9199 AMERICAN n.i1t.no..u) JOU msnu. v AMERICAN RAILROAD BOND‘. LIST. Asterick (*) afiixed to rate of Interestsignifies “ Payable in Coin.” '¥—__ ‘ \ v V q; Interest Payable. ,5 Desert tlon of Bonds. Amount. ‘.3 ’ . ’-=‘ P V _ 0-’: When, , Wl1er€- Q Ldirondack : . ~ ' 1st Iilorts;age................... $930,000 7 Jan. 8: July New York. 1886 ' Alalaama. Control: ‘ C - . lst M01'tgugc.................... 1,600,000 8 Jan. _& July. New York. 1901 Alabama trnd. Chuttmioogat . 1st Mortgage, guar. by Alan... 16,000pm 8* Jun. '& July. New York. 1889 2d Mortgage 9,000pm 8 “ , y" “ ‘ “ 1889 Alubzuns. and Georgia : ’ _ ’ . . . , 1st Mortgage, gu0.r.l>y Ala.& Ga. 16,000DIn 8 Jan. 85 July. New York. 1891 Albany and Susquehanna. : . V '1st Mortgugc........ ........ 1,000,000 7 Jan.‘ 6: ,July. .New York. 188.8 .2411 Mortgage ........ ............. 2,000,000 7 April 53:. Oct. “ “ 1885 8dMortguge.. . . . . . . . . ........... 399,000 7 May 5: NOV. ‘.‘ “ 1331 , Albany Loan . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. 1,000,000 6 “ “‘ .Alb£1ny.,_ 1895 .A1exandrio. and Fredericksburg: . ~ 1stMoi-tguge... . . 1,000,000 7 ‘ June ’& Dec New York. 1098 Allcghen Valley: , V , . , ,_ . Genera Mortgage . . .... . . . . .... 4,000,000 7.3 Jan. & July. New York. 1896 Special Mortgage to Penn. . . . 3,500,000 5 .. . . .. . ._ . . Harrisburg. -- - - Amlroscoggin: ' " » . 1st Mortgage (Bath Loan).._.... 425,000 6 Jan, 8: July. Bath, Me. 1891 Arkansas Central (narrow gauge): * ' ’ . ’ , 1st Mortgage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000prn 8 Jun. dz July. New‘_York, 1891 Atehison and Nebraska: , , 1st Mortgoge....... ..... 3,500,000 3 Jun. 65 July; Boston. 1891 Atchiaon, Topeka. and Santa Fe: . . 1st Mortgage (l;'old).. . . . . . . . .. . . 15,00_,0pm 7* J 0.11. 6; July. Boston. 1399 Land Grunt Mortgage (gold),.. 7,500pm 7* April & Oct. “ , 1902 Minute and Richmond Air Line: , 1 ' ' _ I 1st Mortgage (gear. ‘by G0.).. .. . 16,000pm 8 J ELI]. &‘ ‘July. Now Yo;-1;, 1900 Atlantic and Grout Western: ‘ . ' . , . ' ' _1st Mortgage (gold)... . 18,000,000 7* Jan. Go J uly. London. 1902 ‘ 20. Mortgage (gold) . . . . . . . . .. . . . 12,000,000 7* March 6; Sept. “ 1902 3d Mortga. c (gold) Income..... 29,000,000 7* May & .Nov'. , “ 1902 Atlantic on Gulf: . _ , , Cousolidztted(285 m.)free,U.§.tax 2,000,000 7 Jan. 8: July. ,New_Yo1-k. 1897 Sectional (B.A.&G.R.R.) bonds 310,000 7 “‘ ‘ " “ , 9 var. 1st Mortgage (S.Ga-.&Fls..R.R.) 464,000 7 May '& Nov. “ ‘f 1888 26. Mortgage (S.Gs. tic Flu. 10.131) ' 200,000 7 “ “ “ ‘ ' “ " 1889 Atlantic and Lake Erie: ' ' ' ‘ " , lst Mort. (gold) for $5,000,000... ......... 7* Jan! &. ‘July. ’New' York. ‘ 1901 Atlantic, Miss. and Ohio (428 111.): ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' 1st Mortgage fol-$15,000,000..... 7' Jan. 0: July. New York.» 1901 Atlantic and North Carolina. , _ ‘ _ V _ V, , 1st Mortgage'.... ............_... 200,000 8 Jun. & July. New York. 1873 Atlantic and Pacific: , Lend Mortgage gold bonds .. . . . 3,000,000 6* Jan. 5.: July. New York. 1838 1st Mort. (So. 1’.'>.c.l{.R..)gol(lb’ds 7,250,000 ‘6* H ‘ H‘ H‘ ’ l‘ 1888 Atlantic ono. St. Lawrence : _ V ' , , 1st Moitgage‘(sterling) olf1853... 484,000 6* May .5; Nov, Lona_,5n_ , 1378 2d Mortgage (sterling) of "1804... 1,499,966 6? April & ‘Oct. ' ll , 1384 3cl‘Mortga.-‘e (sterling) of187l... 7 , 2 6* May 65 .Nov. “ 1801 Bald Eagle ,alley: 4 4 ' ‘ V , 1st Mortgage................... 371,200 6 Jun.‘ & July. Pliilzulclplilu. 1881 20. Mortguge,.................,.. 100,000 7 “ .. “ ll 1884 Baltimore and Ohio: , , , ’ ‘ _ ' _ Loon of 1855-’75.. . 857,250 6 Jan. & July. _Bultin1ore. 1875 Loan of 1850480.... . . . . . . . .... 579,500 6 “ ‘ _ “ H 1380 * Loasn of 1853-’35........... 1,710,500 6 ’April 8: Oct. “ 1885 Loan of 1855—‘90(Balt.) skgfd.. 3,461,146 6 Jan. & July. “ 1390 Loan of 1870495 (stun) slcg fund. 3,020,320 6 Max ch Es: Sept. London. _ 1895 Loan of18'72—1902 (atg.) S.F.... 9,493,010 6 ‘I “ '_ u “M 1902 3E1Mort.(N.W.Va.R;.tt.)ussu1ned 140,000 6 Jan. 8: July‘. Baltimore.‘ 1885 Baltimore und'Pot-omnc: . . , « 1st Mort. (ffunnel) gold guar..”.. 1,500,000 5* Jan. 6: July. Baltimore.‘ 1911 1st Mortgaoe (R. R.) gold 4,_2,'uar.. 3,500,000 0* A,pr1I '.9_;_ oct, cs , 1911 Bangor and iscatuquls: ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ 1stMo1-tga e (Baugorloan) 600,000 6 April‘ :6: Oct. Bangor. ' 1890 "1st Mort. ( sngor 1oan)cxt0ns’n _ I12'.7.,000‘ 7 _ H ’ ‘ “ n_ 1901 Bay CitYI1ndEustSa now; ’ " - 1‘ ’ ' ~ ' _ 1st Mort. _r;uar.by B‘. P.M.rq.Co. 100,000 l0 Jan. &' ‘July. Detroit.’ 0 1880 Beldgollgltl ntnd. Bridgeport; L ' — £00000 8 I ‘g 0 - < s — or gsge................:.‘.‘ i rl : ct. Philadel 11 0. 1891 Belfast and Moosehcsd Lake: , ’ D , , P 1 ‘ 1st Mortgage (g0ld)'..........‘.‘. "150,000‘6 May 82:‘ Nov. Portlztnd.‘ 1890 Belleiiifle and Sol11)th§rnL1ginoi_sI . ‘j . 8 ' ' ‘ " v Alst ort.,guar. y t. .05.‘. . 1 100000 ' A ril‘ & Oct. ‘Ne Y 1;, 1896 BeloitfindtMa