rice - cent gold bonds have been selling to a fair ex- _AMER1CAN RA1’LRoAD J'()Ul.?.1\iAL lation has been quite active in the prominent street favorites, and, toward the close, buoyant as to prices. Railway Mortgage Loans have been more in- quiredfor and quoted firm. Central Pacific 311195 have been selling to a fair extent at from 993/3@99l/2'. The Chesapeake and Ohio Seven per tent at 90, and interest. Chesapeake and Ohio sixes have been moderately active at 88% and interest. Western Pacific Sixes at 92}’o@92%. The Northern Pacific 7-30 Loan has been in good demand at par and interest. State bonds have been moderately active at generally steady prices, for the favorite, issues. The latest quotations at the London Stock Ex. change compare as follows withformer returns: Aug. 20. Aug. 27. Sept. 3. Console ..... .... .. . 92% 92% U. S. 5-20s, 1865. .. .. 94%@95 95% 95% “ 1867 .... '95};’3' 951/L 955;, “ 10-405 . . . . . . .. *902i 901/4 901/; New Fives of 1881... 911/4 911/3 91% Erie ...... .. :23/4 :21/3 48% Ill. Central......... ‘ '. -- ’*Ex Sept. coupon. General business has been more satisfactory as to the volume of dealings in foreign merchandise; . as wel‘. asin domestic produce. Prices have gen- erally showu more firmness. The Metal trade has been rather brisker. Copper has been quoted steady,but has been quite moderatelydealtin;100.- 000 lbs. Lake at 26%c.@27c. Iron has been gen- erally held with more confidence in view of the reported rise in the English markets, and the an- nouncement that the new German tariff would take effect on the 1st of October. The demand has been more animated, especially for Pig. Sales have been reported of 800 tons Glengarnock Pig at $44, now quoted at $45, with Eglintou at $44. The reported dealings in American pro- duct have been limited, with quotations about as in our last. We quote: Eglintoni Pig at $43; Glengarnock, at $44 ; No. 1 American Pig at $43 @845; No. 2 do. at $38@842; English rails at $64@$65 gold; American Rails, at works, at 877 50; Old Rails $46@47; Wrought Scrap, $40@ $45 from dock and yard. Pig Lead has been very dull with foreign quoted at 67/,,c., gold, for ordin- ary, and domestic at 61/4c.@63/30., gold. Speltel‘ has been very quiet at $7 371/2.@$7 60, gold. Pig-tin has been in limited demand, witb'Straits quoted at 31c.; English at 28c.@281/4c., on sales of five tons, and Banca, at 34}§c.@343/4., gold. Tin Plates, have been rather more active, at full previous rates. Sales,1,000 boxes Charcoal at $10 75; 500 boxes Coke at $8 75; and 500 boxes Charcoal Terne, at $10 gold. Charcoal‘ Plates quoted at $10 75@11 121/3; Charcoal '.1‘erne,$9 621/..Z@$10 251; Coke, $8 50@$8 87%; Coke Terne, $7 50@88 37‘/2, gold, per box. Zinc dull dull and unchanged. Foreign merchandise has been more active and generally firm as to price. The week’s imports of foreign goods and merchandise amounted to $8,- 466,334 including $2,862,116 of dry goods. The leading kinds of domestic produce have been moro sought after, especially Breadstulfs, Provisions, Cotton, Wool and Tobacco, with bold- ers evincing more firmness. Midclling upland Cotton left ofiibuoyantly at 203/go. per lb. The receipts at all the ports, year ending Sept. 1, :0 were $3,564,045 bales, against 2,705,523 bales the preceding year; exports 2,665,113 bales against1,951,995 bales the previous year; stock at the ports at latest dates, 48,899 bales against 57,959 bales same ‘date in 1871. Ocean freigbts have bcenfiquite active, with rates quoted firmer, room and tonnage having been of- fered reservedly. The main call for accommoda- ' tion has been from Grain and Petroleum Shippers. At the Live Stock Markets, Beeves have been in fair demand at from 6}5@12},§ cts. the better grades showing firmness. Veals at 5@10 cts.; Sheep at from 4726,14 cts. ; Spring Lambs 5@9 cts.; Swine at 5%@5_-fig cts. per lb., all live weight. The week’s receipts were 9,243 Becves, 2,629 Veal Calves, 23,381 Sheep and Lambs, and 36,- 347 Swine. The following: quotations of sales of Railway and other securities are in addition to those given elsewhere in our columns :— - New For/c.—-—AtlanLic and Pacific pref., 26; St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern pref., 44; Illinois Central scrip,100%; Ohio and Miss. 7s, consol., 911/4-, Detroit, Monroe, and Toledo 1st mort., 97; E. Tenn., Va. and Ga. 1st1nort., 91%; Nash-V ville and Decatur 1st mort., 91; Cedar Falls and Minnesota 1st mort., 78,'/._{; New Jersey Southern R.R.,27%; do. 1st,iuort., 74; But-lingt.on,Cedar Rapids and Minnesota 1st mort., 87 ; Western Pa- cific R. R. bonds, 921.5; Albany and Susq. R. R. 93; do. 2d mort., 98; Long Dock bonds, 953/4; St. Louis and Iron Mt. 1st mort., 97; Central of New Jersey 1st mort., new 105; Western Union Telegraph, 92; do. 7s, 98; Maryland Coal, 24; Cumberland Coal and Iron, 79; Consol Goal of Md., 55; Wells~li‘argo Exp., 75; U. S. EXp., 68‘/2; Am. Exp., 911/1’; ‘Adams Exp., 92%,; N. J. Gen- tral L. aud Imp., 65; N. Y. State 7s. 13. L_., reg, 1047/3; Louisiana 6s, old, 49; Ohio 63, 1881, 102; Texas 10s, 1876, 85; Brooklyn 69, W. L., 93%. .PIn'Zau’elphia.-—Reading Coal and Iron bonds, 90; Pennsylvania Canal 6:‘, 69; Lehigh Nav. conv. gold loan, 92,‘/,§ ; Philadelphia. and Reading 7s,1893, 103; do. G<'n’l mort. 75, reg., 103; do, coupon, 101%; do. deben. bonds, 79; do. 75', new, conv., 102'/5; Wilmington and Reading Isl. mort., 991'/2; Schuylkill Nav. Gs, boat loan, 75 ; West Jersey R. R. 7s, 103; do. 63, 94; Lehigh Valley 7s, 102; West Chester and Philadelphia R. R. 79, 1031/4; Sunbury’ and Eric 7s, 102%; Penn sylvania and New York 7s, 100; Pitt-sburg, Cin- cinnati and St. Louis 7s, 74%; Catawissa 7s, new, .100; Cayuga Lake R. R. 1st mort. 7s, 96; Harrisburg and Lancaster R. R., 51 ; Camden and Atlantic pref., 42%; Nesquehoning R. R., 54; Camden City 78, 102. The latest quotations are: City 63, 98%@98‘/4; do. free of tax, 101%@101}§; Pennsylvania State (is, 1st series, 100@100% ; do. 2d series, 1031/4@1O33/1; do. 3d series, 1083/,,@ 108%; Philadelphia. and Reading 55@551/8; do. Glen’l mort. 7s, coup., 101@102 ; do. re-g., 102,1§'@ 103; do. mort. 6a, 1880, 96@—; do. 7s, new, conv., 102@l02% ; United New Jersey R. R. and Canal Co., 122@1221/2 ; Camden and Amboy mort. _ 6s,1889, 96@97; do. 1883, 90‘/;@92; do. 1889, 83%@89}/5; Pennsylvania R. R., 533/3@533/3; (lo. 1st mort., 100§§@l007/3'; do. 2d mort., 100@101; do. General mort., coupon, 91%@92 ; do. reg., 961/2 @97; Little Schuylkill R. R., 46%'@46}g; Morris Canal, 48.11150; do. pref., 122@124; do. 6s, 94@ 95; Susquehanna. Gasal. too; do. 65, 68@75; Schuylkill Nav., 6:o7; do. pt-or.,,12@12%; do. 6E 1882. 713/,‘@72; do. 1872, 78@79; Elmira and Williamsport pref., 38@38}4; do. 7s, 1873, 94@ 95; 53, do. 58@65; Lehigh Coal and Naiiigation 37@371/8; do. 6s, 1884, 90.@90lg; do. R. R. Loan, 92%@93; do. Gold Loan, 91%@91%; North Pennsylvania, 49,‘/2'@50 ; do. (is, 99'/,,@991/2; do., is, 10l%@l021/4’; do. Chattle 10s, 110@112; Philadelphia and Erie, 24@25; do. 63, 90391; Minehill, 51%@~52;‘ Cat-awissa, 19@20; do, p1-of" 42%’.@43 ; do. new pref., 32@33 ; do. 7s, 1900, 99 @101; Lehigh Valley, 60}§@-60’/2; (lo. 63, new coupon, 96@96 ; do. reg., 97}§@——- ; do. 7s, 1011/2 @102}./3; Fifth and Sixth streets, (horsc,) 52@54; Second and Third, 57,3/(Q59; Thirteenth and Fifteenth, 19@21;;_ Spru_ce and Pine, 30@33; Green and Coates 46-$248; Chestnut and Wal. nut, 601270; Hestonville, 18@19; Glermantown, 30@-—. ~ Bastorz.--Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 7s, 94%; Burlington and Missouri River R. R. in Nebraska, 46;»do. 8s, in Nebraska, 1894, 95; Boston and Maine R. R. 7s, 1892, 104; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 1st mort. 7s, 69; do. ‘Is, L, G., 69%; Eastern R. R. 7s, 1882, 100%; Ogdens- burg and Lake Champlain 83, 1879, 941/4,; Cape Cod 7s, 1881, 993/4; Ottawa. Oswego and Fox River Valley 83, 1890, 943/4; Vermont Central 1st mort., 26 ; do. 2d mort., 7% ; Vermont and Cana- da Equipment 83, 79; Boston and Albany 7s, 1892, 104%; Old Colony R. R. 73, 102; Connecti- cut and Passumpsic Rivers R. R. prei'., 861/1,; do. 7:», 1876, 97; Worcester and Nashua R. R., 132%; Norwich and Worcester R. R., 130; Rutland R. R.‘pref., 52; do. scrip. No 4, 83; Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland R. R., 12; Summit Branch R. R.,v42 ; Cary Imp., 8,3/4; Boston Wager PowerCo., 251/1’ ;. New Hampshire 63, 98%; do, 1902, 98%; Massachusetts 5s, 1894 reg., 100; Boston 63, 1874, 991/4; do. 1876, 99; Lowell 6s, 1890, 94; Chicago 75, 1899, 99%; Cleveland, 75, 1892, 1017/3; Nashua (N. H.) 63, 1892, 91 ; Cook Co., Ills., 7s, 1885, 98%; Cambridge 65, 1893, 94; Worcester (is, 1892, 93% ; Cincinnati 75, 1891, 102; Allouez Mining Co.,«143/,; Calumet, and I-Iecla, 154}; ; Dana, 1 ; Rocknda, 3. 12‘czltz'more.—Maryland Defense bonds, 104; Vi1'. ginia consols, coupons, 793_/1; Indianapolis 83, 100%; Orange, Alex. and Manassas 7s, 81%; Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta 1st mort-. 7s, 75%; Northern Central GS, 1900, gold, 91 ; Orange and Alexandria 4th mort. 8s, 80; Central Ohio R. R., 40,95; do. 1st mort., 89; Richmond and Dan- ville 1st mort., 75. The latest quotations are: Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta bonds, 75@ 76; Wilmington and Weldon bonds, 93@94}»g; ‘Pittsburg and Connellsville 7s, 1898, 93@94; Bal-- timore and Ohio,165@175; do. 6s, 1875, 981/,C@ 981/2'; do., 1880, 981/1_@98%; do., 1885, 98%@ 98%; Parkersburg Branch, 11@12},5; Northern Central, 35@36; do. 6s,1885,911/4@92; do., 1900, 88@90; do., 6s, 1900 gold, 907/,@9]; N, W, Va, 1st rnort.,—-@92,1§; do., 2d mort., 94@97; do., 3d mort., 1885, —-@595; Marietta and Cincinnati 1st mort. 7s, 1892, 102@103V4; do., 2d mort., 7s, 93@95 ; do., 3d mort., 83, 81}v.§@-82; Central Ohio 40‘/§@42; do. pref., 40@41}4 ; do. let mort., 85@i 86; Western Md. 1st mort. 6s,1890, 84%@—-_-; do. 1st mort. gua.r., 96@97 ; do. 2d mort. guar., 95%@ 97; do. 3d mort., gua1'., 96@96%; ao.“2c1 mort. pref., 75@79; do., 2d mort. guar. by Washington