-~AMERl"e7lAJN~ I-l:A;[1~aROA«D-~ J-OM-R:1I~AIs~. R. R. pref., 35%; Lynn and Boston Horse R. R., 1 7; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 2d mort., 3:33/4: Nashua and Lowell (is, 1893, gold, 100%; Cedar. Rapids and Missouri 7s, .1916, 937/3; do. 1894, 941/4 ; Michigan «' Central 8s, 18\90,?Air Illne, 89}/L’ ; Framingham and Lowell 8s,A1882, 89%‘; Boston Land Go. 6; Massachusetts 5s, 1895, 112;" Maihe 6s, 1389, 107%; Boston 6s,"1894, 1o91/,;’ do‘. 1881, 105r;do. 53, 1882, 106; Chicago 77s, 1892,‘ 1045/3; St. Louis County 6s, 1878, ‘gold, 107; Providence 55, 1894, gold’, 105% ; ‘Fall River 5s,‘ 1898, gold, 1027/8; Allouez Mining 05., 23 ;‘Du'né can’; Silver, 1%”; National, 2% '; Petherick, 62}§c.; .‘Pewabic,'5}§;“’Ridge, 6%., 1' ' ‘ Ph£lade@Il.z‘g.—Huntin;gdon )e,ndJBroad Top 7s, consul, 04; Philadelphia and Reading 0. & I. deben. 7s,,8,4 ;_ do..n1ort.A 7.8, 89 '; Northern Pacific 7.30s, 16; Perkiomen R. R. 65, 88 ;- North Penn; sylvanial Ge'n’l lmort. 7s, re§.,"105'; Oil Creek it. re, iéo.,'f7O Shot; s. e; co. 6,s,_81_‘_-, Junction R. n., in rnor,t.,;100.; Schuylkill Nev. 6s, B. L., 79 , Belvidere Delaware 2d mort., 98; West Jersey R. R. 78, 107%; Nesquehoning Valley R.“ R., _56; West Philadelphia R. R., 135 ;‘1’hila.delphia,,Ger! man_townand Norristown R; B«.,‘100;.Susq. Can al, 9; Fifth and Sixth SL3.-Rn R., 80; East Penn»- sylvania R. R1, 40;’ Cincinnati 7.30s, 103%. The letest qu<‘»tati,olls_‘are : 6s, 103@10§§ do. ‘fl'ee_é of tax,,1071/1@1.Q7'}'§; E’4,3DIlSY,1V8lnia Stew 5% :20, series, «lossitoayg ;';do. 3d\series. 112i@l13.;»Phil ' adelphidtlflndlfloltdring; 58@5B-%-;‘ db. Gen’l ‘inert. 7s,'co’1'l1').,”‘l09@-‘--4-'; do. lea, 10s;;@—:—',“ do. mort. 65,1880. l.O2@10{l..;-do. 78, new conv., 9106 @l06};;; do. 7s, 1893, 11o%e——; United'New Jer- sey R. R. and«Canel 00.. 18’Tl~5@L37}§; Camden and Amboy mori. 63, 1,889, _105@106;‘Pennsylva‘- nia R. R., 55%@56; do. let mort., l04Cd104,1/o ; do. general mort.‘ coupon, l02@102%; do. reg., 1041/4 . @104}/,. ; Little Schuylkill n. n., oloswé ; Mor- ris 0ana.l,,5g(,0,-;- ;,do. pr,ef., _128’@----: K10. (M1000 — ; _Susq.,Q.anal, 8,@9;.do. 6s,,75@80; Schuylkill Nav., 7,;4@9.;» ao. pres. 15@l-5.1/4; do. 65, 1882, 81}4f@82; do. 1872», 95cc96;»d.o. 63, I.oo_p., 100 @_; "Elmira and Williamsport tron, 40342 ;'do_. 7s, 1o1@1o3; do. to. e5@——'-; Lehigh Coal and Navigation, 51(d5l}§; do. 6s, 1884, 103 ygolos; do. B.:B.. Loan%103}§@104'; do. Gold Loan, 10455‘ @—-; North Pennsylvania, 551/4@55‘3/ ; do. ‘6sl‘1j04 @_.-..l.: ‘'§lb(‘,).;},;7s',':,10'I_'}g,£,@l09p;(do. ‘ Gen’l _mort. 7s, 104.%@mtlo1’lb»i1a»d9Lphie. . and Erie, 121,7/,,Cd22.; do. 6's;'~‘l101@1-02 5;“ d7bs‘7s;“‘'9l‘%@92; Minehill, 53 @53}’{§"'0elta‘wis891, 19‘r'6"@20%”: dO."’pre‘t.,'45}§téf‘.ni of,the road,‘ are C.umberla_nd and_—I<_311eIslie, in 46 ; do. new pref., 43,-,4e44; do. 7s..19oo,‘1o4;;5 @-- ; Lehigh Valley,-.63%@64»;rd;o. ids; new dim-T‘: pon,,l04l»:5@r105.;vdo~..,reg.; 105@~106.;«do. 73‘, 1l}8@e 113% ;,do. 6s., consol.—.mort.-, :99,.14@99%v;l -Frifth‘ and,.48i"xtll. streets (horse), 80985 ; Second ‘and Third,..90Cd93_; Thirteenthand Fifteenth, 49350:; ~ Spruce and Pine, 54@543/4';~.Green and Coates,-—.— o74.;_ Chestnut and Walnut, nscello; Heston-’ ville, 393»é@39}5; Germantown, 88@88; Union, 110@11i2; Lombard~nrld‘South:,~ 38@-39; Ridge Avenue}.78,@78’; Tenth and Eleventh, 125@] 85. I 33’ Edward Matthewé, No; 71 Brdadwtiy, has to let allarge number of desirable ofllces, suitable for Banlters, Bro}-;,ers,._Brailwsy,.apd rltherktompa-, nies, in .buildings located in Wall ,Street,v,Broad-, way, Exchange Place and Broad Street.-;g¢,See.,1,lis,- Advertisement in another column. l ..(Jonxpenuyato‘_ry:Da,mqgeg-.~ . . _The case of the Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail- WRY C_0I1Jpany vs. Ames et al_., ‘was decided in the United States Snpren1_ef.Court on, the 31st ult. Mr. Justice Davis delivered the opinion.» In this case Mrs. Alnes -was a pussengel in a train of the com- panywhen it ‘collided with an engine which was ‘<59-W3 M9-($10!, I_1nd_ the "shock threw herpforward, inflictiug injuries for which she sued to recover. The- evidence wasithat the train -was running ‘damage done was only to the. front of the two en- " glues.’ The court charged‘ the jury that if they ‘found the servants of the company guilty of gross negligence they_ might. give the petitioner éxemp; plary damages. $4,000, tor whichjudgrnent was entered. It is here‘ said‘ that, while the proof of,negligel1cé was ‘sufl"1cien_t" to 'enabl__e_‘_the plaintiff, to re_c;o,ver., the damages she.-sustained-, it was not of a. character -9 justifying punitive damages. "In such cases the rule is said to be that thejury may not go beyond .compensating the sl1iI_'er,ei:,by thehnegligence alllegw ed and give exemplary damag==s.unless the eel dansins thevinjurylis done willfully or with such equivalent ,to intentional wrong.’ Reversed, Washiugtongfalthoilgh but a short time in opera- tion, provesllto have supplied a,public want, and‘ road afong 7}? street to Georgetow-n is proposed. There are now in Washington Ifour distinct and in- dependent street railway lines, alfnrding facilities ‘for ‘easy transit Jwithivn a few hundred yards of ev- ery part of the city that has been built np.§’ .9" @ Herr Krupp, therPrussian iron founder, has 'discovered the means ‘of utilizing the slug of iro'n furnaces by converting it into “slicate not too.” to be used_;as ;a clothing, for steam boilers and steam pipes, to prevent loss of heat: A blast l/viscous slag,es,jt.is, run frorn the furnace, when it assumes afibroas foljm and appearance some- whatsimilar to that of spun glass. ~ ‘ .“ Thelrecord of the charter of the Pennsyl executive ,chamher at Annapolis. Md. The termi- Alleglapny ,_ooonl;y..,,[ Oapital stock. $350,000. _The incorpopratorsé e,re;,;l\_l[anrice A. Henley, Ferdinand. lwilliams, ,D_enis Sheridan, Fred’k K. Laing,.Jr., Geo. Buckho1tz.. . . , . , . ll?‘ J. R? Swanhas been elected President, and Robert S‘. Smith Secretary? and Treasurer of the Columbus and Xeniallltailrload Company.‘ The directors ‘are‘:' J.KR. Swan, Robert Neil, H. O. Noble, P. Wsfluiitington, GA.’ Hiivllng; ‘R. /A. Her. rison, B. Gwynlie, ~IIohn'W. Andrews‘, 0.’ Cassi!- ly, H. J.“'J‘ewett, He'nry_ Hanna, George M. Par-‘ BODS. 1 _ ....s.;____ President, Generics Dana Vice President, and F. ,Wr(_}1a,rJr,e. ,Se,ql7etar.y and .'J.‘r,easurer of the «Wood» stock, Vt., Railroad Company. xx salon at «me ‘about fifteen miles perlhour, and thatthe colliding " engine was.nearly__or quite at rest, and that the The. resultywas a verdict. for . The 15315 Raillroad, (0 VStre'et’and Sleuth . has flleeu most successiul’. ‘An addition to the . , of steam, water or air is forced into the stream of ‘A . any ‘next; ' il.l’tl=li"\lvhic’li” and until Vania Line Railroad Company. has been filed in: the , McKay, John, ll‘...Zscharias and John. F. l1$"’;dA-lber.t.,,G.»» Dewey: has » «been re-elected: ,BANKER&I No.12 Wall Street, N. Y. BUY AND sslLL Aoovsnumnrrrs AND eonn AT MARKET RATES.‘ ' * 0 - EXECUTE onmrns AT ’s'rocK EXCHANGE. INTEREST ALLOWED on Dsrosirrs. ‘ ' lllartln Lewis, 43 ‘ ‘ nmnnn ‘ t _ Securities of solvent .m‘{a Deraintoa sinu- roud Companies’, also State, City and . ‘ County Bonds. ., .. .. _ »_ 9-TIME LOANE Nnoorrmrne. * _ Referslhypermission to Messrs. M.’ KL‘Jesu , Patina go. New ork=; Messrs. Soutter do 00., New goth’; 'Jon_. . Ilnrris Esq., President First National Bank. Baltimore ; -,B.o.l)e;rt ldickle, Esq., Cashier Union National Bank, Battl- Réom 3 C ‘ more. ' onlotsoo LET, J WITH ALL THE Mensa-N51s‘lPRovEMnNTs, . , son "Blinks, Bil1lll8_r8, Brokers, Merchants, Lawyers, K ’Rui1way,Iusurance, and other Gompa1lies,., ‘ - . gIN BUILDING-B No. 4: WALL STREET, ‘as. ‘39, 40, 42, as, 64. ea, e9; 71, 73.413 6:. so BBOADVVAY. Nos. 5, '1'. 1'2‘, 19, 3%, 36, 49 an 53 NEW vl'l'~,'-x .NoI.*1'I', 19, 91 &~38 BROAD B'Il.; ‘-1 '1 Y Nos. 53 and. 5’IsEI_0HANGE= PLACE, -vv jAl__l_, Mesa WALL STRiEET.';‘" APz{1’[lZ.YHA.'1‘T1‘1iI1€l..l(.‘i)?J.l“1l;dO‘Jl2li')?]3' ' . IVIATTHEWS, No. '71,,'Broag1wsl"y. , " V V '1 1 Osman on THE Inmuors Gasman. ltsrnnosn ' « 7 0o1ll=ANY,N1sW Yom:,.Dec.. 15, 1875. l ~ DIVIDEND OF - FOUR -PER. CENT. HAS A .be_en declared by this c0mpa.n.y,~.pa,ya,b15 on th, lstday‘, of jleloruary nest to _ the holders of fun-paid '=sha.r"es registered at thejo1ose_ of the 15th day of J anu. . the 5th‘ day of Februl-_’ ary the’tra'.nsfer books will be closed. ‘- ‘ K . 3,, » .-L. Y. F: RANDOLPH, Treasurer. Ai- the “HD1181 meeting of the Providence, , Warren a_nd_,Bristol Raillfoad Company,‘ held ,in Providence, R. I., on the 31st nlt.,.approp_riste,, resolutions relativeto the death of President J ohno H. Clifl'ord,w,ere..adopted. The gross earni'ngs,olL, the ‘road during the past year were 8108,, ‘llrilill the operating, expenses $79,144, Thsf:f§r>;ll,o,w:lJnfl were elected _a board _’of directorsg:,,S,a;qi_ge , Church and Ambrose E. Burnside of.Bsistol,» ‘Wli1~--- Iiam R‘. Robeson, Henry A. Whitney and Frhdcis M. Weld of Boston, ou;1_wllliaui‘,lioi1i§itl,r_,il or Pro». idence. Subsequently the,di,lfe’ctorsf‘,ell3.Q5ed,Hen~ , ry A. Whitney P«resi1‘:.11:lsDr1) LIGHT so vE1v'rrLAT1oN, SUITABLE reckless'l'indifl“erence to the rights of others as is“