3.20. V THE fr. "nnwaitii Wrspuiiiuitt, CIVIL ENGINEER. 78 8t. 80 BROADWAY, NEW voiuc. CITY. ¥P.aiiromls, pltridges, Explorations. C B-1?‘ I‘~.irlieiil:ir ‘aiieniion given to the Examination of l‘n‘.uliv \\' urks lnr Capitalists seeking Invesi.ments. 0 LAWREl‘lGEVILLE CEMENT ‘COMPANY. ROSENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT. This Company Manufacture I-Iydraulie Cement of a 3 Su erior quality at Rosendale Ulster County, New York. ' his brand ot Cement has been extensively used for past . years upon For-t.iiications and Government Works, giving universal satisfaction, meeting the asp;-oval of our best Architects. Engineers. Contractors an uilders. It is -put up in substantial barrels, made by the Com- pany, thoroughly seasoned and well pnpered, containing 300 lbs. of Crnwnt. ‘ All orders will receive prompt attention. WMB Pl‘eS’t, 96 Wall Street, New York. DELAFIELD &. BAXTER O Eh/I E‘. Nil‘ COIVIPANYA MANUFACTURERS 013‘ HIGH FALLS .R.OSEN DALE OEl\/LENT. WE are prepared to enter into arrangements for supply- ' lm: our CEMENT for public works, or olliei-pm-— poses. We xvarraint it equal in every respect. to any nianiifactiired in this country. It attains a great degree of «hardness, sets immediately under water, and is a , superior article for masonry coming in contact with water, or requiring great strength. . For sale in tight barrels. well papered.on application at our office, 115 Brmuivvay, New York. The above CEMENT is used in most of thejforlilica- tions building by government. _ , HUDSON_ RIVER CEMENT‘ WBKS, C Manufactory at Kingston, N. Y. 2 (LATELY INJERSEY CITY, N.‘_I.,) ANUTACTURERS OF ROSENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT, having facilities for manufacturing 60o . barrels daily,.are now prepared to furnish, on the most 1-ens. onable terms, Rosendale Hydraulic [fiiazmond A] Cement 01 a fine and superior quality. all of ‘which is b ourselv_es man~ - ufactured at the ‘works, located on the est bank of the Hudson River, near Rondout, N . Y-., from a._superior select- f - ed quali .Cement Stone, quarried exclusively from our (lately udsori River Cement Co., Jersey City, N. .) cele- brated and extensive quarries, situated at Creek Loc s, town of 1_1osend"'ale, Ulster County, N Y.‘ _0ur Cementvhaving been extensively used the lasttWenty‘years, and meeting" the approval of the most cmis_ient_Builders;p'. VS, arid pther En. gineers, we have authority ,for ‘declaring our. brand, (Did. Jnorid A) Cement, _the American Standard Hydraulic Ce~ men_t,,all of_ which 15 iii: up in good shipping order-, ll'l.‘I1¢V‘{,"_ tight, well-made (at t e Manufactory) and papered barrels. T :2 largest class vessels can‘. ‘come to our works without ex- gsa towin or_delay. Cement deliverable at the Works or in g:w_.Yor' City. Our hnrrclszwill be_.branded, “Hudson Rweri Cement - Works, Rosendale (Diamond A) Cement. Oificeg No. 95 Liberty Street, ‘New York.” ~ ' ‘ ' ' \ 3- illgfigllillilis C -7-. ICE-',,Bui_:ts, Ag’t,~"} KINGSTON, ‘N. Y. 95 LIBERTY s'r.. N, 2 ‘ 1 HOFFMAN _ r R9SEl\lDllLE CEIVIEN.T, Btingtta -STANDARD ilEMEN’l‘ used. at the BROOKLYN NAVY YARD. V MADE AND 'SClLD‘BY; " , AWRENCE CEMENT AMERICAN CRAILROAI), .lO.URN_AL. WM. ooumrnmr, President. 0HAB- F- COBB. Secretary.‘ LUCK-NUT &. BOLT GUMPANY OF NEW YORK, N o. 61 Broadway, New York. Manufacturers of all kinds of BOLTS for FISH-BARS, BRIDGES, CARS, MACHINERY, &c.,with the “ OUMMING: NUT-LOCK," the only method of looking a nut to the bolt. PATENTED IMPROVED June 16, 1868. August 23. 1870. Unequalled for Cheapness, Simplicity and Effectiveness. ])EgoRIp1IIoN,.'_A pointed copper key is placed in a. groove cut in the threaded part or the bolt. over which the nut is screwed to its position, cutting its own thread in the copper, thereby taking up all the slack between the bolt and the nut. By riveting up against the face of the nut the projecting portion of the copper key, the nut is firmly locked in its position, but can be readily adjusted or removed with a wrench without injury to either bolt or nut. Severely tested for over four years, they have nevcrfailed, and are now in use on overjifty Railroads, giving perfect satisfaction. We solicit a trial anywhere. ' Licenses Granted to R. It. Companies, Car Builders and others. Soolfs Wrought Iron; ClampTruss J oini LENGTH 9 TO I2 lNCHES, ' .THlCKNESS 54 OF AN INCH. ‘WEIGHT 20 TO 30 LBS. 0 COST FROM $l.3O TO$l.50. Has been tested to 24,000 lhs., between,24 inch bearings, (:1 40 ton engine will not test it more than 1o,ooo lbs.) it is a TB USS, supporting fully the ends of rails while suspended itself. This principle gives it :1 power that no chair has. Forty per cent. of rails now destroyed, will be saved by its use. I: stir from its position, and requires no renewal. VIEW. is SIJIIPLE, can be put on brokenor sound rails at once ; will not SECTION. ‘ - ’ < VIEW AND SECTION show osition in place, A.--Is CLAMP-TRUSS. B.—Are two % inch Bolts. U.,—-IE1 Iron Collar, (21 prepared wood lock can be used in its place if parties prefer it.) D.-—Is the Nut. S-.-—T"o LOG of the NUT, which preventsitsjarring loose. . The patentee is prepared to fill orders sufficient for four miles of track gar day. ProvFisoip$§r:Sprevent sliding of the rails. JOHN H. OSBORNE, And BEN]. SCOTT, l Eden Mills, Vt. Mon-isville, Bucks Co., Penn. A. _LAi])]), No. 5 DEYASTBEET, zixrmvv YORK, W111 cut to order for Bridge and Railroad Builders, WHITE PINE,'GEORGIA HEMLOCK and OAK TIMBER. and FLORIDA PINE, _ Telegraph Lines of any length built with Brooks’ Patent Parafiine or Glass Insulation and American Compound or -English Galvanized "Wire at the lowest rates and shortestnotice. _ Also, Wire Fence for Railroads. . . _ V p ' * , p . REFERENCES‘: All the leading Telegraph Companies in the United States. V . F.‘ O. N ORTON, i I T ., nlnuriicroana or,‘ _ ROSENDALE GElllE1\lT, M B V 0 . ‘ I ‘i - 9 A . ‘ ...:.zr‘.l3.2‘;il.‘i.:,?.:l2:'.:::?;l.*:t::39.33 .:l‘.%. 233:‘; ,1::;;gj lggggglsbaneb made by ..........., ... .... ,. piipe1~_ Apply to or-patldrcss J. B‘ S’, Pres,t, (Successors to J. B. JAM ES,) CF. 0. NORTON. 1iI.AW. wooinwnim,‘ satay, , I 67. William Street, N. ‘Yr 5 l fiiioo 90 Broadiwuy, cor. of Wall st., N. Y. L - ; 1 Agent for ROBERT ABROWN, Telegraph G,on.traetor.,. es CementCo., anufacture a. superior quality of Rogcndale cement, ‘