--.x.-.au--».- _..._.._.. ...._. .. .' AME'i¢IUAN JOURNAL-"t 327 ,,(f,heInpo_nko and Delaware Canal. The ltlhesiapeake and Delaware Canal ‘Company, which line suffered so severely by heavy rains. in August last asto require $92,103 for repairs,_ de clares no dividend for the yearpending June 4, 1874. It will be recollected that the great reservoirs of the canal were broken‘ by the flood, as well has the tow-path, basin and guards, and some 35 or 40 barges swept into the niead'ows near St. George's. The repairs -were made and operations resumed 27th of September. The revenue for tolls was $278,600 70, Which, with other receipts for the year, including a balance ofv$l56,099 56, aggregat- ed $441,905 53. The expenditures were $363,875 87, leaving abalance, after deducting -five months’ accrued interest, of $28,188,08. The amount of capital s'ock now_ outstanding is $1,881,050. The amount of funded debt is $1,993,683 12. The ca- nal is now in better condition than before the break. The president is Andrew 0. Gray, and the secretary, Henry V. Lesley. Ashtabula, Youngstown and Pittsbtu-g Rail- road. At the annual meeting of the Ashtabula, Youngstown and Pittsburgh Railroad 00., held at Ashtabula, Ohio, on the 3d inst., the following persons were elected Directors: H. Hubbard, Amos Fiske and H. L. Morrison, of Ashtabula, F. Harrington, of Rock Creek; Warren Packard, of Warren}, E. F. Smith, of Cleveland; Caleb B. Vick, of Youngstown, and Wm. P. Shinn, Wm. Thaw, T. D. Messier, W. H‘ Barnes, Wm. Har baugh, and Wm. McCreery, of Pittsburgh. 0_n the 36th inst. the newly elected directors met at the oflice of the Pennsylvania Company and organized by the election of Wm. P. Shinn as President, and James R.‘Sh‘aler, Secretary ‘and "Treasurer. A. F_ Hubbard was chosen " Assistant Treasurer in chargeiof the wgeneralv ofiice ‘of the ‘Company " at Asht,a;bnla.' Previous to the meeting‘ a visit had been pai8d“Ashtab'ul'a‘ by vol.‘ Th‘os.'A. scttl, G-. R, Roberts and {EL -A.‘John'ston of» the Pennsylvania Railrogldillompany,‘_ajccompani_ed by Messrs. Wm. Thaw", J. N. McCullough.-. and J. D.,Layng, and msds.‘a.9n:9ts.1; is:§p¢9Fi.9s.. 0*’ tbs; .-ha-I'1.>°?: _..‘3*.'*3.f-it satisfaction was expressed at the prospects of the new. road.“ - ‘ - . I?" .,V!T,9,hav__e_,much'pleasure inrecording the !a'ctpt,l;j,i,l;; Fislr. & Hatch has issued a circulaifannouncing that it is prepared to pay its creditors in full, with_inter_es.t. This highly re- spectable flrm sufl‘elje,d‘"in the panic of last‘ year, through no fault of its own, audit is a l-nlsslt satis factory siguof; the improved state of business that it is now able to meet all its obligations. The enterprisecand honor of the house will commend it _fa,vo,‘rfsbly,‘to allijiits old patrons," and twehnpe to maiiy ne§v"fones;-—N. Y. Times. @"It is lannoullced that lhe Louisville and Na§hyille,,R,ailrua,d.Conipiany lnive eifeclell a sale a5‘r‘6£d"'¢i"Z£400;iioo sixnper cent bonds at a pile? satisfactory-to the company. »‘l‘llc- bonds negoti- ategrglggntipfirst ulol;tgTa°-fie on the _S-gull. and North Al‘ahan'faLRailro,ad',"endorsrd and gu’arallt.eed by the mother road’. K ’ iTheV'Il_ling_is,_ Slipliellie, ’ has, decided that-.lhs. ;1.«gllI;vI§.f” §1[§36,¥la.l>_mYli.ich it was l*l‘<,>’,r.>.<)sn'.1 to make the State responsible lorall railroad aid bonds issued -.b,y,cities,,towus and counties, is un- constltu'tion’al’.* - « « ' elected at the annual meeting in Pitt sburg on the Pennsylvania Compiiny . ~ The oflicers’ of the Pennsylvania. Company’ 15th inst, are : Pl'8Sl(‘lei.h, Thomas A. Scott; Eirst; ViceiPresidén't and General Manager, ‘J. N. ‘Mo-_ Cullough; Second Vice President, Wrii."’Thpal3v”;“ rm-1 Vice President, H. J. Jewelzt“; "seé‘e:-,is‘?y- and Treasurer, W. H. Barnes. By reference to the statement of the President, in another column, it will be seen that the aggreg’a‘te,g‘ross e’arn_io“gs of all the roads operated by this company-ildiirivlig the year ending December 31,1873“,’V:were‘"$ll5,5’: 434,151; the aggregate expenses, $9,915,980 85, and the agglegate net’ earnings‘, j$6,618,17O 15. From whichdeduct the aggregate amount of rent and interest paid, $5,086,581 lO—leaving‘"'as not profit the sum of 81,431,589 05.‘ ‘ @’ The coal tonnage of, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal"l"or‘AMay, 1874,Vwas‘ 114,566 tons, an increaiseof 8,905 tons over May, 1873." The gross rev°en"ue"was “$6:9,'4‘5‘4,“ an “i‘ncre’ase: of ‘$6,741 over" May, 1873. The. balance, after’ paying ‘May ex~ penses, is set down at $84,349. Out of this large balance the directors have appropriated $50,988 to pay the June’,18'60, "coupon on the preferred constru_ction bonds of the canal. and given notice that thesamle will be paid‘ onandi after the“30th inst.,' at the banking house of Alex. Brown c& Sons, Baltimore,'Md. , 4223? At ii.'meéting"ot‘ thejbondholdél-;s’* of the Selma, Marion and Memphis Railroad in this city on the 20th: ins't'., it was resolved" th'at‘the“‘old bonds be surrendered and new ones issued. This, together with the subscriptions promised from Shelby county and other districts, is expected to enable the directors to complete the road and make it a. paying concern. A committee was also appointed to notify the bondholders of the deter- mination arrived at, and to obtain their consent to the arrangement. ii? The Midland (C‘a.) Railway Company have completed the change of their gauge from 5 ft. 6 in. to 4 ft. 8} inches. It is now of uniform gauge with the Grand Trunk. , ')MMEROIAL WAREHOUSE CO.-CASH CAPI- ' tal, $2,000,000—-Oflice, 29 William street, corner Ex- change placc ;Warchol1scs, Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. Cash advances made on first class securities on demand and time. Gash advances made on all kinds of merchandise stored in our own warehouses or consigned to us on favor- able terms. ‘PAUL J. ARMOUR, President. JOSE 'F.7"NAVAR"RO,' ‘Vice’ President. JO’H.N,BAI,R.D, Second Vice .1’rt-sirlent. . ., FELICIANO LATASA, Tliird'Vicc P'l-csiderlt. Paul J. Armolir,.'," Wni. 1). J3 wermml,’ 0. H. Delanlater, Jose F. Navarro, Feliciano Latasa,’ Juan J. J ova John Baird.. .. -. .’l,‘.l1o,mas Murphy,‘ ., Henry B. Iizyde VV-ILLIAM.T.OBIN, Sup’t of‘\Varel1ou‘ses.. . , JAMES CLYNE, Secretary. rte Americsn%-’¢- wool-cartollzlng A’ no. ls organized fointhe purpose of Creosoting Timber for Docks, 1}..,R. Ties, Fence-Posts, Pavemcuts, and all other :u.ses;where Timbe1' is exposed to the action of water or air. This 'Coliipa’.’l'ly7 also pr9p,osé_s to License B. R. Companies and others who desire to erect their o'wn‘a.pparatus. V . Dlpwings and ‘specifications of apparatus, either station- ary or portable, will'”be furnished" on application. l . 67,112IfllleS;0fRflllI‘0fid in the Unitecl Statesilse, annually over twenty-six million Ties for renewing those destroyed‘ by decay:”" ..The preservation _of_ wood from decay and the attacks of 'nlarii'lo"-1'vorntis,‘lias' been largely practiced in Europe for thirty years; and.wit,h such success that the use, of natural .wood is now the exception; andof all the various methods i that have been employed, that"in which creosoteoil was 11S.9‘l{.113S.b9$1i9!l§l111',9‘1 tlle.~te.B.t of time .. .- . This Company, benefiting-‘by the ‘thirty years’ practical experieilceiin the ,}ie_o_ot‘, creosote oil abroad, offer to thc publlca system of application which is adapted to the Wallis of our own country, in that green wood can be rapid- ly‘ and thoroughly treated, even better than'dry, nnd'tl1e- application of the oil,in connection with the use of modcr ate best, be 0 made more uniform’ and effective than is pos- sible by any other means. Experience has demonstrated that creosote or dead oil is the only substance by which Wood can be treated so as to certainly resist the attacks of i'tl:'1l'_l)Je worms. Gl-cosotcdylrood exposed in Cllarleston Harbor was not attacked by the _terédo,'while natural wood attached to it was completely honey-combed. It is confidently asserted that Railroad Ties crcosotcd will outlast three sets of ordinary Ties, and that creosoted Paving Blocks bein beyond the reach of decay, will last as long as stone, wit all the advantages of an elastic road- way, beauty and economy of construction. ‘ , A The economy ill the use of crcosoted ‘wood, where the term of service is trcbled, is measured ‘by adding to the wood used, the cost of the labor explendedjili constl'uctioll, and the ‘loss of time spent in'rcplacing' the stlucturc, when eitllerfdccay or attacksof marine Worms dcstrov it. The "system of Seely and Pelton,‘ employed by this Company, has been“ ful y examined and indorsed by Gen. McClellan, Gen. Barnes, Gen. Babcock, Rob’t Harris U. B. 65 Q.;_-R. R.. Prof. Sillimarl, Capt. Ends, Gen. Cram, den. Humphreys, Gen. Meigs, Geu.j Belknap, Prof. Chandler Gen. Gilmore, Gen. New-ton, A, B. Mullet, C, H. tlaswcll — It has been used by the U. S. Government upon the Dykes of the St. Clair Flats, and upon Gun Platforms for the fortifications on the Atlantic coast ; upon pavclnerits in New York and Pittsburgh.b' the De arlment of Docks of the’ City of. New York and t e Boar of Public Works of the District of Columbia. ’ Detailed information can -he obtained and specimens of creosoted Wood examined at‘ the ‘office of the ‘Company. T RU" S T E E S. GEO. W. CASS, THOS. A. SCOTT,“-_"i..3.';.-.‘§ M. Y. TILDEN RUSSELL. SAGE, gsgg LLOYD A,Sl’IDlWALL, H. A. 'I‘[LDEN' _ M.‘ .» SEWELL WM.';F. DRAKE, AUSTIN'BALDW1’N," WM. ORTON, ' 1 W. T. PELTON F. E. woonnmnen. J _ Vice-Prest. A _ President‘. 59‘*Lil)"erty,’St';. Néwvorli‘; l , lunuus, nnos-., 5350 North Ninth St., Philadelphia, * New York Store, 93'_Libe1-ty Street, Plttsburg StoI"c,, 285 Libeiftjr St. LATEST‘ IMPROVED STANDARD. (.)ur Patented Double Beam Iron Lever Rail Road Track Scale acknowledged the BEST.’ . . MAKER" of the NEW TESTING MACHINE. CONSOLIDATION COAL co. or = MARYLAND, t3fféf0ti1§if'8 8" .. . . . . pu“rpos‘e‘s,‘ *de1ivere'd";'at, ,GEOB‘IGETO..VVN, Coal, _unsurpalsscd_by any i114.tl1‘e--country , _ _ p p : BALTIMORE, SOUTfl.,_ , MZBOY an¢1T’Y,QRK, by the cargo. Shippers of the Paxndus 5 ,- 'IlHE.IR"’MIN'ES‘ IN7 GEORGES CREEK REGION, for Steam Generating and Manufacturing PHILADELPHIA, Oifiifce, ,7sil"B7troac|way, New c...- c.\: '