":80. (From the North American J uiie22, 1878.) A Victory for a Pliilndelplila. House. On our table we have the Otficial Report of Awards. Group XXV., published by J. B. Lip- pincott, of this city, and on turning its pages we notice a well deserved compliment to a Philadel- phia firm. We take pleasure in giving unsolicit- ed to our numerous readers the clause referred to, viz: “A comparatively modern form among weighing machines is the railway platform scale, of which the conditions are, that it shall always be ready for action and admit of loads as great as forty tons being rolled upon it without injury to its suspension. The construction of these ma- chines is most developed in the United States, and the plan of Riehle’ Bros. of Philadelphia, has ap- peared to the Judges to offer the greatest guaran- tee of accuracy and durability. Owing to the great size of these machines their manufacture in other countries was represented only by models or designs.” Statemeiit of the Public Debt of the United States, July 1, 1878. user BEARXNG COIN INTEREST. Amount Accrued Outstanding. Interest. 5 per cent. bonds, 1858.... . .; $260,000 00 $6,500 00 6 per ccnt.1881 bonds, 1861. . 18,415,000 00 552,450 00 6 per cent. bonds, 1881 (Orc- gon,)1861................. 945 000 00 28,310 00 189,321:350 00 75,000,000 00 194,500,300 00 100,050,050 00 310,010,300 00 37,405,300 00 508,440,350 00 240,000,000 00 900,000 00 90,050,000 00 930,000 00 ______r___ q_______..___ 6 per cent. 1881 bonds, 1861. . 6 per cent. 1881 bonds, 1863. . 5 per cent. 10-40 bonds, 1864. . 6 per cent. console, 1865.. . . . 6 per cent. consols, 1867.. . . . 6 per cent. consols, 1868. . . . . per cent. fiindedloan of 1881 it per ct. fuiidcdioan of 1891 4 per ct. funded loan of 1907. 0,079,040 50 2,250,000 00 3,242,771 07 3,205,681 50 9,318,489 00 1,123,059 00 4,237,002 91 Aggregate of debt bearing coin iiitci'cst..............$l,780,735,650 CO $31,533,844 58 Intercs due and unpaid .. . . . .. .... . . . . . 4,328,222 44 DEBT BEARING INTEREST IN LAWFUL MONEY. 3 per cent. navy pension fund, 1868 $14,000,000 00 $210,000 00 DEBT ON WVHIGE INTEREST HAS CEASED SINCE MATURITY. Amount 1 Interest due Outstanding. and unpaid. 4 to 6 per cent. old debt, 1837 $57,665 00 $64,174 81 5 perccnt.Mcxicaniiidemnity stock, 1846 ........ ' 1,104 91 85 74 6 per cent. bonds,1847.. . . . . . 1,250 00 22 00 6 per cent. bounty land scrip, ....... ..... .......... 3,300 00 213 39 5 per cent. Texas indemnity bonds, 1850.............. . 21,000 00 8,045 00 5 per cent bonds, of 1858 . 8,000 00 .. . . . . . . 5 per cent. bonds, 1860... . . . . 10,000 00 600 00 6 per cent. 5-20 bonds, called 1862............. 430,800 00 48001 6 per cent. 5-20 bonds, called June, 1864 98,300 00 638 21 6 per cent. 5-20 bonds, called 1 6 346,200 00 68,857 30 6 per cent. Consol. bonds, called, l865........ .---.. . 3,970,250 00 115,420 06 I-10 to 6 per cent. treasur notes, prior to 1846 .. . . . . . , 82,525 '35 2,668 06 1-10 to 6 per cent. treasury 5 notes, 1846................ 6,000 00 206 00 6 per ct. treasury notes, 1847. 950 O0 57 00 3 to 6 per cent. treasury notes, 18 1,800 00 102 00 6 per ct. treasury notes, 1861. 3,000 00 B64 50 7 3-10 per cent. 3 years’ treas- ury notes, 1861............ 16,800 00 1,148 15 6 per cent. 1 year iiotes,1863. 51,535 00 2,588 85 per cent. 2 year notes, 1863. 38,950 00 2,158 80 6 per cent. compound interest notes, 1863-64.... .. . . . . 274,920 00 85,555 67 7 3-10 per cont. 3 years’ treas- ury notes, 1864-65.. . . . . . . . 157,150 00 7,597 92 6 per cent. certificates of in- debtedness,1862-63..., 5,000 00 313 48 to 6 per cent. temporary 1onn,1864....._... 3,060 00 256 06 per cent. certificates called. 5,000 00 394 31 Aggregate of debt on Whic.. iitcrest has ceased since maturity ...... ..... . . $5,594,560 26 $326,947 32 5:31‘ BEARING so INTEREST. Demand notes, 1861-62.. . . . . . Legal tender notes, 1862-63. . . Certificates of deposit. . . . . . Fractional cun cncy, 1862-3-4 Coin certificates, 1863.. Silver cerf-ilica.tes....... Unclaimed interest. ..... . . .. $02,297 50 340,081,010 00 40,755,000 00 16,547,768 77 44,307,000 00 1,402,000 00 0,037 03 Aggregate-of debt bearing no --- filterefliiuu not H I 0 Mann 9 $6,087 03 REOAPITULATION. Amount Outstanding. Debt bearing interestin coin, viz : Bonds at 6 per cent......... $738,619,000 00 Bonds at 5 per cent... . . . 703,260,650 00 Bonds at 4; per cent... ..... 210,000,000 00 Bonds at 4pcr ceiit........ 98,850,000 00 $l,780,735,650 00 $35,861,567 02 Debt bearing interest in law- ful money, viz: Navy pension t'und,3 per cent. Debt. on which interest has ceased since matiirity.. . . . Interest. 14,000,000 00 5,504,500 20 210,000 00 320,047 02 Debt bearing no interest, viz: Old Demand and legal-tender notes . $346,743,313 50 Certificates of dcposit.. . . . . . 46,755,000 00 Fractional currency... . .. . . . 16,547,768 77 Coin and Silver Certificates. 45,829,600 00 $455,975,002 27 Unelaimcdiiitci-cst.... .. . . . . 6,037 03 82,256.‘205,892 53 $36,404,651 37 Total debt, principal and interest, to date, including interest due and iiiipa1d.. . . . . .$2,292,6l0,443 90 AMOUNT IN TREASURY. Coin..................................... $197,415,132 99 Currency............. 2,653,479 09 Currency held for redemption of fractional currency......................, 10,000,000 00 Special deposit lie (1 for rcdc_mptioii of cor- tificates of deposit its provided by law . . . -10,755,000 00 $256,323,612 08 Debt,lcss amount in Treasury, July 1, 1S78.$2,035 786,831 82 Debt,lessamountinTreasury,ontlic1st iilt. 2,033,037,450 64 noaocoalu Increase of debt during the past month. . . $2,149,381 18 Decrease of debt since June 30, 1877.. . . . . . 24,371,301 44 Bonus ISSUED -ro '1‘1IE PACIFIC IIAILROAD _ COMPANIES, INTIMIEST PAYABLE IN LAWFUL MONl<.lY. Accrued Amount Interest _ Oiitstmidiiig. » not paid. Central Paci1'1cbonds,‘lS62-64 $25,885,120 00 $776,533 60 Kansas Pacific bonds, 1862-64 6,303,000 00 189,090 00 Union Pacific houds,1862-64. 27,236,512 00 817,095 36 Central Branch Union Pacific bonds, 1862-64. . . . . .. . . . . . . 1,600,000 00 48,000 00 Western Piiciiic bonds,1862-4 1,970,560 00 59,116 80 Sioux Cityancl Pacific bonds, 1862-64...... .. . ... .... . . . . . 1,628,320 00 48,849 60 rrotais.................. 004,023,512 00 01,030,705 36 Interest paid by United States, $37,896,334 50; interest repaid by transpoi_'tat1on oi‘ mails,