AME.RICAN at about 150,000 bales. The receipts at the port this week, have averaged over 4,800 bales a day. The receipts since the commencement of the current cotton year, Sept. 1, have been 198,500 bales, against exports of 78,761 bales. ‘The re- ceipts at all the shipping ports from September 1, to latest mail dates have been 483,000 bales against 670,466 bales same time last year; exports, 179,- 000 bales, against 323,000 bales same time last year, estimated stock at latest dates, 452,000 bales, against 393,500 bales same time last year. There has been a partial rally in the market for imported articles, especially desirable styles of dry goods, which have been less eagerly pressed for sale, and which have accordingly shown more steadiness in prices. The total imports of foreign dry goods, last week, were $1,432,230, and the total amount marketed $1,134,696. The value of foreign merchandise imported last week, was $3,l96,052——making the grancl total specie value of last week’s imports of dry goods and mer- chandise, $4,628,282, and since January 1, 3280,- 594,153, against $195,542,325 same time last year. The ocean freight market is more active and firm- er with 582 vessels of all classes in port. The main export movement is in breadstuffs, cotton, tobacco, provisions, and petroleum. The latest quotations at the London Stock Ex- change compare as follows with former returns: Nov. 27. Doc. 4. Dec. 12. . . - —~ ,1‘ 4 %°tS%‘“ia:.‘.;esti”3$8h 31/4 U. s. 5-20’s of 1865——@69 69% -_ Erie............-—@4Z , gel/,; 37% Ill. Central . . . . . . .——@u};, 17% 77% The New York exports, exclusive of specie, for the week ending Dec. 11, and since the beginning of the year, compare as follows : 1865. 1866. For the week . . . . . . . . . 35,618,019 33,101,416 Prev. reported . . . . . . .. 160,805,868 175,383,922 Since January 1. . . .. $166,423,887 $178,485,338 The balance in the Sub-Treasury on Wednesday was $107,160,040 49. The following quotations of sales of Railway and other securities are in addition to those given elsewhere in our columns :— New YarIc.—-Long Dock bonds, 100% ; Virginia 6s, ex—coupon, 46; N. Y. State 7s, Bounty Loan, reg., 104%; do., 6s, 1873. 98%; San Francisco 10s, 133; Illinois 0s,1879, 101 ; North Carolina (is, subscription 92; Dubuque and Sioux City 1st mort., 84; Chicago and Northwestern, Interest bonds, 88; Great Western 2d rnort., 70 ; Chicago; Rock Island and Pacific 1st mort., 7s, 933/, ; Long Island R. R.,’ 60 ; Indianapolis and Cincinnati, 88 ; Stonington,111 ; New York and New Haven, 120; Hannibal and St. Joseph, 56 ; Chicago and Great Eastern, 45; Wilkesbarre Coal, 63; Burton Coal, 18%; Ashburton Coal, 10%; American Coal, 64; Mai-iposa pref., 32% ; Boston Water Power Co., 30; Brunswick City Laud, 71/4; South Am. Nav, and Marine R. R. Co., 112; American Express. 80; Adams’ Exp. 00., 63; U. S. Express, 75; Western Union Tel., 50; do., Russian Extension, 953/4 ; Continental Bank, 103; Gallatin National Bank, 107%‘; 4th National Bank, 110%; Central Bank, 111%; Bank of Commerce, 118; 903 Ne. 'tiona1.Bank,12D; Am. Ex. Banls.1.14%; Oeean Bank, 1.03; Bh0.e and. Leather _J3.aml<. 115; Int" trerisiiii earl Traders’ Basile 116; East ltirrr 1.$:L_ Bank, 100; Bank of Commonwealth, 112; Bank of Republic, 117%; Bank of America, 138; Han- over Bank, 112; Ayers’ Mill and Mining Co.,4.90; American Flag, 1.80; Atlantic and Pacific, 4.00 ; Baxter, 1.75; Bullion Consol., 2.50; Consol Gre- gory, 10.00; Columbian Gold and Silver, 1.75; Croydon, $2.85; Davidson Copper, 0.64; Downie- ville 0.10; Eckla, 3.20; Gunnel, 0.50; Hope, 0.80; Holman, 0.25; Keystone Silver, o.o7;'i:ipp and Buell, 0.09; Long Island Peat, 4.00; La Crosse, 1.30; Montana, 0.50; New York, 1.50; Nye, 0.10; Oak Hill,0.50; Pah Ranegat Centre, 2.60; Quartz Hill, 2.20; Smith and Parmalee, 6.70; Walkill Lead, 1.30; Brooklyn petroleum, 0.35; Central, 1.05; Benneiiofi’ Run, 3.75; United States, 3.70; Webster, 0.10; Bergen, 0.30. _P}n'ZadeQalz.z'a..——Ne\v Jersey 63, 102; Pittsburg coupon 5s, 7414; Allegheny County coupon 5s, 76 ; Ph., Wil. and Balt. R. R., 58},{; West Branch Canal, 28%; Germantown Passenger R. R., 31; 13th and 15th streets R. R., 19%; Camden and Amboy scrip., 49 ; Locust Mt. Coal, 46; Hazleton Coal, 57; N. Y. and Middle Coal Fields, 3 ; New Creek, % ; Mechanics’ Bank, 32; Bank of North- ern Liberties, 100; Commercial‘Bank, 56; West- ern Bank, 97% ; Union Bank, 63; Manufacturers’ "Bank, 31%; Farmers’ and Mech.Bank, 135 ; Ocean Oil, 3%; Hyde Farm, %; Maple Shade, 2%. The latest quotations are : City (is, 9_6@96% ; do., new, 99%@99% ; State 5s, 943/3@941/2’ ; do., cou- pon, 95@96; do., 65:, W. L., 103@1031/,5; Phila., Wil. and ,Balt., 58; Reading, 55@55,%; do., 6s, 1870, 95@97; do., bonds, 911/4@92; do., con.,112 @117; Camden and Amboy, 12932130 ; Penn. R. R., 54%@54%; do., 1st n1ort., 102%@103 ; do., 2d mort., 97@97%; Little Schuylkill R. R., 33@ 36; Morris Canal, 86@86%; do., pref.,124@ 126; do., bonds, 90@94; Wyoming Valley Canal, 53@55; do., 63, 85@90; Susquehanna Canal, 133/,,@14%; do., 6s, 65%@66%; Sch. Nav., 24@ 24% ; do., pref., 33%@33% : do., 6s, 1882, 82%@ 84; Union Canal bonds, 21@23; Delaware Div. Canal, 56@57; do., bonds, 90@93; Elmira and Williamsport, 281/,@30; do., pref., 42@45; do., 7s, 1873, 95@100 ; do., 5s, 65@67; Lehigh Coal and Navigation, 55%@56; do., bonds, 1884, 91% @-92; North Pennsylvariia, 35@39; do., 6s, 92 @92%; Philadelphia and Eric, 30%@31 ; do.,_6s, 91%@92; Minehi1l,58@58% ; Catawissa,—-@-—; do., pref., 27@271/4; Lehigh Valley, 07%@68; do., bonds, 96@98; Fifth and ,Sixth streets, (hoi-se,) —@-50 ; Second and Third, 90@92; West Philadelphia, 72@75; Spruce and Pine, 36@37; Green and Coates, 22@30; Chestnut and Wei- nut, 52%'@53; Thirteenth and Fifteenth, 19%@ 20; Girard College, 27@29 ; Tenth and Eleventh, 60@70; Union, 36@40; Hestonville, 14}/@14§/1:. .Bosto¢_z.——Og(1ensburg 1st mort.~, 100%; Ver- mont Central and Vermont and Canada Chattel 8s, 103% ; Vermont Central 75, consolidated, 76; Rutland and Burlington 1st mort.,120; Vermont Central 1st mort., 120; N. Y. and Boston Air Line 6s, 36; Conn. and Pas. Riv. R. R. Notes, 102; Old Colony and Neport 6s, 1875, 97% ; East- ern R. R. (is, 1874, 961/4;_Essex R. R. 6s, 1876, 92% ; Vermont and Massachusetts 65, 98; Qgdens- burg and Lake Champlain, 74; do.-, pref., 102% ; Boston, Hartford and Eric, 10%; Worcester and Nashua: 129; Eiandusky. Dayton and Qi.ncirmai»i leis steer, 192613; lien tilt; RAILRO AD 3 GU RN AL. Boscobel Silver, 1.25; Benton, 1.00; Rates and 1203 chanan Farm, 0.25; Pithole Creek, 1.00; New England Petroleum,‘ 0.05; Pepper Well, 0.65; Massachusetts and Oil Greek, 0.11; Central, 1.25 ; Indian Spring, 0.15; Harleigh Coal, 50; Summit Branch Goal, 9; Tudor Lead, 2.85; Caledonia Gold, 0.30; Croydon Gold, 2.95; Wallace Gold, 0.13; American Express Co., 82%; Adams’ Exp., 763/, ; Boston Water Power Co., 29% ; Cary Imp., 12; East Boston Co., 137/,,; Essex Land, 106; New Hampshire 6s, 1884, 100; Massachusetts 5s, 1893, gold, 100%; do., 1872, 111%@113%; do., 1874,111%; Rhode Island 63, 1883, 99%; Bos- ton BS, 1868, gold, 1301/4; do., 1876, currency, 101%; do., 55, 1871, gold, 103%; do., 1877@ "1886, 101; Providence 6s, 1885, 993/3, Albany 6s; 1.879, 95; Bangor 63, 963/; St. Louis 6s, 1871, 933/4; Cincinnati 6s,1880, 86 ; Chicago 73, munici- pal, 99%; Boston Gas, 745 ; Cambridge Gas, 100; East Boston Gas, 293/4; Maverick Bank, 102; Bank of Commerce, 118; Shoe and Leather Deal- ers’ Bank, 135; Bank of Redemption, 110%; State Bank, 111%; Market Bank, 109; Everett Bank, 101%; Merchants’ Bank, 118% ; Black- stone Bank, 127%; Atlantic Bank, 119% ; 1st National Bank, 152; Webster Bank, 100% ; New England Bank, 123; Atlas Bank, 113%; Eliot Bank, 118% Hide and Leather Bank, 140; Bay State Mining Co., 10%; Canada, 6Qc.; Concord, 4; Eagle River, 4% ; Hancock, 13%; Hanover, 1%; Humboldt,’ 2; Madison, 2% ; Phcenix, 7; Petherick, 3%; Superior, 3; South Side, 1%; St. Clair, 71/4; Seneca, 5; St. Mary’s, 1%; Win. throp, 2%. . .BaZtimare.——Vir,9;inia 63, reg., 36; do., coupon; 60%; Marietta and Cincinnati 1st mort., 85%; Susquehanna. Canal bonds, 66; Gardner Hill, 0.90; Maryland Anthracite, 4; Santa Clara, 3; City Passenger R. R., 18; Farmers’ and Planters’ Bank, 331/L; Bank of Commerce, 29; Chesapeake Bank, 30-, 36. National Bank, 101%. The latest quotations are: Bait. and Ohio, 1131/4@114; do., 6s, 1867, 10;0@lO03/3; do., 1875, 98@l00 ; do., 1880, 98@99; do.,1885, 971/4@98; Northern Central, 48@48%; do., bonds, 1885, 86@88; N, W_ \ra_ 1st mort., 1873, 95@95% ; do., 2d mort., 96@96; do., 3d mort., 17@17%; Marietta and Cincinnati 7s, 1891, 85@86% ; Central Ohio, 22@22%; do., 1st mort., 89@90; Western Md. bonds, 74@74§,{_ ; do., guar., 96@96; Maryland 6s, coupon, 1870, 101@102; do., 11:13., i.01@102; do., 1890, 100@102; Baltimore 6s,1870, 95@98; do., 1873, 95%@96 ; do., 1875, 97 1/;@97,1,,§ ; do., 1886, 97%@98§,{ ; do., 1890, 98@98%; do., coupon, 100@100; Park, do., 97@971/2; do., 1892. 93@99; do., 5s, 1838 -—’70, 8361183; City Passenger R. R., 17%@18; Canton Co., 34@50; Gardner, 0.70@0.75; Am, Gas Coal, 0.95@0.95; Maryland, 0.10@0.15 ; North State, 0.10@0.15 ; Springfield, 0.05@0.11 ; George’; Creek, 101@110; Santa Clara, 2%@31/2; Ba,1t,, Chrome, 0.35@0.40 ; Bare Hill, 0.50@0.50; Atlan- tic Coal, 0.50@0.80; Mineral Hill, 0.35@0.45; Baltimore Coal, 158@190. 33' The engineer employed to lay out the Massachusetts part of the contemplated Slieifield and Millerton (N. Y.) Railroad estimates that the cost of building the road to the State line, a dis- tance of five miles, will be $18,000 per mile, in. cluding the superstructure. Only .about twenty. ih.ree.mi1ss of new road are 1‘eq11il*e.d to Gornplgtg the P1‘9DDS6£1.thr0_“«Sll route freiri i*l‘eir?‘9rlr:, iris ..— {3‘l~i13%_§«=?ltl%; EB 31931135.