326' AMERICAN ENGINEER, CAR BUILDER TEN-WHEEL PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVES-—GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. The recent improvement of the locomotive eq_u1pment 011 the Great Northern Railway includes a new design of very heavy passenger locomotives built by the Brooks Locomotive Works, -of Dunkirk, N. Y. Eight of these engines have been in service for four months, and they are reported to be giving very satisfactory results. . They are the heaviest passenger V .1. >—v<~¢>4( .......-a—****'~s, From a Photograph. locomotives ever built and a comparison ‘with the dimensions and weight of the engines of the same type of the Southern Railway, illustrated in our issue of March 1898, page 82, will be interesting. The total Weight of the Southern. engine is 158,000 pounds, and the weight on drivers is 121,250 pounds, while ‘the corresponding Weights of the Great Northern design are ‘166,000ipounds and 129,500 pounds. ' The cylinders are 20 inches in diameter by 30 inches -—-——-~,———-——u'4' stroke, these dimensions and the Weight being in accordainoe with the ideas of Mr. J. J. Hill, Presidentof the road. In general, the details are in accordance with the practice of these builders, and by compariso-n with the details of the \ 1 'l0'fi'0verFIue zao3nbes.2l‘un \._56_ ‘ / Throat TUCVK. LDC] \§( \ ‘:::rTaarwwea§e'i5-21-'— - - - —- . - - Longitudinal Section. Ten-Wheel Passenger Locomotive—Great Northern Railway. .1.//p\'fiR5d \ ,_._____-L \\ // ‘., \ / / \\ ’,— // \.. / .4-—-42".--...-.... . —- -— -7‘9‘- -—-—-—- ——- Fireaox Inside’ m'x41£' ‘ Total Length of Enqine 40' : ' -------- ';£9': engines of the same type for the Wisconsin Central (899 “American. Engineer,” June, .1898, pp. 190-193), a. similarity In general details will be found, except that the Wisconsin Cen- tral engines are much lighter, the total weight being 150,000 Bnooxs LOCOMOTIVE Womze, Buz'la7ers. J . O. PATTEE, Superintendent Motive Power.