1614C I ..nVnnio..n. nA1i.n.oAni .xo.trRnAi. causes operating. The increased "deafness of"mon- ey may, however, have produced some eifdct. Gold has rapidly declined-. Domestic politics are calmer, and the importationlof coin from Eu.- rope c_onti_nnes.' There is now such an,ac'cumnla’— tion _of gold at this:poin_t that to .carry.*it is bur-. 'da,nsom“e‘. The, close onfWednesd‘ay,,was'at107. Exchange, however-, has further advanced, and prime sixty-hills go at $4 83@%4 83%. , V The‘ value o!._exports is fairly'maintIiined,_'|a'nd the aggregate from the port. ofvNew ~,,Yorkv‘ for. the week ending Decémber 27th was, $5,_190,39B,_ against $3,789,420 for the corresponding week in 1875. The total’ value of exports of produce since January,‘ this year, was $273,168,287, against 8254,507,282.for the corresponding period in1875.‘—. i ’ ,. , The bankfistatement was a somewhat-‘peculiar one. I There was a_g.ain;ofo $712,600 in. 3pecie,if115ll a lossof nearly 11 millionin legal tend;érs., ' Loans wore reduced 134 millions. By theseichanges the‘ legal reservo is reduced.bélow20 pol‘ 0611‘? .3‘o’3-ll1'§- and of this rese'rve,_legal,teuders form_561/(psi? cent, and gold 433/,~.~per~cent,_ against 70% and 29% one -year ago..,_Tho money market ,'conse',-‘‘ quently has beenwithout relaxation. Call loans have been made at 406 perVc'ent,.’and discountsof first-class paper at 5@7p'e'_r co_nt._ ,O_njW'_ednesday;; the current rate forcnll ioa-ns,during sctivoiiioursi was per cent, but the close was at s5_ii1eVabate-' ament. ' V ‘.7 in " “ '1 7' Government ‘blonds have:'fui‘ther1improvi2d, ex- cept for the newiour and-a-halfs, w1iion*nire‘oboop- er, but olosingon Wednesday, as follows; 4 United States currency sixes, 121 5/3@122%; do. 65, 1881,,r.egis_teI.’e,d, _113%@_114_}8 ; doicqliiioni .117},/.~’d1179g ;do._1s65,registored,,1o9%@1o9‘% , do. coupon," 109%@1_09%; do. new, registered, lI0%@fll0/3; _ do. coupon, 11,3‘,§_@1_103%’; do. l867,_regisLered, l13%@113%; do. coupon‘, 1163/ @116% 5’ do. 1868, registered, 11,3%‘@1l4%; do. coupon, 118@l19 ;_do. ten-forties,;1e.«:istered,113% .@113%; ‘do. coupon, 113%@1I37,,; "do. fives, 1881, registered, l12@112% ; do. coupon, -11 1%@ 112% ; do. four and one-halfs, 108%@1081/4. The speculation inecottonl-and breadstuifs has continued for advancing prices, based mainly on short crop theories. . Provisions have also taken a strongenturn. owing itoV.the largo ‘export move- ment..~..Goneral trade, however, is quietas usual at the holiday season. . V . V ~ « ’ V Theiollowing‘quotations of salesVol' Railway and other securities are in addition to those given -elsewhere in our c0l11l'.Ill18':’-- . '7 V - - Hm ‘I'ork.—-Louisiana .79, consol.,:5_4 ;; Missouri, . 6s,.long.bonds-, 107% 3 110. Fund bou,d.Ii.. 1.894--'95,. 107%; North Carolina 65, specialtax»,.3d—.;class,- 2;..du. 2d class, 2; Tennessee 63, old,..-11%; do. newVIer,ies, 403/4-; Missouri, Kansas and‘ Texas 1t.,B..-,8 ;. Terra Hlaute and Indianapolis n. R.-, 98;,Cl.ev.eland_,and Toledo-7s, new..106;, do. 7s, 8. F.,,109}5 ;_._E,as_t_,'.l‘enn.,, Virginia. and Georgia lst ‘morn, 93%.’; Louisiana and Misso_nri;_1st,mort., 87 ;, Chicago, Rock Island and .Paciflc,6s, AS.,..F., 112 _%,;,Chicago and Northwestern Interest,l:onds,_ 104% ;VMarapo.sa L. and,M., 6y, ; .do._pref., Maryland Cool 00., 11 . The latest quotations are ; Pacific Mail 237/,,',@24 ;,‘Western Union Telegraph, 71;g,o’.7_11/,; Atlantic nn‘d[1>,no_iao TeI., 14,i4@’15-*; - Quiclrsl_lver Mining, 1j2@14; do. p“rer.,.1s,@2z;. Jlariposa Land and Mining, 6%@71/4; ‘do. pref” do. on. 65@-- B. Loan‘, 1021/2@103 _ _ _ M .99; .North Pennsylvania, 48%@49 ; do. (is, 108 1 Ninétbenth, roo-.‘ 7@8; Adams Ex.p., 102%@103; American Exp., 567,‘-{@57 ; U.‘ S.*E:rpress, 52%@53}.g; Wells-Fan go Express, 8‘J@90”; Chicago and Alton, 98}/g @991}/2 ; Clevelandiarxd Pittsburg, 89%@90; Chi- cago and Northwestern, 36V2@36%~;V-do. pref... 55%@5i5,7/8 ;_Chica_go, Rock. Island and Pacific, 1.02_@lO21/1; Chicago, Miiwaukyeelland St'.71_’aul,’ 191/.'@i‘9%;' do. ‘p'r‘or., 51%Cd5l5/;_; Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and India'na'pol_is, 37@383/,3‘; Columbus, Chicngoand Indiana Central, ?.%@4_‘; Delnware, Lackawanna and Western, 71,1.5@.7l}{ ; Erie,3 9}§@9% ; Hannibal and St. Joseph, 13}_{@ '14’;’;do..pref.,.26@?2'7 ; Lake Shoreand Michigan, S01ItherIn..‘57.%.@577/3: Mictiisan Central. 44%@ 447/,,; New York-and Harlem, 136 01-37 : ,N. Y. Central. and'.Hudson River,'.101’@1O11/4; Central; 0.f.1ie.W:Jersey 35};@36; Ohio and Miss-. 6‘/4@. 6%; Panama, --@130; Toledo Wabash and‘ western, 63/,,@6%‘; ‘Union .P‘acific,,,59@60.; do. 1stVmort., 106@1O6.,14 ; do. 7s, -land __rzrant,‘l0O% @1001/2 ;"do. sinking fund 83, £I1.@92%'; Central P‘81‘5lfi05°S}"g¢l9: 1'.0.9'@1‘09%-V V " ‘ :PIuIadar‘pIu'a.--Sha-mokin Valley and Pottsville ,1t,.-R’. 7s","9s1;i1>niiodo1ni1ia.nnd’l Reading oonsoi.‘ noon. 7s, coupon, 961/,' ;do. i-,e‘g., 951/, '; Belvidero Delaware 3d mort. 65, 99 ; Philadeiphia, German- 'tow'n_and.'N,orristown R} R... 991/4; Piitshurg, Titusville and Budalo scrip, 30% ; Fifth and Six!h Streets R. R., 74 ;‘Central Transp., 40,15; Cincin-i naii '7.3os;. 108%_;_Pittsburg 7s, Avenue, 109. The latest quotations aref:.City 6s, ,1 06%@1,071/40.; ‘ do. freepoif tax, 112‘/2@1l3;' Pennsylvania’ State 3., no series,‘ ion)/.@1o73/4 ,; -do. .3d series; 116 @1l6% ; Philadelphia and_R_eading, 19%@19V,; do. Gen’l mart. 7.s,_.é.l011I)-. 961/4@_97; 5‘-lo 1'93-i 94% @9514; do. mort. -6s, isso, 10$@104; do. 7., nowyoo_n_v., d1@o4,; do. 7s, 1393, 1Q4%©105: United New Jersey R. R. and Canal Co., i37@ 137% ;.CaIndén and Amboy.mort.‘ 63,1889, 109 .@l10; Pennsylvania" R.lB.,_47}f/8‘_@V47%; doiilist inort., 109%@1101/4; do.- general mort. coupon, l09@109% ; do. re.cz., l09@l09 ;,do‘.' Consol. mort. 6s, ’rog., 981/,@99%; Little'tSchuyl_kill R.‘ R.. 41cd43;"Monrii‘s‘ Canal, 503-; do. pref., 134 cdi4_o_;s,nsq.o,n.nn1,-@-— ; do. 6s,—‘-Q67; Schuyl- kill Nav., 5@7; do. pref., 9'7/-Q10}./2 ;‘ do. '65. 1.832,‘ 64%@6'6; do,‘ 1872, 83Vn89fi;..E1'mi‘ro and Williamsport pref., 3834-: d_o'.__7s, 'lC_5_@-_—-0;, ' ;' Loiiion‘..coa1 and”.-?Navigation. 313/4@32_;‘do. 6s,,,,1884,‘ 103%o_1o4“;“do. R. do." Gold Loan, 98@ @108?/,_ _;, do.'_ ‘Is, 1081/,,@l‘11'; fdo. Gen’lV mart. 7's, . reg.,108@l08; do. chattel 71os,.1o2;5cd_1o4 ; Phila- delphia and Erie’, 13%o_1374 ‘;' do; es,'’1o3‘@1o3% ; do.» 7s, 96@97% ; -Minehill, 17@47%; Catawisss’ .7};-@9 ; do. pref., 734336 ;' do. new pref.V, 31@34 ; _do.’7s, 1900, ‘100},{{@102; Lehigh Valléy,,48@ :i.8}fiV; do.» 6s,-new coupon,~106@;; do. reg., :l'0'7@—-; do. 75,1151/4@11'6; do. consol. mort.,‘98 _@.9_8%$ L Fim?’ 9:3‘! . Sixth‘ 5“'°°‘?5.i(t.l19'.'5‘?)’- 7337.5 3- Second -and Third, ‘V77o79; Thirteenth. and Fif- toentli, 38%@4.0; _Spru'co iim.€1\.Pin’e, 3l.@32%; Green and ;Coates, 49.050; Chestnut and Walnut", '1,43;5&i7s.; Hestonvillo, 22_@22;4 ; Cqermantown, 59 ;@65:;:U;ui.o:n. 86399; I.£<>.t.nb.a.rd' and South. mo 1.9;»-Ridge Avenue, 45@-—; Seventeenth and VI Jzozgiinoni.-Baltimore city-do, 1,375, 1072,; do. 69, 1884, 110%.; do. 1890, 112; Baltimore and Ohio R.'R. 2‘d"pre.'.‘, 103; Maryland Defensefis, 1111/2 ; Virginia Consol. 69, reg., ex int., 65% ; Virginia consol. coupon, July, 1877, 82%; Vir- ginia Black scrip, 16%; Virginia Peelers, 35; Atlantic Coal, 1.90; Santa. Clara bonds, 1 40%. more. 75:, 99@—; Wilmington-and ,Weldon 7s, 103@_—-; Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta 7s, 30@35; Richmond and Danville 1st mort., 70% @~.-; Pittsbnrg and Connellsville 7s,.~.1898, 105 pref., l07%@l08; do. 2d pref., 102140-; do. 68, 1880, ioitgcdioe; do. 1885, 105@l05}§; Northern Cenlr_al,'22@2_6; do. (is, 1877, 102%@ --;do. (is, 1885,VV1~05@105 ;-do. 69, 1900, 101@ -‘—_; ,do.'6s',1900, gold, 1o2;.;.@‘-—; . Mariettn and Cincinnati lst mort. 7s, 1892, 108@—-— ;do. 2d mort. 7s, 86%@88; do. 3d mort. 8s, 56@58; Con- tral Ohio, 34@34 ; do. pref. 36@42; do. 1st‘mort., 103@l03% ; oWestern Maryland 1st mort. (is, 1890, 93@.—-; do. 1st mort. gnar., 109@-—; do. 2d mort. gua_r., ,lO9@_—-- : do. ,3d’ mort. guar., 109 @—-; do.- 2d. rnort. pref., 105@~——- ; do. 2d mort., iguar. by. Washington Co., l03@—; Virginia and 'l.‘ennessee:2d mort. 6s, '—_@84,;_.'dto. 3d man, 89, 74@8O ; Orange and Alexandria 1st mort. 6s, 82% d83 ;' do. 2d'_mort.' 6s, 731/,@8o ;, do.,3d mort. 8s, 62%@64}§; -do. 4th mort. 35@401/2; Orange, Alex. and Manassas 7s, .86%@87%V; Baltimore 65, 1875, 101%@1021/4; do. 1884, l11@+; do. l886,1ll@——; do. 1890, 11’l%@-—; do. 1900, 111}/2@-—-; do..1900, new, l12},4_@1123/4; do. -1902, 1110- ; do. 5”s,_95@—-_; Memphis City (is, 21@-— ; Maryland Defense 69, 1883, 11l%@l12; Virginia ‘consol. 6s, 681/.‘@68‘%; do; Zdlseries, 34}/2’@3§v; Virginia Consol. coupons, 82%@83l/2 ; West Virginia def. certif., 6-,1§@6% ; City Passen- ger R". 11., 341/4@35;'Ge‘orge's Creek Goal, 115@ —; Atlantic Coal, l.85@1.95 ; Canton Co., 428 .@l—- ;, do. goid,,6s,_,94@-‘— ; _Sa_utn Clara Mining Co., 12@17; do. bonds,-—@42. . B . Bos,ton.-——Boston and ,Main_ef_R.: B, 7s,. 1099/4 ; Vermont Central Equipment 8s, 28, ; Cheshire pref., 35 ; Rutland pref., 5% ;, do. Equipment 7s, 50 ; ‘South Boston R. R , 62,; Manchester‘ and Law- rence-R. CR., 132% ; Cary Imp., 3'7%c’. ; Boston Land.-Co., 5 ;.Boston 6s, 1898, rog., 112; Chicago 7s, 106%';i*Fall River 6s, ‘I896, 1053/4; Roxbury 65, 1884, 106%; Portsmouth (N. H.) 61, 1-893, 103% ; Cleveland 65, 1895. 1081/41;‘ St. Louis City 63, 1906, 103%; Cambridge 58, 1893, 1021/2; Duncan Silver Mining Co., 4%. @" The following gentlemien have been chosen’ ro_ad,,Co.: J; A. Beau_v.a_is, Charles Rf,’ Tqickgr, George A. Bourne, L. M. Kolloclt, William ‘R. Wing, George R. Phillips, George Wilson. and John H.'Denn'ison of New Bedford; L. S.’,Jndd, Fairhaven; John H. Perry, Boston; andllohn D. Fliut,‘Fa1l River. , _ Solomon H. Howe has resigned the Presi- dency of the Boston, Clinton,‘Fit'chburg,an_d New Bedford Railroad Co., and Nathaniel Thayer, Jr., hasbcen elected in his place. ' ’ , Hon. 0. D. Hubbard has been elected President, and J ames Campbell Secretaryof the Wheeling, Pittsburg and Kentucky Railroad Company. ' ' t T Vmf Myron W. Bailey, or St. Albans, Vt., has -been ‘elected Railroad Commissioner of that State for the ensuing two years. I ' L ’ The latest quotations are: Cincinnati and Balti- ' @105%; Baltimore and Ohio, 150@158 ;: do. Ist- vdigrectiors or the" New Bedford and Fall River Rail- ” R. T.iDavis .