304 . .__lL PREFERRED .92. GUARANTEED STOCKS. r (Marked with an asterick (*) are guaranteed by lessees and __...'_, thus (T) have equal dividends with lessees’ stock.) Div’ds _, v - - - 8 Coitinmins. Amount ,3 ,6 '5 out- *5 5 20-! standing. :4 ;:., ' S . st .A.l:§Ja.Ll'1l71:’:{'0<5‘5QLIE§l‘:.’1?VGG!;i.'1l(O. D.,) pref. $1,919,000 7 . . . . . . . Atlantic and St. L-.}wrence* ‘=‘.'l131‘- - - - 5’--394,003 % ‘é - - - - Baltimore and Ohio, pref. . . . . .. . . . 3, 031890 7 7 - - - - Berkshirc,* guaranteed. . . -. . .. . . 60 , l -- - - Blossbumr, and Corning?" E11913 - - - -_ - - 3 2 ' ' ' ' Boston, Concord and Montiealy P1913 113501000 7 7 ' ' ' ' Buffalo, N. York and Eric, guar.... 600.000 7 - Camden and Atlantic, pref.. . . .... . . 9 , - - - I Cata.wissa,* ref. and gum‘ -------- " 2"O0*0O0 7 7 66“ (gayuga and Ensquelianiiitf g'iu;1:.... 589,110 . .. 9 . . Cedar Rapids & MlEB0lll‘17 P13 9119‘ 75,.) 000 ,, and guaranteed ....... . .. .... ..... 406,000 7 .. . Central Ohio, preferred. . . ... ------ - - 3So»000 8 6 - - - - Cbernnng,* gu_ar ............... . . . . . 2 017,815 7 3 . Cheshire, preferred. . .......... . . 0,425a400 7 10 154 0bi°“g° and Alton’ 1) is 5 713 "*5 'r'ifa'i~' §’6oo'ooo 10 Chicago, Iowa and be ms in,_ E, - 1 F ‘:0 10 -- -_;_ Chicarro and No1‘thWCflt€l‘T1y Plefu - ~ 15:30‘):-87 5 914 0levclhn(l and l\Iahonino.* S115 - - - -- 243.000 - -- 5 - - - Peoria and Bureau .a1ley,* guar. . . . 1,200,000 . . . 6 . . . Philarlelpllia. and Eric?‘ -- - - .996.'700 ~- i-- -- Philaclclphia and Reacl1ng,*pref .... . . 1,551,800 0 . . Philadelphia and Trenton, T*guar.. . 1,099,120 10 . . Pittsfielc and North Adams, guai-.. 450,000 6 6 . . . Portl. & Kcnnebcc (Yarinouth2 guar. 202,400 5 5 . . . Portland, Sago & Poi-tsmogith, guar. 1,500,000 6 6 . . . Portsmouth and Concord .3 ...... . . 350,000 7 7 .. . Biichrnond, Frcdericlrsb. -Sc 1 otomac, guaranteed... . . .. . .............. . . 142,900 7 7 . . Rochester and Genesee Valley*. .. . . 557,560 . . . 7 . . . . ltutland, preferred .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 76 St. Louis, Alton and T. I-I., prof. . . . . 2,040,000 7 7 66 Sandusky and Cincinnati, prcf.. . 445,596 _ 6 6 37-1; Schuylkill Val1ey,* uar.. ._ . . ..... . . 576,050 5 5 . . . ShamolLin.:Val1ey 85 ottsville,*guar. _ 869,450 5 5 . . Tol._, Peoria. & Warsaw (W. D.) pref. 1,300,000 7 - . . . . . . H “ ‘ _ (E. D.) pref. 1,700,000 7 - . - . . . . Toledo, Wabasli and Western, pref. 1,000,000 7 7 78 Troy and Grreenbush,**guar.. . . . . . . . 274,000 7 7 . . . . Vermont and Canada, guar... . .. . . 2,500,000 8 8 . . Wa1'ren,* ,408,300 7 7 ... White Mounta.ins,* guar ...... . . . 200,000 5 5 . . . Wi-ightsv.,York 85 Gettysburg?‘ Pm « 817.050 - - ~ 2 - - - - CANAL Srpqits: * Delaware Division, gnar. . . .. . . ... . 1,633,350 8 8 . . . . Morris, preferred .... . . . . . . . . . . 1,175,000 10 10 65 Schuy " Navigation, pre . . . 2,888,997 6 6 37 Un1on,preferred.................... 6 .... MISCELLANEOUS Srooizs: Cumbei-1and.Coa1, pref.............. ..... 6 371; llsrlposa Mining, pref. . . ... . . . . .. 5,774,400 7 7 34;} WHOEESALE PRICE CURRENT. 1R.ON-—Du'rr: Bars, 1 to 115 cents per 11).; Railroad, 70 cents per 100 1b.; Boiler and Plate, Lg cents per, 117-: Sheet, Band, Hoop and Scroll, 1:} to 1:} cents per 1b.; Pig, $9 per ton; Polished, 3 cents per lb. Pig, SCOtC1l,«N0. 1 ................ . .per ton.40 — @ 43 — Pig, American, No.1 (good to best)..... ...40 — @ 42 —- Pig, American, No. ‘.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. .38 -~ @ 40 — Pig,Anie1-ican, Forge . . . . . . . ........ ..37 — @ 38 — Bar, Refined, English and American . . . . . . .90 — @ 9 — Bar, Swedes, assorted sizes . . . . . . . . . .(gold).82 50 @ 87 50 (‘STORE Pnions.—\ Bar, Swedes, ordinary sizes ._ . . . . . . . . .. ——- —- @145 —- Bar, English and American, Refined .... . . ~— ——- @ 90 — Bar, English and American, Common... . 85 — @ 87 50 Scroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..125 — @160 - Ovals and llalf—round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....122 50 @150 -— Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 -— — —- Horse Slice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12" - @ — — Rods, %@3-16 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 -— @16 —- . 1-loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..135 — @185 — Nail Rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per lb. ——- 8£@ -— 10 Sheet, Russia, assorted No.'s ...... . .(go1d) ~— 1156:.‘ — 13 Sheet, Single D. and '1‘. Common ....... . . — 5§,@ — 7 ltails, English . . . . . . ..(gold) . . . . . ..per ton. 55 — @ 56 — Rail.<,America.n .... .. 74 —- @ 76 -—- Anvils, Eagle .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per lb. —— 9%‘,@ —— - STEEL-Drrrr: Bars and Ingots, valued at 7 cents per lb., or under, 2}; cents; over 7 cents and not above 11, 3 cents per 1b.; over 11 cents, 2}, cents per 1b., and 10 per cent. ad val. (Store prices.) English, Cast. .(2d and 1st quality).per lb. ——- 18 @ — 22 English Spring (26. and 1st quality). . . . . . . -— 9 ——- 11>} English Blister (2d and 1st qnality)..... . . -— 11a§@ -— 19 English Machinery ..................... .. -- 12fi@ -— 15 English German (2d and 1st quality).. . . .. — 14 @ ——- 16 Aineiican Blister “ Black Diamond”.. . . . . — 10:§@ -— 16 American, Cast, Tool, do. .... .. ~— 19 @ -— — Anierican, Spring, (lo. .. . . .. —— 10 @ -— 13 American Machinery do. — -— @ — 13 American German do. — 10 @ — 13 COPPER—Dn'rr: Pig, Bar and Ingot, 25; old Co per 2 cents per 1b.; Manufact-ured,35 icr cent. ad val. ; S cath- ing Copper and Yellow Metal, in Sheets, 20 inches long, and 14 inches wide, weighing 14@34 oz. per square foot, 3 cents per lb. All Cash. Slieathing, New .............. .....per lb. — — @" —- 33 Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. — —— @ —~ 35 Braziers’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. —— ——- @ — 35 Nails .................................. .. — — @ -— 40 Sheathing, &c., Old .................... . .. — 22 @ — 23 Sheathing, Yellow Metal ............... .. — — @ — 27 Bolts, Yellow Metal .................. . . .. -— —- @ — 27 American Ingot .... .. . ..... .. . .... . . . . —— 26 @ -— 26!; TIN——DUTY: Pig, Bars and Block, 15 per cent. ad va.l.; Plate and Sheets and Terne Plates, 25 per cent. ad val. Banca. .................... ..(gold).per lb. — 3316-B -— 335 Straits .......................... ...(gold). — —- @ — 33; English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(gold). — —— @ — 31 P1ates—Fair to good brands. .-—Gold.——\ r--Currency.-—x I. C. Charcoal....perbox. 8 75 @ 8 87!: 11 75 @ 12 25 I.C.Coke . . . . . . . . . .......687’§@750 925@1150 Coke Terne . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 12fi@ 6 25 8 25 @ 8 50 Charcoal Ternc . . . . . . . . 8 —— @ 8 50 10 75 ® 11 50 PETROLEUM——DUrir: Crude, 20 cents; Refined 40 cents per gallon. Crude, 40 @ 47 gravity (in bu1k)..per gall. — 19 @ ——- —- Crude, 40 @ 47 gravit ' (in ship iing order) -— —— @ —- 23 Refined, in bond, priinbe L. S. to (110 @ 115test) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..— . ——- Relined, Standard White (in ship’g order). —- 335@ —— 34 Refined, prime Wliite (in shipping order). —— 5 @ — — Refined, S. W. (in mercliantablc order).. . . — — («B — 33 Naptha, Refined, (60 @ 63 gravity) . . . . . .. — ——- @ — 81; Residuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per bbl. —— — @ 6 —- GLASS.-DUTY: Cylinder or Window Polished Plate, not over 10 by 15 inches, 25- cents per sq. foot; larger and not over 16 by 24 incl1es,4 cents per sq. foot; larger and not over 24 by 30 inches, 8 cents per sq. foot; above that and not exceeding 24 by 60 inches, 20 cents per sq. foot; all above that, 40 cents per sq. foot; on nnpolished Cylinder, Crown and Common VVindow, not exceeding 10 by 15 inches square, 1%,; over that, and not over 16 by 24, 2; oveiibthat, and not over 26 by 30, 21;; all over that, 3 cents per . American Window——1st, 2d, 3d <85 4th qualities. New List. 6by8to7by9 ............... ..per50feet.775@ — sbyiocoioiiyis. ........... ........ ..325@a5o 11by14to12by18...... ...... ............975@7- 14by16to16by24.. .................... ..1o 5o@750 18by22to18by30 ...................... ..12 25@8—~ 2oby3oto24.by3o.. .................... ..15—@9-— 24by31to24by36 ........... 50 @1o~ 25by36to30by44 .............. ..........17 50 @1250 30 by 46 to 32 by 48 ....... .... ........... ..20 -— @13 50 32by50to32by56 ....... ....... ......22—@14 50 A ovc ..... ........... ..25 — @16 - (The above subject to a discount of 45@50 per cent.) French V-Vindow-—1st, 2d, 3d and 4th qualities. (Single Thick.) (New List, March 11th.) 6by8to8by10................per50feet. 8 50 @ 6 25 8by11to10by15......... ...... .........9 @675 _11 by 14120 12by18........................10 -— @ 7 50 13 by 18t.o 16by —— @ 8 - 18liy22to18by30 ........................13 50 @ 9 «- 20 by3O to 24by 30 50 @10 - 24by 32to 24by36 ........................18 -— @12 —- 25 by36 to 26by40 ....(3 q1ts.).............20 -— @16 ——- 28 by 40 to 30by 48 ....(3 q1ts.).............22 -— @18 —- 30 by 50 to 32by 56 qlts.).............24 - @520 - 32by58to34by60....(-':' q1ts.)............. —- @23 - (Subject to a discount of 40@50 per cent.) English sells at 35 per cent. oil the above_ra.tes. AME RICAN A-ILROAD JOURNAL. New York Stock Excllanrge. Actual Sale Prices for the week ending March 10. Th. 4.1-“. 6.Sat. 6.M. 8.Tu. 9.W.1o‘ Atlantic M. S. 8. Co . . . . . . . . Boston, Hartford & Erie. . . . Califoi nla 75 (gold) ....... . . Canton Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Central of N. J crscy. . .111 Cbicagoda Alton........... an . . Consol. . . . . . . . . Chic, Rock lsl. &. Pac .... . . Cliicago 65 R. I. 7s, 1870 . . . . Ohi., R. I. 6: Pa. 7s 1896.. . . Olev., 001., C. and 1nd.. 68 Clcv. and Pittsburg. . . . . 89 .. 82 . . 8 M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 M . . . . . . . . 75 . . Con. .......... . . Clev. and Toledo ..... . .105 .. S.F.7s..... 99$ COL, Chl., dz Ind. ... . . . . . . .. 1M.......S4{, Cumberland Coal pref .... . . Del. 6.: Hudson Canal.. . . . . . 1)el., lack. & VVestcrn.1163 . . 1 M. 7s. . . . . . . . . .. 2M.7s.....92 Erie Railway ....... . . . . . . . . . . pref ......... . . . . 1 M. 7s, 1807.... .. 2M.7s,1879.... .. 8M.aB,1883... .. 4M.7s,1S80... .. 511.7 1888... Great Western 29.1 mort. . . . . Hudson ltiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1M.7s,1869.... . . 2 M. S. 14‘ ..... . . .. 3M.7s,1875.... Illinois Central .......... . . .. bonds ..118 Lake Shore (0., 1’. do A.)105 Marietta & Cin. 1st pref. 24 . . 2d pref. . . . . . . . . Michigan Centrii1.. . . . . .118 . . 8.14‘. 8s,18S2.. . . . conv. 8s, ’69 . . . . M. S. and I ........ . . 05% . S. F . . . . . . . . 2 M .......... . . Mil. and I’. du Chien . . . . . . . . . 1st pref ...... . . . . . 2d pref . . . . . . . . . . . 1st . . . . . . . . . . Milw. and St. Paul. . . . . 64¢ . . pref ...... . . 76 . . 1st mort . . . . . . . . . . 2d moit . .... . . . . 8s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8-10s con.. 91} Missouri 65 .......... . . 88 .. H. 6'5 St. J. iss. 88 Morris and Essex. . . . . . 88 .. 1st mort.. . ._ 9.8 .. 2d mort.... 90 N. Jersey R..R. Sr. T. Co.. . . . New York Central. . . . .1581 . . 7s, S.F. 1876100} . . 7s, conv. ’76. . . . .. (ls, S.F. 1883 91% . . 0s, S.F. 1887.. . . N. York and 1-larlem. . .135 pref . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1M. 7s,1873.... N. Y. and N. Haven ..... . . N. Carolina (is .. . .... . . 631; .. new....... 58* Ohio and Miss ............ . . . . pref. . ........ . . .. 1stM....... 94 Pacific Mail S. S. 00. . . .100} Panama . . . . . . . . . . Phila. and Reading. . . . . 91 Pitts., 14‘t. VVi& Chicago.117¥ .. §M .... 971 Quicksilver Mining Co... 24 St. L., Alton &. T. H.. .... . . . . 1 M . . 2 M. pref ..... . . . . Income bds. . . . Tennessee as . . . . . . . . . . . 67§ .. new........ 651; Tol., VVab. dz; Western. 66% .. pi-ef............ 1 M. ex... . . 91 2M........ 84g Equipment..... no‘ no ',Virginia 65, ex-coupon. . 56§- new........ ...: .5é. Hula capo 651 .éb. .56. 111 iééil 59,7, 111 .... "$342 as so .... -... ...- -... .... 35 iii" -.-u 736.; 1251 51 111 .... 101 73% .536. 'éi3§ iiiéii, H95. 33; 75 ibci iiél 26 .66. 67 57} - in ' '- 3: I2 . Z1 2 a-‘oquuovpou . Inc- v