E March 28.—Art-ivcd 35 cars and wngons, containing. “in: .' F i . l ' IV. Gordon, in tho 231 year of his age, son cl‘ the late Charles TRAN SI‘0R.'I‘A'l‘l0N on THE BALTIMORE Afro onto RAIL-ROAD. , March 21.--Arri‘: ed 27 cars and wagons, contaiiiing, viz: Flour, . . 419 barrels. Granite, . . 19 tons. Paving stone, ‘ . 9 toms. Departed 44 cars and wagons with morcliandiza, gro- ceries, lumber, plaster, coal, &tc. -Arrived 7 coaches, with 6.5 pnsserigors. Departed 7 coaches, with 96 passengers. Hm-ch :‘_t2.-——_Arrivsd‘-69 cars and wagons containing, viz‘: lour, . . 819 barrels. V ' chopt Rye, . 2 tons. Granite, . . 66 tons. Paving stone, 15 tons. Departed '10 cars and wagons with riicrcliztndizo, plas- ter. coal. iron, &c. Arrived? coaches, with -18 passengers. Departed 7 coaches, with 77 passengers. Hart-It M.—--Arrived 82 cars and wagons containing, viz: sort of the late Dr. Ebenezci'_Mscon1l)er, formerly of Provi- dence, R. I. aged 73. ~ ‘ on ’l‘hursday morning, Feb. 29, aftora lingeringillness, Mrs. Jinn W'enman, wife ofllzziah Wcnman. On Sulltluy evening, lst instant, Mr. Daniel W'alolron, in the 74th year ol' his a,-re. On lvlonrlay murnlns, April ‘Ad, infant son ol‘Riclim-d Wbiley. On Sotimlay nnorning l\’Ilss Eli'zal1elli. S00/1, aged 61. This inorning. Em.z'I_:/, eldest daughter‘ of Rtibcrt Ray, in the 10th year of her age. Lastovening, in his 36th year, R1‘.-rlirtrul, J(I8(’])/I. Tufts, M. D. unativc of St. Croix. G(tl)7‘z'cl l'Villiam Littllow, On Wetltlesllay afternoon, April 4. Maria 8. Hi‘g'ln'e, wife of . Am-on H. I-Iigzbic. aged 21 years. . On TllU1‘Sd€l-Y ll10l'l'llng. Ap1'il5, W'z'll2'mn Wallim. .ll.fo71't'.-', late of lVl0l‘l'lS.‘il'lli1, in the 74th yeurof his use. 0“ “"3 99‘llllWlFCl1. ill-. lliflrcsitloiice in Onondaga Rilben l‘VIesl1,IF.sq.l N _ . ’ - n cwart, .J. on the ‘27th ultimo Mr. Jose It L. W’ ~ in the 60th year of his age. . . ’ p Male" - At Wztppengcrsflrcok. Dutchoss co. on Siiiitiztv, 1st April, Flour. . . 900-barrels. Whont, . " . 100 tons. Pig Iron, . . 5 tons. . rapor. . ‘ . *2 tons. Granite, . ll bundles- Ship ‘timber, 33 tons. Leather, . . lg ton. Bntfztlo Skins. . 1 box. Old Copper, . . 1 barrel. Departed 91 cars and wagons, with morchiintlizo, scrap iron, plaster, liidcs, lumber. 8tc. Arrived 7 coaclics with 80 passengers. Dopitrtod 7 coaches with Us paiisciigeis. larch :25.——-Arrived 8 coaches with U)! pnssciigcrs. 7 Departed 7 couches with 97 pnssciigois. Jlctrch -26.-—Arrivcd 35 cars and wagons coiitztiiiing, viz: Flour, . . _ -. barrels. Iron, .' . 2 tons. Granite, . . 14 tons. Soap Stone, . 5 tons. I'a.-ring Stout: . 10 tons. . Departed 65 cars and wagons, with mercliandize, oys- ters, fish, plaster, hides, lumber, scrap iron, &.C. Arrived 7 coaches with 67 passengers. . Departed 7 coaches with 57 pssseiigors. Hctrclt 27.--Arrived 46 cfl.l’8 and wagons, containing, viz : ur, . . 221 barrels. Granite. . . '71 tons. Pavingstone, 8 tons. Departed 43 cars, laden with 3 moving wagons and con- tents, for Pacific Fur Company. &c.. Arrived S coaches, with 94 passengers. Dopai-ted S coaches, with 83 passengers lour, . 524 barrels. Rye, . . 85 bnslicls. Tobacco, . -1 hhds. Iron, . . 9 tons. Granite, " . 13 tons. Paving stone, . 14 tons. Hides and Skit-tings, 2 tons. ‘ Departed 51-cars. laden with building‘ timber, sugar, pang, furnitiire, mercl-nntlize, Etc. Arrived 61 passeiigers-Departed 81. Micro}; 39.——Arrivod -i0,ca.i's and wagons, containing, viz: ~ 52': liairels. Wheat, . . :19 llll_£{B. Shorts, . . 100 bags. Furniture, . . I load. Merchandise, . 7 boxes. Lime, . . 1 load. Granite, . . 15 ions. Whiskey, . . ‘,4 bbls. Live ‘stock, . . 1 calf. ~ Departed 55 cars, contrining salt, hardware, oil, dr . goods, &t:. Stc. Arrived 8 coaches, with 69 pnssonscrs. Departed 8 coaches, with 68 passengers. MARRIAGE S‘- MAR‘RlED—-By the Rev.\Vm. W. Phillips. Mr. Henry Sto- vemzon to Miss l\'Iu-r_t,raret S. Faurc, daughter of ‘Leon .l“o.ui'u, Esq. dsceaimtl, all or this City; Wfldflfifillilg moininsr, April 4, at St. Georges Clinpel, by the - Rev. Dr. Mi nor. John L. Moore, -ol'this city, to Martha. J3m~t-1'.-.5. daughter of'J tunes Amory, Esq. oi‘ Bloomingdale. In-‘Philaulolplni :1, on Monday evening the 26th March, by the Rev". G. T’ Betlell, D. ‘D. Mr. Henry Tomes to Miss Mar 13. daughter of Mr. Samuel Dyer, all from England. . DEATHS. ’ DIED—~On Tuesday evening, April 3, in the 4&1 year of his age, 0/tan-lee .Dral,-e, M. D. The death of such a man is scarcely loss a public than a rivitte calamity ; iuiclifltis l‘ainil_v and immediate frientls lament . his departure more than society at large, it is only because they are more intii-mite with his intellectual and moral worth. and ‘ hence more deeply realize their loss. . With it mind at once acute, vigorous and coniprehciisivc, and - -'a.‘hea.rt keenly alive‘ to human sulfciing. his devotion to medi- cine as an inductive science. aflbrdiiig nniplc scope to his powers Illti his-sensibilities, overlookctl the frailty of his ‘physical cou- stltution ; 'imd’th'us, while attainments were insured which few canvboast, his untiring spirit was continually oxpanrliiig in views -with rawn. El-i':zo.‘, the with of Thomas B. Goclet, in her age. . . At Charleston, S. 0., (tvliitlior she had tzonc in company with linr litilier For tho lionr-.lit.ol'livi‘lio:ilLli) Jlfary M., :'I‘_fL‘ll lQ_yc_-u-5 only surviving (li1ll,g’l'llL‘l‘ ofsamucl Allen, oltliis city. ’ the tltith your ol ‘WEEKLY REPORT OB‘ DIJATI-IS. The City Inspector ro ions the tlurtlli of 136‘ pcrsmis (lllI'lllL' tn: week ending on Siitlll'(.'i)/ lost, viz. :~—-33 men, 31 woincii. 43 boys, and 20 gi’rls—Of wlioi-n 35 were of the sac oi 1 your and tiiitlof, 15 between l and 2, 14 between 2 and 5,‘:2 bctwocn 5 and I0. 5 l)E!t\Vceu l0 nntl ‘Z0, ‘23 hctwccii '26 nut] 30, 16 botween :10 and 40, ll between 40 and fill, 3 betivecii 50 null 60, 7lictweon'(30 and 70, 2 ht-.t\.vo:.:n 79 ztritl B0. 2 between 80 and 90, and 1 between 90 and 100. Discziss.u—Alisccss Q, apuplexy 1, asthma 1, llllrlletl or scolded 1, consiiinption 3'2, convulsions 13, dropsy 8, (lrnpsiy in the head 9, i.lrownt'.tl 1, lover I, lover llilitiiisl, fovor inflatin- uiatory 1, foyer‘ scarlet 6, fcvoi‘ typhus 1, hzonioiwliagc 1. hives or cronp 3, vinllnnimation of the bowels 4, iiiflainmzitioii ofilw brain 1. inilammation nl‘ t.he.cliost 1, inflammation oftho liver‘). inflammation ol tlic stnmzicli 1, inl1uonz:i:2,ititeinperance 5, ma- rnsnius 2. measles 7, old ago pbl'lpnBUm(llly 6, pncumoni.-i typliodes 2, scliirrhus ol the liver 2, sci-ol'iilani' kingns evil 1. C0ll_‘._‘.‘ll2. ABRAHAM D. STEPHENS. Citvlnspector. LIVE.R.POOL MARKET. 'eb. 29.,——'I‘he tlomand for Cotton last week was on a limited scale, only rcacliiiig l0,l-10 bales, viz 2 , 240 Sea Islands at . . 10 Stained ., . . . 5170 Upland . 1320 Orleans . 690 Alnbanio ._ 10 a 15tl. a. 7,}—-so at 7-in- a 73,- 140 at 8 at Flgd. - s . . ,. .3-" a. lift- l.-':40 Brn7.il . . 6, a. 9 1320 llgsyptinn . . . . 73,- a 0 30 V7. liitlla . . . iii (1. SJ 6-20 E.-Intlia . . . . 4._.» a 5,- I . . 'io,1-to , , ' With the exception ol 300 bales for export,‘ the’ 'bll¥!'incas'-Vihrre was confined to (‘.Ol’iSutllL‘l‘S. who in the early part oi‘ the week, purclinsed on rtttlier more favorable terms, but subscqueiitlv the niiirltet became more stcatly, and any })l‘CVl(lu:l(l8t‘!ll!It: was re- goiiietl; the iniportdtirinq the week was 20,200 holes. The sales of Cotton for the past llJl..ll‘il£t_YS are about 16.500 holes, with an ailvance in prices, in liilly 3'; per lb. but a vorrospoml- ing linprovoincnt not liuviti,-_,' l.itl{0llpl.'i.(.'.t! yestertliiv, intlic Man- chester market, ours has bud less ztniiiiatiun to-tlity ; about l.5(ltl oi the lincooing are on speculation. Aslivs liavo bccii in inorc regular demand, nnd 390 brls. of -.\’lonti'eztl Pot sold at 2élu.~28.-i {id ; 3'70 brls. oI' l.’oa11'ls at -29sa-295 3d, were-taken by speculators. Tar, 100 brls. sold at lils 3ll(l 13s or hrl. having been proviotisly oll"cro(l at auction, and Turpeiitiue, the only tmiisnction is il0l)~ln~ls. ol‘ middling quality at 113 Sal poi‘ cwt. ,Qucr. Burk, about "ill lilitls. ol Pliiiailolpliia, at Ss poi‘ cwt, Cl()Vcrsued' 31,0“; iiu tons were oll'ci'e-tlatmictinn on the 27th inst., and abouts mud at fi8srt70s; some small sales of good quality. has since, been made ottifis per cwt. '1‘liorch3.s been inorc doing in Wlioat. the last few days, and l"cttl‘lt!1‘ better prices obtained. In Flour tlic transactiuiisquiie limited, and. you li:-wt-. annoxcd portion: lars cl‘ tlic Stocks. 'I‘obui:cn, the soles ol‘ the mniitli, are $7 lihds oi’ which 217 arc Vii'ginitt L‘o%tt‘, and‘ 51-2 Stciiiiiicil, ti-2 hlicls.Keritu’cl..i.t_oa—c7>4: " 5 » ~ecr:—--J. § “aortas-r=E,S'E.B.5‘§_ :4 . ‘-”.“5‘.5‘.$==‘=7"3“—‘.‘=E5°.‘== ‘*‘ __&~- .. "Ra . 9-_-H. Q-__. q‘ :. 'c':"¢C F ‘<.“ “"::: 5 ‘* : ;;:.g=,.‘,O :2. .-_~.*" [4 ’-‘ : _-_-n:?u‘ :: :6- : gfigfi 5 an 3 § F to "wet ‘ _> i.:;-~v.- :5, -..-. 2 :6 3 ,_ . _ . . - ago: ., 2?‘; ,, u s 7''‘ Oc‘.’". :3 H5 ‘ I § :r« .E..-'t:=’2 '0 '-='-'5 Q ~-:‘ :5 ~<°::«:"' "‘ "’ui m are n 5.. E: " 9- "‘ R‘ 05 [I3 9.. $.73 fl F1735 gu _:_ ggo . . 5' °_ : . ._< grnf‘-* . . :r- . ('0 E: Dan ‘E5’ is WIIAIAIADIS, NE\V—YORK ANNUAL B.EGiISs- TER FOR 1832. lI§= IN PRESS, by Jana!/um Ssgmzour, New-York, and will be published on the 10th April—-'1‘!-IE NEW-Y_ORK ANNUAL REGISTER FOR. 1832, by .E'dwi'vt Willfa7izs—Containiiig: _ Part L "A'Tifia‘n”nc‘,"' ‘ csi Gbsei-va't:ions It Geographical lnl‘ornizitioi'i. , ‘ Part 2. Statistics of the Suite ol'New-York, vi;'..:--Towns, lVlmnil‘ucturics, and other informntioii relative to the Slillc. Uivil SL .Iiulicial List, Attornies St Clergy ofthe State of Now-York. Part 4. Naitiniial Register, U. S. Government, U. S. Bank, '1‘ari!l‘. Etc. » _ To be embellished with ologant En§’l'a.Vlllg3 ol‘Public Build- ings—-Prico. Ortiz Dollar and Fifty Cents. , Those who procure Six Subscribers, and will remit the money, shall be entitled to one copy gratis. Orders to be l.l.tl(l.l'E!SSBd to EDWIN WILLIAMS, No. 6 Court- lantltstrcct, Now-York. , - » The Rcgisttr will also be for sale by the following Booksc-.llcrs: ' Wcare C. Little St Oliver Steele, Albany. W. S. Pnrlccr, Troy. Willlnui Williams, Utica. Beniis 8: Ward, Canantlaiguo. James Bogart, Geneva. Nlarxlc st Andrus. Itliica.. R. W. I-Iziskins, Biiilhlo. l\IAR’l‘lN SNYDIt‘.1{, ’l‘i'av_ellirig Airent. Part 3. 'A6~l-t ADIEIIICAN RAIL-ROAD JOURNAL. The subscriber is now publishing 8. weekly paper, called the AIVIERIGAN RAIBROAD JOURNAL. A princi pal object in ol‘1'cring the proposed work to the ‘Ptiblic. is to dif- fuse a more general knowledge of this important mode of inter- nal communication, which. at this time, appears to cngcge the atteiitlon of almost every section ol'our country. — ‘ ’1‘H.E AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL is printed on .1 sheet ol‘ the lamest size, (inaiiimotli) and put upin ztcorive uicnt form for lJintling,each number containing sixteen large oc- tavo pii;o.- ol t/tree coluniiis each. The selections, upon the sub jcct nl'riiili'outls and other works ofintcrnzll improvement, will ()6 l'roin the best authors, both ol‘Eui‘opc and America, and will no occaslomilly illustrated by engravings. A part oftliis ‘Jour- nnl will be devoted to tho subject ofiiiternal iniprovcment—-giv- log it history of tlic lirst introduction of railroads into England and their improvements to the prcseiitday. It.wills.lso notice the meetings, in different sections ofthe country, upon the sub- ject ol'railros.tls.‘ The remaining part ol the paper will contain the LITERARY’, MISLIELLANEOUS AND NEWS matter ofthe N EW-YORIC AMERICA N, as prepared for that oczpr.-r, omitting all political subjects, except such as are ofgenc- rnl concern. ' . r“ - : » '1‘he-terms of the Ainericsn Railroad Journal are THREE clollttrs per annum, payable in advance ,' and will not -be sent without. Any person who will obtain eight subsci'lb_ors and re- mit the amount, shall’-have‘ a. copy gratis : and to companies of ten subscribers, who associate and remit twcnt -five dollars, i will bcscnt (or $2.50 each per annum. ‘The ournal will be be publlslied ‘op Sctturdays. . , _ '-Letters upon the subject of the AMERICAN »RAILROAD JOURNAL may be‘addi‘cssetl, free of postage,‘ to the publisher and 1)itrtpl'(ipi'iet0i_‘, I I). K.’ MINOR-9 « POSL~()lll(‘.€S, Villages, Canals, Rat‘!-roads, Blinks,‘ sent for lltlolenqth of time desirod,_il'pztid in advance. It will‘ Na. 35 lVall-street, New-York,