926. 2 clgxzlfies that the road is in the hands of receivers. (1‘) that the compunyi; . default in its interest. “S.F.,” Sinki AMERICAN RAILROAD » JOURNAL . AMERICAN RAILROAD BOND LIST. ng Fund. “var.” that the bonds fall due at dlflerent periods ___. x ‘S’ ‘f: Interest. E’ 1‘? Interest. Deecri ticn. ‘ a. . ca‘ Dosori tlon. o a.. --- ---~-— - . P O 3 When Where 3 P 3 3.’ When Where 3 E E. payable. payable. Q 33., <1 ,5 payable. payable Q labamu and Florida : Ohica o and Milwaukee : . AMO,-tgagg ___________ ___, _,___ -... $600,000 '7 -... ...... .-.-.- .... 1... .... .- 1867 ...... 131. general Mort ---. .... -..... 1,726,000 7 Jun. & July. New York. 1893 convert, (gum-_ by Dir,)_-.....-. 150,000 7 .-.. -... --..-. ..... .... .... -. 1863 ...-. Chicago and Great Eastern : A_‘mbg_1na and '_['enn_ Riyerfi: , 18?; Mortgage.......... ..-.-. ...... ..- 5,500,000 7 Apr. 55 Oct. NQW Y0rk- 1895 1st Mortgage convert1ble.. '81 Jan. :55 July. New York. 18%: ..-. Ofiltéfiigdo ctnd Rock Island: 1397 000 7 J n ‘Sc July New York 1870 20 ort a 0 ---.----.-—.-.-—-— ----- --- ———— -- ---- ---- ------ ---- s or :20 e .--—-—----------- . . a - - '- ‘’‘‘,‘.’{g’’ “i1 géusquemnmu 2 114,000 7 Ap1'l & Oct Albany 1888 lute (I)~1matb?§dBft"i' 3Z'i>Z1'S' "" 23 6303003 3 35: J1\1I1(l§7' ‘ it i: ort a e --..... -.-.....---.-- . . '1 . . ‘ ---— s or . . . - .---- . . - '- Alleghgng Valley: _ Chico o and Northwestern : 15¢, nlongnge ________________ __ 398,000 7 April & Oct, Pittcburg. 1891 ...... Pro erred Sinking Eund--. .... 1,250,000 7 Feb. 6: Aug. New York 1885 Atlantic mid Gt. ‘Western :_ _ General let Mortgage" ...... .-.... 3,000,000 7 “ “ ‘: “ 1835 1st Mortgage, N. Y. Division .. 895,000 7 Jan._ 6:: July. London. 1379 --.- Funded Coupon Bonds ...... .. 758,000 7 May an Nov ‘ 1883 2d Mortgage, “ “ .- 774,700 7 April &. Oc . “ “ 1881 .... Congohdated Sinking Fund ..- 3,040,000 7 F. M A. & N “ “ 1915 151. Mortgage, Penn. “ .- 2,324,800 7 “ “ “ “ 1877 ..-» Equipment Bonde-—..---- ...-. 165.000 7 Apr. 55 Oct. “ “ 1374 2d Mortgage, “ -- 913,500 7 Jan. &: July- “ “ 1882 --.- Equipment Bonds .......... .. 2,200,000 10 May & Nov. “ “ ’G8—’71 1stMo1-Lgage,F1-:1nklin_l31rz111eli 349,000 7 J unc &. Dee. .-.. --.... ---. 1882 .... - Appleton Extension Bonds"-.. 4,0 0 7 Feb. 55 Aug “ “ 1885 lat Mortgage, Ohio DlV'lHl01l.__ 3,764,400 7 April 5.: Oct. New York. 1876 .-.. Green Bay Exteuaion Bonds--. 300,000 7 “ “ “ “ 1885 2d Mortgage, “ “ --- 2,880,000 I J an. & J uly- “ “ 83 --.- Flegg Trust _Bonds .......... .. 200,000 8 J 00. 5: July. “ “ «--.. 1st Mortg:1.ge,B11fl"a.l0 Extcrrn. 1,492,000 7 Feb. 65 Aug. -...-. --.. .--- 1884 --.- Cincmu., Hamilton and Dayton : 1551; Mortgage, Silver Creek .... ‘£00,000 7 March &Scpt. ..-. --.. .-.. -. 1884 -... 2d Mortgage -..... --...-.-._. ...... 1,250,000 '7 May. &. Nov. New York. 1880 Consolidated Bonds ......... -- 16,333,500 7 Q,ua.rtor1y. London. 1800 -..... '_3d _Mortcege --.. ..-..._--... .. .... 500,000 8 ......... .... .. ‘‘ “ 1877 Atlantic and St. Lawrence: _ _ . Cincinnati, and Zcnesvillez Dollar Bonds (Coupon) --.. .-.... 988,000 6 April 85 Oct. Portland. 1866 --.. lat Mortgage ..-. .-.. ..---. ...... 1,800,000 7 May & Nov. N 0W York. 1893 Sterling Bonds (Coupon) ... --.. 484 000 6 Nov. &. May. London. 1878 .--. Cleveland and Mahoning: City of Portland Loan (Coup.) 1,000,000 6 Various. N .Y., P.&Bos. ’68-’70 ..-». lat Mortgage ....-...... .... .. ...... 850,000 '1 Feb. 6: Aug. New York. 1873 Baltimore and Ohio : _ V 3d Mortgage ...... ...... -...-. ...... 587,000 8 March 3:. Sept. .-.. ...-. --.-.- ... 1876 Maryland Sterling B'ds of 1838- 3,000,000 5 J a. lip. J u.Oc. London. 1838 «we Hubbard Branch..-... --.. ---..- 105,600 7 --.. ........ .. --..-. ..--........ .......... Mortgage Coupon “ 1853- 1,852,000 6 April 65 Oct. Baltimore. 1885 995 .C1ev.. Puinesville and Achtubula : K‘ “ “ 1850- 628,500 8 J an. & July. " 1880 973 Special (Bunbury and Erie) ..-. 500,000 7 J an. oz July. New York. 1878 “ “ “ 1855.. 1 021,750 3 J an. & July. “ 1875 99 Dividend Mortgage .... ...-.. ..-... 1000 000 7 -..-.. ...... -.-.-- -.-... .....- --..-. 1880 u ~ rs n 1334- 5, 0 6 J0. Ap. Ju.Oo. 1867 100 Cleveland and Pittuburg: ’ Belt. City Leon of 1856 ..... -.. 6,000,000 6 J an. & July. ‘ , 1890 98 2d Mort. (M. L.) or 1st Extension 1,129,000 7, March &Bept. New York. 1873 Bay de Noquet and Marquette : . 8d M_ort. (M. L.) or 2d Extension 1,019,500 7' “ “ “ “ 1875 Income .--- .-.. .--, .... ..-. ...- 100,000 3 Aprll & Oct. Boaton. 1870 ...... 4th1a.ort.(M. L.) 01°30 Extension 1,107,540 5 J an. 65 July. “ “ 1892 Bellefontcine and Indiana: Div1dend bonds .... .......-..-. 13,314 -.- ---. --.. .. .... .... .--. .-.... .- ....-..-- 1st Mortgage extended ...... ...-.. 1.225.000 7 Jan. &: July. New York. "[0499 90 Income bonds..-- -....- -.... .... 3,500 --.. -... .-...- ...... ........ -.'....-. -- .. - 2d Mortgage ..--....-.. .-..- - 433,000 7 “ “ “ “ 1870 825 Clev. Columbus and Oln. : Income bonds.--- --... .... ...- 87,000 --- --.. .-.. .-.. .- -... .... -....- 1870 ... 1st Mortgage Coupon .-..,.-... 450,000 /7 Jan, &. J uly, New York. ’64-‘O0 .. Belvidere Delaware : _ Cleveland and oledoz _ let Mort. (guar. C. and A.) .....- 1,000,000 0 J une 65 Dec. New York. 1867 85 Junction lat Mortgage let D1v.- 27,000 7 April 65 Oct. New York. 1867 2d Mortgage (do.).--- -..- -. .-.. 500,000 6 March & Sept. Princeton. 1885 84$ Junction 1st Mortgage 20 Div.- 126,000 7 June 65 Don. “ “ 1872 8d Mortgage ((10 ) ............ .. 745,000 0 Feb. 85 Aug. “ 1877 -..... C. 6: T. lliortgago Bonds---.-.- 692,000 7 April &. Oct. “ “ 1886 Boston Concord and Montreal : ~ ---- O. and T. Income (convertible)- 0,000 '1 Mm-ch 85 Sept. “ “ V 1870 1st Mortgage -.-. .--. -...--.. --.-. 61,000 0 Feb. <56 Aug. Boston. 1865 .--. C. and T. (S. F.) Moi-tga.ge-.-... 2,021,000 7 J an, 6; July. “ “ 1885 1st Mortgage -..- .--. ..-... --.- 300,000 7 “ “ New York. 1865 --.. Columbus and Xenia : 2d Mortgage Coupons ..-......... 100,000 6 Jan. 6; J uly, Boston. 1870 95: Mortgage..... .-.. .................. 248,000 6 March 65 Sep. Columbus. 1890 20. Mortgage Coupons --.... .--- 250,000 7 “ “ New York. 1870 95} Connecticut River: Sinking Fund ---- -----a ----- ..- 335,000 6 “ “ Boston. 1889 91i Mortgage ---. ..-... -..... ---......-.. -250,000 6 March 65 Sept, Boston, 1878 Boston and Lowell : Connectic’t and Pcseump. Rivers : Mortgage .-.----. ------------. 440.000 8 J on. 6: July. Boston. 1873 100; let Mortgage ...- .... .-.. ...... 573,800 6 June .1; Dee, Boston 1376 ,, , ---- ---- ----,-------—- 200.000 6 April & Oct. “ 1879 96 Cumberland Valley : Buifalo, Bradford and Pittaburg : « 1st Mortgage ...... ..-........... ...‘... 161,000 8 April & Oct. Philadelphia. 1904 lat Mortgage ...-------..,..-.- 51,766,000 7 J an. 8: July. New York. 1886 ....» 2d Mortgage .... _............... 109,500 3 c u u as 1904 Bnilalo, New York and Erie : ' Dayton and Michigan: lat Mortgage 00119011-------—-u 2,090,000 7 J une :55 Doc. New York. 1877 90 1st Mortgage ...... ..-... .......-...... 283,000 7 J on, 5; July_ New Y’o,~1;_ 1867 2d Mortgage cou _on --...... .-.. 380,000 7 May & Nov. “ “ 1872 85 20. Mortgage -..... ......,-... ...-.- 2,589,000 7 “ “ “ “ 81 Buffalo and State me: ad Mort age .... _____,.. _.____ e4.2,0oc 7 ________ ____ __ ______________ ____ __ lat Mortgage ---- -;--- ---- ..- ---- 500,000 7 April 65 Oct. New York. 1866 101 Toledo opot bonds“... ...... .... 169,500 7 ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ ______ ____ __ Income (1% 1I1’59. t 1Il"l2) --.. _. 200,000 7 J an. 8: July. “ “ var. ..~... Dayton and Western : is ecial Erie and North-East -. 149,000 '1 “ “ “ “ 701-'70 -... lat Mortgage .... .............. 289,000 7 Marchéc Sept. New ’York 1882 Eur ‘ngton and Missouri: 20 Mortgage ..............-... 250,000 7 June & Dec. “ 1‘ ' gowLan%1M§rtg&age ......... -. 1,398,350 7 jL_pri1 & Oct, New York, 1870 --.. Delaware: onvert 8 031 S -------- --...- , 0 . '1 3.11. Ga Jul , __ ____ ____ ____ 70 --., 1stMo1*t, gr. 1) P, ‘\'V'_ 55 B_ 500 000 ' 010. Road bonds---.....-.-...- 121.100 7 ,______..,_ 193-280 G~uu.rante,egF _____ 1., __j,_______ 1003000 2 J7“ "‘ ‘filly’ P h"“‘}f’11’h‘“' Camden and Amboy: State Loan ...... ____ __._ ____ ____ 170,000 3 u u it 1376 li§h delit (S. F.) £380,550.- 1,8-léggg '3 3°mi""m“"1I- London. 1880 ...... Delaware, Laokuwennc and Wm: 610.03-Y1 03-n-----.--.-.....-.... , 6 “ New Y 1~ _,__ 15tMort 9, e Lag &; Qgt 1-n ~ , _ ; Loan for s5o0.000-- - -- 210.600 e u u ° 1‘ 1867 100 1etMort§a§eEE. E1§rte§5Yion)e 3 =4 333733. 3 7imr:1&oJ31y:.‘ 7°“ Ylc” ' igit “ “ $300.00 -- 338 040 6 “ “ 1870 93 2d. Mort 9. e ' ..- 1,668,000 Mp -' 0 ' u is “ 3 $075,000.- 0751000 0 “ -- 1375 01, Des Mo1n7.sgvaifé§?"""'""7" ’ ’ 7 ‘“°h&B°pL‘ 1881 (K __ - g . _ .. ..§;~§‘33;3‘33______ 1»2,3$;333 3 $3; *3; ggg .: {$33 gs; }*;f;,‘,;>giea£<° <=°uP°n- 1.g§g.ggg 3 g;>r11&&J oat. Ngw Y9;-1.. 13;; 0Cor11solid.d fiat. It._oen $5,000,000 4,437,300 6 June & Dec. “ 1889 96 Detroit and Mi1vs:0.ul;-cue-t‘ “I. mm ’ J ‘in’ u y' 8711 90 9-Y1 011103 . let Mort a e c n t _...- . 180 M017‘-89-8° 0°l1P°l1---- ------ 541,775 7 Feb. 55 Aug. Philadelphia. 1872 905 2d Mortgage. (“(3. Yf.r.E1:{(:).. .-.. '81 J83!’ & J-‘fly’ liew Yell k. 2d Mortgage ...... ..-... .... ..... .. 493,000 7 April 65 Oct. “ 1879 72 3d Mortgage (convertible)-....... $750,000 10 “ “ it it 1863 0atawiasa= 4th Mortgage (G. ‘W. R. R.) 500020 3 cgE€r£‘{‘g‘f“8i§%:v-5-6-r-1;; ,--------u 279.000 7 May 455 Nov. Philadelphia. 1882 ...... Dilibtu uetand Sioux City: "W" ’ mu "..- "u" "'""' '“"' "flu" - a or ' 1 . 1st Mortgage ........._.... ...... __ ___. 900,000 7 F31, & A_,,g— New York 1370 103 Qongtruggfizcggggg ' 7 Jan‘ 65 July’ New Yolk‘ 18.83 O 2dt 1K7]:.0(3:|')t£%i3-g3 ---u ---- ....—........... 600,000 7 55 Nov_ 9‘ it ‘ 1875 100} Eggtern (M3550 : ’ - 7 -.- ‘-..-. _-"U" "" "'''''"'' """' ‘-"-.. on re . o: d M - - lat Mortgage W Div...... -..--. 450,000 7 May .5; Nov zunesvine 1399 33 §., M3§§§§§Z §';“,’,’,“,§‘,§§.$,§',';}‘2,§ "‘"' $3333 3 ']{-‘;1,‘,' if’, ‘E117’ ,I_,:°"td°n' fig: let Mortgage E. Div. ----.-.--. 800,000 7 Feb. & Aug. it ' 1305 ---- 1atM.(Btate)$75 0000 ’r art8§i'éZ 425’o0o 5 Ja A J 5g’ 07‘ on’ ’66 771 2d Mortgage .-.- -... .... .... .. 0, 7 Much .3, sop, ]3,,1,,im0,.e 1335 101 Essex R,,i1m,,(1’ B0,, 3 _ o14’4o0 6 ‘ P’ “' °' 18.,‘,, -'=dM0rtE0g0 (5- F-)--—--------- 950,000 7 “ “ it u ' 1335 35 East TennesaaeandGeo1§i£:-—-- " ’ “"" “'”""“ """.2~""""' 4th Mortgage (3. F.) .--... -. --.... 1,305,800 7 I‘, It H L: 1375 50 Endorsed by state, of Tennésme 139 480 In00m°--—----- ---- ---- —----.--. 7 Jan, ____ ____ ____ __ 757.260 ____ Morfigggg (ordinary) _ -.. --.. ‘-.. ‘----' --—' "" "'7'." ‘-7- -' Centra1Pacifio of California: - E331’, Tgnneggee and V,,.§},,§,',"1""' ‘ "' "T" "" """' "" ""' '*"" """ "" 191': M:01‘t.5’.'t'-l-3'9 ---~ ---- -------- .. 7,336,000 6 Jar], &, J'u]y_ Raw York 1896 940 vstatg Qf Tgnneggee Bonds ' 1 899 000 6 _ Convertilfle bonds .......... ... 1,500,000 7 as. as 0' 1333 100‘ Endorsed by 3,3,9 of Temggggg ’135’O00 “““ "" ' """"" " - ----- ---- ----' -- 0h93hl'-re 5 7 , lgt, florfigaga (after State) 74,000 ..- ---- -II" "nu" "" "“" """""' """ " ' Bond-3 of “I53 "17, ’80 ----~---..... 6 Jan. 0 Boston 175,380 M01-ta-age bonds .---‘. ---' ---— ‘--..-. --I- ..-." '"'“- -' """ "" '- Dhicago. Burlington <56 Quincy: ‘ ' Income ‘Bond, _ _""' """ " 3‘,-,0, "' """' """" ""-'---'*--- ‘--'-- Trpai M<;,rt- S-“F. 9onve:-tiblgfi. 194,000 a Jan. .0 July. New York. 1333 112 mm. ...... w.m;..3.,;.;;,'r"' * ~- mconvorti e 3 123 000 8 I‘ it u u 9 ' ' ’ . 9‘-<“nB°11da»eiated sepmlseo ‘mg... 7 March sasept. « - « 93% :22: i.‘.‘.*.‘.‘}’.¥.‘f2§.‘ia'.;a;.a;:::::::::: "£93738 2 ‘.".“,§‘.:..“& 733.1’ “‘‘‘“‘‘«?‘I’‘““' 133° 28~h1:‘°‘-‘t338‘(’{ :2°°nV°1'1“1;’1§[----- 941.000 4% July. . Frlnkfort 0.11 1890 - -. Erie and Nortl1-En.st- ' ' " "" ‘cage an urora. s ort.- 93000 a . 65 , - ' ' ' . Oentraglg Mi1it:i1'_y Tract, 2d Mort. 14,000 3 gfzfy & Iiew Yang 1;... Ev§x§(§i1r1‘fi§e9§1£OlCg1g¥o?'§S£fieF- 149,000 7 Jan’ ‘5 July° New York‘ 61-J70 8338130 “Cg. ‘.-.. --.... .... .. 413,250 - Jon. & July. Fr’n1:fort o.M. --..-. ...... fiortgage11§onéls................... 1,090,000 7 May & Nov. New York. 1869 1st Mortgage ...... ;-... .-.- -..--. 2,400,000 _7 * J,,,,_ 5, J-,,1y_ New Y°,k_ 1393 98 F,o,33ag,a_g° On 3"" ""' """"" 1507000 7 F°b- *5? -‘3~“‘§- " “ 1531 ggiggggtgzfieiarfi 1'4‘....— ---- 1 7 llitayn 6:65 Nut’. 1877 1025 Interntel Improvement (State) . 1,655,000 17 ..-. ...... .... .. ..... ..-... ...; .. 1891 . ...... ...... 1 x P 00 . 1883 94 .Free ..a8-11(l,2C1 Mortgage ...,,....... 1,500,900 3 ,,___ _,__ _,____ ____ __ ______ 1391 3 3 } Price. --nu ---- ---g ---- -wk‘ -all --.- .-.. .7...-u win- -—n- 0.321 -IU