2'88 , - Sec. 5.’-.« And be it further enacted, That, after de- '-ducting the said ten per centlin), and what, by the compacts aforesaid, has hitherto been allowed to the States, aforesaid, the residue of the nett proceeds of all the public lands of the United States, wherever lll.ll€I'.t8ll,.W-l1l=(.‘.ll shall be sold subsequent to the said .tlilrty.lirst day..,of December next, shallbe divided among the twenty.i‘our Stptes of the Union, accord- ing to their respective federal representative popula. tion, as ascertained by the last census, to be applied by the Legislatures of the said States to such objects ofeducation, internal improvement, colonizat1on,‘or , reimbursement of any existing debtcontracted for to the depot is quite refreshing, and the forwarding agents appear to have their liaiidsfull. On Wednes- daylast the house ofA. H. Brown «St. Co. forwarded the first train of cars laden with flour from the Point of Rocks to Baltimore, and in all next week the For. warding business from and to “the Point” will re- gularly commence. Arrangements are also making to run passenger cars thither, to be connected with a. line of stages running to Leesburg. . As soon as the ‘leafy month’ puts on its livery, hundreds of our fellow citizens will embrace the op- portunity of witnessing the beautiful scenery which the neighborhood of the “ Point" presents: a. more deliglitful excursionjwe cannot imagine, and we rv.:r- internal improvement, as the said Legislatures ‘ may severally designate and authorize. , ~ 1*‘ v_ ' Sec. 3. _ And be. it further enacted, That the said seve.r'al_sums}sliall be paidat» l,‘lle.'. Treasury of the United States, "half yearly, to such person or per- sons as the respective Legislatures of the said States may authorize and direct. Sec. 4. And belt further enacted, That this‘ act shall continue and he in Force tor. the term of’ five years from the said thirty-first day ol'Dccember next, unless the United States shall become involved in war with any Foreign Power; in which event,f'rom the ,.commencement of‘ hostilities. this act shall cease, and be no longer in force: Provided, nevertheless, That it‘ prior to the expiration of this act, any new State or States shall be'admittcd.into the Union, the commend those who have no love for the genius loci, but are inclined to gentle melancholy, to visit the Herlliitls cave, recently discovered, and gaze upon the,skull"ol' its’ last sad ‘tenzint—“it_ may point a moral,” though connected with a tale which must be “adoi‘ncd” by fancy. ‘ ’ Value of a Rail roud.——The Frederick, Md. Ex- aminer says,—-“Fifty thousand dollars worth of goods arrived at thcdepot on Monday before last, in one train of wagons. 'I‘hey consist ofgroceries, dry goods, lumber, hides, &.c. and are consigned to merchants and‘ other persons in Frederick, Middle- town Hagerstown, Harper’s 'Ferry, .Chai'lestown, and otliertowns to the west." ' power is reserved ofassigning, by law. to such new State or States, the proportion to which such State ’ or States may be entitled, upon the principles Of tllis_1_ict,,and [upon thevpriiiciples of any of the coin- pacts made as aforesaid with either of the seven ‘ States first mentioned. . C. . ' . Statement ehovvingtle dividend of each State, (according to its feileral population.) in the proceeds ol the public lands. alteruedtlctillg therefrom Iiliecn per cent. as an a(l(lltl()lll'll di- vidend For the States in whinll tllepnblic land is situated- Estiinated proceeds ol' lands, $3,0(lll,000 ; deduct 15 per cent -$450,000, and $2,550,000 rsiiis.iils_to be divided among all the States, according to their popuhinon. « ST ATE?” Felll.-.ral popula- Sliars in proceeds Lion. lS30. ofpliblic lands. I Maine, 399.437 $89,337 ‘-18 New Hzinipshire, 269.326 57.573 71 MassaZ'chliseite,_ 610,408 - 130.487 59 Vermont, - 280,657 59,995 93 RltOLl¢‘1@lg,l}§1, 1 97.194 ,. - ‘ = 90.777 1? C0nn§litk1t_l|f;;‘_§.- ’ n97,-.685 ‘ . -«.63.tl3l 72 New ork, ‘ ' 1 918,553 Ill0,l:28 529 Nel\'Jerscy, 31.0.9-Ii 65,33!) 59 P¢“.l'lll&_\'lV1l.llla,’ 1 848.073 298.176 64 Delaware, 7»'i,.l3-2 I 15.202 93 Marvland, 405.813 l . 86,756 39 ,Vil'glnia, 1,023,503 215,793 82 North Carolina, 6119,7117 1:lli',7:3S 45 South Carolina, . 455,022.: 97,270 51 Gcoi‘gla.,« 429,311 91,880 52 Mabliina, 262,508 55.176 213 l\‘lia'sissippi, ]l0,?l5S 23,591 19 I_.duisi-.i,u_a,- . l7l,fi9-I 36.702 95 Tennessee. 695,263 133.66% 21 ‘Kentucky, 621,832 132,928 77 Ohio, ‘ 935,854 206,063 54 Inllialla. ' 3-13,031 v 7-'-l,3'29 59 Illinois, 157.147. ’ 33--7'93 ‘-’5,_ Missouri, 130,419 $27,579 63 _ll.9-18 731 . s [From the Commercial Advertiser-.| T New J sass? Rgul.-I,lQAD‘AND ’I‘itANsroi:.r.vrioiv'Coia unv.-~’I‘ne‘ books‘t'or_ subscr-ipllon to the stuclcliftliis - conipa-ny_,~as willbo seen by the advertissnicnt, are to be ‘opened at New Bruliswick, on Tuesday next; at Eliza'b'ethtow'n‘on the following day, and at New- ark on Thursday. We liayeread the Charter, which is a very liberal ‘one. The Rail-road is to run from -New Brunswick through Rahwav and Wnoc bridge, Elizlibethtown and Newark, and to cross the Bergen v American.] Rail.roa.d Cdi;s.——'l‘h‘is forenoon. (April, 24,) was exhibited in Monument Square, three splendid Rail- road Cars, constrlicied at Irnley’s Factory, for the Philadclphia, Germaiitown and Norristown Rail- road Company,-5-the beautiful car Presideiit, (de- cidedly the most splendid car ever made in the Uni, ted States,) the Robert Morris and the Philadelphia. These are three of fourteen ordered to be built at the factory of the above Coiiipany.”——[Baltiiiiore ‘AMERICAN RAIL-ROAD JOURNAL. Rev. Mr. Krebs. '1‘inlotlivWoodrllff,'E . to Mrs. I-I Smith, daughter ofthe lntr: Jon. Crnvdrev. sq._ DEATHS. DIED——-Saturday, April 21, of scarlet fever. Sophia Catharing Clay, ilau-__rliter ollionxltlian Davies, in the 6th year ofhel‘ ‘ago. Saturday morning, April 21, in the 74th year of her age, Mrs. Fanny Batchelor. . ' Saturday morning. April 21, after a lingering and painful ill- licss. Frances H.. llaugliier or Samuel Jarvis, in the 14th year of her age. , » Sat ui-day moi-ning, April 21.-in the 71st year of his ago, Mr Jaines VVoodll-sin. an old and respectable inhabitant oftliis city. At Clavcrack, on the morning oftbe Stll instant, oftyphus fe- ver, Miss Charlotte Mal-y I-Iogebooni. in the 2271i) year other age. At Paris, on the 1st ult.. Aline F‘l'ancis’Countcss Cclonna. Wa- leslci, dliiighteijol the la.te.lolln Blilrzeley-, Esq. of Lisbon, and widow ol the late General I-Iumphreys, Minister of the United States of Arm-.1-ica at Lisbon and at M zidrid; Anthony Lamb. On Sunday evening, April -22, Mary Ann, only daughter of Mr. Joseph W. Van Vnorliis, aged 7 years. On Friday, -20th inst. at Fort Washington, Md. Lieut. George Webb, oftlic U. S. Army, soil in law oi Tliolnas Stags, oftliis rine l\«1aria', with at‘ Aaron Clark, and eldest daughter of C_}sn_l. llenrv, the son ol'James lliker. » s This morning ol‘ali illness oftliree months, with an unslialoen hope in Jesus Christ, Amelia, dalig'luer- cl‘ Thomas and Catha- rine Lippiilcoti, in the 15th year of heragc. On Sunday the 22:1 at Rockluvay, L. i. M in the 76th year of his ago. 0 » . On Sunday last after a long and lingering illness, Mrs. Su- sanna ltlorgzan. in the Gilli year ol'her At Vienna. Ontario Co, on the 24th iniani. ofa lingering and lislrcssing pul_mol'iary ci>mplil.iill, Col. Ricliarll G, Cuyler aged 3:: vears. At Philadelphia, on the 22d April, in the 40th year of her ige, Margaret M. Collins, will: oflsziac Collins, late ufthis cil.y_ Q WEEKLY R.l£'.l’0RT O14‘ DEATHS. The City Inspector reports the death of 110 ‘l8l‘S0l18 during the week ending on Satui'_day last, viz. :—--‘£8 nidu, 26 women, 95 ~m_vs, and 33 girls——0l whom~l9 were of the age oi '1 year and lllltll‘-1‘, 15 between 1 and :2, 13 between 9. and 5, 4 between 5 and I0, 5 between 10 and 20, 11 between 20 and 30, is between 30 and 10, 9 between 40 am 50, 8_betwe-an 50 and 60. 1 between C-0 and . l 7.0, 6 liotwscn 70 an 80. and 1 between 80 and 90.— Diseases-— r. John Nostrand [From the Saratoga Sentinel, April 24.] . RAIL-ROAD.-— It is somewhat remarkable, that on the entire line of the Saratuga and Schenectady Rail.i'oad, a distance ofa little more than 21 miles, there is no part of‘ the road having an inclination of more than 16 feet to the mile. Conseqliently no stationary engine is required, and much of the ox- s pense in the applicatioii of power necessary on other roads, will be saved. ' Indeed} as a whole, it wil'be an unusually economical .roa . and we Feel warrant. ed in saying will give tothc stockholders ii dividend Fully equal to that oil’ any Rail.road in the Union.- In proofofthis it is only necessary to make the fol. lowing comparison :—- The Mohawk and Hudson» road, which is univer- sally admitted to_bc the best located of any in the country for passengers, will cost, when ‘finished, _, froiii six "to seven hundred thousand dollars.‘ On this amount the stockholders will probably receive but about 62 1.2 cents per passenger, and will be coin- pelled to support a st'ationar—y engine at the respec. tive terminations of the roads‘; Tile Saratoga and Schenectady. road will cost not to exceed $250,000, and the stockholders will be enabled Io receive from ~ each passenger between Schenectady and Saratoga ' Springs, $1 25, and 87 1.2 cents per pas-sciiger be. without tbeyexpensei ofstationary power. Admitting . that onefourth the number ofpassengers pass on this villages) that shall travel on the Mohawk and Hod. son,—-and we believe no one will doubt the correct. ness of the position.-—it will be perceived. that the stock ofthe Saratogu will be the most valuable; but Ridge, South of‘ the Turnp lie, to the Hudson river. The capital is $750,000, with liberty to the compa any to increase it to double the amount. The shares are fifty dollars each, and ten per cent. is required as the 'fir.fa$;2'l.l.l._!lv.&lment., By the act in,corporil,.t_ing “ the Delawaieand Rsritan Canal, and the Camden and Amboy,Bail.r.oad_ and T.ransportaticn_ Companies,” , it in ‘ni_ii‘de_»julil;igatory;on.the;fn— to constrlict‘ ii Lateral Rail.ro1ad from theii.-.o‘._vvn,, co~nim_en_c.i_11'grat“some p'o‘i.ilt near the village of vSp‘_o_ts.w oodf,ito suitable ‘poi’n.t.s§si'n_ the city of New.Brunswick,’ t_."l'll;;_s-,fo"1l‘l'1'='I~‘l7I_lg.1!-ebmpldllc chain of internal co'mmunicatio'n by Rail-roads‘, be. tween all t--c business towns between New York and Philadelphia. VVe understand that there will be much competition For the stock, The State has . reserved the right of subscribing the capital. it -[From the Frecler2'c}'c HeralzZ._]‘ . _ T_ll5l5.RAIL#ll.0.£D.-—T'lle transportations on the Rail- mid. of dry goods, groceries, &.c. from Baltimore, during the last week,‘ have greatly exceeded those for her-same period since the road has been opened. .p_u’t afloat to depress the stock in market,andanlon‘g for » onefourth "of when there shall be added to this the almost entire diversion of‘ the northern travel through the medium ofthe Fort Edward road, which we have every rea. son to believe will be constructed. is it too much to say thatfinco Rail—r_oad stock-in the country can c qualit? 1 — J 3 , These remarks are made for the ‘p.urpose.correct. iiIg‘_ marny erroneous impressions which have been otlierstthat-the business. of the road ‘would be con. «lined to.-._a.Ifew _we.el;s "of summ_er_travcl.~ ~'1-.‘be~ result will prove .’_ithei'-wise‘. ' Tliewpatronage,-in summer, it is true, will be the "greatest; but.’an- extensive and profitable. business will continue on the‘ road‘ from tween Schenectady and Ballstown Spa, and this A road (including the pleasure parties between the two 1 S ' C0nSllmpLl0ll3S, coiivlilsioiis 6, tll1l1'|‘l'it.138. 1, rlropsy 3,-dropsy in die heads. drowiied_1, dysentery 1, fever 1, ‘ lever scarlet 3, Fever,‘ typhus 1, goutl; hives or croup 3, iilllummatioli oi the bowels 3.‘lntlam.'naLiurl ofthe brain 2, intiamlliation oi’ the chest :3, iilteniperaliuc 3, lnarasmiis '2. measles 6, pcri ncumony 6, p!ei‘iI.'isy :2, quinsy 1. schil'rllns oi" the liver 1, sma l‘pox -2, still- born 5. suicide J. tabcs lnesenterica 1, unknown 3, whooping ‘Q3-=° IN PR‘.1'«‘.’SS, by Jogiailzan Seymour, New- he published on the 1()th April—'1‘l~lE. NEW-YORK ANNUAL ltl<1GlSTl«:R FOR 1832, by Edwin. Willia-ms—(}oiiiainlng: Part 1. Almanac, ASLl’(H’lUllllCd.l Observations 8: Geoziapliical ll'll'oriiietioll. Part 2 Stazimics of the State of New-York, viz. :--Towns, Po.~:t—otiices, Villages, Cilllillfi, Rm‘!-roads. Banks, .:1ainlll-uctories, and other iilformatioil relative to the . ‘tale. . Part 3. Civil & Judicial List, Aitornies & Clergy ofthe Slate" ol'New-,Ynrk. Tan c, . . To be enibellisllcvl _wlth elegant Engrs.vlngs ings—~Prica; One Dollar aljll F.il’tv-Cents. ‘ ' , . T boss who procure Six 5 libscribcrs, and willremlt the money, shall be entitled to one copy gratis. A , (.\l'dei's to be ado vessel] to EDWIN WILLIAMS, No. 6 Court- landtslieot, Nclv-York. ‘ Tlle_Ru§,’l8l.€.1‘ will it live be for sale by the following Booksellers: ’ Wears C. Little & Olll/C1’ Steele, Albany. W. P.-ll-liel‘. 'l‘l'oy. _ William Williams, Utica. Bemis 6: Ward, Calialldaiglia. James l3(=.'_:6l‘l., Geneva. l\/lack & Al'ldl‘ll£~l, lillica. , R. W. Hnskins, B'uffB.l0. A ' IVIARTIN SNYDER. Travelling Ailent. of Public Bulld- r A6 4t ‘ I_.EX11\lG'I‘0N is 01110 RAIL!-ROAD hf?’ bl O'1‘i Cit‘. --'1‘helel._tings advertiaecl to take place a;Louig. ville, Kentuclry,.on the toth April next, is postponed ~,i,li'i,ti'l the . preparccl and oi‘i'cl'ed for contract, as will be seen on refe-rring~to an advertisement inserted in thin pzipiar. l _ _ E 1. WINTER, I‘rcsillent, Lcxirigton & Ohio R. R. Co., Lcx.1-Cy. LEXINGTON at 01110 RAIL-ROAD. E3’ TU C,0lV'I‘RAC’[‘0RS.—From -.32 to 39 miles of the above road will so prepare-ll tor lsoniracr, and sealed proposals liir grading the same will be received at the company’s orifices In Lexington and Louisville, on the 20th, 25th and 26 h May next, where ilttenllance will be given on those (lays b oneorme com.‘ plans, proliles, maps, Sac. to im nyiliosscfiei-ins ll'l1‘COl‘lLl'acl§S., .. .. , . . Tlie"i-oad offered tor contractpasses through irc‘olluii-y abound. lrrg in every thing necessary. for tile-support ’ol‘.Iiands, and not part stttlleinlbrmatlondesiifed ’ surpassed .in healthliilness by any_counir_v. The enterprize ' to contractors every assilrarice of ,profita.h_le employ. ‘ - ‘E I WlN'I-‘Eit, riealllenn T o s ‘ Lexington St ;Oh'ip_.R". R‘ Co‘..‘ Lexington, Ky. liotus out IYIEDI. M31 lit the opening of Lake Chainplain- and the Northern canal until their close. ' ‘ ’ ‘ “ ~MARi1IAcj.Es__. -1\lIARR1ED—-On Saturday evcninglast. by tliP,‘Rev. J, Hm. lison, Mr: Onto Tarp, to Miss Eliza Van Brlntt, both of this city. in Grace Church, on Monday morning, April 23d, by the Rev. Dr’.lWainwright. Mr. Alfred Lee. of Norwich, (C_onu.) to Julia, daughter of 11:. White, Esq. olr this city. ~ The business hair which the leadingpf we gone gives 53» vrofwnsiliivii &'i:m,RFE’E, R55» Mrtlujaczu. clincd planes on R_ail-roads ‘at the shortest notice. and deliver iliem in the City ol New-York, if requested. As to the quallt ‘ nfthe Rope, the'3iiubhc are ref‘erred‘to J. B. Jervis, Eng_ M_ I-1. R. R. Co.,. Albany; or James Archibald, Engineer Hudson stnelaware Canal 31 R.-vlt. Co., Carbondale,~Luzsrne County _, Peitnsylvaiiia. .. V . ‘ . ' Palmyra, Wayne Cmirity, New-York, is: 1110. 22a, 1832. _ - “ J30 tf Ilttliis city, on Wednesday evening" last, "April lstii, by the epzib ah‘ , Monday evening, 23¢! inst. in the 36th year of her age, Cathe- ‘ L.li_Y. _ On Monday morning, in the -31st year cl‘ his age, William lznligllfl. _ f ABRAHAM D. STlCI’Hl*‘.l\'S. Cltv lnsm:(‘.toi'. VVILLIAMS’ ' EV_V-YURI( ANNUAL REGlS- _ _-,, ,l..A.__,,‘mEflgflm l ’ _m:m,~ Parll}. 1V‘stil_f!)ll:lll.slCR.8.‘_‘.‘l8i.V[.‘.l', U. S.,Government,, U. S.“Banl:,' ‘ 26:11 May;thei-carter, at which time an aclditlonalquantlty «wlllbe‘v V :mHY’5 °“Sl“°e1‘=‘a \Vl10.wil1'be prepa‘rcd“w'i't -tho‘ neoc‘sssi'.'y.‘ " -' refs, haviilig machinery foi'i_nal§lng ropes to any required length ~ . (wilnoutsplice), offer to supply full length Ropes for the in-