MATHEMATICAL AND OPTICAL _ to connect with'GOLDEN CITY, Capt. Watkins. ‘ steamer of the Company’s China. Line, leaving San Fran- Amnnicnn no Rnrnnonn J0 URNAL. THE ATI‘.ANTIC BRIDGE WORKS, Office, No. 157 Broadway, New York. 1=os'r, MGCALLUIVI 8; oo., BRIDGE AND R00!‘ BUILDERS, Are prepared to build in any part of America, their superior plan of Railroad and High- way Bridges, either Wholly of iron, or of [P011 and wood combined, and of any desired span. These Bridges possess greater strength and stiffness in proportion to the quantity of material, than can be obtained by any other plan in use, and therefore are the most economical. Roofs of any length and width erected on this plan, combining great strength with lightn and economy of construction. _ S. 8. POST, D. C. MCCALLUM, Small Second Hand Locomotive FOR SALE. Outside Conncctlons—-Cylinder )3; in. diameter and 20 in. stroke. Four Driving Wheels -1 ft. 6 in. diameter. Length of Fire Box out-side,3 it. 2in. Inside, 2 ft. 6 in. Eighty-eightz in. Copper Flues. VVeight30,000 lbs. Ap- ply to. WILLIARIS & PAGE, 91 ‘Water Street, Boston. KASSON 81. CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SUPPLY OF Railroad Iron, Locomotives, Cars, Chairs, Spikes, and R. R. lllatorial on EVERY, DESCRIPTION T No. 68 Beaver St., New York. lroprietorsl KllSSON’S LOGOMOTIVE rnnnss. 0. SEALER SMIT H 61.49 ‘C. H. LATROBE, Late Eng‘r and Arch’: of ow- Late Chief Englr Pensa- der Mills and G~ov’t Wo1'ks, cools. and Georgia Augusta, Ga. . ‘ Railroad. SMITH &. LATROBE, Civil Engineers and Bridge- Builders Benjamin Latrobe, LM-n Cams ENG’R BAL'1‘IMORI:‘. 65 Omo It. R. CONSULTING EN INEER, No. '7 Law Buildings, Baltimore, or Charlotte, N. O. Kuelbler & Seellhorst, 883 A. J. Poem, A. Annzmson. INSTRUMENT MAKERS, No. 27 South 8th Street, cor. of J cyne, Philadelphia, Penn. Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s THROUGH LINE T0 QALIFCRNIA, And Carrying the U. S. Iviiaii, .._...Q_.__ VIA PANAMA RAILROAD. -—-—--—o_———— ‘LEAVE PIER NO. 42 NORTH RIVER FOOT OF Canal Street, at 12 o’clock noon, as follows: Dec 1st——OCEAbT QUEEN, Capt. Jeff Maury, to con. nect with GOLDEN AGE, Cu )t. 1.1TLT‘ld}..‘,'0. Dec. 1‘~th—f-IENRY GHALNCEY, Oept. A. G. Gray Doc. 21st—-It‘[S [N G STA lt, Capt. T. A. Harris to con~ nect with MON TAN A, Capt -- All Departures touch at A0 APULCO ; those of 1st and 21st ‘connect at Panama with steamers for SOUT PACIFIC PORTS, 1st :md'11th for CENTRAL AMER.» IOAN PORTS. Thoa of 1st touch at MANZANILLU. Departure of 11th each month connects with the new It-cam line from Panama. to Australia and New Zcnlond. Steamer of Dec. 1l,.1866, will connect with the first .—._.4 a El cisco Jan 1, 1867, for Hong Kong. ' 100 Pounds Baggage allowed each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets and all further information apply at the office. on the wharf foot of Canal Street, North River, New York. 3m35 S. K. EOLMAN‘ A Went. To Engineers and Boiler Owners. THE ANTI-INCRUSTATOR, A certain menus of removing scale from steam boilers and keeping them clean. The Anti-Incrustator effects 9. very decided saving in fuel and greatly lessens the danger of boiler explosions. This instrument works IN THE S'l‘EA1\l-CHAMBER OF THE BOILER, silently and without shock, and without the use of acids, powders or compounds, and the first expense is the only one attending its use. The New York Anti-Incrustation Company are now prepared to equip steam boilers with their Anti-Incrue tailor and GUARANTEE it will remove scale or incrustntion from boilers and keep them free from it. Every information given at the oflice, No. 73 William Street, first floor, back room. President.-—BARRET H. VAN AUKEN. Treasurer.--WLLLIADI R. GARRISON. Secretnry.—-J.AR.. ESTILL. ' . Directors.-—B. H. Van Auken, C. K. G-arrison, Charles Rooms, Homer Ramsdell, Joseph E. Coffee, Enoch Ketchsm, H. G. Lcisenrlng. 3m47 L. S. Wnrniss, EBANISQEIX, sso DEALER IN ALL CLASSES on GOVERN lVlEN T SECURITIES and GOLD, No. 13. Broad Street, N EW YOR K. Collections mmlo in all parts oi‘ the United States and British 1’roviucun. Ir -%- ......._,_ ...._... C ICE PA'l‘EN'E‘EES OF Steam Passenger C AND BUILDERS (ill ALL Description of Cars, V AND Eligizliee1's & Machinists. “ FULTON WORKS, 1 340 BEAEH ST. PHILADE LPE HAO CAR WORKS, 'i'~nEN'r0N, NEW JEBSE‘lL'o (DEFKCE, E82 Broadway, NEW YORK» ii 5‘! E} (‘I air 53,- .HvW 12o7 THE UNITED STATES STEEL PEN %’®REiS, CATVIDEN. N. J. ‘ THE ESTERBRBOK Steel Pen iflnnuiaoturing , C O M P A N Y , . WA _ . 3,. 5 51 JOHN STREET N. Y. “Em” 545* ( CAMDEN, Ne W Jionsnr. Samples oml prices on application. Lots made toordcr of any pattern or stnnip rcqul red. CAUTION. '7;’ep‘she1-e of .getx1L1i1ied.%me1'ican pinnitfactufe, and ’ I n . 0 :u- 101 y an neness 0 point tot no b est \.n_iportc