V . of the County Court of’ Grand Isle County, the lirst .‘m, H Amnnrcam‘ RAILROAD JOURNAL. [From the Baltimore C7zrom'cle.] Information ‘having been communicated to Mr. 21 Regent of the University. GeorgeRiggs,-chiefcenstablo of this city, that the mail between Baltimore and VVasbington had been V-robbed of'money,he immcdiately,in conjunction with Mr. Samuel Milliton, one of the city bailiffs, went ‘ in search of the oflbnders. and succeeded in detecting * ‘and arresting two persons whom they suspected, on searching whom the money which had been purloin. ed was discovered." Murder:--On Monday afternoon last, some chil- dren at play in the meadow, in the part of‘ the city called Wapping. discovered an infant in awell. They immediately went and inlbrmcd some older persons, who proceeded to the spot. On taking it out ofthc Water, it was found to be a male white infant. Its skull was broken, and a stone was tied to its left feet. It is supposed to have lain in the well 10 or 15 days. The jurylofinquest brought in their verdict that the child came to its death in consequence of blows inflicted on its? skull b _,__i1Jl9.§):.DBrsonQinn.. knowh‘.—-‘-‘-l[MTddl‘ét'6‘\Vfi' Sentme .] WHEELING. Oct. 13.——Ban/c R0/)lmr_1/.—-Two more bags of the specie taken from the Bank, containing upwards of $600, were found on Wednesday last, between Market and Main streets, at the upper end of the town. It“ is not certainly known how the robbers accom. plished an entrance into the Bank, but it is general- ly supposed it was with a false key. In the inside they found the key of tlie vault. '1‘he money was in John L. Viele, late member of the State Senate, and Quunsc, Ocr. 12.-—Occaeional deaths from Cho. are still occur. Several ofthose who were attack- ed or who died were workmen from Antic-osti Light House, who had been absent during the whole summer. ’ Kmosron, (U. C.) Ocr. 6.--An unfortunate colli. sion occurred on Saturday night between the steamer William IV. and the United Kingdom, which, as might be expected, produced considerable damage to each. In the former we regret to learn that one of the crew was killed. Both vessels, however, pro. ceodcd on their course and continue their usual trips. Governor of Vei-1nont.——We are informed by a gentleman from Montpelier, that Mr. Palmer has been io.choscn Governor, by the Legislature. The final ballot, we understand, resulted thus :—William A.» Palmer, 112; Samuel C. Crafts. 72; Ezra Meech, 33; W. C. Bradl_ey,1I.-~[Albany Even. Jour.] "'”S7r.fiiI:o‘iiis, Oct. 6.--‘Va have just received intel- ligence that the splendid steamboat Louisville, of this port, on her way to New Orleans, was snagged and sunk about thii-ty-five miles above the mouth of Ohio. The passengers and crew, and a greater part of the cargo, the engine and furniture, saved. An old man, by name of Richard Roberts, who lived in Madison county, was shot dead at Green haw’s blacksmith shop, in this county, on the 18th ult. by one Chas. Lewis of Madison county. The a remarkably strong iron chest: this they forced open with lovers.--[Grazcl.te.j It is stated in the Lexington Observer of the 10th inst..that at the race field. the preceding. Saturday, _a young man was shot and mortally wounded with a pistol hall. ‘He "died the next ‘day, Mr. Thomas ' Jones, immediately surrendered himself to the ofli. care ‘of justice, but, adds the Observer, it is not be. lieved that he intended to shoot Grooms, but to de- _ fend himself against the attack of several others that were at the time menacing and pursuing him. Be. tween Grooms and Jones these appears to have been no ill.will, and the conduct of Groopis was by no means censurablc, and it is supposed his object was to interfere in bchalf'ofJones. Vermont against the World .'—-At the last session convict was sent to the State Prison that ever was sent from that county sin cc its organization-—a pe- riod .of more than l’orty—five years. We also learn , that the person convicted was not :1 citizen oftliis State. and had but recently escaped from ‘f durance vile" in the Canadas. This may indeed be called an excellent criterion of the moral honesty of the hardy Green Mountain Boys.-—{Burlington Seutincl.] The price‘ of coal has fallen at Boston. ‘The . amount of anthracite already imported there, is 24,523 tons. Last year there was but 8,255 tons. The land upon which Cincinnati (Ohio),is built, is said to have originally cost f'orty.nine dollars !- It contained (340 acres,.or a quarter section. New (in 1832),somc part of it is said to be worth thirty dol- lars a. foot ll ,Miss Fanny Kemble is drawing overflowing heu- scs in Philadelphia, and the critics draw largely up- \ circumstances ofthis transaction are briefly those-: —-Lewis is one ofthree men who killed (in self‘ de. fence ’tis said) Wm. C. Roberts, a son of the old man above named, at Burrus‘ old store, last spring Johnson, an'other oi‘ the three, was shot by some unknown person, while going home from this placo'-: in Julylast. an account of which was hen publish ed. It is presumed that bad feelings have ever since existed among the surviving friends of the parties. And these feelings have, pcrhaps,led to the unhappy deed we are new recording. On the day oflhe late Greenhaw’s shop, walking aboutthe door in astoop- ing position, apparently hunting for something-— Lewis rode up, had a gun with him-—e.nd the first words that attracted the attention ofthose present, was his commanding Roberts notto advance towards him. Atthis salutation, Roberts. straitcned himself from his-steeping position, and as he did 30, Lewis fired and lodged the contents of the gun in Roberts’ abdomen, which caused his almost immediate death. Lewis did not attempt to escape. lie is uuw in jail in this place——tbe act having been done in this coun. ty, though the parties reside in Madison.—[Athe. nian.] Extract of a letter dated Cheraw, S. C., October 9th :—-“ We are in the midst of the dead and the afllicted. Alas! what a catastrophe to Dr. Ellerbe! He came to town yesterday, to the election, and, while under excitement, used a. good deal of abu- sive language to Dr. M‘Queen, who did all in his power to.avoid him: Dr. E., however, followed him up with a cowskin, with which heslruck Dr. l\’i‘Q., when they closed up, and both of them falling out of the store door, Dr. E. struck his head on the cellar bar (oi' iron). He was immediately removed to Stinemetz's Hotel, where, in_ charge of an, the 1 entheir ingenuity to find terms strong enough for their admiration. " ‘A young man named Gregory was shot and instant; A ly killed, whilst sitting at _his fireside, on the even- Doctors in town, he breathed, "entirely speechless all the while, until about 12 o'clock to.day, when he expired. M'Quecn is regarded as faultless in t is melancholy ailhir by everybody, including the . ingsof the 30th tilt. at Columbus, in the county of family imd ne‘“‘°5l~1‘9l'“fi°“.s 9f ll‘9’de‘3"“59d-” Chenango, N. Y. The name of the supposed per. petrator is Denison, who lSll‘l0W in prison awaiting his trial. ' Dr. Bird’s Oraloosa has been very success‘l'ul in Philadelphia‘, and is said to liavc drawn large houses, in spite of the attractions of the Kcmblcs at the other theatre. ~ Trotting Match.--—A trotting match came oll'ycs- terday at the Hunting Park Course. Columbus, ~ ‘Sally Miller, and Comet, contended for the purse->- ”‘Vtwo,"miles and repeat. Won by'°Columbus. First ‘heat; two miles in 5 minutes and 26 seconds; second heat, 5 minutes and 21 seconds.--[1’liil. paper.] * _ The return ofyoung Kean,’ who haajostlelt town, in time for his appearance at the -Park,’ with the Kemble’s, at their next engagement, is anxiously looked for by the playgoers, who have set their hearts upon seeing them act together. The U. S. ship St. Louis, Capt. Newton, from“ New—York, anchored in Hampton Roads, -16th inst. Sudden Deatli.-,-—The Albany Evening Journal, of §9.tIl_tday,.reeords tliadeath, by apvoplexy, of Hon. .- , r s The truly distressing pature of the transaction detailed above, will be more painfully apparent, when it is known how intimately the combatants were connected. The father of one and the mother of the other, were brother and sister. L0\\’[-.'LL, Oct. 1,6.-——Accz'1Zmzt.——A most distressing accident took place in this town last evening. Mr. John VVobb, the head watchman at the Tremont Mills, having occasion to go into the upper story of one of tl-ie'mills..iiot yet finished,’ incnutiously step. ped down a liatcliway which had been left open for taking up machinery, and was instantly killed. Mr. Webb was from Beverly, and has been but a short time in this place‘. He was much respected by all who knew him, and has left 'a family to mourn his loss. . MiLLEDovu.r.e, (Ga.) Oct. 1l.—At a late term of’ Laurens Superior Court, Daniel Geulding was tried , For the offence of altering and tendering in payment ‘ the counterfeit-imitation of a note on the I’lanter’s Bank'~of the State of Georgia, convictcd.aud‘receiv. ed sentence ofdeath. from his honor Judge Warren. to~be_e:_iecutecl on Fridn y 9th N ovembor. I‘ homicide, old Mr. Roberts was, as above stated, at ‘ The steamboat New Philadelphia, ‘on "her passage to Albany on Saturday evening, broke hershaft; in consequence of which she was towed back to the city, and will be detained a ‘day or two torepair. ‘The Constellation took her passengers onto Albany. Michigan.--The people of Michigan have deter. mined by vote, not to take oventhe preliminary steps towards assuming the rank of a. State. The Detroit papers attribute this decision to anpappre- hcnsion that the making of a State Government would increase the taxation. ' Heavy Dam.ages.—-A suit for breach of promise of marriage, and seduction, was tried before, the Circuit Court, in Lexington. on Wednesday last. The parties, Miss Clark, of Clark county, pla'intifl', and Mr. Rodgers, of‘ Fayette county, defendant, were cousins. The damages were laid at $10,000, and the Jury, after a patient investigation of the case, ggyfp averdict in favor or the plaintifi‘ for that sum. ‘e understand that llm r-imnmnthncon of the case were so aggravated, that the Jury would have given a verdict for a much larger sum, had it been claimed. VVe believe this is the largest verdictever given in the United States in any similar case.-— [Kentucky Observexn] Accident.-—We regret to learn, that John Van- dike,jr. whilst employed in the marble quarry of Mr. Wm. Frees, in'Whitemarsh township, Montgo- mery county, accidently came to his death on Satur- day afternoon last, about five o’clock. As a. box of stone, which had just been raised from the quarry, was being emptied into a cart, one ofthe stones, of a tolerable size, fell from the cart and rolled thence into the quarry, and after bounding several times. it struck the unfortunate individual directlyon the, skull which it dreadfully fractured, and he survived but four hours aflerwards. He has left a wife and four children to bewail his untimely end.——[Ger. Tel.] [From the G‘-r:orgian.] ~ Cnonana AND Coivu«:'rs.——'I‘hs most probable hypo- thesis in relation to comets, is that they-are the agenls for distributing electricity through the plan- etary space. Tho prevalence of malignant diseases may be at- trlbuted to the want or excess of electricity in the atmosphere. A succession of minor causes may have d isturbed earth. The revolution of the earl h "rm" ~*'°°‘ '~° must, unL_y account for the apparent progress oftho cholcric influence from east to west. ' The visit of two comets, in the year183Q, may b ‘the mea-is for restoring a healthy medium to our atmosphere, particularly as one ofthem will cross the orbit ofthe earth. . I throw out these hints, as we do bottles on the ocean, to attract the attention of the curious, and lead them to make observations. Cuwrxus. Ian. 1 1 ' POETRY. HOME. OH! it‘ there be on earth a spot VVlu:rc lilbls tempestuous waves rage not, 01' if there be a cliz1rm——a _iuy- Without siuiety, ()l‘2lll0Y-—- » Or if there be a feeling frauglit Willi cv’ry fond and pleasing thought, 0): if there be a hope that lives Os the pure happiness it gives, That envy touches not——-where strife Neier mingles with the cup of life ;. Or it’ there be a word of bliss, Oi“ peace, of love—-of happiness-—— Or if there be a refuge fair. A safe retreat fortuil and care, Whci'e the heart may a dwelling find, A store of many joys combin’d, \Vl1ere cv’ry l'ecling.—ev‘ry tone,- Bcst liarinoriizes with its own, lvhencc its vain wishes newr can love, Oh! itis Home !—-:3. home of love. LIFE. We are born ; we laugh; we weep; We love; we droop; we die! Ah ! wlierefom do we l'aus,h, or weep! \Vbv do we live, or die? Who knows that secret deep ? Alas, not 1 1 ' - Whydeth the violet spring U nsecn byhuinan eye ? Why do the radiant seasons bring Sweet thoughts that qniclrlv fly? Why do our food hearts cling To things that die ?' _ ' .. Vs’cLOll,—-—l.llt0llgl1 am an We fig'lit,-an__cl iv; We loverxve limp: a . Stone-dead we lltl,‘ 0 Lilia ! is all thy son _ "‘El1ll'Lll'l“. -.;nd—-die ..’=_ ' . d wrong ;- . ‘M: " en, ‘ere long, the electric equilibrium in the atmosphere of,tMh9___-