.AJfl]§IRlCUlBi ]§JLILJi(1A]D JH)lJ£Eh§Ea Running dots ( -.-.) signify RAILROAD SHARE LIST, including Mileage, Rolling Stock, 666., etc. An aateriak (*) occurring in the column headed “Boiling-Stock,” signifies that the cost is included in that of “Railroad and 'A.pA*_p1n-tenances.” A. dash (—) signifies 11 “not ascertained.” Land-Grant Railroads are i11‘'italz‘c3.’’ % Yuurs ending. 81 A11g.’65 31 D66. ’58 31 Doc. '58 1 J 811. ’59 143,2 28 Feb. ’59 102.0 81 D60. ‘B6 136.0 1850.... -.--- 1869.-. -...- 1850.-.. .-... 1859.-- _..- 80 Jun. ’63 1 Ang.’59 30 Sep. '59 30 Sep. ’59 30 Sep. '69 30 Sep. '60 80 S61). '59 30 Sep. ’69 30 Sep. '66 30 Sep. ‘b9 30 Sep. ’69. 30 sep. 759 31 Jan. ’60 30 sep. ‘B5 80 Jun. '00 31 Dec. ‘<54 31 Dec. ’65 10 May, '64 31 Jan. ‘£38 31 D66. “.32 30Jun. ’/*3 , B1Ju1y '63 l:1De6.-’64 94 5 1 out. =52 1 J uly,'61 . 1303,?“ 5% 959 7?. 3:“ 6. Lateral and Branch Lines 2nd Track on Sidings. promoted. O47 , S}§ F Mainline. $@ l..§| 1: "crib ' %. 3 E5 3: Roedin 1:-rogrese or 'o'o ' ~10 |.»-:» 7"‘ 9-‘ F4 9'71”? 9'!-° @5136‘ C39 §§FH?e¢Ss$9 .......l:| !c::':3- &‘% 235°“ 6"’ °<' E3 8'39 °.3 efisra 29 m“ m ” m M 8 M. M. PENNSYLVANIA. $ 3 3 3 ‘ Allegheny V:1]Iey.-.. _.... ...._ 2,350,723 232,046 0 614,000 313,542 2, 184,201 Atlantlo and Great. Western - 46,606,475 * 150.30,000,000 1,796,588 2 647,709 3 Oatawissa .................. .. 3,634,000 * 3,350,000 79,000 ’240,418 Cumberland Valley ........ __ 1,582,937 7 1,316,900 470,500 51,467 180,698 De1., Lackawanna and Wost’11 7,683,706 2,668,113 10,'Z47.050 3,491,500 742,68 1,437,353 East. Pennsylvania _____ ______ 1,273,765 161,589 504,400 598,400 44,85 101,484 Elmira and Williamsport _-__ 2,020,000 * 1,000,000 1,620,000 Leased 302,872 Erie and Northeast .... .. 700,000 * 600 000 400,000 18.5 149,638 Erie and Pittsburg -. --.. __ 1,696,921 477,016 664,300 1,250,000 300,000 83.0 176,032 Hz1.rrisb111'g and Lu.ncaster_.... 1,882,550 * 550 700,000 ...... -. 54.0 oper. by Hempfiel ---..--- _.____,. 1,616,459 41,341 1,809,565 600,000’ 100,000 32.0 30,875 Huntingdon and Broad Top _- 2,089,328 * 685,130 1,436,082 389,318 5 173,778 ,, Laofxawanna and Bloomsburg 3,785,613 40,714 1,335,000 2,276,725 121,409 .0 173,037 Lehxgh Valle --.__.____.____ 7,804,068 2,037,526 _6,632,250 1,477,000 —-——-« 87.5 647,080 3,040 Little Schuylfiill ____, _,__ __,_ 1,466,"°“ ,646,100 905,000 73,555 pa r. by Re Mine Hill and Bohuylk. Haven 3,703,200 * 708,200 “ North Pennsylvania ........ -_ 5,671,164 665,004 ,1 0,150 3,105,785 218,386 69.8 318,861 Pennsylvania. _--. -._. -___ ____ 28,434,310 3,375,024 14,041,462 20,000,000 16,750,124 3,651,447 339.2 6,604,300 Phila., Germant'n & N orrisvn 1,139,079 268,489 - 300 183,000 —--—- 0 311,091 Phila. and (Sunbury) Erie__.. 17,682,785 0 13,000,000 2000 (ope 1-. by Pe Philadelphia and R.ending___, 22,280,948 3,765,774 4,561,353 20,240,673 6,900,683 —---- 471 3 3,688,309 Philsdel his an(1Trenton____ 1,336,386 —— 999,200 200,000 28.2 177,433 1911114., tlmingfon and B5117..- 8,362,122 744,425 8,913,300 516,000 457,896 197.0 931,466 Pittsburg and Connellsville __ 3,3 1 664 198,820 -—-——- 1.774,773 1,500,000 64,208 4 72.0 272,688 Pi tt6b’g',Ft. Wayne 5. chum. 23,1 3,381 * 2 12,573,060 1,597,620 483.8 4,623,073 Shamokin Valley & Pottsvjfie 1,178,773 112,824 0 791,597 Leas’d 1: 144,006 Westchester 65 Pllilarlelphia 1,331,640 143,557 684,036 962,300 130,840 26.4 138,578 Tioga ...................... __ 821,200 212,788 437 800 326,000 26,292 30 6 112,409 Rnoma: IsL4zm. N. Y., Providence and Boston 2,568,000 7 1,755,281 500,000 62 0 340,600 SOUTH Onzonzzu. ‘ 1 Charleston and Savannah -.... 801,615 84,372 706,365 195,266 197,905 51.9 -.... .-..- Charlotte and South Carolina. 1,719,045 * 1,201,000 384,000 ...... ._ 109.6 -..-..-.. G1-eenville and Columbia. ...-. 2,439,769 324,161 1,429,008 1,145,000. 345,546 164.5 -..._ .--- North-Eastern __._ --_.. ___. ..__. 2,011,662 * 985,743 960,410 108,172 .0 ...... .. South C21%o1ina___.-..- -_-. ._... 8,820,883 466,408 5,819,275 3,071,000 711,297 242-0 .-... ---- EHNESBEE. » Central Southern ('1‘enn.) -... 1,021,439 58,138 505,214 514,000 99,110 47.6 ._-. .._.. East Tennessee and Georgia..- 3,637,367 * 1,289,673 2,020,000 200,00 14 .0 ..-. ..-- East Tennessee and Virginia . 2,310,038 158,264 -—-—--— :4 536,654 1,902,000 390,407 130.3 150,142 Memphis and Ohar1esto11-.--. 5,066,205 844,284 5,312,725 2,885,990 1,462,814 291.0 405,051 ‘M’.emphis and Ohio--- ---. -- 2,259,267 141,“‘*4 570,000 1,361,000 145,000 Memphis, Omrkosv. &- Louisv. 2,000,000 100,500 298,721 740,000 ______ -. Mississippi and Tennessee -_. 1,137,400 798,286 554,949 319,618 09,870 Mississippi Central and Tenn. 892,710 82,908 817,447 632,000 22,369 54,175 1 L£cM}1nnvi].1e and Manchester. 633,807 56,81 ‘ 144,894 406,000 5,000 30,065 Nflfihville and Chattanooga. .. * V --nu ---- ---- ---- N ashville and Northwestern .. ---.. ----- ------- -- .-.- ----- ------ -- " Tennessee and Alabama -_-..- 78,016 78,01“ 695,922 860,000 204,644 67,950 Winchester and Alabama _--.. ....-. -...- 216,962 413,000 408,477 -.... --.- Tnxss, (all aided by State). 151106.10 Bayou, Braz.o'L (_}o1’r’do ....-.----- ---- ---- ----- ---- .0 —------- G6lvest., Houst. <2 Henderson ..——- ---- ---- ---- ------- -- -0 ---—---- 4 Houston and Bmzorim-.- .._-- 1,250,000 .....- ---- 275-000 240,000 171,5 50.0 31,300 Houston and Texas Oent.ra.1-. 4,232,345 "" 456,000 975,000 869,000 70.0 102,200 San Antonio & Mexican Gulf. . ------ -- ---- --- ----- ---- ---- ----- -~-- ---- 0 ------ -- Vmnmom-. Oonneot. &P0.ssun1psio Rivers 2,890,663 "" 1,837,500 605,700 136,003 105.0 172,600 Riltland anc1Bur1ington_..--- 8,991,705 556,275 2,233,376 3,257,471 895,219 119.6 449,351 Rutland and Washington ---.. 950,000 255,533 0 --------------- -- 52-5 135,751 Ve1'mo]1L C9ntra]__ ____ _,,__ ___,, 8,402,055 * 5,000,000 3,500,“"“ 184.5 1 030,394 Vermont and Canada. --_.. ..._... 23592099 1 2 " ------ —- 9 1‘- byvt Vermont Valley ---.._---. .. .. ,212, "' 515.154 793.200 «--- ---- 5 ------ -- Western ‘\.7“}e’1-mont‘. ___ ,,___ ,0“. 1,033,500 * 332,000 700,000 ______ _. 0130 r.b.Troy menzu. A10x., Loudoun .1: Hampssire 1,492,194 42,000 1,403,018 36,188 88,181 Monztssas Ga. ............. .. 2,942,543 210.539 2.969.351 775,500 11§;75 113-7 703.034 Norfolk and etersburg .... .. 2,006,873 122,166 1,000,124 500,610 156,161 79.2 47,702 Northwestern Virginie--- -_..- 5,322,150 * 468,605 5,719,229 ---- -—-- 103.5 345,427 orange and Alexandria _____________ -- .--.. ---- 2,063,655 2,617,600 690,056 167.7 270,846 Petersburg and Lynohburg.-- 8,040,636 374,99“ 1,366,300 1,851,500 _ 292,842 133.4 .--_ _..,,. 1’ote1-sburg and Roanoke ..--.._ 1,223,626 * 833 200 102,500 5,79 80.5 -..... ..-... Richmond and Dunvillo .... .. 392,659 * 2:000:00‘) 125557500 7757142 7 ----- -- R.iohm., Frederick <56 Potomac 1,985,579 '7 120417330 3437960 95 32 78-6 1592931 Riclmmoncl and Petereburg -.. 1,222,523 * ,750 204,808 26 85 43-5 1,058,054 Richmond and York River.-. 704,840 "0 """‘ 5577312 857000 ---- ---- -7 12»5 Seaboard and R.o21.11oke... .. 1,469,240 £344,200 472,811 £52,926 . -... ..-- ' Virginia Cent1~a.1_---....- _. 423,128 641,814 3,663,679 1,799,822 104,785 195.0 ._.._.__.._ Virginia and Tennessee .... .. 5,994,269 838,475 3,452,813 3,265,000 671,958 214.9 480,193 ‘Wxsoowsm. 1 , . Mzlwaulcae and St. Paul.-. ..... 9,660,000 * 3,400,000 6,250,099 370:0 1,126,571 .’lIilw’l»:ee and lfrairie d2_1. Chien 7,726,200 " 7,110,000 402,006 951,880 285.9 916,288 Racine and Mlesissippi .... -... 3,802,016 * 2,705,720 1,417,0001,085,328 142.3 466,043 CANADA. A 1 Buffalo and Lake Huron (5 y.) 11,03s,o . * . 11,750,090 188,00- 16-10 --—.--.- Montreai and Champlain. --..- 2,461-3.089 ' 1,631,160 911,029 22,984 149.0 --.. ...... Grand Trunk -.-. .--. -... -...... ' 1,110,345 "' 1571237439 5477507510 773351405 -69“ ---- ---- Great Western--...-..-.....- 23,933,750 * 16,802.74» 9.281.435 -,,--—-:- 357-0 ------ -- Horthgn cogs. 5:. Bl.).......... 5,456,615 --... ..-.... 4,909,980 .68,9a9 96.1 402,670 11w stmswlax. « Euro 6611 as North Amerioen 4,569,418 * 4,658,708 108.0 100,421 Newgarisinswlcglit and 06663. 1.403.748 102,888 1.380.000 16.100 136.000 . on. "001-1.4, ‘ , H095} Séiftoifia agrgr s?)ltl5j&9:|-,9! 5;:-on § 0 _ ~ Ah-7 ~r "’ "’\-7‘ . my 541:, _ . .. 5 ‘am/ ,. . __ ,, }.-’%1I§ 579994969; 9 053151779 . 7-‘ 7' 7537575753 97797691! $§7‘7"~’§’« - -7 7