AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 1 1197 RAILROAD SHARE LIST, ino1u.1i1.g M11eage,R011ing Stock. «.10., etc. An aatcriclc 1*) ooourrlng in the column headed ‘‘Rolling- Stock,” sgniflee that the cost is Included in that of “Railroad and Appurtenances.” A dash (-—) sign1t1e3“ni1.‘ 1 - Running data (-..-) signify “ not ascertained.” _Land-Grant Railgroads are in“italz'cs.” R0-ilrcmd. 3 Equipment. Abstract of Balance Sheet. -5' , 9; K811111133. 9! ---* . _ ,6 3 g E‘. Cars. Property and Assets. Liabilities. -37‘ 3 £3, E-‘$1 £3; =1 55 °’ . 81.3 3 - 3.. 543.. -:-’,'8 “Q31 . tn _ n W0 . g 3 '5 '3E;."5*-3 . '55‘ 0 Companies '3 3,; 5., ,,.,; $5 531” ,,.§ =5~ 3§ ME -5 .,_, 5 ,3 ;'§ E15 :18 3 gr :3; 311-4153 91% 23 Gig -g{=,"’_.-ca; £32‘. 85533 51*‘ 3,3 5 o u 0-! -...'”‘{J-.;: :19 an *_m m 9° 437:1 ,__;m:'-43 'U_¢: fl ,6 N H? - "' M. 11- 1.1. M. 175190170. A 5 3 3 3 - 3 3 3 M. 11. 2 3 ,'p.1:. LA A 5 - 3oJun_160 05.0 —- _--. 50,0--- --- Alabama and F7a7¥.?&-.-----.- 1,451,730 * ' 877,953 503,500 105,255 1,515,704 54.0 ...... .- 101,102 37,3“ .--- 28 Feb. 159 803 —-— _--. 58.1 2 2 19 uabama and .Mz‘s.2z's-sz'ppi-..... 401,505 30,901 335,010 109,500 21,032 518,905 30.3 ...... -- 55,791 31,50: —-—- 311,111.,» 1001090 —-— 57.8 11 9 102 Ma. and Tenhessee 223005...- 2,201,927 184,900 1,007,000 777,777 240,485 2,470,023109.0 ...... .- 207,020 111,23.-. .--- 30 Jun, 150 57.0 ‘-13 5 .-.. 171.3 --- .-- -.._, .1.;rob.ze and azmrd __________ __ 1,500,000 15 ...... ........ _-.. ................. -- 57.0 286,791 76,773 21,006 —-— ---- 1May,101409.3 28-4 _--- 49.4 40 28 502 ‘1olnT.7.e and 0.15.._____,________ 120,100,000 11 ....... -. -...-.--. ............... .. _--- --.---.. 1,402,858 695,370-— ---- 29 Feb. 100 88.5 - .-_- --. 23 14 283 MontgomeA1‘y and West Point. 1.838715 427,205 100,000 1,419,709 922,02 23,579 2,582,505 0.9 505,150 200,209 .0 .... RKANSAS. 0 Nov.’58 38.5 -- 107.5 Memphisémd Little Rock 553,877 * 1851.524 446.000 10.725 _ 811.949 —-— ---- 301305.160 22.5 --— —— ..- s.¢..m3é.13"%f1’ff,§.‘fi‘_________ 1,493,350 1» «...-_. 793,850 700,000 1,498,850 22.5 230,251 104,594 --.. ONNEOT 0 . g1,1..1y1a5 23.8 —-— 1.0 —-— 0 5 47 Danbury and N515.-‘E1. _____ __ 345,798 00,483 8,250 800,900 100,000 .-...-.-. 23.8 53,855 103,333 20,249 8 .... 91 Jan. 1001224 “"192 17.7 75.1 18 20 310 Hartford, P1-ovid. and 11-1.1111111: 8,902,856 3o2,511— 2.037.940 1.936.740 -------------- --- 1224 319.453 544.725 160.186 -- --,-,- 105 01.4 - 00.2 —-— 25 32 42:. Hartford and 111...,-11..v....____ 3,284,237 254,0001,250,32s 3,000,000 927,000 -3132,-197 4,794,505 75.2 498,0021,591,804 511,077 12 17 311355, 105 74.0 —-— 8.9 —-— 10 12 26‘LHo1_1ga,1',onig ________________ __ 2,439,775 11- 347,819 2,000,000 202,500 150,848 2,787,594124.0 192.939 478,095 65,463 g1])3c_ 155 57.0 —-— 2,0 —— 8 11 133 Naugatuck ______ __________ __ 1,435,339 -11 1,100,000 295,000 34,065._-........ 62.0 109,074 419,489 135,922 10 ---:4 28 Feb ’66 500 """ 2.5 —-— 3 10 30 N.Ha.ven,N. London and Stan, 1,454,040 "' 733.538 763.000 ---- -—-- --------- 620 —--- --- 1143 1035. ""' “'- 30 Nov. 105 70.2 8-8 9.3 --- 4 2 10 New Haven and Northampton 1,787,505 11 1.010.000 628.800 9.442 --------- 85-0 48.662 172.590 74,758 2 .-.-. 311350. 105 00.0 20-0 5.9 14.0 8 12 84 New London Northern .... .- 801,135 11 10,007 700.000 132,814 18,746 871,742 86.0 202,507 305,700 53,204 8 85 311451.105 01.3 1-0 68.8 —-— 34 77 412 New York and New Haven“ 4,050,302 970,220 855,450 5,000,000 2,000,000 140.785 8,081,1s1117.4 029,2091,982,213 549,334 9 120 3017011. 105 59.4 7.0 3,2 _... 13 17 392 Norwich find. Worcester .--.. 2,403,983 149,711 498,980. 2,308,000 580,000 9,201 2,952,801 00.4 829,984 714,058 208,390 9 115 ,,1o,,,_ .30 313 —-— 10,7 . -.- De19.war_o ...... .. 1,552,257 400,132 870,000 271,877 1,007, 4 04.3 130,031 138,970 41,400 —-— --.. 31055. 162 16.2 —-— ._-_ ___- .-._ ~.— Newcastle §,ndFranuhtown -. 704,860 18,585 744,520 5,024 749,544 5.0 _--. _--. 27,283 10,290 9 ---- LORIDA. ,- ._ 1021542 —- ---- 150 ... -.- .--..1w1....-.71. _____________________________ -- .-..-..- ----—-—-- .. ..... -- -------- ....... -- —--- ---- -—---~—- ------—- —-— —-—- 3oAp1-J60 32.0 —-— 3.0 13.0 3 1 6F'lan'da and Alabama ....... .- 532,791 30,580 101,485 195,000 75.894 019.112 02-0 ------—- 7.857 3,535 —-— ---. .. -. 102 69.9 —- 5.0 —— _.- _.- _.... I1"lo.'.At.’antz'c and Gulf Cmtml ....--.-. . ..-.-. --------- --------- -------- ---- ----- -------- ------ -- -------- —-— ---- .. -. ’62 100.0 3-9 10.0 1635 —-— --- ..--.. P0n’8acala agd Georgz'a....--.- _..... ----------- -- --------- --------- -~-- ---- --------- -4 ---- ---------- -' ---- -g----- "T" """ ' — nonau. ,. , 3,, J,,,,_ .53 33,; —— _8_, 70.; 10 0 85 At%0.nt;1 and 72:05; 1>]<,1,;-11,111‘ -33} 1,200,079 11« 90,402 1,282.00 30,500 22,721 1,290,541 86.3 -...--.. 415,411 54,648. 4 _-.. .. -. '6 . ""‘ . . -..- -..- .......At ante and 111- r ....... .. _...‘ ---- --------- -7 ----- -- ---- ---- —------—- 1 - ""‘ '1--1 31 D00. '60 53.0 “"“ .--- —-— -.- - - -.-.. Augusta and Savannah .... .. 1,032,200 "" 7331700 129.500 --------- ""' '-"" 30 Apr‘ '60 13%,? -.- "mm 2&7 '55 '3§ "'6' Brunswick and morldg """.E" 4 I --------- -" ___ ‘a-6-9-0-iaigi 9 764 574 1? ‘I..- 1 , —-— ___, ___. . «-- §i’11§3¥.'»§3 1710 61-0 —— -33 8‘§§.t-’5.‘,‘?.3.‘2§.§5.'1°%".g.'.”15.§“.’.‘-.1.3§‘T’...’ 411502000 . 11 1.093.650 411553000 312.55" 831281844 232-0 1.159.188 5281043 8 30 m,,,,.,,,, 109,5 —-— ____ _.. 19 16 171 Macon and western ___,, ____ 1,505,500 4 1,500,000 .._———. 12,295 1,658,976102.5 220,241, 404,018 212,070 19 .-.. 81 July '59 50.0 "'— ---- --- 7 2 107 Muscogee ---...--..-----..:--.. 774,244 162.534 5592950 249.000 """""11°25:358 50-0 -------- 2021714 t-1101515 8 ---- 1Mu.y,’58 63. ""— ---. —-— 3 4 33,.A.1b0.ny and Gulf..- 1,386,634 52,374 275.901 10.200 180.521 1.473.140 71-5 -------- -------------- -- ""“' ~--- 31Ju1y150 10011008 16,2 _ 13 22 20180111,}, Western ____________ __ 3,770,425 11- _ 2,921,900 39,13,500 19,913 3,822,918 228.8 .............. .. 388,85313 _-.. 80 Sap. ’59 138.0 “" ---- —— 52 24 705 Western 05,111 Atlantic ...... .. 5,901,497 " bunt and owndby State. -—---——- 138.0 ...... .. 832,843 454,541 —— .-... 31 D00. 105 280.0 ;— _--. _-L— 00 321.098 0510.. oan§II§t%§l_....._..- 8,308,019 11 1,090,305. 4,208,003 4,019,000 489,226 10,008,224.280.01,450,2803,549,0221,833,217 381113 30 Apr. 100 317.0 3-0 47.0 —— 111 54 2,142 0100., urlington and Quincy- 12,777 552 2,070,210 2.070.579_10.193.04, 5.754.400 204. 0; 1'I.518.440 400-0 2.083.580 ,,.8;3.,,5,5, 2.;9 . 33 124 81Ma.y,’66 242.0 088.0 ____ _. 154 94 3,145 Chicago and Northwestern.-. 87,323,791 * 2.350.000 26,156,300 12,020,483 825,39 39,080,452 930.0 ., ..... -- 3,154,236 1, 03,27 I—— 5 4 31 M...._vs0 181.8 --7, _-.. —-— 05 71 1,305 Chicago and Rock Island _... 8,050,132 : 2.266.622 0.323.561 1.448410 10.3 5.3% .m.09,1.§4-.18: 0 1054 .1 May,’63 174.1 2 14.3 —- 21 122,weate.n-.-.--. . ,, ~—-- ,- ,.,,,, 2.315-222 ----- ,g.g,§g.,,, .110-g -----,1,-,~ ,,,,,»,,,,, 1;.,,;,,;,- --5-. 31 1150.105-1114.11 525 ——148 .6s.39712zm-axe centraz----------- -- 80,529,844 , ,, 0 23.§g,,.,,5,15.23 am ,1, 9,2 ,. ,,,-,,_,,<,1-;*,18- 3-5%,-fig ~,8,,»333 2,1,1,» ,, 11 4 81 Dec. ’65 118.0 —-— _--. 112 15 6 284 Toledo, Peori3& ‘vVar9aw..... 4.353.624 52-91000 9-:3 7 2 1 1.600.000 1 29 2 1-0 22. 0 an , 2 11 ---- 81 D00. ’65 195.0 14 12.2 --— 40 30 1,002 St. Lo11is,A1ton&Terre Haute 10,700 000 ...... __ 4,000.000 0,700,000 10,700,000 -209.0 ...... .. .,240..4= 488,508 ——— 405 INDIANA. - _0 —-- ____ ___. 41 23 1 ___ ____.____ ___..__- ..-..----. 4390 000 5600000 .....--.-- ....... -.- 224.0 .............. -- --—.--—- ——- 45 51 A3013; 1320 ——_ ___. _— 14 10 gxgirgfigvlggrggsine 2,312,344 288,255 125,587 1;142:834- 1j240:000 4,502 2,720,187132.0 240,145 559,128 240,720——— -_.. 81 1350.102 72.4 —- ___. —— 19 17 2001501555 C0ntra1..-.--_..-.---- 1,807,039 274,081 2655.0-$1 £11,333 1,25-éggg 113,933 §,1g§,7g,1,,09.o ...------ 33,333 %gg,g§1T _-.. 81 Dec. 158 89.8 20.2 ___. —-— 23 19 313 Ind1ana.po11a and Cinomnati _.. 2,497,952 542,043 1.8721000 1.33 .000 106.879 ,,.9_,5.8 1.8 80-3 -E5-8-4-gé,-3 77 1:7 63 307.832 8 31 D00. 764 84.0 -—- ___- -— 15 --- ---.. Ind., Pittsburg and Cleveland 2,735,556 * 2 0.-12 11015790,, 7.00,, 3 §.1,,5.2231o§=- 312.859 527.863 268.156 -'— ---- 1De0. 102 78.0 —-— 11.0 —-— 16 14 201 Jetrersonvine ......... 1.649.618 ,, 275.334 1,,,,,=,,,,,, 332005 11,381,” -3 1 3,511,, ,m~,,,,-,;- -- 81 M01-.164 86.0 46.0 3.0 —— 1710 263 Indianapolis and Madison _.-- 1,464,847 * _ . 0 . a 7 132- -------- 5:82,, 1 100 __ __ .53 233,0 —-— ____ .._..___ ___ _____ Louigv; N_A11....n &Chica1zo 0,000,000 11 2,800.00 3,000,000 2.900.000 6.000.000-288.0 -—-—---- 64 . 371.404--— 35g 30 N,-,v_755 73_0 -—- _____ —. 23 23 554T31-1-3 fiauteland ndianapolis 1,933,150 * 967,278 1,928,150 60,000 213,000 2,955,423 78.0 411,2_781,.‘Z48,726 593,671 12 15” OWA. 30Ap1‘,’66 75.5 —-— _-.. 170.5 11 8 275 Burlington and MzssauriR1ve7 3.215 917 *1 235,796 1.541.804 1,902,110 7,717 8,451,713 75.5 125,325 400,745 181,417.. ____ 311135, 1851440 -— _... 170.0 18 9 151 Dub11quea.nc1Bio11x 015 ....- 5.0911881 * 2151.155 3.330.233 33.333 435.415 5.243.310 133.1; 12021.20: 213.33 .... 1Jun_ 158 38.5 —-— _..... 101.3 4 1. 64Keok..Ft.Desmou,1es-00, inn. _1,03'I,§76 82,499 3452.300 . ------ -- a---------— - - a. 1 "" --.. 3oJun_165 135,0 95.0 ___. 312.0 _.- ___ ___., Mississippi and M1s0ou.1r1....-... 10,715,552 * . . 7.145.252 118.000 10.715552 230-0 -------- ---- ---- ------ -- —-— --.- ‘ 1 V Kzmmaxr. . 5 31 001-... 159 80.0 —-— _..... —-— -.- _-- ..... Oovington and Lcmngton _--- 3 743 971 276 024 115521159 9.930.000 337.532 4.375.993 111-5 ---- ---- 4251403 2271534 _-.. -3°11“-2°“ 3%? ‘ 2'} “§ 14 13 221 5‘.°;.‘.§“€-‘.‘.‘i:.‘.“.’.‘.‘.‘ 55535181.‘ " .’23§3§?3 .‘-353332 .2727‘: 1333:??? sZ3’?.‘.’3 .370. .Z$§1%2§ 5%? 511-521 %'s’3:‘1’5«‘1’ 1331333. 5 22 __ __ , ___ . , . 335331 133185201490 20.9 47.5 05 42 079 .o111s'.'1B1‘.¢7LandNu0hvil1e.-.-_ 10j002}704 1*’ 2.6913582 5.490.105 3.125201 4351051 12}754,340 3340 059,947 3,14.3.1891,592,055 .3 --.. OUIBIANA. ' ,1 80.0 —-— ___- 178.0 12 12 210 07.0. 1 dGr.We9t’n 3954 420 505200 3242 313 560 000 339 297 5855 320 80.0 180204 481922 223 049 _... ____ Si ¥f,°,_ .3? 000.0 ——-— _-.. 205.0 40 37 513 N, 0. a§13.z3§.a;n?:znGr.Nwz0ern 515703452 1,040;702 -1-:-2-8-8-‘Gig 2,0;sg:ggg 1,150Z717 .1.%.1.01§i§2gg.3----3—-- 1.2321624 5519434 ——-_ ___ 31 A_11g’60 53.7 -—- _-.. 135.3 -.. .... ....... Vzcsaurghfifirmaziaort cS‘Tes'a11— 1,0 , 91 ‘* —.---~---' 1 2 2 103-53‘ 2 1 ,- ------" "7" """ ------"' “' _... 1 10111 Art. ' 1 - 30 sep, 132 57.0 --— -...... —— —-— —-— —-— Chi0.1)0troit&5 Can.G.T.J 11110. built and eqmpg ed by G 1'h 013% Canada. 9 008 369 188 0 840 898 : _____ 30 Jun. 1021880 —-— ---- --.- —-— ----. De5ro,1ta11d M1lw014’10=-—-~-—-- 8.270.523 547.59v 198218-661 1 1 8,, ------ -- 1 119,, - ""5555 44461490 ,",;3'3’fi; ---- 31115,. 1e52‘84.8--—- 28.4 —-— 97 741,558 Michxgan 001.5151 -...-.--_..-- 14,310,423 . 11 871,767 6. .5 7.4654 281.03215.185. 32931.7 . 2861,45 .36» 8,, 15 1131 31 Ma, .56 210,0 277.8 ,____ _. 95 150 1,500 110 1., s101i,1[n .2 17151.15 Lnchana 14,911,103 1,044,259 1,314,784 10.471. 00 8.537.176 003,971 19,072,040 523.8 2,151,015 4,0 , . 1,9 ,7 _ 0 82, A 1' INNIIBOTA. . ~ ’ 911135.102 145 - ——-0085 2 2 10 Minnesota and Pac97c-- 1.400.000 1=g§,g»% —- 311155.102 —— —- ———19o.o—- —« —-— sogmzern Mznnesota ----- -- 60,100, -- 311155.102 —— —-— ———114o -— Imymeapolza and Cedar V5022 50010,, -- 311105.102 —-— ~—- —-— 268.9 —— Mznne«o11,§,,Trans1t------- 1 - IBSISBIPPI. . . __ __ - - - - __ __ 2 2000961 2'54 782 895 992 03318992350 584342 828.022 '30 Apr’ ,6‘) 236") —-— ""‘ 25 22 2836 Mt'm'm'm Cr§u5'aL'2EIee" 1’gg2’g§Z 123338 7983285 ’450’949 275’000 1’974’4-44 5937 -.-...—. 1761462 116.433--— “" - 31001-,, 159 71.4 _-.. 27.8 7 4 41M1ssw8z.ppzq1 _ ‘mg: ..... , , *, 1000000 14001000 . 1 2 8&2 250 04,, 121659 ..,,,, 31 1)eo,158 88.2 —-— -.... 60.4 -.. -.. -..... Southern Afiwnastmt ----- ---- 2.750.000 » 1 4 1 1 -------1' ---"'-"" """" 1 ' ““ .... ISSOUEI. . ' ' - _..-—-— 7153 836 7177 000 .-..--.-- 2008 579 324 1047 507 420020 _.. 31 A_ug,963 03.3 -"1 13.2 —-— 31 24 525 H'a'n.mbal_ and ASL Joseph ---- -- 12983 740 " . 2 1' 1 1 ,- _ 1 1 2 1 55 28 Feb. ;e5,1,g2.g —— 17.7 210.0 28 27 429 g,1;r,z,Iz 1(1,41sso,11r1--------------- 033333333 815.053 2551715 ”1‘,§33;3"03 ‘=-$331333 1°"»935 8=_"ff‘_1‘_‘f}13‘;‘~_3;;;;;;j; {1_"_2_°jff‘-_’ __2_“_7f'_‘f-___ .... '31 D°°' .62 2830 —-—- 13:2 ‘Z8 '51 "045 11....-zy%:-f:‘."..".IZZZI'IIIIIIIIIII 19’as5'0141504,015 439,1 8.531.595 9,200,0901,150,74315,02s,180203o 831.4331-794.356 400,826-—--—’‘''' 28 Feb. 00 . . . 1 , .. __ .. . 19 738 . ._..——— 4500000 02 082 4939 228114.11 ....--_. 158.200 1033 --.-, 23 " 911- "53 7"-° ‘*9 2°‘-~ "‘ *""”“"‘W“"*""'--B""‘°"'="‘ "1“°1"'9° 1 ’ *7 " 11222 3I501’o00 ‘4o’55s 513521109 901 280189 099 291 ' 929 1 1- 23 Sap, 154 80.5 8.0 82 —-— 10113 219 .S't.,Louwa,yd ,,,,,,,,...:azn-- 5,137,003 300.020. 1.9 _s - - 1 1 ,,,,_-