‘W4 A1iiEIiiCAN RAILROAfi Joonmn. ——- U U, Fluxseod, . - - - 1? 2 1 u M 9, § Bark, - . . . 74 .1 2 _ 0 I E 3 Cotton Goods, — - - 99 4 1 9 "3 ‘P-°'S_‘X‘fi-,3‘-*3 2-Hg-figfig P‘ a Paper .. - . . 12 Q 0 3 S‘-’::.”*‘-”‘§°r==a°°‘ 3 S -‘ ~ 06113 3015 {J 5 ... .. :3‘ Q G, E 53 q ,.. Miscellaneous, . . ~ «- r-~a 3.... G" ,_ :1 ca :<= - 2 2-; 2 <= -- :* ' - 5. ,6 Z." T()t11I, . . 29,445 18 2 21 9, v 3 55‘ _. ._.._ ..._ ,.. . H 1-: :7 5‘? Totril amount of Revenue $130,937 70 "“ "“"‘ """"""""' wwpwc‘ 83 Al" 69 '34 47 3 gg<51>gg§-gg;g;_1w,,,Omg H as Do. do. 1'4.~.pt}llSQ5 38 ,.i <2: oocomoi U.'J¢.DI-*al¢DUVCIOl""‘n g '___ g In addition to the above there I--‘ 1-4 1-4 -- 55 A "V co ‘ , f ,,,,_ 3 I,‘ _, 3:,‘ 5, ,.... (3 an .- o ca 0;» 5,‘ (.5 g H are the followiiig cliiirges or »-3 g (L g l‘&‘}Jil.ll'P, VIL. . o 10:3»-'<=*~""“*'9°"“"°“"°"_"_ g :3_r3_ By SuperintendantofConstruc- 33 EN;-5Em,.bggm:,_,,o$;n 5': Btion,lor repairs 0I(;i:i}0;a1;:rOfLd,2,0G7 97 ., . , . N, . c _ ‘F 3. y the bupeiinteu t 0 ac i- . r. N) is as as ‘o r-- , o_ .» -—~. . . '3, ‘,3 ‘:3 .. o_ m an is :2 in. Jr 1% 33 5 <3: '3 riery, for repairs of carriages .09 -P~0J'*»’“~<*=°°E°‘“3.°"‘ .« G - .~»407i 99 — in ea or an on 1-: U1 U} a: 01 co r-- -2 _n g Q :2 and machinery. . 75 (W4 43 . m- an-.1->.~aoxtaoLo‘1 :~ 06° - H i; $gQgg3:§3(,.:U1r-dU‘lUTl\9lC:” am‘--7 ru , “ ,, .;, . -1 ‘D °.°:‘‘'‘'‘9.-'§‘°3\'2;{,°é}§8§mc.,Sa 9} 3 _-- NctRevsnuo, $01,903 97 "“‘ °"‘°°«°““U"‘ oco~i2o:.;>= ‘ m ,i;. ~1co1.Jc._D<£H‘/331*: we ,_3 ,,_,._,y —-——————:-———--— cn 0.‘!-l‘L"Eu€D-'l (Or-‘~!n'»~ - 3 0055 _ . ...i i..- 1-: i- 1-: 1-: U‘ mi '5 E3 -'1 L? {From Babbrigcfs Economy of Macliincry, g’~c.] ' . O <1 :* ‘ . . ~ . . .. U’ M Q Q U‘ G‘ on #3“ i a .» 1‘-in iniiniusis mo DIMINUTION or VELOLIIY. I-'3 53 0° *-' N’ l" 9-" ° ”" 9 °° °° ' 5 3, The fatigue produced on the muscles of the hu. 3‘: w _‘ '5; 3 '5; ,_, 3?, Q 0, 3 B 3 L ‘ E,‘ 3 man friime docs_not 8.il.0g;lilt:Il:)(l(1[)e!€|(i‘ on tiiphactfiinl ,1. _ F_ w _ ‘D; mm‘; H E» r’ _‘_<« 3 ,.5 loimeyoinployed in oricli cl ort, ut part y on . a re- $ ,3 395 5'3 .4 '1? it» oa .— U! -.2 ca 1P-‘-‘_= 3 -;:.g quency with which it is exerted. The exertion no. He =5=’~9‘~'-’°°".""".“*"°"""'“‘5'i ° "' ‘ 1' h’ t’ s' ts of )F- ~11 N) o co to to M -.1 :2: an O1 <2 '11 g m E, censcry to acevonip is every opera ion con is .9 U. m .;;. Q 3 $3 $3.; 5; 1:; 3 $5 .—- g 93 two parts: one of tliesois the cxpentliture of force :17‘ ‘’ °° ”" °" —v— -4- 5‘ D which is necessary to drive the tool or instrument ; 3 3’; g -_\'g g 3 § g 3, 3 ‘g 5 ,9’; E_ i and the other is tlioeffort required for the motion g3» 53 3113 g 3 g fi g 3 ‘:3 K]: , ,4 53 - 3‘ some limb of the u.lll!1‘ll1i' producing the action. ‘ H ,;_, _, ,_._, Hg :3; ‘__ w. we take, as anraxample, the act of driving a nail in. to to 158 on to ch 01 U010 r-' G1 I0 0.- "91 3 E. to 11 piece of wood, the first of these is, the propel. - ** Q v- . . - ' "‘ ‘ NJ -~ t l n 1! ‘ the other no O on w w ,9 O “M, ,0 N, ,,_, ,_,-3 S“ ‘E1 _ B _ ling the i1fllY}l1m6Tl1Bt1.(i againts ltgto that h! mm“ If H H ,__,_:‘w __“_:,__;; 2 is, ralszngt 8 arm inor er. 0 I _ 6 I1 . 343 O: m 4 »--4 xi ~1 01 to on to ».— 4 c» the weight oftho hammer is considerable, the for. 3 .._,, K, U, 0, 09 Q Q0 __, ,;;_ ,9 :. if ,, 3 mar part will cause the_gre.atest portion of tho excr. $3 fgf 23" 85 fgj 55 3 ,3, 3.5;: g 8 tion. If the l1i_1minoria light, the exertion ofmrs- ‘rt ‘3 " V-' '4 W "9 5‘ V‘ U‘ "l" C” " Q g 5. mg the arin will produce the greatest part of the . . ,3 ~ ._ _,. _, .. . . . _ 3; 33 pg 9, g 3 E 3 g ,3 ,5 _, 3,‘ g. , a fzitigiic. It does, therefore, happen, that operations -—'""‘“‘“ i U) requiring very trifling force, iflrequently repeated, J u u u I c -* will tire more eflcctunll than more laborious work. “>”“’>’““U2° 1 E 'm ' l d i dtb dl'hm __¢g§_gg.=, ;;ig__g,.c,g_ (53 we ereiaason egreeo rapiiy eyon Vwnc c '53 §‘~‘,_3_':= e';<: §_-,3 -c r: 9. goo , -5. 8% action of the muscles cannot be pressed. ' S‘ :01 ‘.'‘=’‘§£5Ei3' “’ 7:1 ‘~ ;- 23-5‘ “ Q ‘:4 5;‘ gr § 3 3 - The most advantageous lead for a porter who car. 5‘ ' y" *1 *§_ 9* 3 ~ ries wood up stairs on his shoulders, has been inves- 9_ v g‘ - tigated by M. Coulomb : but he found from cxpcri. _. .__. o ‘“‘ 3 Ellcill. that it man walking up stairs without nnyload, :33 c:~.:a::o-1c;iior.'2».'>.~i<‘o =1‘? 3 1’? d ' 1'] d b fy ‘H 3 5: gr, .2 E, g _.£ 3 as S «E 51; § $4.16 an raising us mr on y nieiiiis 0 us pwn wcig 1 ,5 .1 .1 .2"; E. ,1. ,2. ,3 ,;~_ NJ .33 ,,~. .,-;_ ,~7 -‘ W in (flesccnding, ccliuld po ask mucclli. work in oriehdpy "" U ‘ :5 our men cm 0 or in t is or mar we wit t is 31° ::ioOC0r7J_€IJ~IUi(i:IOo3c\JX\9 .-. 2,, l P y y Y en U! 6'} .-.-~. an o to on O: if- .12. on = - .. ca ., most favorable load. r-- cnoi-Ac,-.»c.ii».c.::c.«:~i:oupc:x ca -.1 :7‘ V O '9‘ H ’F‘ F‘ O ‘C’ G 00 W N O) Q 3" "'3 3 E16 The re ortion between the volocit with which on CJ't10(i3t\DlO~I