AMERICAN RAILIIOAI) JOIIRKAL. ‘o. l » 3, ._ ».__._... .k , _ .. ..__..__.._.._-_._....__.__...._......«— ._ 324 I °"Gf“_AN_?D‘RiEinD. Hi I I; I ‘ (:.B‘—C0LVl urns Contract for BUILDING and OPERATING atany point required. _ MACHINERY and APPLIANCES for RIVER, HARBOR and BANK IMPROVEMENTS, constantly on hand, and furnished on short notice. " ' FISI-IER’S PATENT Wrought Iron RAIL JGINTS, Mm H .»g;; MADE BY FISHER & NORRIS, C easement, Ce. The Superiority ‘of these Joints has ' LIN" been proved by eight years’ use on dif- ferent Roads. DANAS & LITCHFIELD, No. 18 ‘William Street, New-York, RAILROAD IRON, of best AMERICAN, ENGLISH and WELSH make, of ORDINARY or SUPERIOR QUALITY, and of any size, weight and pattern, from WORKS, YARD or EUROPEAN Shipping port, or deliv- ered at ports in the United States or Canadas. Bessemer and Puddled Steel Rails, Chairs, Spikes, &c.. Gflfiritws IMPRGVEE .DUfifiPiNG CAR. RIGHTS FOR SALE BY I A A. W. lilltBADS & 00., ‘‘ ft Wilkes,-Barre, Pa. s-_ A. W. 1-u-10.-IDS. N. H. CAMP. iv Fig. No. 1, Car Loaded Rest. TO DUM; THE CAR . ' Th B k I 1 H d _ _ b f I Fig. No. 2, Car Dumped. e ra eman seizest1e ever ' , an raises It a outa oot nus el . ' th 1-1 , tilting—frame, F, from thecatch, C, when the hopper, K. yields to'the f1cr>rcec1s1o]t'ggra?rit}?Pafi1ccl. l;(i1tit<]311Li ‘“°‘"“&‘;f on his fr .I°id~ , , _- — ‘ - 1- re, I orcm : _ fills back to It: place. where it is held by the catches. C and C. ’ g X own to its U ace when the hopper '4-¢W?'03-9: ' «,4: Wu 1330495 37 09:4 W'tlI_se;—Barre,‘.Pa. Lock Bag; 131. PACIFIC IIAIL Steamship Gompany’s . LINE T0 Ctllif0l'llltl, J opal: and Cllina. ' VIA PANAMA, CARRYING MAILS, PASSENGERS AND FREIGIIT TO KINGSTON, JAMAICA, AND PACIFIC COAST OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, PERU, AND CHILI. Steamers leave 15th and 30th each month, except when those clays fall on Sunday, then the day previous. June 15, steamer RISING STAR, CAPT I]. P. Coxxsn, will leave Pier No. 42, North River, at 12 o’clock noor, for Aspinwnll, touching at Kingston and connecting ut. l’u1mn1a with steamer COLORADO, Ca t. Parker, touch- ing at Punlu Arenas, San Jose, Guntcmn a, Acapulco and Mazatlan. and also connecting for all Central American and South Pacific ports. l<‘reie.lit. for lust-namccl ports 1‘GC0l\‘C(l until 4 1’. M. of June 13. . Btcmner CI-IINA will leave Sun Francisco July 1, for Japan and China. I<‘or rates of ussage, freight and all further information apply at the bompnny’s otlice on the pier, foot of Canal street-. F. R. BABY, Agent. ENGLISH AND C sooTCII FIRE ERICK In Store and to Arrive . NEW YORK, BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA. S. L. MERCIIANT & 00., 76 South Street, New York, 27' Central WlIaI'l} Boston, 205 1-2 walnut St., Plliladelphia, .AGEN’l‘S for the UNITED STATES OF MAW &: COJS (London) Encnustic Tiles, Geometrical and Picto- rml MOSAIC and _l’lnin Tile Pavement and Mzfolicn. and Enmnelled 'W:11l’l‘1les for Entrance Halls, Corri ors, Con- servntorics, Churches, Cemeteries, Clm els, Balconies Fireplaces, T.1nin_v_:s, ]1earths,Exterlor an Interior Wall Panels, Tablets, String Courses, EDWARD w. SERRELL, CIVIL ENGINEER, 78 85 80 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. AT Railroads, Bridges, Explorations. 36 Particular attention given to the Examination of Public VVorks for Capitalists seeking Investments. RAILROAD IRON. THE undersigned agents for the manufacturers, axe pre- pared to contract to deliver best unlity American: or W elsh Rails, and of any require Weightand pattern. PERKINS, LIVINGSTON &. POST, 3 1 Ne\v St., con of Exchange Place, EW YORK. RAILROAD IRON. THE Iundcrsigned agents for the manufacturers are prepared to ma e CONTRACTS FOR. RAILS delivered free on board at ports in England, or exship at ports in the United States. III. K. JESUP G6 C0lYIP’Y, , 59 Liberty St., New York. .HOMAS D. STETSON, Solicitor of .A.mericnn and Foroi Patents and Professional Expert in Patent Onset. o. ’1‘ryou’B.ow. New York.