AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 1227 _ RAILROAD SHARE LIST, including Mi1eage,—Rol1ing Stock, etc., etc. 1111 ““''f1¢/€ (“) occurring in the column headed “Rolling-Stock,” signifies that the cost. is included in that of “Railroad and Appurten9.n0es." A. dash (—-—) signifies 11 Running date ( .--..) signify “not ascertained.” Land-Grant Railroads are in “italics.” Railroad. '5 Equipment. Abstract of Balance Sheet. -27 _ Earnings. E - Pr I '''‘_'g 9-4.5 :--——_—'—-~—-—— 3,’ Eg E ag Cars. Property and Assets. ,3 .33, 2,3 g . fl - 0 7‘ . . .,‘. no 0: . E,‘57'd "3 0 g ,3 d g in fin gig‘ 53*; . S % Oompumea. 5 :50 4.95 $93 530 45:3 7-15.5 5% EE $4 '5‘: °’ 5 4898.988 37 +5 898 5%‘ 37*» =95’ 7988' 8-9 375.2 8: «>3 8 9 "‘ *-79“99‘“-5.9 751° 8585 9% 57 93 ~“=’°'8" 5% 99 8-5 8 .. 9-» Am '5 o :1 as '9 pg 954' "1 “-3 Egg -- ",;.E0:.D 0"‘ :10 1.. G) 1» :1 .6194:-194:1: ‘7 817799 7-79: 02285-2: 25725 M M. M. M. NoNo No. P 3 3 3 3 3 3 M. M. 3' 3 p.o.m 81 Jnn.’66 44.0 186.0 13 11 113 A11eghen§rN€'E«.s1S1%'§vA_f_Ifl ____ 2,850,723 232,040 293,573 1,948,400 614,000 313,542 2,870 342 440 134,201 350,277 128,892—-- 18 31 Oct. ’66 337.0 6.0 81.0 140 150 106 3,246 Atlanuc and 39.494 Western _ 06,357,560 7* 83,348 29,564,405 29,999,900 1,150,819 60,721,124 507 0 2,041,771 4,833,490 1,470,030 -—— ._... 31001. '66 66.0 2.6 4.5 -—— 21 9 203 c,,,t,,,W;,,,,,,, _________ ____ ________ 3,034,000 * 3,350,000 266,000 3,634,000 67.0 7,64 47, 130,541—-- 13 31 Oct. 766 740 ..__ 0.8 -—— 15 12 130 oumb,,r1,,,nd vane, ________ __ 1,691,037 5 1,310,900 834,000 1,691,037 74.0 207,024 504,40 352,281 8 833 81 Oct. 7661130 — 70.0 -—— 87 175,740 De1.,LnokaWe.n11a and 'West.’n 9,687,427 2,912,417 11,288,000 3,370,500 717,22215,.770,322 204.5 1,909,775 2,738,496 714,825 20 112 310010 ’66 360 17 6-0 '-— 13, 3 96 East Penngy1vm1ia-__.______., 1,342,031 227,559 7 654,400 ,9 " 1,534,740 35-0 199,412 3,0 237,034—'-— _..-. 317005. 706 780 —-— 10.0 -—— 1 —- 620 1111111111; and Williamsport . 77 203,000 352,000 1,000,000 1,020,000——«———~ 2,020,000 78.0 285,143 517,531 1088. 5 29 81004. 766 18.5 —— 6.0 —-- —-— — ——7g;,,e,,,,.1N.,,0,ea,,, ____ 30,000 600,000 400,000 -—————— 1,000,000 18.5 168,323 620,438 100,700 25 81 Oct. ’66 816 0 6.2 —-— 15 11 440 Erie and Pittsburg 1,842,920 554,628 225,000 064,200 1,248,704 435,296 2,622,548 98.0 313,902 618,500 285,153 —— 81 Oct. '66 880 18.0 17.9 _._____ __ __ Harflgburg and Lanoa5t,er_____ 1,882,550 * 1,182,550 700,000 ...... -- 1,882,550 ---- oper. by Penn. R R o '1 51 81001. 760 32 —-— 1.4 44.0 4 2 15 Hen1pfie1d _________ ______ __ 1,616,459 41,340 104,900 1,800,505 500,000 100,000 2,409,505 82. 47,227 55,092 2,972.-— __,, 81 069. 760 440 157 11.7 0.0 16 3 79 Huntingdon and Broad Top __ 2,188,498 7» 685,180 1,462,14 —————— 2,188,498‘ 50.7 194,282 250,906 53,595 —- 81 Oct. 786 800 20 13.5 —-— 21 61,278 Laokawnnnn andB1oomebu1-g 3,789,831 22,315 1,335,000 2,401,645 08,380 3,812,111 82.0 484,750 918,878 285,010 .—— _,,,, 81 Oct. '66 710 57-5 130.0 —-— 86 19 3,475 Lehigh vane ________ 0,941,432 3,050,700 9,408,200 1,477,000 _——12,994,222 128.5 1,078,411 3,718,680 2,200,027 20 31 80:. lggg 60 62.0 ————— —-— ,———— Little 3ehuy11:111 1,466,333 * 1,588,966 2,006,180 885,000 78,655 3,604,055 (ope r.b1,7, Re aging 11,11.) g 204 0. -—— . —-Mi H‘l1 as 11 114.13 “.740 ————-~—-——~- 7756 ‘ 57 81 000. ’66 5565119 14.8 -—— 23 22 687 No§€h1;e:rf§y1v%n11§ ____ 37541963 665,222 467,050 331501150 3,124,787 6,887,235 07.5 345,588 902,218 382,500 —-— 33* :1 D06. =06 354.8 33 3 460.3 —— 452 240 7,979 Pennsylvania ______________ __ 25,042,034 3,371,215 10,238,668 20,000,000 18,038 256<—-————--- 44,251,544 665.6 7,080,026 16,583,883 5,967,520 9 503 31 001. 760 170 30 19.3 —-— 19 42 119 911115,, Ge1'mant’n&Norrist’n 1,139,079 208,439 409,906 1,401,8 159,800-—-———— 1,817,554 24.2 274,879 605,346 247,446 9 04 81 Dee. 706 287 5 _—— 03.3 —-— 211119. 9.nd(Sunb11ry)Erie____ 17,369,733 , 5,083.70o 13,060,000 600,18,084,§0O 287.8 1,424,110 2,541,052 454,077 .... g3, 30 Nov. 766 147.0 ..._ 255 4 —— 267 71 8,048 Philadelphia and Re9.ding_.._. 19,898,403 3,765,774 2,399,608 22,742,387 6,719,562 .:2.57'7,u48 474 8 4,361,336 10,902,819 6,016,551 10 43, 31 Oct. =08 26.5 .— 30.0 -—— —-——-— —— Philndel 1115 and Trento11--._ 1,309,264 272,223 1,099,120 200.7-‘“0 ‘ 1,041,507 26-5 195.473 849.446 310,754 15 125 31 Out. 955 9&0 __ 1O5_6 ,_____ 50 72 943 Phjlaq ilmington and Ban,” 10,469,309 * 9,019,300 1,450,000‘--—-——1D,AP-0,800 197.0 880,935 2,470,955 1,057,637 10 54 111062.760 58.4 —-— -—— 90.6 14 12 82 Pittgbur a,nd(}onne11gv1]_1e__ 2,432,068 229,708 220,792 1,770,129 1,500,000 73,108 8,349,287 70.9 324,068 539,1 245,966._____, 31 Dec. 760 463.5 .—.- 8.1 ~--—- 189 121 2,429 P1btsb’g,g.8't. Wayne 6:: Chicago 24,253,747 8 2,078,702 9,940,988 12,558,500 1,062,343 26,927,540 468.5 4,945,418 7,407,217 2,319,531 10 99; 81 051.700 23.0 ..... 5.0 ..__ 7.. 453Bhan10kinVau0y ,,,I»,,,,,,v,,-,9 1,509,450 869,450 700,000._——— 1,509,450 28.0 , 9 348,13 30,392 4,, 40 31 oen. 760 26.1 ..._ 4.0 -—— 8 13 38 Weatchester 65 Ph1]n(1p1nhi:1 1,345,387 140,721 10,000 684,036 962,600 113,805 1,760,501 35.4 144,402 857,590 143,650._. ____ 81 Oct. 760 86.6 ..— 4.7 -—— 8 3 253 Tioga, __________________ 820,307 247,245 22,501 549,400 316,000 26,292 1,095,913 80.6 120,004 204,123 123,812 25 4.0 12.110011 ISLAND. 81 Aug.’65 02.0 ._ 4,0 —— 10 18 140 N,Y,,proVm9,,ce and Boston 2,508,000 7- —-—-—— 1,755,281 500,000 02.0 340,600 025,041 109,323 12 35 S C . . 31 Dec. 758 54.9 — __-- 47.4 4 3 21 o1,.,,1e,,‘§¢t,’,T‘,",,,.1‘,3’§’,f‘,.‘,§',;‘,,,, ____ 301,315 34,372 250,000 700,865 195,200 197,905 1,009,586 51.9 .... .......... -- __.. 7:318-2 - -—— 17 7 1 12528 .2533: ------ --1212 ------ -- 31423 1753 '7 ' an. . 21.3 ---. —-—-.- (1 v111 8 01 51 2439 769 32 101 ------- -- . ------ -— 2 ..... 28 Feb.’6'1102.0 _ ____ ...... 1, 3 105 1srf,‘?Zfi.n:u°§9';3n__(.)_‘iJ;]_1_.‘: _ 211481131 77’ 51,078 ’898I95 1:028’ 00 2723259 2,.199,209102.o 154,496 3173775 66:63 -——. __ 81D00. ’66186.0106O .__. ~ — 47 84 343 south c,4,~o1;,,,,_______________ 8,511,957 * 549,110 5,819,275 3,534, 98 447,491 9,821,075 242.0 --.-.-.- 1,312,738 387,332——-— ___. Tmumssnm. 80 Bep.‘60 47.6 .._. ____c , ,5 ,1, _ 10214770 53133 505 214 514000 99110 1137707 47.6 ...... -- 29907 1918'7~—-,,__,, 80 June’66 80.0 —-— 1.8 —— 17 11 200 E:%e1tI;Jf?‘enI1)1:s3e‘1:rzl11n((11‘((;lel1I(11‘)gia-. ——’—- N *’ ' 2,141§970 ’ --'..-.’.--- 140.0 10 mos. 4412029 154:081——— ___. 577»’9922~° - -—— 17 8 * .8533 .9932 779782 9845 52437 583.5985 nu. . .6 19.4 20.0— 55 50 47814 hi dOh 1 5 62835 5100200 7. -. 8 . ' 3 - 71 .- .... 1850----.- 271.0 10.0 20.0 3.9 9 5 242 M33301: :30 Ohii1c1;_e:E:.°.I.1--.-- 232593207 ’141I144 ’ ' ’570Zo0o 1j301,000 1451000-}... '.--——— ’ ’ ’ ’ __,,, 1g5%'"76B1g3'0 -—— 8&6 5&8 “F. "'7 ~9—M°mphiB’C1ark°Bv' &L°um' 2’O00’(1g91 1099500 130g’g83 "96 T138 ‘30'1r'i67 -992 367 252 179 29 '''" - ep. ,2 __ .._ .—.~ 12 21,4, - - - dry 3015 3 2 . . . 4 .. ,___ 1859--.-.- 47.4 —— 2.8 — —— 4 5 46]h([ifi3B11§1:il£1l:1 %110n2r§1n§3§“'1?enn. ’892I710 82,908 3171447 ’632§50o 222309 _.’...I... 47.4‘ 54,175 88:12!) 441663 __,_ 1859...--.- 34.2 —— 7.0 —-— 12 2 81McM11mvi11e 9.ndManohe81;er.. 533,807 56,815 144,804 406,000 5,000 ....... -- 34.2 30,065 23,808 13,892——- __,_ 30 NOV.’60149.7 44.0 7.9 --—-~ 39 17 319 Nashville and Cha,t,ta.noogu___ 3,632,832 * 2,056,544 1,731,000 ------ -~ —-------- 159-0 ------ -- 734,118 337,334 3 _.,_, 1359--—--u —-- --—- ---. —-— 7 ---Nashville and Northwestern - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -— ---—----- --------- -------- "— ..... 1860....-- 45.8 -—— 4.2 11.7 5 5 82 Tennessee and Alabama 76,010 76,010 505,922 860,000 204,544 ....... .- 45.8 57,950 127,953 ,249 ____ 1859.-.»... 30.0 —-— 0.6 3.0 -- -- —-W&‘nchoster an<1d.%11I1,bnma. -...- ........----— 213,952 413,000 403,477 --------- 3°~ -------- 1:248 .._.. nxns ( ll ‘ St I? . . .. .. '53 320 -- ..... 153.0 .-- -—. ---- fiuflhlo uaou‘,u]31e'§/5 Cc(>l1’:’)do -......-..——— ------ -- ----- ---- ---------- —-— ----------- -- 32-0 ------ -- -------- --—~---- --' ....... .. _— ’58 66.0 --— -..-- 184-0 .-- —-— ---- Galve8t., oust. 5:. Henderson . . — - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --------- --------------- -- 55-9 ---------------------- -- --* -... _._ .. ’60 50.0 -—— 5 75.0 2 1 40 ]E[ouatona.ndBr11zo1-ia, ______ _. 1,260,000 ..... -..-— —-'—-" 275-000 240,000 171,550 --------- 50-0 31,300 32,670 —————— -. —-— _,__._ 1 May 708 70.0 —— 60283.3 7 5 124 Houston and Texas Oentral-_ 4,282,345 * 455,000 975,000 309,000 102,200 282,846 196,568 —-— ___, -. -- 25.0 —-— . ... S8.nAntonio&M0xicanGu1f. .--..--.. - ----- ----- —-— ..... VERMONT. . 31 May 7071103 —-— 6.0 -— 11 10 328 co,,,,e.,,_.4,1>,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, mvm, 3,071,397 3 100,124 1,901,800 573,800 521,102 8,171,311110.8 171,490 493,706 134,032.. ____ 31 Aug.’63119.6 —-— 18.0 —-— 20 25 558 1;,,,1a,,.1 and Burlington........ 3,991,705 556,275 2,233,376 8,257,471 895,219 0,386,160119.6 449,351 423,027 112,102 ____ 31 A_ug,’68 62_5 2,0 4,9 ~—— 10 9 240 Rutland and Washington ____ 950,000 256,383 1,097,000 ............... --. 1,206,333 62-5 136,761 185,474 67,785 ____ 31M8.y,’85117.0 2.0 26.0 —-— 54 49 1,068 Vermont Oentr0.1--..-............ 8,402,055 * 5.000.000 3,500,000 8,500.000784*’77.030304154771782 334.326——- 1 81 Mey,705 47.0 18.6 5.8 ———— — 7---VermontandC8.nad11 ....... .. 2,250,000 2.140.000 2.250.000 0120 r.byVt- antral 180,000 8 95 30 Jun. 705 23.6 -—— 0.9 -—— 4 6 39 Vermont veue 1212 274 * 516,164 793,200 --------------- -- - ------ -- 90,273 34.368 —-—- -... y 7 I 80 Jun. '63 59.0 5.5 8.6 ——_—~ —-— Western ‘Garment --._--..,..,. 1,083,500 * 382,000 700.000 --------------- -- 0190 r-b-Troy 67 B091'»- 63.852 —-— _._. IBGINIA. 1 A118-’59 41.3 -—— -—-— 122-1——--—— —-— Alex. Loudoun &H8.m 311119 1492194 42 000 —-—— 1408018 86188 88131 1534194 - _,__ 30 Be17.’59 77.8 8.9 8.81050 9 5 221 Mamfssasea -_.-_--_.I.). _-- 2§942§548 21o}680—-——- 219691801 7753500 1132789 --’..-.’_.. 113.7 703,034 136,802 43,062-—— ____ 80 sep. 750 79.2 — 4.8 —-— 5 2 75 Norfolk and etereburg.. . 2,000,873 122,150 1.500.124 590.610 155.161 9month9 79-3 47,702 54.121 16.332-— .... 80 Sep ‘($6103.51 —- -—— -.... NorthwesternVirgin1a_...--... 5,822,150 * 468,005 5,719,229 ...... -- ..._.-_._-108.. 6961703 127,935 171 80 Bap. ’66 88.3 68.4 10.0 -- 16 16 123 Orange and Alexandria -------------------- -—— ------ -- 270332555 2.923300 3307780 - ------ --167-7 6m°5- 3007101 102:651''''''' 15k 30 sep. ’66123.3 10.1 -..- —— 13 7 107 Petorsburg and Lynchburg.-. 3,538,272 * 1.365.600 1,631,900 124,931 8.565,187133-4 ------ -- 289,581 49,581--—— ____ 33 §""'»"Z21Z3"§ 21'? 112 ._ 04 111 131§etf,§:,buf1ga1:1d1§%°an?B{°""' 1’3§$’2?Jg :1 1488 500 2ggg’033 1y1)%’ggg 903833 }:'§1£1(1’Es3§gs"2'89'55i Egg’??? 282%: 71"" . . . -—— 6 9 ' ' ———— -— ’ - 7 1 —" ..... 80 333. 759 75.1 _ 4.6 —-— 11 10 $33 n§§5m3’f5~.§3er1e§”§Z‘9%9eme8. 119331579 3, ’52Isoo #0411680 001960 962628 .-’.,,..0.’,,,, £4; 1g9.gg1, ,2,g,9.g7,1,6 1462385 7 3822731123 13:? 33 3:175 31’ 13% §§‘éfi’$83& 3%‘&¥'Z‘f§‘1‘$?€§.::: ‘~33i:§Z3 20,554 “"""" §%3;é33 3é§:8°8 ..f‘."‘:"i?f .‘.:.‘_:-.. 25:7 13:42 7* 1 '"’°-'‘'’’‘‘‘'‘" 3;; 23 Feb 137 30,, __.. ___, _... 1, 5 153 g.,,,bo,,,d ,,,,,.1;,,,,,,,ok,,_______ 1,911,303 7+ 221,084 808,200 409,893 112,206 2,032,947 80.0 163,037 391,577 280,526-------- 30 gap, 157 205:0 __.... 21,3 '[_0 32 15 195 Virginia, Cent,,—a,1______________ 5,540,788 541,814 296,438 3,353,679 1,919,550 377,297 6,879,040 221-3 300,405 554,511 135,648——— ____ 30 Jun.‘ ‘B6 2047 9,410.0 —— 29 18 275 Virginia. 3,1,0 Tennessee 7,190,550 * 171,670 3,497,291 1,839,500 520,822. 7,362,250 214.9 278,889 550,022 , ..__ __ ISOONSIN. - ,_ 81 Dec. 700195,, 79.0 ~—- 68 321,158 Milwaukee and St.,Pfaul......_.- 10,902,982 * 7,606,89210,988.950 5.229.000 18,508,374 2,153 966.7272.538,800 934,103-—— 4,, 81 Dec. 706 200,, 135.0 28.8 -—— 47 31 660 Mz'lw’lceerma Prazrze du. Chzen 7,726,200 * 4,144,696 390,500 2 5- ----—--~» -—-- -—— 40 1...: — . ----v ---- --Ii nun --I0 ‘u... Western Union - - - - - --II - - - - - - — * - ' - ‘ ‘ " "-"" “"" """""' """"""" """"""T ''''' " """""""' '-" ""'-.--- ‘-..- -..- "". """ %—’ CANADA. ....a 3 .763 .... --— 31 27 4 ' 1 dL 1: H c .111 938 000 7* 11750000 138000 11 988 000 10.10 236798 97 952.... ,5 777777-12%-8 - -—— 77 79477§7737“777777m3‘37—75- 714288 : 1%3%3%31§8..3%%§2%37333723? .8838: .3152- 77 I ’ I no--— 5 3 union. INF‘ -.-‘C-‘V Th "1 ---.-—-- —-—... 3° J“ ."§1.o9c 13” 3 ___78 0 204 123 2'399 Gm? Trunk 23’633’750 7» 1 250000 10’802’745 9’281I485 _’.-..’--- 20’084}180 357.0 ..-.---- 3:011:86!) 135491510 1, ""‘ 81Ju1y 6 22901106 6.0 92 1,689 Grea We8tern--...—--—-----— . _. 1 7 2 1 1 98 _, 9,9 2,,89,,9 961 402670 46., 266 191,, -- 111)ee. 764 94-5 1.6 -... -—— 18 20 837 North§_m(O1.3S.&.H.3--...-... 5,456,619 -—------ --------- 4.909. 0 -68. 9 5.6 4» - 2 1 . 33——- ..... ' IIW BUKBWI K. ' 31055. 706 1.2 12.0 —-— 13 18 170151115 ean 551%:-tn American 4747713 7- ....__. 455370,, 1o8_0--—-——- 148.339 65.777 -- Ju1y,7611g3~g —-—. -,.- .... New 1-nnewiek and Canada- 1;402:'148 02,398 -———---~ $801,000 13.100 186.000 1.709.232 300 ----- 137 757 36.670 —-— :3 - Sou 8001714. , , D", 953 GL5 39,5 ____ ..._.. 20 13 180 1-_q70v,,31%3,-,1“ a_________“______ 4,273,401 I , 4,178.23? }.-—-—--- 4,273,281 92.0 158,416 189,107 37,181 ..«.., ,_,,_ > !W SLHADL » ~ . -1 . 3, man: ....,,._ 11 22 )1,}a_,‘3_P‘w“_u”_‘a.‘a" _ glmmim 6' 1 v U ...._..-. £8‘! cum: liiulu I