1198 AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. RAILROAD ‘SHARE LIST, inc1udi11g‘Mileage, Rolling Stock, etc., etc. an astcrich (*) ooourring in the column headed “Boning-Stock,” signifies that the cost is included in that of “Railroad and'Appurbenan6es.” A dash (——) 9131111100 uni Running dots (--...) signify “not ascertained." Land-Grant Railroads are 1n"7'talic8." ‘ Railroad. 3 Equipment. Abstract of Balance Sheet. '53 , Q E9-1'13111E3- ' . . - «S 2 5 _, Q. E 3 . Cars. Property and Assets. L1abi11ties. -3 53 .,,''°_ 5...‘; 3‘ 6 E2 an gag - - nu e ,§§'d ‘E3 5' 0L3-W'‘’‘8 .:3 -75:3 - - '55 0°“ 5"“.3' 5" § 5, 72.3 52%” ‘.33’ 7,; gs .‘:~ °°‘“"*“‘°‘ 3889 5°13 3% 63 .:.§».., 85 3‘§;$ 202 ,,,§ "§ § 03 _,_, "“ -E1 E1 0 E Q -5 '9 ' 0 -9 £32‘ :3‘ '5 ti § 3385§°°8‘”'§§ 6’ E216 57 57 E3‘ 506 o8 -8885 3 3 E3 >«)H“‘.§m7q9.£ <1 0050: 149:, 9421207 2,98. M. M. M. M. NONO No 3 3 3 3 O 8 3 M. M. $ 3 11 0 MAINE. _ 30 Nov.’62 55.0 «—--,....- -—- 4 '14 And;-oscoggjn _...-...-........ 1,050, " 151,833 444,638 2050034 757,381 33-5 767344 79:7 , 431451 ““ .33-. 80 Jun. '00 149.0 -—- 25.0 -—- 41 17 349 Atlantic and St. Law:-enoe-....- 7,054,080 * 2,494,900 3,471,5e01,985,870 7,052,8301-490 878,873 1,g;g,§1g 137,833: 5 011300. 705 03.0 9.5 0.0 ———~ 12 11 1201.>or01end lIldKennebe0 ..-___ 8,000,000 * 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000109«5 -74,410 48, 219, .... 31 Humvee 99,7 9_5..-.. —-—— 18 15 233 Maine oe,,m,1__,__._ ______ ._ .,,4,212,201 * 57,091 1,447,000 2,733,800 120,597 4,3o1.457 109.2 171,688 453.2% 236,013?-7 ...... B1Ma,y,’65 518 -—--4-... ‘-- 12 4 119 Port1a.11d,§£co0.11d Portsmouth 1,491,207 * 100,000, 1,500, 1,690,004 51.3 101,056 , , 103 ' ARYLAND. - 80 sep. '03 279.0 7.2....- --—22510o3,000 Baltimore and Ohio 21,323,3388,021,75511,000,00310,151,g"031n,112,584 807,830 80,811,370 280.8 2,038,010 4,2353% E 113,», 30 Her. '03 30.0 -.— 83 167 Washington Branch ._ .-.. 1,050,000 * 050, _2,3'19,841 89.0 ...... -- 3 . 1 328,793 811.27 31 D85, -55 138.0 40 250 -—- 00 55 3.496 Northern 0557,01 ...... -- 9,247,130 1,104,'1441,692,961 4,518,900 5,211,2441,689,78012,044,841261,01,642,0153. 15,510 > 2 45: MASSACHUSETTS. 30 Nov.’65 840 14.0 6.8 -- 12 6 37 Boston, Harf.forc1&.Erie--..... 9,250,112 333,296 0,548,83711,775,500 7,581,900 71,88719,429,287 34.0 05,008 _1I§g,g3‘7) 17,, an 6 12; 3oNov,165 20.7 1.8 10.8 —- 24 38 534 Rnsmna.ndLo1',vo1l-...--.-..-.... 2,446,495 192,638 381,467 1,830,000 640,000 47,118 8,020,600 70-9 4-331315217159 39:;»§12 9 112 31 u,.y,n7s 74,3 s_s 50,4 --— 37 80 744 Boston and name .... __....-._ 3,965,254 446,557 973,480 4,076,974 328.388 5,386,221 164.3 747,172 1,221,104 363:333 10 131 80 Nov.’65 47.0 7.0 32.5 —— 28 59 85913085011andProv1dence....-.-. 3,392,600 207,400 3,000,000 21,500 -—-———- 4,210,9.7 31.8 450,096 1,697,164 537 W 10 140 so Nav.’66 44.6 24.0 00.8 —— 32 69 30923050011 and Worcester -_-...- 4,062,584 487,§161,418,789 4,500,000 765,740 6,913,789 3-6 669,234 7167.031 57,395 6 146 30 Nov.’65 40.0 1.1 2.7 ~—- 7 16 41 0apeCodBra11ch(par 00)..-- 007,.00 128,004 721,920 25,700 15,000 1,008,092. 47.1 88,000 533,109 175,404 6! 00 3oNov_1e5 50,0 2,4 9,6 -—- 12 28 158 Connecticut; Rwer ...---......-.. 1,813,980 803,239 1,591,100 250,000 104,138 2,117,219 52-4 221,74§127_7o75 4901763‘ 6 111} 3o}§'ov,155 441 30,5 27,5 --. 32 00 54410105505 ___-__.---..---..._.- 4,452,000 062,905 762,874 3,165,000. 1,798,000 414,208 5,568,837 89.0 622,20—. ,m{,694 314.255 8 111 go No-,-.355 510 42.5 758 —~-- 27 26 664F1tchburg ______________ ..-... 8,189,851 352,149 410,961 3,549,000 0,507 6,950,961 93.4 457,261 6,890 907427 6 114 00 Nov.’65 14.0 -- 2.8 -—- 4 4 20 F1tchbu1-g and Worceater.--- 275,000 _K 241,000 2,000 4,270 301,200 14.0 87,100 ts, &Lo.W,e]_ B ____ 80 1700.705 12.4 ~—- 23 -—~ 2 4 20 Lowell and L9.w1'ence-..-.---. 082,883 80,2... 7 200,000 75,000 2,754 807,372 (Op er.byB o0O%x19m 512;; 8 ____ 201707.105 14.5 -—- 17.2 -—— 10 17 240Naahu0enc1 Lowell ..--.--.-- 020,153 . 92,870 101,908 800,000 91,748 814,901 71.0 185,047 31,745 51,fi8 8 125 30 N,,,,_,,,5 20.1 12 1.2 -—- 4 18 57 New Bedford and Teunton.-- 451,082 4_§,01S‘ 500,000 105,500 003,500 86.7 70,1081 3,643 526,448 8 101, 01 MZay,’06 08.5 8.8 27.5 —— 32 56 379 Old Colony and N0w"port._-- 4,433,317 8,000,822, 4,819,700 551,5001,467,841 7,043,180145.0 --..---- gogaggl 31,521 3 103 so N°,,.,g5 18.0 —-- 0.7 -—- 1 3 -——-Pmegiem and No1t11.Ada.ma. 432,430 11,247 450,000 450,000 18.0 4,040 548,995 140,109 8 105: 80 Nov.’65 43.4 1.0 149 -- 14 14 452 Provxdence and Worcester --. 1,401,050 209,058 100,507 1,700,000 70,010 1,770,010 44.4 238,512 L ,, _ ,~ 124 7;o10'ov_va.=, 10,9 —_ 1.7 —-— 3 4 197 Salem and Lowa11--.--....---- 882,470 81,5 243,305 220,900 522 470,727 (Op er. by 13.8 r-by-) 24 454 1 110. so m,v_v05 111 0.0 1.1 -—- 3 10 76 '1‘0.untonBranch ..... --.--.-._ 250,000 * . 250,000 312,186 11.7 40,555; 219,«24 fih 8 .... so Novfiefi 6.1 -—- .-.-. 86.5 -—- -- -— Troy and Greenfield ,..-........... .....—.—— _ 923,942 979,308-————«—-(.F.1u1'rend Bred 130 1113}: Ommm’ We“239') ""‘ ..-- 80Nov.’65 . 00. 8.0 5.5 11 13 180 Vermont and Maaaaonusetts _ 9,240,079 225,050 109,038 2,800,000 558,"‘“= 8,085,007 77.3 151,32. 890,086. 12, g 2 so ,,,N,,,,_,,,,5150.1 17.8120.0 -—- 78 45 1,290 Western (in01.A1b.&W.S. etc.) 10,170,144 1,095,718 5,070,940 5,027,700 0,269,520 458,o4110,348.800 218.0 1,353,514a,431,5841,225,g5 10 145 80 Nov. 705 45.7 —-— 9.8 -- 10 12 143 Worcefiper 8iI1~7ashua (par 33;) 1,154,398 * 224,309 11,141,000 35,500 02,759 1,888,700 45.7 194,712 431,000 183,750 77120 EW AMPSEIRE. 31M0r. '00 93.5 -—- 5.0 __ 14 10 232 1300555, Concord and Montreal 2,350,500 - 849,233 1,800,000 1,050,000 31,210 3,199 238 93.5 ...... .. 422,829 134,371 -—- 57,5 80 1705705 53.0 -—- 8.0 .__ 18 16 240 0hes1me--.-.-..---.-.-......-- 2,737,442 0' 180,307 2,085,925 077,400 2,907,749 76.6 417,001 029,022 101,259 24 .... 81 1457.00 345 ———.---- .._ 21 22 494 Concord (par 850).-..-...-.-- 1,550,500 * 171,775 1,500,602 1,071,775 121,, 52, 354 357,957, 101,803 8 05 01 1050.700 200 .-.., 2.8 .._ 2-—— -—- Mnnchesterdz La.wr0nce-.-.--- 825,000 175,000 52,327 1,000, .0 - 1,052,327 1 101,242 8 118 31 M01-.100 29,3 —— 2.8 _. 2 4 80 Merrimnca.11dOonn. Ri1_rers-- 008,258 * 595,688 668,00!‘ -....---- 52.7 -- ------------ -- ---—-~-- -—— ...... 31 Mar. 700 69.2 18.0 12.5 .._ 23 12 458 Nor1',11er§_ N017} Hampemre-.. 3,008,400 * 740,290 8,008,400 151,400 254,341 3,808,696 82.2 887,789 615,728 216,073 9 1 EW JERSEY. v 811380. '05 042 11.0 8.1 __. -.. ..- -.... Belvldere Delaware ..---.---. 3,425,070 * -—-~—— 997,112 2,193,000 259,472 8,440,585 752 _-..._-.. 595,459 141,418 ___, 81 Dec. '65 012 42.4 74.9 ._.. 74 95 171 Camden and. An1boy.-......-__ 9,476,363 4 4315.144 0,842,20010,100,472 175,000..-.--_.. 1242_-.._.._ 0,274,0571,702,858 10 129, 31 D00. 705 00.2 -~——....-_ ._... -.- -.. .-... C9.mdennndAl:1a.nt1o -...--.. 1,885,941 '* 1,002,748 1,084,775 143,352 2,240,871 00.2 ...... .. 288,038 94,067 .... 10 31Deo. '05 74.0 12 74.0 .__.. 05 21,071 Central of New Jersey....... 11,840,7011,283,773 52s,17110,085,940 1,509,000 838,68618,561,735 86.01,187,9'I88,035,3901.237,955 10 130 81 Dec. 105 58.0 -— ..—. 45,5 24 43 274 Morris 0.nr1Es0ex _...--...-.- 0,53-7,292 .* 145,427 3,199,050 8,084,775 108,104 6,682,719 58.0 814,000 680,456 100,070 7 00 81 De0,’65 88.8 -— ...-- _.. 85 98 180 New Jerae -.----.- 8,003,171 738,1041,798,004 5,000,000 805,000 0,484,309 88.8 054,1021,875,9s1 803,823 10 180 81De0. '06 213 ~—-.-... —--.— 2 0 17N01'1hern 6*-v Jer6ey- 401,502 * ...... -. 158,800 200,000 04,521 488,321 21.2 103,816 185,082 20,874—.— .... 31 Dec '65 65.0 16....- .___ --- --. .-..- Raritan and Delaware Bay 3,075,480 * 2,520,700 1,498,800. 004,885 4,084,888 81 320,644 1089. ..... 05 81De0 '55 182 -~...... _._ -—- Warr0n---_...---......--...... 2,008,300 -—-——~— -———- 1,408,800 000,000 2,008,300 18.2 -...-... 272,695 118,183 51 487 a1De0. '65 38.6 -- ..-- 47.. -—-—-— -—- West Jer§s~v-.i;-----...---.. 1.5s8,483 * --——-- 588.400 400,000 888,000 1,370,400 —-.~ 265.593 56,503 _. ..... EW ORE. 308919. ’65 82.0 -~—— 4.5 58.0 9 12 153 Albany & Bus9ueh9nna-—--- 3,183,056 198,909 1,004,145 1,010,739 173,722 2,704,007 82.0 05,472 175,720 88,064-—— 80 3611- ’0—’> 1400 -- 13.0 --» 28 32 411Bufi"a10,NeW York and 11ne- 3,369,088 * 050,000 2,380,000 Leased toEr1e 125 i1wa.y 00. 233,100 137,153; 80 Sep. ’65 88.3 -- 18.5 .4... 34 37 _697 Buffalo and State Line -...---- 2,267,838 516.676 650,000 2,200,000 1,200,000 3,400,000 333 499,44g.2.2e0,os4 687,228 10 195 811300. '65 460.0 97.0 378.0 ..-.... 382133 6,335 Erie ..---.- ----.....--.----. .-.- 47,843,351 * 5,646,644 25,105,800 22,370,082 4,299,752 53,201,395 807,0 6,839,028 159134.775 5,066,511 4 731 80 Bap. 15144.0 -—-1283 -—- '15 162 711 Hudson River--.--...-.—---.... 13,250,299 2,014,287-—-— 0,583,250 7,702,870 1,10715,204,580150.01,602,2794,452,380 9 , 8 8 122 30 Sep. ’65 940 18.0 10.0 —— 17 43 146 Long Island...... -...--.----- 2,507,102 361,312 ——--~— 1,852,710 032,000 ~—————- 2,028,474 107.0 300,319 688,400 353,606 8 02; 80 Sep. '66 297.8 268.1432.8 ——-276 292 5,309 New York Gentra1-.-.------- 27,012.53-w,521,377 9,985,9922e,530,00012,350,894 815,170 44,119,904 0922 6,6G7,961:4,59(;,7éc 2,"01,112 5 1105 80 Sep. ’.65130.8 2.1 45.0 -.-. 43 83 587 New York and Harlem .... .- 0,7os;8111,479,9571,o47,106 8,585,050 0,093,045, 12,533,095 18401,!-92,080 2,509,720 422,348 .._. 97 80 sep. ’65118.0 40 18.0 .._ 20 25 353 ogden0bur_8&L-Ch6mP1ain- 3,850,072 831,051 . 8,077,000 1,494.9 4,081,024122.0 399,020 707,521 44,s10—_ 74 30Bept.’65 18.0 —-- .0.5 10.3 -—0swego and Rome -....--.-.-.. 585,880 206,800 222,000 157,050 535,330 ._ ‘ ._...... 30 sep. '05 30.8 0.4 2.2 ._ 5 14 03 oawego “Dds ’”°“"° --- -—-. 844,700 185,041 402,400 911,500 19,875 979,810 30.7 87,202 240,037 50,010 0 .... 308913. '65 25.2 — 40 —— 27 64 401RensBe1ueran Barato8a----- 702,491 199,010 800,000 478,750 1,27s,750175.0 303.705 797,058 282,142 8 -... 80Sept.’65 18.6 ~—-—- 1.3 --» -—,—- R0chester&Gene8ee Valley. 656,026 "" 657,560 116,000 1,386 Leaaecl to Erie R'W. 85,837—-- -.... 00 sop. 105141.’, 48.5 19.4 .—. 20 35 898 Rome,Watert’n &0g<16nsb’g- 3,090,542 808,804 1,091,900 1,008,908 55 928 3,051,730189.0 484,252 979,737 302,070 10 9 :3 gep*:_ .-.. %,o 32_o 1... _._S91-afiogaa11&§[1£dsontRgver.. —..... 1,020,072,» ’ __ ____ ep . - ~-—-- .6 ~_ ——. ara oga 011’ G 91190 ‘-1 Y--- 480684 ' 300000 45000 Len dto Rena: rand mate a R R. --.. 80 Bap. '65 40.9 67 3.9 -—~—— ,—— Saratoga a.nd.Wh1teha11 .... -- 9301207 5003309 355:0“) use 1: ewe u S u g 2 ____ 808011. '65 13.0 ———— 0.8 _— 2 6"-—- Staten Island ---- ..-- ------ -- 301,280 84,273 600,000 628,500 200,000 120 000 943 500 13.0 47,098 274,988 111,021 8 --.. 20 Sep. ’65 81.0 -—- 8.1 -—- 12 13 121 Byra0use,Binghamton&N.Y. 2,949,513 * 1,200,130 1,595,191 83,869 29791190 81.0 208,635 880,921 30,174 --.. 00Sep.’65 34,0.--—— 7.5 -—- 13 17 185 '1‘r95’ and Boston ----------- -- 1,732,444 601,944 007,111 1,452,000 282:216 2,341,327112.o 390,025 658,717 280,060--—- -.-. 3036111-’65 34-0 ~—- 2.6 51.4 5 9 54 Ut1<:aanc1B1ack River-...--- 801,075 64,644—— —— 811,600 5 920319 37.5 33,548 185,480 78,540 5 .... 808691. 735 103 —- ——-~ --- --- ---. WarW1{T9giR;7Hal}§£5i-I;L----«- 172,576 98,050 85,000 000 1842250 10.0 20,895 50,100 23,788 3 .... B1M0y,'80 94.9 --— 6.4 —... ..- _..- _.__ Atlantic and North Carolma- 2157 503 1 1545 22 09000 ______ __ 103 953 .._ ,__, 81May,’.08223.0 -—- ---- -—- 25 17 172N°1‘%h Carolina ------------ -- 4'947:87-4 * 715524 4’oo0’003 §30’o0o §Z$’i§§ §’§§§’§8% 23%?) 301048 800’48o 1§g§,572_.. .--.. .. .. '59 97.0 ~—-- --.- —— .... ....- ..-.._ Raleigh and Gaston ...--..-..-.. 1:240,241 * ' ’973’3oo 125’2o0 _____’___ __’____’___ 97}, ____j____ 2o3’g17 10g 54-_7__. ____ 80 sep. 1001015 15.0 ---- --. 23 18 182 Wi1m1ng1°1”""* M““°h<>stor- 2,682,737 * 232,900 1,130l470 10451000 51800 2934 509 171.9 ...... -. 469’458 210’088——— .... 80 3611- '50 101-9 -—- --—- -—- 24 32 144 Wilmington and Weldon----- 2,809,223 7 107,000 1,340,218 701,055 1023121 831141054 171.0 323,009 4772554 285201 8 -.-. 151131-.'60 8L0 30 ——-'-192.5 —— Western 17703011 O91-o11na...-.. 2,000,000 * 4,700 299312 70,350 354,072 ____ H10. . 31 Dec. ’64118.2 -~ ---. -- £1 12 268 Be11efdn1a1neandIndian6---- 3480857 7 289 017 2502251 1040 0 1105 3 10° 2 0 088 7 68——.... 81 A118-’5-"5137~° —- ---- -—- 41 39‘ 608 09011010h1°-—-------—-—--~-- 55791508 022,670 106:133 1:628:366 310781330 1,1264%: 0j'81o’Z;% 71733 35313:; 827301 §5'g’371-—- 14 81Mar.’06 00.3 -- ---. -— 27 27 46401nc.,Ham11tonfm<1Dayton.- 3920 730 8261071249734 3000000 1020000 82050 5090’ 7 7 .... - . 136 '5 532289 9 85 . . ,, , ,. ,, , , ,0, ,5720z.0 -. ,1,00 , :1 1300.164 131.8 ~— .... 31.0 18 14 232 Oincinnattgmd Zanesv1l19,—.- 2,855,112 * 1,555,112.1,3oo,ooo 2,355,712 1313 ______________________ __ __ ____ s1Deo. 705105.-4 55.8 ---- +—- 44 28 784 01evo1an_c1,0°1}1mb“W1dCmo. 4,000,000 750,000 2,098,200 0,000,000 475,000 825,000 6,843,260191.2 967,8'202336,1S2 003,205 10 109 01000. was 95.5 -—- 38.5 1.0 30 20 003 C1ev.,Pa1ne8v111e &.Ash‘0a‘bu1a 3,802,784 980,837 5,000,000 1509555 0500000 055 572 010 2359.2-221148501 35 .-.. 80Nov.’651010102.5 ..— 68 311,175 Cleveland and Pittsbur3----- 9,620,163 " 354,145 5,408,011 228802848 88 292 9’074’807203'51429’7412’000‘377 ’730794 5 02% 311161’ ’66109.‘i 79.4 --~- —-—~ 37 39 77101eve1andandTo1edo ...... -- 0072157 868 700 828 803 4841000 2740 280 114’90 8’3 ’ ' ’ ’ -' ’ 085’ 17 18 114 . , , , , , , , , , , 6 ,69,819188.6 994554 2,388,8681, ,7 7 8oNow.'65 124.5 61-5 18 6 -41-ég§1;1t1§g>g:gY§,!j§£2;%-------— §,§g$,§;g -E4-115-4 $30,300 $224,000 134,717 2,143,240 ope r.w. 10. Miami. 291,148 10 .... 5 - '— - . , , . , , .41 , ,6.0 0702 68263331410 951357 389,024-— .... -- 45 40 682 Littlp M10m1----------------- 3,585,680--7-1,5a5,o42 8,572,400 1,400,000 21020 53120172313710 1,080,007 22401301 582,296 10 1107 -—- 58 20 485 Manotteaa Cincinnati, re-org.15,B60,7'79 * 1,570,099 12 007,058 8080385 315 434 17 429 777 2508 739 0001224 058 445 ""2 .-.. -—- 43 34 028 Ohio and Miaflinsippi----..--- 10,803,014, 745,475 7 01240950 9I870,0o0 4,8-481042 2015401420 1923 .---.’--. ’829I932 110I082-— ...... -—- 26 1'7 683 S.an.d1.1.sk:vIm<1 01no1npat1,-.. - 3,980,354 005400 801,002 3,38 103 1,218,0 100,818 4,072,740 205.9 340,071 094,500 184,001—— .... -97», 10 7 1.13$1§,?-§1€g§g,114L&;0§fie1d§013'6¥(’k 7,189,890 . 7 02,984 828 3% 1,201,300 28,820 2,9 8,8"4126.0 82.807 08,789—-—- — -~ *7” ‘=53 ‘$9 979»... . 97000301797399»: 5.27? 99,15 9 s77~~m= “*3! $515756‘?-=‘197 793 850e9,1o_ ._..§¥1§7 .. .33. 0.1 ,-.