The bill concerning interest on money, was refer-~ red to the committee on finance. IN Assr.Mi3Lv. Mr. Stilwell called for the qustion on the final pas. sage of the bill relative to the New York and Her. lem Railroad Compaiiy. Mr. S. explained that he did so at the request of the applicants, and for the purpose of moving the indefinite postponement of the bill. - I Mr. Morris was in favor of deciding the question definitively, believing that the mass of thecitizens of New York were interested. in the defeat oftlie bill, and were anxious that the matter should be put at rest, at least until after another charter election. He concluded by moving apostpoiicnient of the ques. tion until to.inorrow. ‘ Onniotion of Mr. MeKeon the bili was laid on the table. IN run LEGISLA’l‘URE,._9I1.W6dneSdfl)', no business was done. The two Housesimet at 10 o’clcck, and immediately adjourned to attend the funeral of Mr. Cornell, of Montgoniery. ' ‘ T/mirsclay, Mrtrch 7.——IN SENATE. The bill to incorporate the North River Whaling Company was introduced. Ordered printed. IN Assi2i\ini.v. Bills reported :—To incorporate the. Squakie Hill bridge company.‘ Assii.vin1.v——Ma1*cIz 8. Bills read a third time and passed :—-To incor. porate the Housecarpenters" Benevolent Society, Brooklyn. To incorporate tlie'_New York Academy of In. vention. ’ ' On motion of Mr. Spencer, Resolved, That the comptroller report the amount of salary paid to Geo. W. Newell as comptrollcr's clerk, and for services as such to the canal board, and for all other services, since 18.‘27,'specifying the sums paid for different services, and the authority under which paid, and the laws zuithorizing such payments. - _ _ [Mr. Newell is the person. who it is understood is to be appointed deputy comptroller of the canal de. partinent, provided the bill now before the house on that subject should p:iss.] . _ , _ Mr. Van Duzer called for the question on agreeing with the committee of the whole, yesterday, on the bill for the appointment of a second deputy comptrol- ler, to have charge of the canal department. ' Mr. Spencer moved that the salary be $1200. opposed the amciidinent. A The question was lost, 68 to 30. The House then agreed with the committee of the whole in their report, and the bill was ordered en- grossed. ter of the New York and Haerleni Railroad Com- pany. He said he’ wouldwithdraw the motion for its postponement, and accede to the P1'0130S1t10Y1 Of Mr. Morris,—that the question should be taken on the final passage of 87 to _ ' . ' Saturday——IN S}E‘.NA’l‘E._ State. [P1-ohibits engineers from purchasing or hold. ing any real estate in the vicinity, of the canals for hydraiilic V pu,1'I3058S-_l ‘e ‘ IN ASSEMBLY. mung canal. _ . _ , question was taken on agreeing with the committee of the whole, the house adjourned till 11 o'clock on Monday. ~ I A A 3 Monday, March 11-:In As_semblY- ' , _ Upon the question of agreeing with the coinlnfittfe of the whole, in favor of thebill for the relileflo Eie Contractors on the Chemuiig and Crooked be a‘ rials, a long debate ensued. The TGPON W35 51‘ length’ concurred in, by a‘V0t§ Of 53 ‘° 38' ~ ' Messrs. Myers, Van Duzer, Stilwell and Burwell - Mr. Stilwell called up the bill to amend the char~ if the bill. The bill was rejected, 7 Bills introduced—'—To incorporate the Dutchess. Whaling Company“: concerning the Canals of this. "The committee of the whole, took up the bill pro. viding for an investigation of the extra accounts of . contractors on the crooked lake canal, and passed. the same, after amending it so as to include the Che...: The committee rose, but before 1118'