and M. div., 79%; 858 AMERICAN . rtA1LRoAn_ JOURNAL ._.___.....—————————————---—*‘:"‘ centre, on all accounts, public and corporate, as announced thus far, for Jul? 1: Wm reach ‘1b°“t’ 55 million dollars. ' ‘ Government securities have been in good re- quest at generally very well supported prices, considering the decline in Gold. U. S. sixes of 1881 closed on Wednesday of this week at 117%@118 ; U. S. Five-Twenties of1862, 1183/4@1141/,; U. S. Five-Twenties of 1864 at 116,l,g@117 ; U. S. Five-Twenties of 1865,1171/2 @117%; U. S. Five-Twenties of 1865 consoli. dated, 117%@1171/f; U. S. Five-Twenties of 1367, 1] 7%@117% ; U. S. Five-Twenties of 1868, 116%,@1171/4; U. S. Ten-forties at 113%@114; U. S. Fives of1881, (Funding Loan) 113%@l14; Six per cent. currency Sixes from,115%@116. The outstanding U. S. circulation of all kinds is $428,517,913. State and Railway bonds have been in fair demand and generally quoted firmer. Railway" and miscellaneous share property has been much more active, and prices have been quoted decid- edly higher, though variable. The dealings make the most liberal aggregate of any week in several months. General business has been comparatively brisk in the leading kinds of domestic produce, but at lower figures Breadstutfs, Provisions,,,C0i«i0D and Petroleum closing in favor of buyers. Foreign merchandise has been also more active, with values showing steadiness in most instances. Metals have been exceptionally dull. Eglinton Pig Iron quoted at 834@335. Glengarnock, $36 Coltness, $39; No. 1 American Pig at 331@$32. No. 2 do. at $29@t30; Forge. 825@$28= Ensllsb Rails at $55 gold ;American Rails at works, 356@ no ; on Rails, sass-$40 Wrought Scrap. t38@40- Ocean Freights have been fairly active, and at the close, generally _firm as to rates; demand most- ly from grain shippers. The following quotations of sales of Railway and other securities are in addition to those giver elsewhere in our columns 2-- New Yorlt-.—-Albany and Susquehanna R. R., 94; do. let mort., 105 ; do. 2d mort., 100; Atlantic and Pacific R. R. pref., l6,%: Pficlfifi PM R» 0f M0,, 41%; do. 1st mort. 80; Morris and Essex 7s, 1871, 95}.8; Clev., Col., Cin. and Ind. 1st ‘ mm-1;,’ 100; Central of New Jersey ‘is, conv., 1021/4; Michigan Central 7s, 97; Galena and Chicago 2d mort., 99% ; St. Louis and Iron Mt. R. R , 25; do. let mort., 92; Union Pacific S. F., 65; Chicago and Northwestern consol. gold bonds, 81%; Western Pacific R. R. bonds, 85%; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern 7s, consol. reg., 97; New York Central 1st mort., 109; Mil. and St. Paul 1st mort., C. and M. dish, 82%; (10. I. do. LaC. div., 881/4; Pekin, Lincoln, and Decatur lst mort., 73%; Boston, Hartford and Erie 1st_ mort., 22%: Dcl., Luck. and Western 7s, conv., 102%; Clev. and Toledo 7s, "new, 97%; Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw 1st mort., W. D., 73; Ohio and Mississippi 7s, con- sol., S. F., 93%; Toled ~, Wabash and Western 73, consol., 67; Buffalo and Eric 7s, new, 96%; St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago 1st mort., 97; Lake Shore div. bonds. 96; Cev.,_Paines_ and Ash. 7s, old, 101% ; Belleville and Southern Illinois 1st mort., 99% ; N. Y. and N. H. 65, 101 ; Quicksilver pref., 29; Spring Mt. Coal, 73; Con- . cpl, Coal or Md., 43; Western Union Telegraph, 4%; do. 7s, 97%; At. and Pacific Tel., 17; Am». Exp., 61%; U. S. Exp., 70; Wells-Fargo Exp, 80% ; Adams Exp., 107% ; Georgia 7s, new, 91; Missouri 63, L. bonds, 94% ; Tennessee 63, n. f. 59%, do. (is, new, ex~c0upou, 60; do. old, ex-coupon, 60%; Rhoda Island 65, 103%; South Carolina 65, new, Jan. and July, 18%; do. non f., 6; Brooklyn 6s, W. L., 93. . .Plu'ladelplria.-—Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis 7s, 67%; Morris Canal 7s, B. L., 1001/4; West Jersey R. R. 7s, 103% ; Second and Third sts. R. R, 1031/4; Connecting R. R. bonds, 88; Susq. Canal 65, 76; Phila, and Reading Gen’l mort 7s, coupon, 103 ; do. reg., 104% ; do. deben. bonds, 82; do. 75:, 1893, 105%; Reading Coal and Iron mort. bonds, 87%; ‘Northern Pacific 7-305, 27; Wilmington and Reading 1st mort., 91; Huntingdon and Broad Tc-p Mt. 7s, consol., 60; Shamokin Valley and Pottsville 7s, 92%; Union Passenger R.R. 6s, 93; Sch. Nav. 7s, B. L., 87; do. 6s, 1887, 74%; Pennsylvania and New York 7s, 103%; Junction R. R. 2d mort., 87; Harrisburg and Lancaster R. R., 483/, ; Pennsyl- vania div. scrip, 1O21/4; Nesquehoning Valley R. R., 55% ; Fifth and Sixth sts. R. R., 57% ; Pitts~ burg 5s, 75; Camden City 63, 100. The latest quotations are: City 6s, 101@1011/4; do. free of tax, 104%@l043/8; Pennsylvania State 6s,2d series, 110@111; do. 3d series, 113@114; Philadelphia and Reading, 56}/@56%; do. Gen’l mort. 7s, coup., 1O3@103,1/4:; do. reg.,104@105; do. mort. 65, 1880, 102%@—— ; do. new, conv., 107@1073/4; do. 73, 1893, 105@—-; United New Jersey R. R. and Canal Co., 123@1233/4; Camden and Amboy mort. 6s, 1889,10O@1001/4; Pennsylvania R. R., 49%@493/4; do. div. scrip, 102%@102%; do. 1st mort., 103@104; do. 2d mort. 99%@1001/4; do. general mort. coupon, 933/,@94; do. reg., 94@95 ; Little Schuylkill R. R., 47@-48 ; Morris Canal, 49%. @51;do. pref.125@128; do. 69, 98@100; Susque» hanna Canal, 6@9; do. 63, 75%@-—; Schuylkill Nav., 6@6%; do. pref., 12%@l3; do. 63, 1882, 77 @80; do. 1872, 90.7290; Elmira and Williamsport pref., 37@40; do. 75, 1873, 99%@99%; do. 5s, 56@64; Lehigh Coal and Navigation, 44%@44%.;. do. 6s, 01884, 96@97; do. R. R. Loan, 96@963/4; do. Gold Loan, 96@961/4; North Pennsylvania, 441/4@45 ; do. 65, 102@102; do., 7s, 101@102; do. Chattle 10s, 106@ll0; Philadelphia and Eric, 183/,@19%; do. 6s, 88%@89; do. 7s, 86%@88; Minehill, 527/,,@53%; Catawissa,13@l6 ; do. pref. 41%@42; do. 7s, 1900, 103%@104; Lehigh Val- ley, 60@6O1/4; do. 63, new coupon, 100@100; do. reg., 102@108; do. 7s, 106%@108; Fifth and Sixth streets (horse) 56%@57%; Second and Third, 65365; Thirteenth and Fifteenth, 22@25; Spruce and‘ Pine, 30@31 ; Green and Coates, 48@ 50; Chestnut and Walnut, 653--; Hestonville, 20%@21%; Germantown, 352240. - Bosto>z.—-Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 7s, 97%; Burlington and Missouri River R. R. 8s, in Nebraska, old, 99; do. new, 95%.; Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers R. R. pref., 72; do. 7s, 95 ; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 79, L. G., 65 ; do. 1st mort., 63; Old Colony 7s, 1894,104%; do. 1877, 101; Missisqnoi 6s, 1890, gum-., 87%; Eastern R. R. 73, 1882, 94; Michigan Air Line 83, 1890, 101,34; Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs 8s, 17%; Wisconsin Central 7s, gold, 753/4 ; Grand River Valley 83, 1886, 951/4; Cedar Rapids Missouri 75, 1916, 85% ;- Burlington and Missouri River R.R. in Nebraska, 58%‘; do. in Iowa, 103% ; Nashua and Lowell R. R., 132; Portsmouth, Gt. Falls and Conway R. R., 34; Indianapolis, Cin- cinnati and Lafayette R. R., 7; Rutland pref., 32%; Summit Branch, 88%; Norwich and Wor- cester R. R., 1223/4; Eastern (N. H.) R. R., 47; New'Bedford R. R., 1063/4; Boston Land, 5; Boston_Water Power Co., 10% ; Cary Imp., 61/8; Maine 6s, 101; Massachusetts 59, 1894, 102% ; Boston 63, 1880, 100; do. 1894, 1001/47; Cook Co., Ills., 7s, 99; St, Louis 65, 911/; do. 73, 99; Springfield 7s-, 105 ; New Bedford 7s, 105; Chicago 7s, 991/4; Cincinnati 63, 1881, 93%; Cleveland 7s, 1880, 100; Providence 5s. 1900, gold, 93% ; Allouez Mining Co., 6%; Calumet and Hecla, 140%; Dana, 271/,,; Manhattan, 35c.; Phoenix, 15; Ridge, 6. ' Baltz'mare.—-Orange, Alex. and Manassas 7s, 83%; Union R. R. bonds guar., 89% ; Orange and Alexandria 3d mort. 8s, 80; do. 4th mort. 8s, 70% ; Western Mary1and"2d mort. guar. by Wash- ington Co., 90%; Virginia’ consols, coupons, 80; Virginia consols, ex-coupon, 50% ; ‘Maryland Defense 6s, 104; Santa Clara, Mining Co., 5%; do. bonds, 20%. The latest quotations are: Wil-1 mington, Columbia and Augusta bonds, 64@65 ; Wilmington and Weldon 7s, gold, 94@96; Pitts- burg and Connellsville 7s, 1898, 86%@87; Balti- more and Ohio, 167%@168%; do. 6s, 1875, 101% @103; do. 1880, 101‘/2@103; do., 1885, 1016.2 101%; Washington Branch, ——@175; Northern Central, 38@38%; do. 6s, 1885, 94@96; do. 6s, 1877, 93@--; do. 1900, 89@90; do., 63, 1900 gold, 93@95; N. W. Va. semen-.., 1885, 93@—; Mini etta and Cincinnati 1st mort. 7s,1892,103%@l04 ; do. 2d mort.,7s, 89%C29'0', do., 3d mort., 8s, 78% @783/4; Central Ohio, 40@42; do. pref., 42@45; do. 1st mort., 91@91%; Western Maryland, 1st mort. 6s, 1890, 60@80 ; do. 1st mort. guar., 100@ 100; do. 2d mort. gn‘ar., 10C)@-- ; do.3d mort.,guar., 100@100%; do. 2d mort. pref., 60@70; do., 2d mort. gnar. by Washington 00., 90@901/4:; Rich- mond and Danville 1st'mort., 67@69; Orange and Alexandria 1st mort. 6s, 88@90; do., 2d mort. 6s, 82@83; do., 3d mort. 8s, 78,34@79 ; do., 4th mort. 8s, 70@73 ; Orange, Alex. and Me.nassas»7s, 82@ 82% ; Virginia and Tennessee 1st mort. 6s, —-@— ; do. 2d mort. 6s, 73@75 ;, do. 8s, 83%@85; Balti- more 6s,1875, 101@1011/4; do.,1884,100@l00%; do. 1886, 100@101 ; do. 1890,100%@l003/4; do., 1898, 101@—; do. 1893, exempt, 103@,-; do., 1900, l00%@100%; do. 1900 new, 100@102; do. 1902,_100@10,0%:i Memphis City 69, 43@45; Maryland Defense Loan, 1883, 104@106; Virginia coupon 6s, old, 30@40; do. new, 37@42; do. consol.6s, 53@54; do. coupons, 80@80%; West Virginia, 11@1l% ; .City.Passe,ng,er R., R., ]9%@ 20; 'George’s Creek Coal, 140@148; Atlantic Coal, 2.50@2.75; Santa Clara, 5.25@6 ; do. bonds, 22%@-—-. - , @" The rails of the extension of, the Cohasset and Duxbury Railroad, which is itself a" continua- tion cf that branch of the Old Colony Railroad known as the South Shore Railroad, were laid on the 20th ult., and a circle of railroad com- munication from Boston, via Hingham, Cohassct, Scituate, Duxbury, and Plymouth, via the Old Colony Railroad through Plymouth County, is now complete, and regular trains commenced running on the 22d.