31¢, AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. oas-r s-rI-:=l=e=I- WORK-SLAP-WELDED IRON BOILER TIIEES, E I ‘ I °F VVELL TUBING. L I FRIED-H KRUPP9 Drills, Rimer-Countersinks,' Expanders, &c., ESSEN, RHENISH-PRUSS'-U» STEEL WIRE AND WHALEBONE TUBE BRUSHES9 Amermm °fli<=<== - - -S 15 G°“" 0°“ PM S“°°" N°“' Yew" SPRING STEEL SCRAPERS. CAST s'I*Is::«:L nuns, A C GRlMSHAW’S PATENT PATENT 0 AST SST EE L RAIL W AY ‘TIRES, IMPROVED C0MPRESSED-A1R. . .. WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, CRANK PINS, Roe. ‘ I H M M S ’ . BOILER PLATES, ROLLER, DIE AND TOOL STEEL. THOMAS PROSSER & SON: Sole‘ Representatives in Americlla STAMPS, PRESSES, BLOWING ENGINES, &c. THOMAS PROSSER & SON,_ 15 Gold Street, New York, BALL’.‘3 PATENT TELESCOPE JACK‘ % HARRISB URGr Jersey City Steel Works. .3 ’ y I ’ ""‘“““"““‘ ‘ Car M3=n“fa°‘3m-‘lug 0°» ENS. E. 'E‘iiilliiPSON & 00.. E Q; A _ HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA: MANUFACTURERS oxr ‘ ' L ' 3'3 ‘ “ I 4. S I MANUFACTURE ' HAMMERED AND ROLLED 5*’ ‘E I Mi1,B ,B Gdl Coal, - EASE STEEL, FD . ' "' . SEE Egg RAILR ’ or ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ' 53 mg; RAILROAD GAE WHEELS AND GASTINGS. ‘{,1§faE'n'43lu Street, Jersey City, N, J, I '§'’ 5 3: f BRIDGE AND. ROLLING MILL CAST‘ 'l‘nnl. Th-ill, Frog Plates and Points, Cutlery, Rake, Axe, E "-33- INGS» BRIDGE R0133’ BOLTS’ ;::°I»ll:=‘::::E:;I“:E:§:%:“;::.°3:;.Ty“' Sm 3”“ :3 L V. H. G.\tr1~v.m J“. R’ THOMPSON II.LmCs\voR'rrx _,vfi"'" 3 ' J. G. ('y\I'II"j': _ H. DICKINSON. ' _ I _ S? W. T. HI:LDEUI>,ISuperIntenaenI. ii :3. _ 1 » - " 5 A WILLIAM CALDER, President. - . . THE ROGERS AFLA:BTl:‘.Jl:E11'{ Al:_IF_)%I‘.gEC:lE§R, In A REQHARD A 3153 QEQN, Locomotnre 8:. lviaehme MANU C h ’ . _, I W O R K S ' Railway and Mining Supplies and Machinery.- 3 No. 24 Columbia St-. New-York. ~ > No. -46 CORTLANDT LSTREET. ~ , ,HIkor ma Patenteo of I=I_A_']1'E:Et_S®INl", N‘. «'11., P- 0- 130*: 2843- ‘ " NEW Y°RK‘ '- . AVING extensive facilities, are now prepared to fur» ' ' - J ‘A. O mm %)romptly of the bestand most. approved (1escrip< N and Punches’ 1% GOAL OR WOOD BURNING ,- ~ RollerTubo Etpand» LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, ' ers, and 4 AND o'rIIEn VABIETIE8 or sI3Zi,t°°3E%:€.‘;.‘0,,,_ RAILROAD MACHINERY. Communications by J. S. ROGERS, .Pres’t. latter will receive R. S. HUGHES, Sec’3/. Paterson, N. J; prompt attention. WEI. S. HUDSON, Swqft. Jacks for Pressing THOMAS ROGERS, Treasurer, "‘= ‘ 071 00"‘ _W713eI3 07 .44 Exchange Place, New York- ‘. 4. M AM“ I . Pans made ia L L I SCHOOL OF MINES, Pfiagmx mom co,’ COLUMBIA COLLEGE, Vk. ’ 410 Walnut St.,‘Phi'1zi'delpl1in, East 49:11 Street, NEW YORK. I W"“°“’“*‘S °F OUR VED,‘ STRAiGHT AND JHIPPED ’ FOR, SALE ON ACCOMMODATIVG TERMS AT ‘ L ' ’ ' ‘ “ THE 0FFICES,.L F A_ P_ BARM1f1§‘f;’.§.‘_T,};‘LL_ D” Pmidenfi Wrollg IIOH B.00f TIIISSGS . _<) . ., TZEGLEBZPON J In E-M-Mineralosyandmetallurgy. BEAMS, GIRDERS and JOISTS .Br03‘dWa’)' and "94 B 0W313- EI1§g1c‘::‘i1A‘-tm d Applied and all kinds of Iron Framing used in the construgtion of EMIIEII SEWING IEIHIII 00. S Ad PE(,m1:’hELL., ]()}ex:1hc‘ira§1Cln_LemisLry. I,” . _ . -. . Responsible agents Wanted where none are esnbli h 1. ' ' - - 90 “m°5- _ ‘ curved to tem 1ate"1’ ‘ l" ‘d ‘ the constmction of Apply for terms to the company. 1 S ec <(7)- E- VAN A,MRINdE» A- M‘) M93‘-h3.m9t1°5v \ P ’ aIrl¥E)eHy'V‘;:;e1E1.n (D M N.ROOD,A. M. Ph 1 . ' FOR S AL E (1.18. NEW13EERY,’M. 3: (LL. 1)., Geology andl’a1e- Pfltellt ' Wrougllt ,I1‘0Il C01l!m|1.Ss ’ ' ' °n“° °%'Y- ‘ I iewelillcss‘ Eve B‘il'S I L ’ Four new passenaer Coaches for sE1e‘;‘2.Ivo. 60 R9 “W °°“‘5°5 1'01‘ Mining 3115 Civil Engineering .1‘ ‘ - ’ __~ _ M f . W A or top and bottom chords of bndges. paesenger each, puce $5,230,. two 76 pa,ssenger- A1§:)"ii‘e‘}1’8(§’t;§“,;f{;1ti’§.§'andNatuIa1 E'm°ry’Analytm1”'na Railroad Iron, Street Rails, Rail Joints Price $7,000 each: DOW 333- Y 701‘ ‘9“-91‘m£‘_l'- AISC pecialatudents received foranyofthe branchestaught. and Wrought Iron Chairs. _’ ' ' a 30 ton new Locomotive ready for use. Pzmcular attentionpaid. to‘ assaying. . ~ ‘ »‘ For further information and catalogues, apply to E, . Apply to A 1 ‘ ‘ I v I A’ W’ LADDHL1‘ '’ . >DR' 0' F’ CIEANDLEB’ Plansinnd Specifications 2'-u1—'niII]1lLeci‘. Atidfeée , 5 and 7 DEY §'J..‘REEr NEW mm; Dean 01°91“ Fa¢"'"1YW-I sAmIEL. J, REEVES, Pieaidenl Refined Ber, Shoeing, and‘ every variety of Iron .1 I Made to der.I.- '