335 AMER.1‘cAN RAILROAD JOIERNAL.‘ POETRY. The following fine translation, tiken lroiii the London Litera- ry Gazette, is byainember of the Garrick Club, a theatrical ‘ association, whose l'oi'matioii we noticed some time since : C Cluq'msf1'om the Seven before T/tebes of Escltyhts. [The two brothers Eteocles and Polyiilces are supposed to be just gone out to light.] ' Stro lie 1. . Thou evil prophetess 2' read power! Goddess or fiend, w|ia.tc’er you be- For oi‘ the gods is none like thee- Isee thee come in thine own hour, To covisummate a funeral dower ; Unnatural strif-.-, unnatural ire, The curses ol‘ 1! frantic sire. ./9nti'.ttro;n/ie 1. The sword that made two brothers foes, And ltecn the edge in either hand, Was forged in Scytliia’s iron strand. What atrimoiiy had they .’——woes; What iioritaee their days to close 5’ Wiiat destiny? the late oi‘ slaves; Wliat kingdoni ? space but for their graves. . Stray)/ze 2. When brother falls b brother slain, Andeiirth, pollute , drinks the tide, The crimson stream of fratricide, What power shall purily again? What cxpizttion cleanse the stain? New crimes on old, anti woe on woo, Is all the end their house shall know. ./intislrop/to '2. But why this thrice-told warning tell? Th’ oritctilar voice is heard at last, The generations two are past ; That speed which tracks the steps of ill Pursues the race of Laius still, Who, passion blinded. would notsee His own, the city’s destiny. Strap/is 3. To better counsels conscience mute, He wedded misery, grim bride, And propagated pri.i‘rlcide. The seed might well produce the fruit; The stem must have a bloody root : Madness and blindness both had be To plough such soil, and graftsuch tree. Jlntistroplte 3. Ills swell like seas, as i‘ast—-anti now As one subsides, another raves, Aiiil sttll a third with miglitier waves, To wlielin the vessel. strikes the prow. And shall our towers withstand the blow? Our walls are weak, their circuit wide, The Foo is strong, and fierce the tide. Strap/ts 4. Curses sink not into the gravel The deadly feud ’twixt son and son Mustond but there. 'l‘lie sll‘il'e’s begun, The billows rise, the tcmpests rave: Blind niiin, would you voiir weak bark save,-' Go. lighten hor ol‘ iialflier liosrd, And throw the cargo wet‘ the board! Jntlstroplae 4!. . . Then boast not of your richest freiglit, Or think of(E lipusthe while, so niizhty once, so proud and great, That gods grew envious of his state; ‘ " And Tliebes, who baskcd in plenty ’s smile, Hailed, from tho S;nhinx’s boiiduge free, In him almost a deity. Slioplie 5. Butaaddest change was his, to find That all tliings were as phropliesietl—— Amurdered sire, a inothcr-bride. A maddening frenzy seized his mind- To end his crimes camc suicide ; But first iidecd ofniglit wits done, Oi‘ night befitting such a son! ./iriti'stroplte 5. The curse remains : the hour is come. Invoked in bitterness of hate, That imprccated hour E and fate. The sword, and vengeance. seal their doom ; Their thirst oi sway but blood can sate. Thenehaste thou murderer of h. sire ! Fury 1 arise, and lzlut your ire ! [FOR rna N 4 EW-YORK Aiiii~:iucAN.] Di£A'l‘l-I. Ye may twine young llowers round the sunny brow, Ye may deck fortlie fcstal day, But mine is the shadow that waves o’er them now, And their beauty has withered away. ‘Yc'msy gather bright gems for gloryls shrine, Afar lroin-their cavem home-— ~ Ye may‘-gather the 'gems—’—b'u'i. their pride is ‘1’h0Y-Wil_l.._ligbt the dark ‘cold tomb. e c k , The warriors breast beats-~bigh.i_m'd proud, « : _l h_a.valul'cl:'my cold hand on him ;-' ' An_d_the stately form hath before me bowed, And the llasbine eye is dim. I have trodzlhe banquet room alone--— And the crowded halls of mirth, And the low deep wail ofthe stricken one Went up from the festal hearth. 1' have stood by the pillarcd domes.of old, And-breathed on each classic slirine—- And desolation gray and cold ' -Now-inarks the ruins mine. I have met young Genius, and breathed on the brow That loves -his mystic tr_ace—-~ And the check where passion was wont to glow, Is wraptin my dark embrace. They tell of a.‘ land where no blight can fall, Where my ruthless rei n is o’ei--— ‘Where the ghastly shi'ou , and shadowy pail l;ll%~_l,l:wl:Ighe,l‘_;lhe soul no more. ' They say. therelfi it home in yon blue sphere; ' A regionof life divine, But Isaak not -—since all that is lovely here, The beauty of earth——is mine. mine, _ E. F. E. ,' (Conn.).Wtn.; Currie Roberts,~M.D.~to A atllrla‘, daughter of “ Ham‘ soft gm‘ mat ypcnse," is the only remark we have to make in irisci‘tingil_1e.se somewhat tree lilies; which, ifithcy even partially succeed in correcting one ofFashion’s excesses, will not be thrown away :—— [FOR THE New Yonx AMiciticAN.l Dédommagcment 02 la mode. When Fashion proclaimed from her dazzling height, Emboldened by power and forgetful ofright; And at her wits ends to devise something new That the bosom tliencelbrtli should be veiled from the view. ’TWli.B received with a loud burst ofindignotion, And threw her fair VOL’l'iCb’ in great constcrriation. ‘- somequostioneil. her right : some dcmiirred. and some doubted; Some alfecteii to scorn ; some wept, and some pouted. Yes, curl’:-l with resentment was nariy a lip-— ’Twere heaven to look on and rapture to sip: And sweet mouths of roses, all blooming and pretty, Were paled with dark anger, and Ql.llV8l'lllE and lretty. What a shame, they t-3.\C.1i1lilled, that charms such as these, Sliould be hid front the sight, when tliey’rcjii-st made to please. Some thought by evasion it mightbe doieutcd: Some tried it with gauze ; some pulled. and some plaited; Somu vowed-—almost swore; some sighed; some protested- Tlie sweet pretty Ci1it1'l'ilCl‘S should not be molested. Many councils were held, and committees elected, And many dark schemes ofrebellion ])l'0_1€lCt8d. ‘Till Fasliion alarmed at the far swelling rage Thought it best, by concession, the storm to assuage ; But resolved, like all tyrants with more power than sense, That with the late edict she would not dispense. "I‘was all one, she said, what e’er nature intended, Her royal prerogative iriust be delontled ; but dutiful subjects might look very soon For some compensation in shape ofo. boon. And although to this law strict obedience was meet, Yet something, perhaps. might be done for tire feet; Which iiiight, when with neat little buskins protected, From under the dress, be a wee-bit projected. .~\i. the iiainc oltlio foot every bosom beat high, To think that it’s day of deliverance drew nigh: ”l‘wiis in vain to conceal what every one saw, How easy ’twould be to evade every law; Once open the doorgto at licence below And no mortal could tell to what /u:i‘_4,r}:.t it would go. i:‘.re lialfoftlic realm the new ortlinance know some thousands ofpretty l‘oetpopp’d into view : And such was the magical power oftlie l'oot Tliztt they very soon added the ancle to boot. Uiiwiiiing ihattliings should be done by the halves They took in it tuck anti then outpeepu-l the c-—. Now in every new scheme there will always be tartcrs, And some thought it better to raise to the g - While others, desirous in all things to please, Resolved that the iimitsliould be at the k . Nay, in this windy weather. which all iniistdeplore, There are those who iniitgiiic they even see more ; And think. though the lit.-hion I cannot adtnire, Tlieru is cvcry appearance that things will go higher! PEEPER. I’OR'1‘ltAI'l‘ l‘AIN’I‘ING. ‘Tie not alone the poesy ol't"orin—— The melody ol'uspuct——tlie line hue OflipsVhulfblusliiiig. odorous and warm. Thursday morning. 10th May, aftcfa. short illness, Frederic Vcrmylyea. aged 27 years. ' Thursday rnorniiig, 10th inst. after a shortiiiness. Mr. Jame. " Sergeant, in the 70th year of his age. _ , On Friday morning, May liili, after a pi'otru’c'teil and painful illness, Mrs. Eupliemizt, wile oi‘ John Colvill, Esq. in the 60th year of her age. On Saturday morning at; past 3 o‘c'loclt, Capt. James Tal- man, 87 years of age, lornierlyof Cainden, Maine, but for sev- eral yoars past it ship master of this port. At Schuyler, near Utica, on the 7th inst. in the 17th your or his age, John Graliaiii, Esq. lbrnierly of'Morrisia_na, West- chestor co. and lately of this city. Mr. Graham served in the Revolutonary war as voluriteer aid- tle-camp to the late (Vice President) George‘ Clinton, and was for it sliori. time attached to the staff or General ‘Washington. In Boston on the I‘: inst. Mary, consort of‘ Allan Pollock, Esq. Monday evening, of-the scarlet Fever, Jaiiies Wm.’DomlniCk, son of Jared L. Moore, aged two years and six months. The trioiitls and ooiinexions of‘ the family are res'pectl'_nlly in- vited to attend the funeral thisalternooii lrorn 248 Last“Broad- way at 6 otoiok precisely without further invit’atio'n. ‘ At Boston, on VVednesdav last, Hon. Israel Thorndike, agctl 76. Mr. Thorndike has been for the last boll century, one of the most distinguished and eminent merchants in this country, and has left a fortuiie of two millions. He was for many years a distinguislied member ofthe Senate of Massachusetts. ‘ WEEKLY REl'OR'1‘ Uh‘ DEATHS. » The City Inspector reports the tlcatli oi 114 persons during the week ending on Saturday, 12th inst, viz:——30 men, -.10 women. 39 boys, and 25 girls—Ol' whom 25 were of‘ the age of 1 year and tinder, 12 between i and 2‘, 17 between 2 and 5, 5 between 5 ‘and 10. 5 between 10 and 20, ll between 28 and 30,14 between 30 and 40, 10 between 40 and 50, 3 between 50 and 60,- 4 between 60 and 70, <1» between 70 and 80, and 1 between 30 and 90.-— Diseasre-9:— Apoplexy -i. astliiria. 1, burned or scalded 2, casualty 6. con- sumption 29, convulsions 5, dropsy 2, dropsy in the chest 1, dropsy in the head 6, drowned 3, dysentery 2, lever, puerperal, i, l‘t-.ver,remtttent l, fever, scarlet 3, lever, typhus 1, hives or croup 5, hysteria 1, inliammtion oi the bowels 4, inllummation ofthe brain 2. inilainniatioii ofihe chest 1, intemperance 3, hia- rasmus 1, ineasless, palsy 1, pcripneumoliy 3, pleurisy l, scirr- lius oi‘ the liver 2. scrofula or kirig’s evil i. small pox 1, still- born 5, teething 4. unknowri 1, Wll()l\pll1f.!-COllg'l| 1. ABRAHAM I). S'1‘lEI’HENS. Citv Inspector. PASSENGERS-— Per ship Louisville, lrom New 0rleans:—Madamc Garrick, Mr Lockhart, lady, -2 children and servant, Mr Wiii F Kruin- haar anti lady, Mrs Staiisbury, child and servant, Mrs Miglitand servant. Mrs and Miss Jenkins, Miss Wyllis, Messrs R Holmes, Bishop, J Ballagli, W S Lyne, L H Woodworth, 1’ F Thomas, WR Price, B Deatouet. , ' - In the ship John Joy. from Liverpool._Major Mercerand ser- vant. of Edenliorough;1\«1essrs Wilson, oi do; Hawes, 'ol'London- Alexander. oi Dublin; L Bi. J Weld. efdo; Gappor, lady and and Taylor. oi’Lonrlon; Buckley, ofWales; Gibson, of Liver- pool; Mclntire, Montreal: Jacol, oi NYork; Bistiell, ofNCaro- lina; Francis Henry, oi‘ Cornwall, Eng; Kaulrnan. ol‘NYork, and Dr Mztcartncv, l-ldenbomtigh. Per packet ship York, for Liverpool :—-Samuel Baker, ol'Ja- maica; Mi Floyes, of do; Etlwiml L l’o.rt-ons and lady, of New York; John Hiigcs, and Mr Fergiison, ofdo; Miss ‘Dent, oI‘do', .\‘lr Koiiiiody, It E, of BOl'liilillll!.§ Mr Bistoc, ofdo; Rev (J S Stu- art, U S Navy-_James Dsvldsoi; ' ' ' Ofeycs like hoover)’; _Qwn.nu-a.tllso.ol.‘h1us»-;—~- ‘"'“"““"**’ . Nor all the graces tlizit encliitrtn the view, And render beauty still more beautiful; But the resemblances that can renew Past youth. past hopes, past loves, no shade may dull; Affections, years may dlm—-but never quite ttiinul . Wrestiiig from death and darkness, iimlecayetl, The kiridrod Iineanients we honored here; The breast on which our inliiiit brow had laid, The lips that ki sed away our first briel‘tc:tr— The all we lost, erc yet the luiierulbior Coiiveyetl to our young souls how great a blow Laid desolate the homes we loved so dcar;— , Oh, heart !—too early wort thou doomed to know The grave that held thy sire, held all thy hopes below! Tlion. nii I-for everszicred be the iirt Vl’liir*li gave me all the grave had left oliniiie ! l gaze upon this portrait till my heart ltemcnioers every touch and every line; And ztlniost do I deem the gilttliviiie, Direct l'i'oiii lieavcii, and not from human skill ; Iristiiict with love, those noble l’eatui'es sliiiii:-- The eyes some new expression seems to fill‘-——» And hall] know thee dead, haifhope thee livintz si.ill! 1|IAR.RIAGESo ' l\'iARItIED, on Wednesday evening. 9th Mayday the Rev. Dr. Mcljartcc, Mr. W. Smart, to Miss Margaret Brower, all of this city. ‘ _ Thursday morning, 10th May, by the Rev. Henry Hunter, Mr. Edwaril Itoomo, to Miss Frances H., daiighter of Cliarlet Oakley. all ofthis city. ‘ , on, o ow ork; Mr'B‘ackhouso, of léngliiiid. 7 Per Comet, from St Bat‘ts——'Mrs Charlotte Hammarsiey and servant. l A _ ' Per snip Florian, from Savaniiah-—CiiptJ Deni-iet't,‘J M John- son, M Huichins, VV J Haskell, U S Comiiiissioner for Mexico: Col Thompson, W 1_’ai'spiis and lady, S H 'l‘iioii_i;json', __a'-H Cowen and lamily, Miss lcfierson, Mrs Starr rind servant. Miss Halsey, i\/its J Conncst, iiicce aiidttvo cliildron; Mi" ,1 _Bi»ow'n, . K I . . NEW-Yollli AMERICAN. 'rR1-wEE'KLy_ V The NEW-YORl{_ Al\llc‘lllCAN 'is now published THREE l‘lMl-..‘o A-WEEK. in iidditton to the Daily and Sé72tt'.u.~e,e/(lg, as iisiial. This ari'nrigeinei'it is made to accommodate "a litr'gd class oi liusiiiess-iner. iii the cuztittry. who are desirous ol‘ see ‘_ ing the (1d'l.'I."I'[IS£‘)IL[‘7ll.S Oillhvll day, yet are unwiliintr to encoiiin.. ter the exponso of siibscripuon and postage iii’ a daily pawér lly this ai'i'angciiicrit, it will easily be perceived. ilicir wisiiee‘. oi‘ New-York. and forwarded, according to their order, and ior (LN._I/ length of time. All letters l‘(:lzl.Lll‘l" to the 'l‘RLVl'EEl(LY AMERICAN may be addressed to Ill()$lllili8h6l‘ and part Proprietor, ' D. KL. MINOR. No.35_Il>'all-st. NJY. '.I‘O RAILROAD CONTRACTORS. V I THE (from Ithaca. at the head ol‘ the Cayuga Lake,‘ to Oweso, on On Wednesday evening, 9th inst. by the Rev. George Dubois, Rev. Henry Hoerm ance, to Miss Catliarine 15., only daughter of l:‘.dgai‘Laiug, merchant, of thisvcit_y.V' H V ' " , V * ‘On, the, 9th May, by the -Rev.‘?Mr<.~ She‘ herd, at Stratford, tlie~late Mr. Martin Hoflmaii, all ol thiscity. _ , On 'I‘htirsi|ay"evciiin'g",' May 10, bytha Rev. ‘John M.'Guiori. Thomas Brown, Esq. oi Moniego Bay, lJam.) to~Ann,- daugh- tor of the late Captain Elihu Marshall, of this city. On Thursday evening, lllth instant, by the Rev. Mentor: East burn, Mr. Francis Morris, to Miss Mary Elizabeth, daughter Oi the late Matthias Valentino. . AlPhil&delpl1ia, on Saturday evening, 5th instant, by Itt.Rev. Bishop Kendrick, Louis Charles Phillippe, Com to de Neverlee. to Mademoiselle Louise Josephine Cleincntine e Miisne Cli’0l'~ mont. ' i - On Sunday_la.st, by the Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Smith Read, to Miss Mariah Morgan. both of this city. At Cincinnati. Mr. Wesley Siriead, to Miss Amelia C. M‘Kln- non, oi New-York. . the Susguehanriah River)" is now mulor.'co'nlract, and‘ large lorces at men and teams are at work upon the se _vc_i'al sections .horeol'." . , ,_ ., ,,, , , y , .P.R.OPOS'AL‘S“ FOR*GR’-’A1_)iN G the Mlddl'¢':’ and 'owego’ui: " visions ol‘tlils’Itailr('iai'l, (amounting to about 9.0”niilei'i) will be received at thcoilice oi the Qtiinpany, at Ithaca, Tompkins Co. N. Y. until the ifith day of July next. The Maps and Profiles oi‘ this partol the road may be seen at the orifice of the Engineer in Chief on and alter the 2d day of The ground will be divided into sec-._tions of suitable length, and prepared for the cxaiiiliiation of Contractors by the_'10tii day ' ofJuly next. » JOHN RANDEL, Jr. Engineer Department of the Ithaca and: . ' 0wego:ltailroatl,April92. 193:2. . _' " ‘ y:;= TOWNSEND J1. npnrnm, Rom.’ _ i _ rers, having machinery for making ropes to any required length (witnoutspiice), other to suppiyflbli iengtlrkopes for ‘the’ in- DEATHS. DIED, on Sunday 6th ii'iSt.:l. his residence at Rhinebeck. in hisslst veal’, Thomas Tillotson. Esq. _ Tuesday cvening,Charles Edward son oi John _F-. Townsend. clinod planes‘ on Rail~3"(iadS at the'shortcst;n‘otice, and deliver them intlic City ol'New-York, if requested. As to the quality ofthe Rope, the public‘ are referred to _J. B ,Jervis_i‘, Eng. M.'&_: H. R. R. 00., Albany; or James'Ar'cbibald, Engineer Hudson 8cDclaware Canal. 8:11. It. Co., Cttrbonditle, Luzorno County Pennsylvania. -‘ ' aged one year. Palmyra, 'Wiiyne County, New-York, 1st mo. 22:3, 1832. J30 tf daughter, York, U0; Gamble, Bolton, ofdo; Hall, Need, Holly , may be grtitilicd, in one /in./f the cxpciiso of It daily pnpei-,'a"3_; iliost oi the advei'tiseineiit.~i, botli oi the l)ai'.ly itiitl .Sc71tt-insert--" lg p:tpcrs, will appear in the Ti'i'-IVL-ulcly Aiiicricnn ; and |.ll¢‘_'_ reading matter as published in the Daily paper. It wili’he‘.‘ issued on Tizcstlays, il'iii1.7'sdu_i_/s, and -”:‘u.lu.1't1ay.s-, at FIVE‘; dollars per ariiiuni in itdv(mce,—-to subscribers out of the city- lthaea tiivison of the ltliaca and Owego Railroa - Engineer in C'_/i_2't;f.fl — ‘,“.miosiv; ’ " nufaem- _ ‘