AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 1201 New York Stock Exchange. Actual Sale Prices for the week ending Dec. 12. Th.6. F37. Bet.8. M.10.Tu.l1. W.12 1 AL Brooxs:—- - (is, 1871, reg. .. -- --.. 5s,1871, coup... ---- 55, 1874, reg.-..... .....- 55,1874, coup ..... .. 5s, 1865, coup.--..-.. 5s,10-40s., ccup...--. 53, 10-405, mg ..... _- 65,1881, reg. ".108; 6s,1881, cou. .....113 65, ’81, 0.W.L. .--... 6s, 1881, “ 6s,1867,reg.....-. ---. 65, 1868 reg.---.....-.. Fm U _ _—-u .--I ---u .-.- —--- ---- ---- ---- .--. --.- 103; 100 163:} ‘and . 13:3; 103 1123 1.1 21',‘ an.- iii; - . ..-- 4 --.- ---- p—-— --.- {21dC‘lClC1C1ClC'.lClClC1C1Cl -—-- .--- -.-- ---- iééi -~—- 107; ice; 106§ s, 5-20s, c. l862-1083 S. 6 65, 5-208, 0.1864-.1064 d 6 S .8 S B S S .8 S .8 S B S S .8 .3 R 163; 1653 105+ 105% S s,5-20s, c.1865.10'1i ; S s, “ reg.._.-.106§ Notes, 1st series. ---- “ 2d series...l05§ - “ “ 3d serics..105§ American Gold-.... ---. .--- u-an _9ddddd "CD 105 105 -uun Phllml olphia. Stock Exchange . Actual Sale .P¢-ices for me week ending Dec. 11, W.5. Th.6. F.7. Sat.8.M..10.Tu.11 Oattcwissa -... ..... ... --.. ---. ---- .... ..-... ___. “ referred .... .. 281: 28 28 28} 233 Canhrlenéz nr‘1bogB;é§-130 -..- 130,5 130}; 130 1293 : "W--I ---- ---- ---- ---- ----. 3 ii §::?l2::::; :::: :::: ::::- 22:: .‘.’‘j’.* :: :: gs»:s;----- 92 5: ‘----- ---- ---- --~- v--- -—-. 0,e;,,D0,g,n;,§;,§,r;.’§896--~-- as 95t Del. Div. Canal .... --.. 57 ._I. III I..I II III Elmira 6: W’msport ...... .. .... ---. --.. ..___ ____ “ “ pi-ef.-_-. .--. ---. -... ____ __._ “ ‘ “ 73-..--- .--. .--- ..-..- .--. ____ Lehigh Navigation .-.. 56; 565 56} 56} ...... 55 L h“ “ ' 6s,’84.... 92 .92 91% 92¢ 91; 925 9,3211 vaggey 1;, 68 as an as Lapse BclnpylkiU.It.Ih..._. .23: ---. -... ZZZ: IIII 9-------- ---- ---- -~-- -n-n’ ..-. Long Island --.......- ---. -... .--- .--. -.-. ...... ...- U H 5 ___________ __ ____ ____ ___‘ -___ ____ §inel1il1‘----l.--u ------- 58 533 38% .--. .-.. --.. °3i““ °“«’?“ ‘,;.u::::::::: 21:: -.'_’_ .“i‘.‘. :::: ‘z’: is It (53 176____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ :_:_ North Pennsylvania .... --.. ..--.. ---- --.. -..-.. .--- “ ‘ s..-.... --.. 92 -... ---. ...- It 3‘ ]_()g_____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Northern Central .... ....-. ---. ---. .-.- 48 47% Penusyll‘van1uR.1R€.... 54% 54% 54} 545- 54¢ 64,‘; s m...... --.. --..~. .--- --.- .--. “ 5 2d 111.- $7; .35 993 97% .-.. .-.. "‘2?“' S“?«‘°'.2;;:.:.'*s;.:.-.. 1:1: 22:: :21: :22: u H 63 .6. .-.. .86. 13% 103 .--. Philadel bio 11-3’. 3-----~- —~-- - ---- ---- “ p " now. 99} 99k 99% 994 99} 09% Phil 3‘ G ‘£5 §_n‘l)]i‘1'.l0 :3: 99; 993 994 --.. ....-. . :1 arm. .. .--- ---. --.- --.. .--. Pl1ile..&: Rez:,ding6.-.;.éé. tag 555 as; 555 54:‘; 551 u u s§I»7oIIIII I222 I221 .222 I222 ICIC Philedplphls &. Eaie (3.. 31g 31$ 30% .... .-.. .65.. ‘ fl..-—. ..-- .—.- --.. --.. Philnd. dc Sunbury, 7s- ---- ---- .--- ---. -... ---. Schuylkill Nuvi:;o.tion... 25. 251% 25?; 26 .--. 245 “ “ pref. 34$ 34$ 83 ....-. 83% 331 “ “ 6s’8'Z ...-..- 83 -.-. 83 -..... ..-. “ -“‘- "‘-W Ifiii " 8s ---. .-.. .... Susq. Canal --.... ........---—.- .... ---. “ “ 6s’78............--. -... 60 Union Canal, pref. -..... ---- -..- .--. “ “ 6s’8 - 19 Wyoming V:x‘a.lleyb0a1:1a.l. --.: .54: on s.---. ...- --.- Hestonville, (Horse) 14; 145 14% Chestnutcicwel. “ .-.- -..-.. 54 .-.. -..- --.. Green on Coutes, --.- .--- ---. -.-- unu- H 2d and 3d streets, “ Spruce «S: Pine, “ on-n ---. uw-. -.-- .-.. Baltimore Stock Exchange. Actual Sale Prices for the week cmling Dec. 11. W.5. Th.6. F.'l.': Sat.8.M 10. T1111 Baltimore City as, 1875- 97} 971; --.. 97} 953 .-.. . K H 188 _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ “ “ 1870---.. 97 ---- -—--a ---. -... " “ 1890...-.. 9% ...... 99f 995 -... Bali. and Ohio.......... .... .--- .--- 114 113% ....-. ' “ “ b1dS,’62u~cI- --~- ---- ---I ---- ---- “ H H 167___._ ____ ____ ;___ ____ ____ H H H 175_____ ____ ____ ,____ ____ ___ . u x: u :30, ___._ ___., __._ __._ __,_ ____ .N u “ ’85_....... 98 ...- -... ..-. .--. bTorthem Ccntrol..... .. -.-. 48 .. .- 48} .... 435 u u was, 1ss5--.-. --.. --.. .--. ..-. -... H H H 19Q0_____ ____ __.° ____ ____ ____ City Passenger R. R......... ...... .... .... 18 .... Boston Stock Exchange. Actual Sale PT1068 for the week ending Dec. 12. Th. 6. F.7. Se.t..8. M.10. 'l‘u.11.W.12 Boston and Lowe1l.. -.--... Boston and Maine .. -...... Boston and Providence -..- Boston and Worcest.-_.146§ Cheshire, pref.. -..... .... ...... Concord .._____. __ Connecticut River - 1'56‘ nan- {£62} 1305 151' .--. ---. .-.: -«-a 63 a-.- ---- u--a .... unun --.- --.- .--- ---. -oau --an .--. 114 -~.— Manchester & Lmvr’ce........ Michigan Central .... _ . Northern, N, H. _.._____1o Old Colony 6: N ewport.103 Ph., Wil. is Baltimore ...... Portl’d, Saco dc Ports.-. .--- Vermont dc Canada Vermont 6; Mess. Western--..- --.- ..-. Broadway (Horse) ...... -. Cambridge “ ..-... 93 Metropolitan “ ....-. 56:] Middlesex “ --.. 48 Oontrcl Mining Co. ..-. ..-- Copper Falls “ 4 Franklin Huron lsle Royals N utional Minnesota Pewabic Pitt-sburg Quincy Rockland 103% 68 saw; ___u 103 58 4-up 103 58 ..g.8... loo; nun- 62 736- fie" .--- .-an -_u- ---- ---- 56$ n[- - -5160 42, 39, ~-._ 503 42,1; ---- .... -- 'ii§ 23 38 6% 29 40 h"""I§ U\'~ ---..:.-.... 39; 6t -------- -u .... -- London Stock Exclmmnge . The following Were the closing prices for Amer- can Securities on the 23rd of November. United States 5-20 yrs., 1882, 6 per cent ...... .. 70,*,@ 70% Virginie. State, 5 per cent .... -..... -.....----.-... .. 49 @ 51 Do., 6 per cent ............................. .- 41§@ 42$ Atlantic and Great Western, N. Y. sec., 1st rnort., 1880, '7 per cent .....- -..... .--. --.-...-....- 68 @ 72 Do. do., 2d mort., 1881 .................... .- 66 @ 70 Do. Pennsylvania, 1st mort., 1877---. ---- --- 69 @ 71 Do. do., 2d moi-t., 1882 ----..--.. .-.- .--- .-.--. ‘66 @ 68 Do., consolidated mortgage bonds, 1890 ---..- 42§@ 43%, Erie shares, $100 (all paid), 8 p. c..... ---. ---. --.. 49g@ 50 Do., convertible bonds, 6 p. o .............. .- 68 @ '10 Illinois Central 6 per cent, 1875 .-.. .--. -_----.. 82 @ 84 Do. 7 per cent, 1875--.- ........... .... ..-. -...-. 66 @ 38 Do. $100 sha.1'es(:tllpnid) ................... __ 78 @ 79 l§_u1'ic%n and Cincinnati R. It. bonds, 7 p. c --.... 68 @ 70 ow ork Central. $100 she.res---. ---. ---. .--- — — Pnuamn. Railroad, 2d mort., 1872, 7 p. c ....... -- 1 %,103 Peréiiisggvaxlxlin R. R. bonds, 2d mort., con. 6 p. c- 83 (3 85 0. 0 s ares .-.. ...- --.- .-.. --..-....__ ---- ...- 2 @ 36 Phila. and Eric 1st mort., 1881, (guaranteed by - ....-- .---- ,74_@ 76 Penn. R. R.) -... ---- .--- --.. ..-- -..- Do., with option to be paid in I’hils.delphis-- —— @ - Alncrican Railroad Journal. Saturday, December 15, 1866. Stock Exchange and Money Market. There is remarkable uniformity in the current workings of the Money Market. A steady accu- mulation of capital is reported at this centre. The banks are gaining rapidly in the line of national currency, the remittances of which from the West are quite liberal. There is some out- flow of legal tender notes to the South, where national currency is not in as much favor as the plain greenbacks of the Government. Hence it is that while the city banks show a. falling off in their legal tender reserve, they report an inconve- nient increase in their supplies of national" bank notes, for which, in the prevailing prostration of legitimate enterprises, it is difiicult to find employ- ment Without cheapening the price of money, and helping to renew the speculative excitement of the autumn months. At present, the manifest tendencies of the market is wholly in favor of responsible borrowers, who are enabled to pro. cure all the. aid they temporarily require at the rate of five to six per cent. on Government and other strictly prime collaterals. Exceptional call loan _negotia.tions are reported one per cent. above and below these quotations. The city banks keep up their rate to seven per cent., but find it hard to place any new loans of magnitude at so high a figure, while private capitalists are seeking con- trolablc employment for their accumulating bal- ances at the average price of six per cent. Prime short date commercial paper is in demand among the discount houses at 6@7 per cent-., and long date do., at 7@8 per cent. per annum. There is no reliable market for other grades, rates on which are very irregular. Nobody seems to ap- prehend any action on the part of Secretary Mc- Culloch, or the national legislature, likely to dis- turb the growiug ease in money, so essential to the prosperous funding of the maturing obliga- tions of the Government. So far as the Secretary is concerned, we know definitely from himself that, as in the past, so in the future, his object will be to keep the market steady and to work back to specie payments without a financial col- lapse. This is his judicious programme, as set forth in at letter of the 7th inst., addressed to the Hon. E. G. Spaulding, of the Farmers’ and Me- chanics’ National Bank of Buffalo, N. Y. And it is_ more than probable that this will be the pro- gramme of all the truly wise and conservative elements in Congress. The Secretary in the same letter, announces that he will act in the future, as in the past, with great caution, and that he Will attempt no impr:1ctica.ble thing. We have not the slightest doubt that, in such an aim, Congress will be one with him, seconding his efforts to maintain the public credit, by judicious legisla- tion, relative to industrial and commercial interest of the country. The last exhibit of the public debt, brought up to Dec. 1, is regarded by busi- ness people as eminently favorable to an easy and unembarrassing Money Market, as far as depends on the policy and negotiations of Secretary Mc- Oulloch. The point in the debt statement of most immediate practical interest is the strength of the department in the way of currency reserve. The currency balance in the Treasury increased from $30,918,922 on the 1st of November, to $40,195,- 281 on the 1st inst, which large reserve, independ- ent of the revenues, affords adequate means to the Secretary to pay off promptly all the matur- ing currency interest claims of the Seven-thirty note holders, and all ‘of the unclaimed past due indebtedness of the Government, thus enabling him to abstain completely from any line of con- duct likely to disturb financial or commercial values unnaturally. Another significant feature of the debt statement is the contraction of the legal tender issue, which amounted to six millions in November. The aggregatellegal tender circu- lation, including plain greenbacks and compound interest notes, is $582,828,989, against $538,707,- 925 on the 1st ult. The plain greenback circula- tion on June 1, was $402,128,318; Aug. 1, 8400,- 361,728; Sept. 1, $399,603,592; Oct. 1, $399,165,- 292; Nov. 1, $390,195,785; Dec. 1, $385,441,849, showing a. contraction of about seventeen millions in six months. From the last weekly return of the city banks, it appears that there‘ has been, during the week, a decrease of $2,891,641 in the item of loans, $5,212,355 in the deposit line, $538,601 in the legal tender reserve, aud.$374,957 in the specie reserve. The Groton National Bank having been admitted to membership, made"its first report to the Bank Clearing House lastpweek. The city bank deposits are now $203,676,822, against‘ $228,484,370 week ending Oct. 6, 1866,