AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 1i51 vase, DINSMORE & 00., National Spring Works, MANUFACTURERS OF T7'('.)I...'U"I‘IE'.'. RUBBER CENTER SPIRAL, ‘ Compound Spiral, INDIA RUBBER, DINSMORE NEST SPIRAL, Railway Car Springs; ALSO IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN General Railway Spplies, so No. 32 WARREN, cor. of Church Street, NEW YORK; ' A 52 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. 720 North Second Street, St. Louis. IEARHEESBURG NUNMRY --LND- Machine Works, (Branch of Harrisbu1-g Cm‘ Mnuufaleturing Co.) IIARRISBURG, PENN, MANUFACTURERS OF MACHINISTS’ TOOLS, sues: AS Lathes, Planers, Shaping and Slot- ling Maellinos, Bolt Cutting and Nut. 'l‘a.pp'ing lilaelnines, &e. W. T. IITLPRUI’, ’l‘reneure-r. Hiiieiea,eceeieeaeace. 8 >4 ,i.’i_iio E%‘t‘1"<2ei;, N EVi»"‘=V@W§{a. {$10 C<_>1:°;1 ,1.]_1i1.1, E. C. ' E. Q N ‘D 0 N . Siiil AME lsiulN RMLS. Sole ..\:;‘eni.~: in iiiejiiixiizetl Slates for Ssmiiiiiii iiflii & fifl,’S_ Bessemer Steel Raiie. RAILRUAD SEi§i3 RETBES iilEi"iTiATEi’i _........___.._.___.__.__.~ RA [LRO A I) IRON. 2,0C 0 Lone best; \Velsh make 56 lbs. 2,060 ‘ Ifixtm quality 56 lbs. For sale bv DANA 6:: C0., 18 VVillimn street. I{.AIL1{0AD IR ON. THE iunclersigned, agents for the mz\nui'n.ct.urers are . . prep:-u'eil to make CONTRACTS FOR. RAILS delivered free on Imam! at. ports in Euglaml, or exship :1 pe-'ts in the United States. IVI. K. JESUP & C01VIP’Y, 59 Liberty St., New York. AL13ER'T 0- MCNAIRY. President. HENRY M CLAFLEN Vice Pres’t‘3z 'I‘ v ' 3 ' L ICES. GLEiViii.Ml & weeks, [1~;s'1'AB'L1s‘1—1ED IN 1850.] A 1-1.; 13 Mciiairy & filaflen Mfg. Be, PROPRl1~L'.l.‘ORS, B U I L D E R S O F -ix (:4, Railway 85 Highvvay ii 7.?” r - -°' I I - ' r ‘ 4 W l 9 "‘°.i:'.:;’3."%‘:,"..'.3:.‘,§.‘«'::!;i’sf$e«‘?i%‘a'3 f‘.:"u%,*ef‘"“ E l“ H1 iieaasfen ‘OF IRON AND WOOD. Railroad Passenger & Frelght Cars, Street Raizilzcoaml Cars. 7 T'0st’;s“I‘1:1tcx1i;_h'rm :1n(_’l (imxxluiiunlinn ]”..~i(1,;-.35; “°‘V‘3 “"55 Brill‘-{CS with Pzucnt lam: Lflmnp S_tree1; 'R:1ilro:ul L':'.rswitI)Hiulcy’s .l‘.1lL'nL hnn: “W5; G‘=‘?_U‘ "W1 "»I'111~'<3 : aleu Subslrnc!Lu'c:; of 1’neun1:1tu::1ml Screw Piles. Offices :W:u-31;.-I Sleek. Cor. Bank zmd xi’. blair Works: On Wiz‘1s£~n., Hamilton and ‘ T“. 2‘. ‘J . : CLEVELAN D, OHIO. SIMEUN STHCLDDN, Fllgixieer. HigIey’s Patent Street Car Running Gear and Brake Made and Sold 13 the McNa'r &/Claflen Manufactgring Co., 1 Y Cleveland, 0. HARVEY '1‘. CLAFLEN, Sup’t. — JOHN COON, Sec’y. Brooks Locomotive Works, DUN:KIRI<:, N. Y. C)3:d.e-rs solicited for ];lC>C}C)IL'.l’J_C>ti‘V’€‘S ".A_d..—:L1:>tecl fO.’J3‘! Every Class oi’ IE=La,il*vv'a.37' Service- . Safe Saziliamia. MINERAL SPERM OIL. Williams, Page & 00., BOSTON. M:mufactm'ers of their well-known Our Lamps, and of superior Cur Candle Lamps, are makm ,: Mineral Sperm Oil Lamps, new used By alfthe Roads in Massaelliisetts, and many other roads '.E:1st’. and West, and by nmnv of the Pullman Palace Cars, in iilaee of Kerosene or Candles. Circulars, Lithograph and rice List sent when requested. .WlLLIA1VIS, PAGE as «:0. $72 00 EACH WEEK. Agents wanted everywhere. Business strictly legitimate, ' Particulars free. Address, J. WORTH & 00., St. Louis, Mo.‘ 7 H. Gr. BROOKS,,1°res’t &Sup’tu. ‘ T1‘~:1_1«3 TAUNTON LOCOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 9?; TAUNTON, Zl.\AZ.éLSS., I 1 AVING large facilities, and having 1m_('i a long experi- encerin the lmsi11ess,,nre prepzu'ed to lurnish LOCOMOTIVES, EITHER. FOR BURNING WOOD on com... (IF. THE MOST APPROVED iCONS’l‘llUCTION. R AALSO ALL KINDS OF . RAILROAD MAUI-IINERY,; STATIONARY ENGINES AND BOILERS. _ SUGAR. MILLS, SHAFTING, ETE1 lIARR;S_0N’ 'TWEEp, ‘ 5 ii 1’- L SIM- . Agent and 'n~e,asm-er._