Vol. LXIV, No. 10.] ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 449 THE USE OF WOOD IN RAILROAD STRUC- ‘ TURES. BY CHARLES DAVIS JAMESON, C.E. (Copyright, 1889, by M. N. Forney.) ((.'o7zz‘z'm¢e(Z from page 4oo.) CHAPTER XXVIII. I-IO\VE TRUSS BRIDGES. PLATES I19, I20 and 121 show a design for a Howe truss deck bridge of 66 ft. span. Plate I19 shows the general design, while the details will be found in plates I20 and 121. The bill of materials given herewith will, with the plates, give all that is necessary to understand fully the construc- tion of the bridge. No. 48. BILL OF‘ IVTATERIAL FOR Howe Tnuss BRIDGE. DECK SPAN, 66 FT. PLATES 119, I20 AND 121. '1‘z'I/zber. , FT: I\o. ozr PIECES. DESCR]P'FION. SIZE. LENGTH. BOARD KIND OFWOOD. M’s’RE. 4 Top Chord... . . . 6 in. X t4 in. 43 ft. 1 in. 1,207 Yellow Pine, 4 “ “ . . . . .. 6 in. X 14 in. 29 ft. 1% in. 816 “ “ 4 “ "‘ . . . . .. 8 in. X 14in. 15 ft. 0% in 564 “ “ 2 “ “ .... .. 8 in. X 14 in. 42 ft. 1 in. 786 “ “ 4 Bottom Chord.. 6 in. X 12 in. 4o ft. 0 in. 966 ‘N “ 4 “ “ 6 in. X 12 in. 32 ft. o in. 768 “ “ 4 “ “ Sin. X 12 in. 20 ft. 0 in 640 "‘ “ 2 “ “ 8 in. X 12in. 32ft. o in 512 “ “ 8 Braces . . . . . . .. I2 in. X 8 in. 25 ft.i9% in. 2,064 “ “ 8 “ . . . . . . . . .. IO in. X Sin 25 ft. 9% in. 1,384 “ “ 8 "‘ . . . . . . . . .. 9 in. X 8 in. 25 ft. 9%’in. 1,240 “ " 12 Counters . . . . . .. gin. X 7ix1. 25ft. 9% in. 1,320 r‘ “ 16 End Posts... .. 8 in. X to in. 23ft. u in. 2,560 “ “ IO Laterals . . . . . . .. 6 in. X 8 in. 19 ft. 1% in. 770 “ “ IO “ . . . . . .. 8 in. X 3in. 19 ft. 1% in. 1,020 “ “ 2 “ . . . . . . .. 5 in. X 8 in. [3 ft. II%ln. 112 “ “ 2 “ . . . . . .. 8 in. X 8 in. 13 ft. I1%in. 150 “ “ 8 Bolsters . . . . . . . . 6 in. X 12 in. 9 ft. 0 in 432 “ “ 4 “ . . . . . . .. 8 in. X 12 in. 9 ft. o In 288 “ “ 8 Bridge-—seats.. . . 6 in. X I2 in. 6 ft. o in 288 “ “ 4 “ “ .. .. 8 in. X 12 in. 6ft. 0 in :92 “ “ 4 . . . . . . . . . . . I2 in. X 12 in. 18 ft. 0 In 864 Spruce or Pine. 20 Floor-beams . 9 in. X I5 in- 13 ft 0 in. 4,320 “ “ “ 6 Stringers . . . . . .. 5 in- X 12 in. 72 ft. 0 in. 2,592 “ “ “ 62 Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 in. X 8 in. I2 ft. o in. . . . . . .. Oak. 2 Guards . . . . . . . . . 6 in. X 6 in. 72 ft. 0 in 532 Spruce or Pine. 4 Plank . . . . . . . . . .. 2 in. X 8 in. 72 ft. 0 in 384 “ “ “ 8 Blocks . . . . . . . .. 2 in. X 8 in. 2 ft. 0 in 24 Oak. W rorag/zz‘-Iron--Ii’ods and Balls. No D:f§§.IP' D,Il,:?:E' LENGTH. ’No. D:jfg:fP' D,;g‘I';‘_E" LENGTH. 8 Rods . . . . .. 2% in. 26ft. 1o in. 12 Bolster b'lts 1% in. 2ft. 4 in. 8 “ . . .. 2% in. 26 ft. 10 in. 12 “ “ 1%: in. 3ft. 4 in. 8 "‘ . . . . . .. 212 in. 28 ft. IO in. 20 Fl.beamb’ts 1% in. 4 ft. 4 in. 4 “ . . . . . . . 1% in. 26 ft. 10 in. 48 String’rb’lts 34 in. 2 ft. 6 in. 8 Laterals .. .. 11/2 in. I8 ft. 6 in. 28 Tie-bolts. % in. 2 ft. 6 in. 4 “ 1% in. 18 ft. 6 in. 28 G'rd-r’l-b’lts % in. 1 ft. 3 in. 192 Chord-bolts. % in. 2 ft. 01} in. 24 Spikes . . . . .. X in. 9 in. I2 Brace-bolts. 3/, in. 2 ft. 0:} in. 0;‘/wr Iron Work. lVas/zers .' 650 of pattern F; 88 of G; 24 of If. ' C¢zstz'7zg.s-.' 2o ofpattcrn A ; 8 ofB; 4 of C; 4 of D; 28 of E; 36 of I;16 of]; 8ofK’; 72ofL; 64of/ll; 28ofN; 24of0; 6ofP; 1:2ofQ. The kind of timber used may be changed when neces- sary, though that given is the best. (TO BE CONTINUED.) THE MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL. WORK on the Manchester Ship Canal, perhaps the great- est engineering work under construction in England, is now in progress on a large scale. It is intended to give access for large vessels to the great manufacturing city of Manchester, and the projectors believe that the. saving effected by the delivery of raw materials and the loading of manufactured goods at the wharf in Manchester, avoiding the cost of trans-shipment and the railroad haul from Liverpool, will be a great benefit to the city. The canal begins not far from Liverpool, at the village of Eastham, on the Cheshire side of the Mersey, and ends at Throstle Nest, Manchester, in a group of docks ; it is about 35.1; miles long, and has a minimum width at the bottom of 120 ft., with a minimum depth throughout of 26 ft.; compared with the Suez Canal, the depth is the same, but the width is 48 ft. greater. The cross sections of the various canals given in the accompanying cut show the SUEZ CANAL ‘__ ______:_ Oflq‘//VI/7)’l _ WIT!/7 l(}'l'_£ ': . _ _(-.. :“" .___':‘._.‘T.f‘_;..:—‘'‘ ': T.,_:_:-‘*4: :":';7—x--47* . ._‘ ‘,1_.}7’._f{FDg§§,',{.\$’K _é_ -___.%45‘ O . -— —-—-‘ "":?P"/'»..l{.£2'-“‘(.§_‘$'-'r"§‘f$" ,_- . ' i." ‘ ' ‘ ~ ~“'-‘ "»V""i"\_‘ '7.‘ '. .:""' L 4 ‘ QCD:—_'.__.,,'7\7‘fifl‘ K-"'l ' ‘. '." ; t Q-;§>.~_-:,’;.§_7‘.-»..._, --.__ V- »‘ ~‘l’\~‘v" .'l-;.'-' ' x‘ . ~ ——l--04-./--\..' .. a ' -T'~,"»,‘ -- _‘ ., _. . y‘--—- /./1“-«-/ . , " v‘ f‘ _" ’ 1- .-.v, ‘ 3" \"l u‘- ’ g ‘ - F“.-“-‘72~.. .*:"'1. \ vi‘ TION Jill IL 3- E 1%. -3- <5 fl I ,5 ' FROM BARTON TO TERMINA fl ll /:3 _ mm xfffi Ill 1 L r- ‘ " ‘ ....._‘“" —-‘D7:- W: -—s- «.""' . - , -_ -: -r -* ‘ " ,:-. °‘, '7". '7 T"~ ~.l.2.~ - , "__ }.aL‘>,=,;;4x ‘- 5-an - H ‘ - " capabilities of the Manchester Ship Canal in comparison with those of others. The railroads over the canal will be carried by high-level bridges, and the roadways by swing bridges, the minimum clear height under the fixed railroad bridges being 75ft. The water supply_of the canal is to be derived from the Irwell, Mersey, Bollin, and other smaller streams ; but, if necessary, pumping will be resorted to to make up the loss through locl