AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. "313 Boston ‘Stock Exchange. Actual Sale Prices for the week ending Mar. 4. , , Th.26.F.27. Eiat.28.M 2. ,'1‘u.3. W.4 Boston and Alban ..‘. 1391 .... 139% 1395 140 ---- Boston and Lowe .....105;§ 105 105 Boston and Maine .... . .108 108} .. . . 1083 109 110 Boston and Providence..... 1461 .... . .. Boston,Hartford&.Erie.... . . 7!. . .. . ....... . . 30} 30 291 291 28% Cheshire,pref.............. .... 78 78 . Ohi..Burl.&Qulncy....... .... 104$ ---- - Concord .... ..... ........ .... .. Connecticut River... . . . .. .. 137$ .. . . .. . Enstern...... ...... .... 725 73 -2! 72 72} 72 Fitchburg ....... ... . . . . . . .. .... . .. . .... Manchester&Lawr’ce..... . . Michigan Central... . . .. 89 89 88} 87; 88 .. . . Northern, N. H .......... .. 109} .... .... .... .... Ogdens. 8r/LakcfUhamp . . . . 57 57 57 55 . .. re ............ ‘.... .... ....‘ .... .... Old Colon ....... .. . . 110i 110 110} 1101 110% . . . Ph., W11. 6:‘. Baltimore. . 545 55 .. . . ... . 54;’; 543 Portlld, Saco 65 Ports ..... . . .. . . 117 . 115 . . . Union Par-.ific.. .......... .. 853 “ 6s .......... . . 84} . 84} 84 84 '84 “ LandGrant7s.... “ Income 10s.. . 7'7 . .. . 77§ 76 763 . Vermont &. Canada ...... . . 55 52 . . . . .. . . . . . . Vermont <5: Mass... . .H. . .,. . . '79 79} ... . .. . . South Boston‘(Horse)...... Cambridge .. 104 ... 104. Metropolitan .. ...... 46 .... .... .... .... .... Middlescx ........ .. .... .... CentralMining,Co... ..... .. .... .... .... Copper Falls .. .. . . . 25 25 241 ... . 245 Franklin ‘ -..*~ ....... .. 4 ~ 4 .... National .. .......... .... .... .... .... .... Quincy .. .. .. . 37-3 37} 38_ 89 39 38 London Stock Exchange. ' ‘ r--Closing Prices.- Feb. 13. Feb. 6. Atlantic 8: Gt. W. 1st mort., $1,000. . 66 — 68 68 - 70 Do. 2d‘mort.,$1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 - 52 55 — 51 Do. Con. mort. l3’nds Bisch’s Cert. 27 - 29 27 - 29 Do. Reorg. Scrip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..100 -105 100 -105 Do. Leas. Lines, Rental Bonds.... 82 — 84 82 - 84 Detroit .5: Milwaukee 1stmort.Bonds 78 - 75 65 - 70 Do. 2d do. 55 -.- 65 50 - 55 Erie shares 100 dol. all paid. . . . . - . . . 444 — 45 44§- 45 Do. 6 per cent Convertible Bonds... 98 -100 98 —-100 Cons. Mort. amount autho. to be issued for couv. of existing bonds.. - -- - -- —— - Illinois Central 3100 shares all puid.. 92 ..- 94- 955- 965 Do. Redern tion mort. bonds 6 p.c. 99 -101 90 -101 Illinois 85 St. ouis Brid e let mort'.100 -102 101 -103 Marietta and Cincinnati ail. Bonds. 94 — 97 94 - 97 Michigan Central 8s 1882, conv. . . . . . 90 -— 100 90 -100 Panama 2d mort .................. .. 683- 695 '73 - 75 Panmna. General mort ........... 96 — 93 6 —- 98 Pennsylvania, 2d mort ........ . . . . 97 - 99 97 - 99 Do. General mort ............... . . 97 - 98 97 — .09 Do. $50 shares .................. .. 44 - 45 46 —- .2. Philadelphia and Eric 1st mort-.. .. . . 96 - 98 90 — 98 Do. with option to be paid in Phlln. 97 - 98 97 - 99 Americ_an Railroad Journal“. Saturday, Illaroh 7, 1874. Stock Exchange and‘ Money Market. The last publicdebt statement shows a. liquida- tion in Februaryofi $2,590,087, with cash re- serves in the National Treasury of $85,538,222 in coin (including nearly 51 millionson depositvou private. account), and $4,727,754 of ,_ currency. The U. S. Sub Treasury at this port. disbursed in February 335,476,583 on all accounts, against re- ceipts of $41,251,532 from all sources. The cus~ toms -revenue at this port in February were.$10,- 386,566, against, $13,112,129 same month last year. The outstanding amount of legal ‘tender notes on Wednesday was 382 millions. In view of the increased coin reserve in the Treasury De- partment, Secretary Richardson has decided to sell three ‘millions of Gold in‘March, as follows: March, 5, $1,000,000; March 12, $500,000; March, 19, $1,000,000; March, 26, $500,000. Moneyin the local markethas been offered -with even more freedom to responsibleborrowers at‘ from 3@4'pe.r_ cent on call, and. 5@6 percent’ periannum on the best grades of mercantile paper. .The demand for accommodation has been: unusually tame for the season. From the Stock Exchangeiirms the inquiry has been checked by the prevalent dull- notcs an increase of 1% millions; ' I specie reserve indicates a further reduction of ' 17/3 millions. The banks enlarged theirloan and ness and depression at the Stock Boards, pending definite Congressional action on the various finan- cial projects now up for consideration. The dis- count applications have also been quite moderate. The deposits of the City banks show a further slight increase; and the item of legal tender while the discount average, over five millions, and con- ' tracted their circulation about 5/8th of a million. The U. S. Sub-Treasury reports an addition of ' nearly %ths of a million to its currency reserve, ‘ and a loss of - specie hoard. about lfiétbs millions in its The City banks reported their average of gold last week at,$26,% millions; and their greenback average at $61,915,000, Their. deposits stood at 2395/8 millions. The loan item was about 2821/4’, millions. The circulation was over 26% millions. , Gold has been less confidently dealt in, even on speculative account, and has been quoted lower, closing weak. The extremes of the price have been 1113/4@112%, closing at 112 as against 1123/4 on Wednesday of the preceding week. The specie outflow, last week, was $431,331. The imports of specie at this port since Jun. 1, have - been $991,072, against $194,719 same time last year. The customs demand for Gold last week ave aged $337,000 a day. Foreign Exchange has been less sought after, closing dull, with Bank. ers’ sixty day bills on London quoted on Wed- nesday at $4 83%@$4 84% : sight bills on Lon- don, at $4. 863/,@$4 87‘/2. The week's exports of -Domestic Produce have been to the currency value of only $3,934,686. Government, securities have been held with firmness, with.1imited offerings reported of most The demand for investment purposes has LJL'Ll1 1ail._v ucllvc. Toward the close, the decline in Gold operated against values. U. S. sixes of 1881 closed on Wednesday of this week at 1193/3 @119_~'5§; U. S. Five-Twenties of1_862, 117@1171/4; U. S. Five-Twenties of 1864, at 118%C_t119; U. S. Five-Twenties of 1865 120}6@121; U. S. Five- Twenties of 1865 consolidated 118%@1183/4; U. S. Five-Twenties of 1867, 119@119% ; U. S. Five- Twenties of 1868, 118‘/2_@119; U. S. Ten-forties at 112%@113; U. S. Fives of 1881 (Funding Loan) 1141/,@l141/,_.'; Six per cent. currency Sixes from 116@116}§. . "State and -Railway bonds have been moder- ately active, since our last, and held with con~ fidence as avrule. —Cenl;ral Pacific first mortgage six percents closed at 953/,©96. Chesapeake and Ohio First Mortgage Bonds,‘ Six per cents, 57. In Railway ‘and miscellaneous ‘share property, there has been a restricted business reported at the Stock Board at lower range of prices, in most instances. ~ — s The import entries of Foreign -Merchandise at New York, including dry goods, amount for the past. week to $9,672,000, against $,9,394;,736 same week last year. The experts of denies- tic produce are $3,934,686, as against $5,252,- 908, last year. The exports of Gold and Silver, issiins. $431,331, as against $625,486, last. year. The coin interest, disbursements on the public debt. at this point last week were $1,596,000. The- customs in Gold deposited during the weekiu the New Yo;-1; Qfgge of the Treasury amounted to $2,024,000, as against $3,245,156, ' same week last February. ‘ ' ’ General business has been _wi‘.hout roniarlrsble animation. More inquiry has been noted for Breadstuils, Groceries, and Provisions, but at var- iable prices; while in most other :1l'i.lClt‘:i, trade has been on a restricted scale.‘ Cotton closed weak. Metals attracted less attention. Pig Iron and Pig Tin were quoted lower. We now quote: Eglinton Pig Iron at $37@838 50; Gl8ll:_’.’1l'I)0Cl{, $39@$40; Coltness, $44; Gartsbe.rrie, 346; No. 1 American Pig at$35; No. 2 do. at 3531@t‘~3-'-3; Forge-, $29@$31; English Rails at $55 @360, gold ; Ameri- can Rails al. works, $62 50 @365; _Old Rails, 340 ; Wrought Scrap, $40@42 50. S »me 2,000 tons American Iron Rails were sold at $63, cash, at the works. Ocean freights have been quiet, as a rule, though toward the close more activity was appar- ent, and rates were hardening somewhat. The following quotations of sales of Bailwa_v and other securities are in addition to tlmse lgivel: elsewhere in our columns:—— V ‘ New For}.-.——St. Louis and Iron Mt..R.. R.,, 61% ; do. 1st mort., 95; do. 2d mort., 84; Atlantic and Pacific R. R. pref., 17%; Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R., 15; Pacific R. R. of lMo.,42,7.-,’,; do. lst mort., 72; Rome, Watertown and Ogrlezisbiirg R. R., 75; Louisville and Nashville R. R., 58.',;,'; do. 78, c0nsol., 1898, 901/1; 1\Iichi:_var. Cemml 7s, 98%; Clev., Paines. and Ash. 7s, new, 90-, Alb:1n_v and Susquehanna R. R., 94; 1st mort., 1(_l‘.l=-.5 ; 2.1 mort., 99%; .Bufl‘alo, New York and Eric lst mort., 97; Chicago and Northwesterniconsol. gold bonds. 85%; Mil. and St.Paul Isl. mort., C. &, M. udiv., 81; do. L210. div., 91%; do. H. 6:. D. div. 79),; do. 1. db M. div., 82,15; Ohio and ‘Miss. consol., S. F., 93,14 ; Kalamago and White Pigeon 1st mort., 90; Toledo, Wabash and Western 7s, consol., 78%; Buffalo and Eric 7s, new, 9715; Lakeshore and Michigan Southern 7s, consol., coupon, 97 ; do. 2d do., reg., 97‘; Gt. Western lst mort., 1888, 93; Cedar Falls and Minnesota. 1st mort., 83 ; Pacific R. R. 7s, gnain, by Mo., 9814; Delaware and Hudson Canal reg. 7s, 1891,-104‘; Long Island R. R. 1st mort., 93; Central ofsNew Jersey 7s, 1902, conv., 101,15 ; do., lst mort. 105,‘-.3; Boston, Hartford and Eric 1st mort , 30; do. guarn, 45; Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw-1st mort, E‘ D., 95; St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago 1.»-t mort., 85; Cin., Laf. and Chi.1st mort., 83; Central Paa cigc R. R. State-aid bonds, 103'; Clev., Col ,lCin. and Ind. 1stmort.,102,3,/,; Chicago and Mil. 1st mort.,95,%; Lake Shore ‘div. bonds, 97‘; North Missouri lst mort., 87;»; ; Western‘ —‘Pacific It. R. bonds, 87,14; Westeru'Union Tclegrnpll, 74%; do. 75, 97%; Atlantic and Pacific '1‘el., 16,!«,_;; Am. Dist. Tel., 58; Arm. Exp., 63%; U. 8. Exp., 721/4; Quicksilver 'pref., 38‘/g; Consol. Goal of Md., 4716 ; Am. Coal, 72”; N. Y. State “is, B. L. reg.,107; Tenn. 63. old, ex-coupon, 69"/3; North Carolina 6s, special tax, 3d class, 91/2; do. llst class, 10; South. Carolina 69, new, Jan. and July, 9&5; do. 41,131. and Oct., 20. I’ln‘{zzdeiph1'rz.—-Shamokin Valley. and Bottsville 7s, 92; Northern Pacific 7_-sos, 37i_/,._; _sus.j. Canal bcnds,,74; Penn. and New York‘7s,l103; Phil-7. adelphia and.Reading Gen.’lmort., 7s, re9;., 105; do. coupon, 103; do. (is, 1848380, 100; do. 7s, new, conv., ,104}§;,'do.f 73,1893, 1-05; Allegheny Valley 7 ,3-1_0s, 92; Pittsburg,Cincinnatiand 's_l._, l Louis 7s,’ 69 , Iishigh vale‘; 75, io"21‘/,‘,‘, ’w;i&aing;"