.A1.‘¥.F3!?.19AN. ..R.A1 ‘@ The" Lake’ Erie, Alliance and Wheeling Railroad Company, with a capital stock of $2,- 000,000, has filed a certificate of incorporation with the Secretary of State of Ohio. A The route is from Painesville, through Lake, Geauga, Trum- bull, Portage, Mahoning, Stark, Carroll, Harrison and Belmont counties, to Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling.. The ‘corporators are Hugh Blakely, Samuel Brooks, 0. N. Heckman, L. Sanborn and Isaac N. Ross. W“ The Pawtucket Valley Railroad, which is being built from River Point, on the Hartford, Providence and Fislikill Railroad, to Hope Vil- age, R. I., through a manufacturing country, has been leased to the lIartford,»Providence and Fish- kill road for five years. Therepis a project for extending this road through Rhode Island to Danielsonville. The contractor has commenced to lay the tracks of the Watchung, Raihoad, which runs from Orange to Woodside, and there connects with the Midland Railroad. The road will be completed by April 1. £2’ The Pennsylvania Company gives notice’ that the third and final instalment of 26 per cent, being $12 50 per share upon the new stock of .1873, will be due and payable between May 1st and 18th next. HE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COM.- ‘ pany oifcrs par and it premium of one per cent. (101 per ccnt.), with accrued interest, for any of its construction mortgage bondsvpresentcd for prepayment prior to July 1, 1874, at its oflicc in New York. The outstanding balance of its Construction Moitgagc Debt is about $3,000,000. These Bonds mature April 1, 1876. i ’ ’ ‘ L. V. F. RANDOLPH, _‘ Assistant Treasurer. , .:i!t.AELERf0i§ii-i.EEt'I5i3.0N. THE undersigned agents for the iriaiiiifacturers, are pre- pared to contract to deliver best uiility Am oricun or W elsb. RM 11, and of any requirei wciglitanrl pniinrii PERKINS- LIVINGSTOE fit. POST, , 3 1 New‘ Sh, cor-. 'of’Ex'clis'tiige “Place, _ , . , , ;.N,‘4‘-Vv_flYo'Iu:. ‘RAILRQAD I,R,ON. . VIIHE undersigned, agents ,for the manufacturers are V ‘ , prep_ai-_cd t.o make CONTRACTS FOR. RAILS delivercdifree. on board at A ‘ portsinthé nnited‘si-;ates. _ , _ . DI. K. JESUP as C01VIP’,Y, 59 Liberty_ St... New- York. RAILROAD CIRON. 1 ‘ivenisn ;inzi".AMEnio.s;N‘ RAILROAD IRON ports in England, or exship at for delivery in New York and other markets in the United States. For sale by - .» _ 7 WM. II. PETIT. & PIKE, . '72 Wall-st., New York. PHELPS, iioiitis it . co, « ”oLiFr sr-., between John and Fulton,‘ - A it C ‘New York, p , Il_lIPOR'l‘_EBS AND‘ DEALERS IN Tin and Roofing Plates, , or ALLjsI'zEs Ann KINDS. ~ PIG TIN, RUSSIA SHEET IRON, Charcoal and Common Sheet Iron, I LEAD. SHEET zmc, corplin, spianrsin. so_1.i31aR,. ANTIMONY, &c. MANUFACTURERS or ’ Copper, Brass, and Wire.» its .-‘Sim?--alls,, AVAIL‘ ;» To Banks and. Bankers. T119 great number of fraiids committed by raising the amounts of checks and other vouchers of value by _ireiii9_v_- mg the original writing and filling in larger sums hus'-'s_iig- gcstecl the necessity of some means of preveii mg Esueh- consequences. THE NATIONAL SAFETY PAPER htisbeen thoroughly tested by emincntichcniists and experts, and pronounced ' - ~ ~ - - A Perfect Security Against Fraudu- lent Alterations. ,, . F01’ ‘Checks, Drafts, Notes, Excliaiiggg}, .Cci'tifica.tcs of Deposit, Lettei-s of Credit, 13Qri.'I.- i‘i’.}r. . "-ES'l‘ztBLISli~ED-’£i\T7T1“85‘.3. r ‘ _ This old cstnbhslied ‘f_i1‘iii‘7c'ontinue to build all kinds of Frcigllt'i,l§}1:g 3,0 Vo,.d'ei._ v_ ’ ,_ . E‘ . . ,, , . N,ar1°QW '=Gi0t1l§.e.»Ca1‘S» li iwiri 5;‘ “i*et‘c‘ii‘ ‘c‘cl”tl‘i‘(\:i'i' “spééiiil 'a't"téri”tlioi1.' they" £tl'G,-,}:‘)l't!1)tll'LfLl t\)'X‘k'_‘.(‘iL‘.l\'_9(zl'llUYe5;}ll1(]3,tU~(l.LlliYC1:'Pl'01np‘i1y_-’ . ., - . A ’l.‘.iie 'l'i:'lVi:_;fl'l1'ltlt;hé§:l."ill ;;,fO_11()\_‘$',ln§.',‘« ~ltoe.ds~With .Niii-tow ‘f}:iii‘_«;ri: i‘(3i‘gr'lit' 'cai"s,'vi'Z‘:‘ Denver and _li‘.§o ,Gi'angle, 1{1ll|t_4;is “<3 .ii,'.I?,..l‘{_o,:;t.li; ;1_l&;(;l:jSQQ_hh;-1%.-' I\,-.'*O.l.‘;_(:E'll‘.‘- Iowa. 5j?.ugtci~zi, K -.1 r,0f M.iBS., Utiili "‘l’;’ii'i'i't’:i‘-5. illo iiiiil K"iiiiiigst()Wn,.Rip1ey i and N0l‘i;ll!'l'li, Ciiftit Rit-zt‘R. R.,_C. A” and others. , l’lioj{.:igr;’iplis of i‘.-Tiii'1‘o's'." Giilfifti Cans sent by mail. ‘.3. >}$l‘1.1l'T‘lVT.EV§«'_€i]-is, Jo Ho Small‘. 315 g _ r 1 V I I The American Wood tarboliziiig 00. 1s organized for the purpose of Creosoting Timber for Docks, R. R‘. Tics, Fence-1’osts, Pzivcnmnts, and all other uses wlicrc Timber‘ is exposed to the action of water or air. ’l‘,l.~is, Ooriipiiiiy also proposes to-License R. R. Companies iirid. otliers who .d,csii*e'to erect tlieir own appnriitiis. 'Di‘:i‘i‘viii‘gs and sbcciticiititiiis of iiyipiii-utiis, oitlier station- ary _or portablc,\v'ill be furnished on .'ii_.inlii::itioii. 67,112 miles of Itnilroiul in the Uiiitoil Suites use nuiiuiilly over twcnty;si; inillioii Tics for rciicwiiig those (li-sii-uycd ’ lYy'deca;y. ' ' ’]1.hepres,crvation of wood from decay and the attacks of marine worms, has been lm-_i;clypinciiccdiii Eiiropc for of iiatiiriil wood is now the exception; and of all the ‘\'ll.I'l0lli-ill1(5l.ll0(lB that have lieeiflcinployed, that _iii iwliicli creosote oil was used, has best 0t‘Jf.l1l1‘éd the test of time. -. This Company, beiiclitiiig by the thirty yours’ pl't1Cll1(1‘.llel i inthat gi'ecii woorl <-mi be rapid- ly. :iiid,.tliorouizlily treated, even bet-tor tliaii dry, and the ' iipplicatioii of the oil,in coniiectioiiwitli the use of iuodcr ate licat, be made more uniform ‘and effective than is pos- sible by‘ any otlicr means. ' ‘ T _ Experience has demonstrated that creosote or rlciirl oil is the only sulistiinco, by which wood can be ti-ciitiril so as to certainly resist the attacks of marine worms. Crcosoteil Wood exposed in Charleston Harbor was not attaclied by the terc-do, while natural Wood iitl-.ic-lied to it was co riiplctcly lioney-combed. It is confidently asserted that Railroad Tics rirusotecl will outlast three sets of orcliniiry Ties, and tliiii ('l‘()0F0l(l(l Paving Blocks being beyond the reach of (lCt':l_\', uill last as long as stone, with all the ntlviiiilagcs of an elastic i'o-.id- Way, beauty and economy of coiistructioii. - The economy in the use or cicosotcd, wood, where the term of service is trcblccl, is nioasurc by nddiiizr to the wood used, the cost of the labor expended in coiistructioii, and the loss of time spent in replacing the striictiiro, “lien eitlicr decay orottucks of marine worms ilcsti-my it. .Tlic system of Becly and Pcltmi, l.‘ll11)l0_Y(?(l by this Coiiipaiiy, has been fully examined and 'll'l(lOl’fi('.(l by Gen. McClell:iii, Gen. Barnes, Gen. Biibcock, Roh’t lliuii-= C. B. & Q. R. li.., Prof. Sllliniari, Ca *1. ltiuls, Gen. C um, Cou- Humplircys, Gen. Mains, Gen. iclknzip, l’rol'._ Cliiiiiilli-i‘, Grcn. Griliiiorc, Gen. Ncwton,iA. B. Miillol, C. II. i.’1lr5\\’t‘,”. It has 1l0(‘-ll used by the U. S. Gci\'oi'iiii‘it-iii. upon the Dykcs of the St. Clair Flats, and upon Giui i"mIt‘oriiis tor the fortifications on the Atlantic coast". ; upuii 1-ziveinciils in New York and Pittsburgh, by the De iartiiiciit. of Docks of the City of New York and the Boiiri of l‘ul.ilic W/Vorks of the District of Columbia. ‘Detailed inforniiition ciinbe obtained and i=ipecii'uens of creosotcd wood examined at the ofllco of-the Company. T RU ST E-E1 S. GEO. W. CASS, rnos. A. soorr, M. Y. TILDEN RUSSJGLL. SAGE, LLOYD. ASPINVVALL, ii. A. TILDE N, M. N. 'wIsEw1iLL WM. _1«‘.llRAKlt, AUS’l‘IN"13ALDVV1N, ‘ W’M. .()R'1‘0N, - W. T. 1’EL'.l‘()N g F. E. wooiiiininoiiz, Vicc-l’rcst. 1’rcsident. 59, Liberty St.,,,,l_‘.le,w ,Y(ii§i{..,| : 'N,IC&ITE1;{i'lEL‘ 0 SILVER rm ITING, Bronzing and Coppering IN ALL STYLES BY A. W. LADD, 5 7, No ‘,0 VOSl+l,l)’9lilii*t5?"ii;ii9“5l;ii1rll%l ti: “i:i.., National Eiplfihg worms, M.inUr.to'runniis*or RUBBER iCEl\lTEP. SPiRlftl., Compound Spiral, INDIA RUBBER, DINSMORE NEST SPIRAL, Railway nSpringis;, ALSO IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN General Railway Spplies, ' No. 32 WAltltEN, cor. of 61iurcliStrect, NEW YORK. 52 Fifth Avenue, (Eicago. 720 .North- Seabird ‘Street, St. Louis.