4-SO . increase of 117,805 tons. The quantity of coal amnmcaiv RAILTIOAI1 JOURNAL. The » Coal Trade. The return of the trade from all the regions for the week ending the 25th ultimo foots up 167,- ‘395 tons, against 150,676 tons for the corres- ponding week last year, showing an increase of 16,719 tons. The total amount. of anthracite mined for the year is 2,451,677 tons, against 2,455,846 for same period last year, a decrease of 5169 tons. The quantity of bituminous coal sent to market for the week was 64,859 tons, against 59,- 016 tons for corresponding week last year, an increase of 5843 tons. The whole bituminous tonnage from the beginning of the coal year to the 25th ultimo is 639,342 tons, a2e.inst_517,368 tons in corresponding time last year, an increase cf 121,974 tons. The total tonnage of all kinds of coal for the week is 232,254 tons, being a de- crease for the week of 22,652 tons, and the total tonnage for the coal year is 3,091,019 tons, against 2,973,214 tons to same date last year, an and coke carried over the Pennsylvania Rail- road for the last week was 79,395 tons, of which 68,636 tins were coal and 10,759 tons coke. The total carried this year is 703,350 tons, of which 574,777 were coal and 129,073 coke. This total ‘embraces all the coal carried over the road, east lmd west. At Port Richmond for the week end- ? ti; on the 1st instant there were receipts of 12%‘ ‘00 tons of coal and shipments of 14,500 tons, 1 "'2 or 87,000 tons on hand. We continue to Gum‘ "eight. charges to New York at 85 cents, figgggdggctw at $1 20@$1 25 and to Boston at $1 mm 40 at-,hti33;':“,t‘.m.::zti:‘%: :22‘: ;I£i"‘1'!5%%1u:° end the shipments 9240 tcns,leav- mg $2,628 $03250; h:‘¢tnd.-——1’In'la. Ledger, A192. 3. "re Kentucky and Great @‘ The charter of ti. * , _ _ Eastern Railroad, so far as the‘ ‘W1 15, aubhomed to ask subscriptions from the c‘°“""‘:-8 through which it passes is concerned, has been rellaaled by the Legislature. I @ Navigation on the Delaware and‘ Hudson tion of coal from Honesdale to'Rondout. ‘ cnas. PFEIFEB, , Oonstructing Engineer. Proprietor. IRON GITY BRIDGE WORKS or mrrssnnen, Mannmcrunn Iron Lattice, Truss, Arch & Plate B RI'.'G'E S , IRON RO0FS, STEEPLES, R.AIIiB.0AI) '.I‘UItN TABLES AND BRIDGE BOLTS. - Ofliee, N o. 116, Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. ifiimiiixvilie Bridge Works Clarke, Reeves &,Cc., ’I‘lie attention of the nfficers of R:a.ilrond.' Oompaniesis called ton new Album of Designs, showing the various styles of Iron Railway Bridges, Viadiicts, etc, that we have constructed and are prepared to construct, which ‘we will send by mail on application to V 410 Walaiut Street, PHILADELPHIA. (3. J. SGHUL HE undersigned, agents f or the inaiiufnctiii-era, in e pre- red to contract to deliver best quality American or clash, Steel or Iron Rails, and of any required weight and pattern. PERKINS. LIVINGSTON, POST do 00., 59 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. s l Canal will be opened on the 15th instant.- Eighty I cents per ton will be thei-ate for the tran'Bporta- , men? in this branch RAILROAD IRON. ,‘Z;Z:‘,.,, cry or for the ensuing ear. G.AMMZE:I.L’S cAs-ii ISTEEL. I ROLLED A ERSEY CITY New York W. BAILEY LANG & co. Boston. @ORiYDO%I WIWGH, Manufacturer of RAILROAD,‘ SHIP, BOAT & DOCK SPIKES. ll ans, COMPRESSION i_;7 ‘ MILIiER’S TRUSSED PLATFO I '7‘ 7 F/‘fl i il l I 3‘ Automatic Couplers, _, ,. , FOR iiaitiioaii PASSENGER BARS. OFFICE, 6 PARK PLA 01+}, NEW YORII. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet, and call and sec working Models. ' E. MILLER, Patentee. TBIPLEB imnioiss -ri.'.= comgnuv, 235 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA: 1’ - llI|lllllllllll" ‘I lllllI|ll‘l1lll|ll|' tit " lllllll i Scct~uma' Z ‘ I‘ These Ties are now offered to the Railroad public with the assurance that they will meetthé grdwinfhxfiafit of an improve. Railroad industry. The Tripler Tie has had three years’ severe test on one of a principal roads of 2 tie, and has morethan come up to the expectation of the inventor. ~ - * « - ~ . , These Ties are steam cured and made indestructible by antiseptic compounds. They possess elasticity, durability, even . _' arm sine; can be relguired when worn by the rail; less strain on rollindg stock. ’ The Triple: Raglroad Cross e Company are now prepared to furnish, Railroa s with any quantity for immediate deliv~ Some of the Tiesw ich have been in use three years are now in the oflice of the ‘coinpany for inspection. / ' For rurther particulars, testimonials, &c., apply to 7 h ' * - - ‘ A. B. TRIPLER, Agent, 235 S. Th/i’I"d Street. N. B.—~'.l‘hose Roads wishing to adopt this Tie, situated at a. distance from the factory, the T. R. R. O. '1‘. Co. are prepared to put up work as near as possible to th 9 line of the road. thus saving is}: a cost of transportation.