3.14 Ains,e.I.9.ea -I, cm, 1141-. ton and Reading 7s, 871/4; West Jersey R.-R.,_5,0;, do. 1st mort. 6s, 953/4; Elmira and Williamspert 5s, 60; Cape May and Millville 7s, 95‘; Ithaca and Athens 7s, 96; I-Iuntingdon and Broad Top Mt. pref.,17% ; 2d mort., 93; Pennsylvania R. R. div. scrip, 99%; Catawissa R. R., 17%; 50- new pref., 84%; Schuylkill Nav. div., scrip., 82;’ Pennsylvania State 5s, 1001/,;. The latest til10t3«" tious are: City 6s,100%@1001/2; do. free of tax, 1027/3@103; Pennsylvania State 6s, 2d seriesn 105%@106; do.3d series. 109}é@110; Philadel-, phia and Reading 57%@577/a; d°- 99?” m°”- 731‘ coup.,102%@102%; do. re«.z..104@105 ; do mort-‘ 6s, 1880, 98322100; do. new, conv., 104%@104% ;; do. 73, 1893, 105@—-; United New Jersey R. R. and Canal Co., 124@124%;0amden and Amboyi mort. (is, 1889, 973/4@98% ; Pennsylvania R. R.,! 51%@51%; do. div. scrip, 99@991/4; do. let: mort., 101;g@102, do. 2d mort., 102@1021A;‘ do. general mort. coupon, _89V2@90%; 50- 1"-‘E-'-1: 923439314; Little Schuylkill R. R., 46%@46% ;; Morris Canal, 50@52; do. pref. 120@l22; do. 63,; 96@—,-—; Susquehanna Canal, 5@9; do.6s, 73%@: 75; ‘Schuylkill Nav., 6361/2; do. prefi. 12%@ 13; do. es, 1882, 74%@75%; do. 1872. 84-@—;; Elmira and Williarnsport pref., 37V%@39;l do. 7s,‘ 1873, 97@100; do. 53. 60@60; Lehigh Coal and; Navigation, 455/3@45%; do. 6s, 1884, 94@~95;« do. n. R. Loan, 95-@96; do. Gold Loan. 96%@ 97; North ‘Pennsylvania, 46,14@463/4; do. 63. 99.0- 100; do., 7s,102@102‘/2'; do. Chatlle 10s, 10931), 112; Philadelphia and Erie, 203/4@21‘/4; do. 6s,: . ..02@9'3; do. 7s, 871/,@871/2; Minehill, 51}é@52 ;. _ do. 2d mort. pref., 60@69; do., 2d mort. guar. by Washington 00., 80@82; Richmond and Danville. 1st mort., 69@693/4; Orange and Alexandria 1st; Catawissa, 17@l77/3; do. preF.42%@43; do. 7s, 1900, 101@102; Lehigh Va11ey..61@61%; do-‘ 6's, new coupon, 99@100 ; do. reg.,100@101 ; C10- 7s, 102@102%; Fifth and Sixth streets (horse,) 521/,;@_.; Second and Third, 62@62; Thir-: teenth and Fifteenth, 21@22; Spruce and Pine, 28@30; Green and Coates 48@52; Chestnut and Walnut, 591/g@60% ; Hestonville, 21,14@22 Ger- mantown, 30@38- . -' ' Boston.--Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland R. R.,, 9%; Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe R. R., 12}/,;, do. 1st mort. gold, 613/4; Rutland scrip, No. 5, 83; do. 75, 75 ; Norwich_and‘Worcester R. 1%., 128; Summit Branch, 36%; Worcester and Nashua R. B... 1251/, ;‘ Ind., Gin. and Laf. R. R., 7 ; do. scrip, equip.-, 95 ;_'Middlesex_ Central R. R., 85; Eastern (N.H.) R.-:.R-. 70; .Concord and Portsmouth R. R. 112; Burlington and_Missouri River R. R. in Iowa, 101%; do. in Nebraska, 63%; do. 85, in Nebraska, old, 1894,—9_9%; do. new, 96; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 7s, 1903, 96%; Boston and Maine 7s, 1893, 103%; Detroit and Bay City List mort. 8s, guar_., 99; Ottawa, Oswego and Fox River 8s, 99%; Boston and Albany 7s, 1051/2; Grand River Valley 2d mort. 8s, 1879, guain, 96; Michigan Central 8s, 1890,1041/,; Old Colony 7s, 1877, reg., 102% ; Greenville and Columbia 7s, 188.7, 65; Cedar Rapids and ‘Missouri’ 73, 1916, 82% ; Michigan Air-Line 85, 1890, 101% ;. Carthage and -Burling ton 8s, 9814; Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw 8s, gn’a,r,, 99% ; Eastern R. R., 6s, 1874, 99; Iowa Falls and Sioux‘City 7s, 19,17, 82%;; Gary Imp., 8%; Boston Water Pow|er_C.o., 151/_,"; Brookline Land, 5%; Waverly Land, 4; New1HampVshii'e 63, 1901,” 99% ; Massachusetts 5's, A1893‘, gold,”1r00% ; 138.-itk5n‘6s, 1879, _1feg., 98; do. 1876'.",c‘_ur}*ét},’cy,<_99,; do. 1s74.,i,99;,/,_,;,i_'16.;§s, ‘1;885.‘*g91§1;,=9‘%~; Upicaeq 7s, 991/4; do. 6s, 923/4; Hartford‘6s,l'1879, 97; Fitchburg 65, 1893, 94; Portland 6s, 1882.195; St. Louis 6s, ‘1888, 887/8; Cincinnati 7 3-10s, 1878, _ 1011/2, Lowell 6s, 1890, 95%; Charlestown 6s, 1888, 97; Brooklyn 65, 1891, 927/8; Allouez Miné ing 00., 7; Calumet and Hecla, 141; Oceola, 37; Phoenix, 15; Pontiac, 50c. ; Pevvabic, 73/4; Pe- therick, 23/8; Rockland, 13/t; St. Clair, 23/4;— Star, 1‘/2'; Superior, 20c. J:'altz'more.-—-Virginia and Teiinessee 8s, 82; Orange, Alex. and Manassas 7s, 80% ; Northern Central 65, 1900, gold, 90%; Central Ohio 1st mort., 88%; Richmond and Danville 1st mort., 693/4; Atlanta‘ and Richmond ‘Air-line 8s, 61; Orange and Alexandria 3d mort. 8s, 82 ; do. 4th mort. 8s, 75 ; Western Maryland 3d mort. gear. 95;‘ Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta 7s, 70%; Virginia Central 6s, 66; Wilmington and Weldon 11, B,., 68, The latest quotations are: Wilminga‘ ton, Columbia and Augusta bonds, 696271; Pitts» , burg and Connellsville 7s, 1898, 90@90%; Bali timers and Ohio, 173@175; do. 6s, 1875, 99%@ 101; do. 1880, 99@100 ; do., 1885, 99%@100% Parkersburg Branch, 5}x§@5%; Northern Cen- tral,383/3'@383/1; do. 6s,1885,91%@93 ; do. 1900, 89@91; do., 6's, 1900 gold,-90%@91; N. W. Va. 3d, mort., 1885, 929.195; Marietta and Cincinnati 1st mort. 7s, 1‘892,101}5@101%-, do. 2d mort., 7s, 89@91; do., 3d mort., Ohio, 40/l§@42; do. pref., 40@4l}«.;' ; do. 151. mort.,‘ 88@881/4; Western Md.,1@37/8'; do. lst mort. 63, 1890, 75@—— ; do. let mort. guar., 95%@— ; do. 2d mort. guar., 95@-—-; do. 3d mort., guar., 95@95', mort. 6s, 85@90; do., 2d mort.'6s, 78@82; do., 3d mort. 8s,» 82@84; do., 4111 mort. 8s, 75@77 ;, Orange, Alex. and Manassas 7s, 80@81 ; Virginia, and Tennessee 1st mort. 65, 4-@'-0; do., 2d mort.: Harlem R“m°ad C°mpV-any 99-th°h'.«‘5it3i mime 175‘ 6s, 68%@——; do. 83., 82@--; Baltimore (is, 1875, 99%@100% ;' do., 1884, 98%@99; do. 1886, 98% @991; do. 1890, 99%@99%; do., 1893, 99%@—*-; do. 1893, exempt, 101@102; do., 1900, -exempt, 99? @99%; do. ‘1900 new, 9s@99; do. 1902, 9s%@; 99: Memphis City 63, 50@50‘; Maryland Defense‘ Loan,‘1883, 10‘5‘@105V; Virginia 6s, old, 35@40 ’; do. new, 43‘@50; do. consol. 6s, 513/,@52; do. coupons, ‘77@77%; West Virginia, 11}g@12; City Passenger R. R., 16@173/4 ; George’s ‘Creek Coal, 125@140. 9 -EEC The Philadelphia Ledger reports the total anthracite coal tonnage for the week ending February 21, at 206,422 tons, andfor the coal year 1,911,988 tons, against 2,131,024 tons to cor- responding time last year, being a decrease of 220,036 tons.. The bituminous tonnage for the week is 41,893 tons, and for the year 271,064 tons, giving :1 totaliof all kinds for the week of 248,320 tons, and for the year of 2,203,052 tons, against 2,886,004. tons t_o same time last year, being a decrease of 122,952 tons. 11?‘ A circular from. the president’s oflice states that in order tosimplify the accounts and perfecitwhe ‘organization, the Canada Southern, Chicago and Canada Southern, Toledo, Canada Southern and'Detroit, and Michigan Midland. and Can'ada‘Rlailways will rhefreafter be known as the- Canada Southern} Railway Line, and will ‘be oper-' ated underone organization. ’ 8s, 79@80; Central, ' BANKING-HOUSE OF FISK“&“'HATCH. No.‘ 5 Nassau er. _We buy, andfjselI‘G_ovnnNMnNr Bonus and Gen) at current -rna~rk_e't" ‘rates; . buy. Gold Coupons; buy and sell Stocks. and Bonds atythe-Eltock, Ex- changeon Commissionrfor cash';.-receive Deposits, and -allow I-interest at,‘ the_ra_te of four’ per cent ; make Collections, andtransact a general Banking — and Ei'nancial business. We also .deal'in',the.CENrRAL Paorrrc i1Df1‘_WE3T. nan PACIFIC Gone Bo1vDs,.w-hich, at present prices, are very desirable for. investment, We are -also selling the CENTRAL PACIF,IC_,Go1.D Six Pan Cnnr...L.e.1v'p .BoNi>s at.85 andiaccrued interest. I , 1 H ' Thecontinued "scarcity of _Gové-rnment Bonds, with steadily advancing prices,.is'increasing the demand for'the best classoi railroad’ gsecurities for investmentlat current rates. « ' ’ 1 ‘ SFISK & HATCH. A fi;?‘_The following gentlernen have been elect- ed directors, of the Cleve1and;~Colur’nbus, Cincin- nati and Indianapolis Railroad Company: J. H. Devereaux, H. B. Hurlbut, R. P. Ranney, L. M, Hubby, W. S. Otis, R. ‘M. Shoemaker, W. H. Upson, H. E. Parsons, P. AH. Watson, S. L. M. Barlow, William Butler Duncan, Stillman Witt, and F.’ Schuchardt. Very,ne.a_rly the entire cap- ital stock _was voted, there being'18l3,500,000 out ' of $15,000,000. ’ ’ M The estimated earnings of the Erie Rail- way Company for.the week ending February 23, are $383,881, and since January 1, $2,506,366 an increaseover the corresponding period of the previous year of $131,772. I ’ . . H 1 A E‘ An extra half-ye"a'rl_v idividend of two per cent has been ?declared by the Nevv_'1"’ork and low 42nd Street, payable'April 1.’ " 1 11? Thomas D. Messler has been re elected President, and F. M. Hutchinson Secretary and Treasurer of the Lawrence Railroad ‘Company. The business for the pgastyearhas been very satis- factory to the stockholders, enabling the company to lay aside a surplusof 23/4 per ‘cent on the stock, after having paid quarte.rly_.di_vidends at the rate of ten per cent. per annum.,_’. ‘_ ‘ ' ill?‘ The corporators of the Air=Line Ra-i1ro'ad from Annapolis to Baltimore are: I. M; Denson, General R. H. ‘Carr’, F. ‘C. Crowley, and - Thomas Coburn of Baltimore ; Charles L.- Nicolai,'of"iBalti- more county; A.-W. Wells, and Thomas 0. Boone, of Anne Arundel county, and'L’es‘tei?Hitchcock, W‘. D. 00113, and 0. J5. R. Thorpe, Of‘ New:Yo;-1;, , The oificers of the ],Baltimore, Pittsburg and Chicago Railroadcompany, re¢em.].y eiegtad, are : President, Walter'C. Quincy ; treasurer, H. J. James ; secretary, Wm. Wing; chief engineer, James L. Randolph ; directors, Wm.) Keyser, John Tyrell, and James Walsh, . , w The oflicersof the Lehigh Coa1'an'd1Navi-¥ gation Company, recently elected, are : President, E.-,W..Clark. Managers-'—-Francis R. Cope; Francis C.'Yarna.ll; Fisher Hazard, Charles Parrish, George F. Tyler, Philip C. Garret," ‘Charles--Wheeie‘r,w(*}eorge Whitney, Alexander" Biddle,-‘ John‘ ilreisenring, ‘ Samuel Thomas. - 1