Northwestern ‘Union .... . -"AMERICAN; ~'-RAILROAD JQURNAL. Chicago and Northwestern.... .. 314,351,523 33 Iowa Midlaud‘..‘-.‘.‘..?..’........-.. ' 98,023 38 135,049 07 222,520 48 794,820 35 La Crosse, Trempeleau 6;. r>'. Winona and St. Peter, and Mankato branch $15,631,936 61 No dividends have been declared since June, 1873, when 3% per cent was paid on the preferred stock. At that time it was anticipated that the outlays-made by the company, for completion of the new lines then in progress, and for other ’ works of construction, and new equipment, would be met- by the sale ofbonds in suflicient amount to represent. "the cost of these permanent. improve- ments‘; but the financial troubles which began in September, and the unfriendly legislation since, in the States wherecur property is situated, pre- vented the company from realizing its expecta- tions from the sale of bonds. All the net earnings have been applied towards the pay ment of construction indebtedness, mostly incurred before the panic, and for such further expenditures as have since been found necessary a to finish up and utilize t_he_works then nearly completed. ' can-ran srocx. The capital stock of. the Chicago and North western Railway Company, at the close of the fiscal year, was $36,477,173 82, via: ‘Common stock .....$l4,993,060 40 Preferred stock.... .. 21,484,113 42 Total.... .... “$36,477,173 82 being an increase of $40 in the amount of common stock, and $50 in the amount of preferred stock, which’ represents scrip issued in adjustment of dividends. I ‘ Bonus. The following bonds have been retired and can- _celled during the year, viz: - 3 Preferred Sinking Fund Bonds, $2,800; Green Bay‘Extensiou $2,000; Funded Coupon, $6,700; Galena and Chicago Union, first mortgage, $82,- 000; Galena and Chicago Union, second mortgage, $84,000; Elgiu and State Line, $1,500; Missis- sippi ‘River Bridge Bonds, $10,000; Seven per cent Equipment Bonds, $86,000; Chicago and ,Milwaukee, first mortgage, $335,000; -Milwaukee and Chicago, second mortgage, $84,500; and Milwaukee and Chicago, third mortgage, $9,500. - Total, $704,000. ‘In conformity with the trust deeds which pro 6 vide for consolidating the above debts, the follow.- ingpbonds have been issued therefor, viz: 1 - Consolidated sinking fund, seven per cent, ;,bonds of the Chicago and -Northwestern zi Railway Company, maturing 1915 ....$275,000 Consolidated, seven per cent, bonds of the Chicago and Milwaukee B.ailwayCom-' xpany, maturing 1898.... 498,000 -—_:———‘ Total issued.....J.... .s773,000 The excess of bonds "thus issued and sold, over the amount retired and cancelled, is 869,000 of Jf Chicago and‘Milwaukee consolidated bonds, which ' issue is protected‘ by the‘ company’s deposit of $69,000 in cash, with the trustee, to remain in his hands ‘until a like amountiof the bondswhich mature in 1874 shall come in for redemption.* The company has sold for the purpose of con- struction account, new equipment, and for steel rai’ls,. purchased during the last year, the amount ’of $4,461,000 of its General Consolidated Gold Bonds, making it total of $8,995,000 of the bonds of this issue outstanding on the 31st of May last. The bonded debt of the company at the close of the fiscal year ‘wasv$29,538,500, consisting of $14,- 693,500 of bonds, bearing currency interest, and $14,845,000‘of gold bonds. ‘ I , The pbonded debt of the proprietary roads at the I 6 ii‘ ‘Bonds since redeemed-and deposit taken up. same time was $14,625,000, consisting of $6,750,- 000 of bonds, bearinginterest in currency, (less $505 000 unsold), and $7,875,000 of gold bonds. Aggregate of bonded debt outstanding, $43,- 658500. ’ ‘ CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT. Theexpenditures madeduringtheyearforand on account of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company and its proprietary roads, for completing the lines that were in progress, for new shops, new general offices in Chicago, extra cost of steel rails over iron, new side tracks, tracks to the iron mines, and other important improvements, and for 41 new locomotives and 183 new cars, of various kinds, amounted to the sum of $4,985,668 81. Of this amount there was expended for account of ‘the Chicago and North Western Railway Company on construction account $3,191,329 36; on equip- ment account $679,060 53; and for the proprie- tary roads $1,065,278 92. ' Among the important improvements, completed during the past year may be mentioned the general office building in Chicago, a substantial and convenient brick building, 64 by 200 feet, with three stories and basement, containing large fireproof vaults, for_ the protection of books, papers, and other valuable property, erected on the company’s grounds, on Kinzie and Market streets, Chicago, for the accommodation of the general offices and business departments of the company. . , p The building was finished in season to be cc- cupied on the 1st of last December, at a cost of $122,172 02. at West Chicago, consisting of one shop, 120 feet wide by 550 feet long, with transfer table for re- pairs of locomotives and machinery. A blacksmith shop, 80 by 400 feet. An engine house, containing stalls for 10 loco- motives, with a turn table and necessary fixtures, and with side tracks to accommodate the working of the shops. . . Two water tanks, each 30 feet in diameter and 16 feet deep, to supply the stationary and locomo tive boilers. ' ' ‘ 3 3 A coalished, 24 by 160 feet, with chutes for delivering coal to the engines. An arlesian well 1,800 feet deep. Also, the stone foundations for four additional buildings for car shops, each 80 by 300 feet. The shops are of brick and stone, with iron truss roofs, and have been furnished with a new stationary engine and b‘ Her, and much new ma- chinery for the constructio_n and repairs of engines and cars. Economy of operations is anticipated from this consolidation of the principal shops of the company. V At Winona, a new machine shop has been com- pleted and put-into operation, to facilitate the repairs of equipment on the Winona and St. Peter, the La Crosse, Trempeleau and Prescott, and the Madison Extension lines. I At Chicago, a viaduct has been constructed by the city, to carry Canal street over the tracks 0! this company andof the C. B. and Q. R. R. Co., near 16th street, and the share of expense which was required to be paid by this company amount- ed to $23,370 16. _ , One wooden span, 200 feet long, of the bridge across the Mississippi River, at Clinton, has been replaced with a substantial iron structure, and the timber protection for the drawbridge mostly re- Vnewed. A large number of pile bridges on the Iowa Division have been rebuilt, and many water sta- tiousand other structures repaired, and five new coal houses erected at the stations. ~ I On the Peninsula Division, the sum of $123,068 94 was expended in completing tracks and branches extending to the iron mines; and the sum of 88 292 60 was expended on repairs of ore dock, at-Escauaba. I 6 _ 0u.,the Milwaukee Division, the _work was begun of filling-up and renawingfltheg long tressle, bridge New machine and repair shops were completed I at Racine, and lands for'fill1'ng-, and a s‘i.é'aui'i ex- cavator have been obtained for this purpose‘. ‘ An arch culvert of-24 feet span,‘ and an em- bankment across the valley at Kenosha. are being put in to replace the piling and tressle work at that point. ' ‘ In the general disbursements for construction, a considerable expenditure has necessarily been incurred on the new roads since their opening in September, in preparing tracks, ditches, cuts and embankments. for the winter; and in providing adequate side tracks, water stations, etc., for the convenience of operating. Some further outlays of moderate amount will be required from time to time for -the same general purposes. 6 To set at rest all questions in regard to the con- struction of new roads, it may be remarked that all works of this kind which Vvere in progress at the beginning of the fiscal year were completed during the year, and no new roads are now build- ing, nor are any contemplated. The expenditures made for this class of con- struction during’ the year were necessary to com- plete the new lines and extensions which had been authorized and entered upon in former years, and upon which a large outlay had already been made. The capital expended on the new lines has been faithfully applied to their construction Ulldtl‘ the immediate supervision of the principalofficers and chief engineer of the company, and all materials have been purchased and the works prosecuted to completion without the intervention, in any man- ner, of “ construction companies," or other inter- mediary instrumentalities. 1 1 nnnrns AND nnnuwans. In addition to the purchase of the ren thousand tons of steel rails, which were mentioned in the last Annual Report, the company ordered the further quantity often thousand tons during the last winter and spring, and have relaid 168 miles of the main lines with steel track during the year. Nine hundred tons were laid down on the Penin- sula. division, and the residue on the Chicago and Milwaukee line, on the Wisconsin division from Chicago northerly, and on the Dixon air line be- tween Turner 1.1 uuctiou and Fulton. . In the changes from iron to steel, the track has been mostly laid with new ties, and thoroughly ballasted, dressed up, and improved, thus increas- ing the ordinary cost of track repairs. The difibrence between the cost of steel and iron rails has been chargedto reconstruction of tracktin steel. V ~ . _, The total length of steel rail laid down and in use, on the 31st of May last, was 206.60 miles. _ , ' ‘ For extensive improvements made to the track during the past year the large sum of 32,265,418 31 was expended. and charged to track repairs. This expenditure, which constituted about twenty- five per cent. of the entire cost of operating, and exceeded by $648,449 75, or more than forty per cent., the same class of expenditure for the pre-’ vious year, has materially improved the value of the property, and will greatly add to the comfort, security, and economy of operations in the future. I Included in this outlay for track repairs is the renewal-cost (at the price of iron rails) of 1685~”,,5,-,'»“5 miles of new steel rails, and v23°;§",5~ miles of new iron rails, together amounting. to~$l,- l35,994 28; also 15,90l-f§_f- tons re rolled iron rails, equal to 163:;-5% miles of track, costing $510,058 86; also 22,700. iron rails..repaire(l.and re-rolled at the Company's shops——equal to 45§93g%- miles, at a cost of 824645 62. The length of track so renewed is more t_ha,n double that re- newed in either the two previous years, and meas- ures 3s4gggg miles, or over 25 per cent of the entire length of the Company’s road. The large number of 550,587 new truck, switch and bridge ties, costing 38.61 cents each, or an average ‘cost in the track of 58.54 cents each, amounting to $321,773 71, were used, and are equal to 196.64 miles of road laid with new ties. ' The sum of $83,295 97 was expended in raising track to grade and for ballasting, and $26,874 92 for deepening and widening ditches. !=3..1».-57