such manna 1 Johnson, John Steward, junior, Henry I.rWyc1;on', gore, Samuel Swartwout, John Hone, John G. Cos. - Stagg, Nlfiw 1"OlitK AND ERIE RAIL-‘ROAD COl&'l1lA?iY.‘ An Act to incorporate the New York. and Eric Rail-road Com~ pan)'.—-Yassetl April 9.4, 1832. The people of the State of New York rcprwentecl in Senate and jlssembly (lo. enact as follows; _ §l. Samuel Swartwout, Step!-icniVVhitney, Robert ' V White, Cornelius Harscn, Elcazar Lord, Daniel Le Roy, VVilliam C. Rodfield, Cornelius J.,'Blauvclt, Jeremiah El. Pierson, William Townsend, Egbert Jansen, Cha’s Borlund, Abraham M. Smith, Alplious‘ ])_iminick, Randallfil. Street, John P. Jones. George D. VVic_kbam, JoscphCurtis,Jol1n L. Gorhnm, Joshua Whitney, Christopher Eldridge, James Mclxinnc,-y, James I’.umpelly, Charles Punipelly, Johr-2 R. Drake, Jonathan Platt, Luther Gere, Francis A. Blood-good, Jererniali S. Beebe, Ebenezer Mack, Ansel St. John, Andrew Dewitt Bruyn, Stephen Tuttlc, Lyman Co. veil, Robert Covcll, John Arnott,,John Magoo, Wil- liam N1. l‘vl'cUay, William S. flubbcll, ‘William Bonham, Arthur H. Erwin. Henry Brother, Philip Church, byamuel-King, V‘Valter Bowne, lliiorgi-m Lewis, _Willi.-no lfaulding, Peter Lorillard,’ Isaac "Lawrence, Jeroinns Johnson, John Steward,_jimio1', Henry I. Wycl-zoff, Richard M. Lawrence, Gideon Lee, John P. Stugg, Natlianicl VVccd‘, Hubert Van Vfrigeiicn, David Rogers, John Hone, John G. Cos. tar, Gould-’i:l0_yt, Peter I. Nevins, Robert Buloid, Thomas A. Ronalds, John Haggerty, Elisha Riggs, Bcnjarnin L. Swan, Grant B. Baldwin, V‘/illiam Maxwell and Darius Bentley, with such other per- sons as shall. associate with them for that purpose, are constituted at body corporate and politic by the name of-‘ The New York and Eric Rail.roa