4 1602 AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNA_L._ a disciplinary power over the 70,000 miles of rail- I T road of the country, it would assume .a task alto-' A gather too heavy and too dangerous for it.‘ Con- gress would be converted into a veritable bear- garden wherein railroad magnates would be centres of influence and power, and demoralization f be complete. There remains, then, the experi ment, now being triedin England, of altailway Commission‘ with full power to hear appeals between railroad corporations themselves, and . between Railroads and their patrons—the people. This, also, is a dangerous power to be lodged in the members of the Commission, and in the hands of the Executive——who would have their selection. Northern Central Railway. At the adjourned meeting of the stockholders of_ this compa.ny,.he1d in Baltimore on the 8th inst., the. following resolutions, oflfered by Mr, Thomes A.‘ Scott, were adopted with but few dis- senting "voices : ‘ - Resolve'd, Thatthe general omce of this compa-' ny belocated in the city of Baltimore. 4 Resolved, That the incoming. board are hereby authorized and empowered to adopt every means , _ available to secure the largest amount of traffic over the line to and from the city of Baltimore at the rates current over’ competing lines, provided that all its connecting lines. will agree to give it not less than a pro rats. proportion of freight. and passenger receipts. ' Resolved, That the intonatg board he instruct- . ed to report at th‘e'n'ext ‘annual meeting a full exhibitfof thetsctual ‘cohdltion of the company, undo! every interestgthat isheld by it and of the cost and estimated value of all its properties, and also the r_esources_of the company. . Resolved, Thatlthe incoming board he author- ized to make such*nrrage‘ments for terminal zfacil-A ities in the city of Baltimore as may berequired, go meet the ‘wants of the company from time to ime. V instructed not to make a. lease of any other road,’ or indorsement‘ of -theubonds not any. company, without first-making,-,9. report inwriting-to the ~ 8tockholders,.at a,,n,1eeting,of/,whiob thirty, days . notice shallbs giv"e'n,and having, the approval’ of i i ' r = 5~-pnstsfromthisbalance: '1 said stockholders. ‘T _ 903‘ The trustees invitesealed prrposals the foundations, masonry and superstructure (in. one contract) for the great railroad bridge over ‘ the Ohio River at the footof Horne s_treet_,Cinciuna- ' ti, ffortthe Cincinnati Southern Railroad. _Prop_osals will ,te‘;£¢csives until‘ January_18, 18,75, and must ' be on prihted forms and directed to i the boardhof trustees, at their,“olfice,,No_. 70' West Third street, C1ncinna.ti,""O.,V Plans’ and specifications can be seen . at 51166 En’gin'éér’‘s jotfice, at the same place.’ [35 The Iouir, Cqlo,ra,do,a.nd .saui.a"re' road iflfilil-99. Pmposals for biuil-xlling. the first section of Z. theroad, from Galveston_;‘Tex,i~,.,west to Columbia, on-J-he Brs.so.s_river, a,distance_zof,50_,mi1es. The, Wh.91B Work. Will be let together, on-this .grading- and bridging separately. Information.tas»tm,tho location, grades, etc., can be hadon application to Brenton; Bragg. Chief Engineer, ' Galveston, 1‘sxas..-. . ..» . @‘v’”The first train over the cut from-”Athens'. to Parker-sburg, on the‘Marietta andflincinnati ": .3. Railroad, ar:rived'at Parkersburg on the 15th ult. _ This cut-off shortens the distance between Cincin- nati and Parkersburg’ tenmiles. It extends from Athens to Psrkersbnfrg’, lrdistance of thirty two miles. The old line from Marietta to Athens will spsrslsd prlnrglpslly as it freight line,“ -- Resolved, That the incoming board are hereby 9 _Old_ Colony Rail;-cad. V‘ The _e[arningsof this road.-for the years ending September 30, I873 and 1874,‘ were as follows : 1873. 1874. From passengers . . ._31,431,707- 76 $1,456,315 11 5' freight .’....-.., 774,752 85 . 752,838 19 “ expresses .... 74,781 67 V 72,299 41 “ rents .... .... 24,941 06 23,888 43 F‘ mails. .... 28,459 433 41,063 30 “ miscellaneous} 39,933 54 40,385 24 “ extra baggage. 2,675" 61" 3,519 95 $2,377,251 82 $2,390,309 63 Expenses, viz : Passengerdepartment $239,712 58 $250,687 84 Merchandise j “ 240,398 37 198,997 39 Locomotive - : “ 451,675 80 412,483 82 Maintenance of way. 387,166 73 428,431 47 General expenses... 170,917 98 156,210 68 86,144 13 v 90,719 14 Miscellaneous .. 31,576,015 59' $1,537,530‘ 346 ‘Earningsless'exp..$801,236 23 V $852,779 29 City and town taxes.. $25,519 95 324,555 90 {State tax. .«...‘...,..... £33,677; 49 ~ »71,S79_50 ‘Intereston bon_ds,debt, ._. \ _ . etc. I... .. 233,433 16 281,243 27 $322,630 60 ' $377,678 67 Netincome.... ....$478,605 63 $475,100 62 Add balance of income per last report 611,502 21 Add for-premiums received on bonds » sold .... ..,.. ..,.. T0tal.‘..‘..i ,.’.. .... ...81,128,424‘50 Deduct"‘amount' paid in ' 1 1- settlement of "disputed claims fordamaae by. efire in Plymouth Coun—. , .. ~_ g . tyiu June.._18.7;3._... ..._322,4,8_Z 15, H _ Deduct dividend Jan. 1, ' ' ” 1874, $3 50 per share. 228,221 00 Deduct. dividend July 1, . ' 1874,83 50. per share. 232,631 00 v : A _ , . . _ _,-_—-.-—‘483,339 15 41,821 67 Balance ofincome account September 30, 1374-LL"... ‘. .‘.. .. ..‘ . . . . '.". .. .. .. $345,085 35 The‘ dividendof‘Jan.i1,.1875,1’is to be taken in iThe gross receipts offthe‘ road we're,“ - V = for.tha yea.r.,en.dingiSept.30,18f74.$2,390,309’ 63 For the year ending Sept. 30, 1873, 2,377,251 82 llncreasein receipts. . .-..‘_. 7. ; -$13,057 81 The working expenses for tlie'year:_ '1 ‘ ’ 1 Binding Sept. 30, 1874.... .'..;‘..L$1,537,530 34 For the year ending Sept. 30, 1873. 1,576,015 59 The amount paid for interest was, .. - , for the year ending Sept. 30,1874 $281,243 27 Forvthe yearlending Sept. 30, ' 233,433 16 -.—_--—i Increase.'..'.. .. Amount paid‘ ‘for taxes-'was,‘:for the‘. - year ending Sept. .30, 1874. $96,435 40 Forth,e_