AMERICAN RAILROAD . JOURNAL. A ' 961 RAILROAD SHARE LIST, including Mileage, Rolling Stock, etc., eic. An tutorial: (*) occurring in the column headed ‘‘Rolling- Stock,” sgnifiee that the cost is included in that of “Railroad and Appnrtenanoesfl’ A dash (——) signifies 87111.‘ Running dots (--.-) signify “ not ascertained." Land-Grant Railroads are in“ z‘tal:'a.” 1...‘- Railroad. 3 Equipment. Abstraefi of 130101100 Sheet. 3* g Earnings. O. .___..._....._ . ,u ,3 E god Cars. _ Property and Assets. Liabilities. :,;.‘‘§ ,5; E, ,1; an . 5-5 -03 5 .~ .4. ram §‘5''~'’ 3'” Z5 0....’-'4v‘4§1.B,_3 ..:«-’- . on . '5 537,5 :1 no 5 §$ 3 8 . gg fig g in 3? 00IX1P&ni9fl.. gagg 302 $3 a '05 .1; g E.,,__, "" p. ,4: "‘ ..~.'s 9-. ' <9 .0 as 0 :5‘ -cs ,7 0 2 38 «=88 ‘E-19 3'28 E8 9.7‘: 5; 225 .28 "59 2 4 E E N 51 .5 04 9:1 9. 4‘. 4 .3 53 § 00 A on E El rs 2 Q 9. M. M1 M. M.NoNoNo. AAA‘. 3 3 6 3 3 C 8 M3 N3» 8 8 13.6 L B M 80 Jun. ’60 65.0 —- -..-. 50.6 -.- --- ..-.... Alabama and F'lon'da--.....--. 1,451,336 * 877,958 503,500 105,255 1,515,704 54.0 - -.... 28 Feb. ’59 30 8 —-— -..-- 58.1 19 Alabama and M£ssissi77pi-._.. 461,505 , 30,991 335,010 109,500 21,632 518,965 30.3 ..... 31 May 1001090 —-— 57.8 11 9 102 Ala. and Tennessee 1270070.-.- 2,201,927 184,900 1,007,000 777,777 240.485 2.476.023109-0 —-— ---- 30 Jun. 159 57.0 -—— ___. 171.3 -.- --- ---.. Mobile and aim.-d__.___,____, 1,500,000 * __.._.-.- ...--..... ..-...-- ......-..... 57.0 ..... 1 Mny,’61 409.3 13.5 ___. 49.4 40 28 502 Mobile and 01.7. ____________ __ 12 000,000 *4 .................... -..--. ..-..--.. ---. 695,370 —— ..... 29 Feb. ’60 88.5 23.4 ---- —— 23 14 283 Montgomery and West Point- 1.838,718 427,265 100,000 1,419,769 922,622 23,579 2,582,505116.9 --.-...- 505,150 260,269 6 ...... A . ' 8 Nov.’58 38.5 —— 107.5 L[emph1sO41nI:1K£§t;stf:Rook 550,077 «r 351,524 440,000 10,725 811,949 .-... . 4 ‘Dec. ’60 22.5 —-— s....r......,.(.},.2§’9s’;’L.‘f1’Z,’§.‘_“__,_____._ 1,493,350 9 703,950 700,002 1,498,850 225 --.....- 230,251 104,594 .... 5'1 Ju1y’64 23.8 —-— 1.9 —— 4 5 47 Danbury 1§.)1I1{¢;IlmL?$~$vt:1!1")<-._-_._ 816,299 66,4“ 807,060 95,000 731 .-.......... 23.8 53,325 ' 89.470 46,029 7 --- 31 Jan. '65122.4 —- 170 75.1 16 20 287 Hartford, 1>,.ovid_ and Fighkfl] 3,902,358 302,511 2,037,940 1,930,740 --........ ---..-.... 1224 317,844 517,808 134,50“ --.. 81Aug 104 01.0 11.2 00.2 -_- 22 07 821 Hartford and NewHaveu-..- 3.260.908 204,000 107.090 2.350.000 927.000 4.280.209 72.8 458.2451.’-92.307 885.219 17 217 81 D00. ’04 74.0 ~----- 8.9 —-— 10 12 272 Hougatonic _____ _____________ 2,499,775 Ir 23,200 2,000,000 191,000 47,900 2,685,438124.0 203.829 428,618 150,702 81De0. ’64 57.0 ----r-- 1.3 —-— 8 11 184 Naugatuck __________________ 1,404,127 * 1,100,000 300,000 29,149 ........... 62.0 145,655 860,107 140,891 16 ..... 28 Feb 705 500 — 2.0 —- 8 10 30 N,13t.1v5n,N, Lonaonand 5.01., 1,454,040 1! 738,538 700,000 .....-.. --....... 62.0 161,182 274,887 1099. —-—-1171 30 NOV. ’64 84.3 5-3 9.3 -- 3 2 --——New Haven and Northampton 2,336,485 41,560 1,010,000 650,003 -.---.—-.. -- 49.533 197,337 85,945 3} --n 31 Dec. "34 66.0 —- 5.9 —-— 8 12 84 New London Northern .... -_ 724,336 * 658,805 51,006 810,982 66.0 211,886 270.672 54,299 8 85 31 Mar.’65 61.3 1.0 333 __ 29 75 4o5N,,wYor1; anaNew11...ven__ 4,729,607 932,865 3,010,600 2,000,000 6,810,840117.4 652,7651,847,291 022,590 9 114; 80 Nov.’64 59.4 7.0 3,2 ___. 18 17 392 Norwich and Worcester ___..- 2,463,983 149,711 2,838,600 607,000 10,962. 8,288,531 66.4 344,463 631,728 244,471 7}; 100 . D . . 81 Oct. ’60 84.3 -— 10.7 j.x:f:f1f.--..--.... 1,552,257 406,132 870,000 271,877 1,607,684 84.3 136,631 188,970 41, 66 ..... 31001. ’62 16-2 — ___. —-—New0a.st1e§ndFrenchtown.- 704,800 18,535 744,520 5,024 749,644 5.0.--.---- 27.283 10.290 9 .--.- .. .. -02154.2 —— 150 1......-..., . —-— 80 Apr. ’6g —-— 13.0 6 ggrida and Alabama --...--.-. 532,791 30,586 - 191,485 195,000 75,894 619,112 32.0 --.... --.. 7,857 3,535 ...... -- II ' ___ - '5 --~ -I-- on--o . t. d Gu C ------- -- .--. ---. ----0-m---A -n--u----- -II-- 'I--- ---"-""" ""‘° -""""" """ ""' '"""""' —-t """ .. .. ’62 100.0 8.9 10.0 1535 --- -... _--.. peni.aeo$:'a(z.§.za1¢‘.}'eorg1l.{:...¢.n____ _-...-._-- _____.-. -..-_.._..- ..-.----. -....-.- -.:..-.... 29. --.- -...- -....- .--. -.-...-. —-— ...e . , _ 80 Jun. --- ..8.,.1 70-6 16 7 124 £38113: an<15E:a:iE_A13£)[intr.-.n.£ 1,192,389 _ 0 1,250,000 126,000 1,597,885 83.7 .--. ..... 418,086 265,827 8 ‘ 125 -- -- - "--. 0 . —-— --- ___-. fin 1 — , ....-......-... ..,..,.-.... _-....-,.-..- ..._....--- --~- ---I- ---------n- I --u------ -----""-- ----'4---- —'* --III 31 D60. ‘B0 53.0 -““' ---... -—-- ..-- --.. ---.. Augustgzgd Sagrannah _f:1___ 1,032,200 * 783,700 129,503 ..-.------- 53-0 ---- ---- 153,938 95,312 '-'~' ---- 30 Apr. '60 43.6 —- --.. 23.7 ._- --- -.--. Brunswick and 1z*1or1a... ____ __ 755,000 * 151,887 --.-----. -..- --.. -------.. 81.0 .............. .- ----.-.- -— -... 30 1900.100 101.0 — ____ __ 53 52 097 o.,,,m1,,f G»eorg1a,(a11(1_Bank) 4,300,000 9 4,300,900 0,590,173 229.0 879,4681,715,025 70457410 .... 31 Mar. '00 171.0 61.0 ..-. —— ___ --- .-_-. Georgia. (..nd13.m1;)_.________ 4,150,000 4 1,003,050 4,150,000 312,500 8,123,343 232.0 ...... .- 1,159,188 528,048 8 80 Nov.’60 102.5 —— ___. —— 19 16 171 Macon and Western _-__.,-,__ 1,500,000 I 1,600,000 ————-- 12,295 1,658,976102.5 226,241 404,618 212,676 19 81 zTu1y’59 50.0 "'-' -...... -—-— 7 2 107 Muscogee _________ __., ______ __ 774,244 162,5” ~ 669,950 249,000 -—-—- 1,023,858 50.0 .--—---- 1 May,’58 68.1 —— ___. —— 0 4 38 sav0nnah,A1bany and 0.011.. 1,386,634 52,374 1,275,901 10,200 180,621 1,478,140 71.0 ------..— 81 Ju1y’60106. 100.8 16.2 —— 18 22 201 South Western ._____-._.____ 3,770,425 * .-.... 2,921,900 896 500 19,913 3,822,913 228.8 -...--.. 13 30 B61). '59 138.0 —--- .--- —— 52 24 705 Western afd .At1antio..... -.... 5,901,497 "' built. and own’c1 by State. -—————- 138.0 -......-. 832,343 454,541 —-— -.... - O . 91 Deo.’64 220.0 —— —-— 40 02 030 Ohio oan(1‘LAI¥1;oI1f_-..__'__...- 0,300,910 4 050,100 4,203,300 4,054,002 9,s90,a9s281.o1,104,197 2.770.484 1,273,018 71. 100 30 Apr. ’65 317.0 83.0 47.0 *- 105 46 1,996 0100., urlinggon and Quincy- 12,537 020 2,518,233 8,376,510 5,924,909 16,464,205 400.0 1,903,105 0,728,910 2,722,273 20 125 1 Apr.;03 242° ‘— ---- 29-0 80 23 706 Ch1o9.go and orthwestern-.. 12,325,889 510,988 8,701,810 8,945 000 226.641 13.147186 242.0 .---9-5;, 1.088.054 4 .5 31! 81 Mar. ,65 181-3 — ---- —-— 69 69 1,195 Ohmago and Rock Island 7,804,923 * 010,000 0,000,000. 1,450,... 9.484.582 228-41.21 . £59.39 1.891.709 6 1094 81 Dec. 03 1210 138.7 50.0 —- 74 81 1.459 Galena and Chicago Union.-- 8,040,104 1,366,988 525,451 0,028,400 3,500,000 10,952,115 341.7 1,484,065 2,201,481 1,279,408 0 -... 31Ma.y,’631‘74.5 5.5 14.3 —-— 21 22 504 Great Western_.___________.. 4,039,501 4 . 1,648,561 2,350,000 ---..... 4,214,3421800 ...... -- 742097 . , 1 31 Dec. ’64 454.8 2525 .--. —-— 120 78 3,9, 107.7075 Central.._--_......_---...- 29,070,410 * 20,808,100 13,282,000 38,080,110 708.3 8,386,850 6,329,447 2,463,194 8 131 1 Jun. ’65 111-0 ? .-.. —— 15 14 282 Toledo, Peoria 65 W-.11fsaw....... 3,880,955 464,000 -————~ 2,953,955 1,391,000 .......... 4,344,955111. ---....... , 210,9 —— __.__ 81 Doc. ’64 195.0 14 12.2 —-— 42 28 955 Bt.Lo11is,A1ton&Terre Haute 10,700 000 -...--.. 4,000,000 6,700,000 10,700,000 209.0 .... ...... 2,084,074 500,767 —— 38} ., I . . - . _ .. _ -3108-0 4"-'7 ..-. —-'-— ___ -.... ..-... Cincinnati a1:1I<)1Lg;1‘1oago --..-- 2,080,438. * ..... .-.- 1,106,879 1,006,125 ---- -—-- --------- 108.0 - ---- ---- ---- ---- -- .... 31 Aug.’57 109.0 —— .-.. --- .-- --. .-... Evansville and O1-awfordsvillo 2,233,413 7 2,750 986,061 1,219,100 51,772 2,283,748 109.0 24 .867 119.842 —-— -.... 31 D00. ’62 72.4 -—- -_.- —-— 19 17 266 Indiana Centru.I.----.---.-..-. 1,667,039 274,081 20,041 011,050 1,254,5 15,900 2,102,761109.o 893 158,641.-.- 31 Dec. '58 89.8 20.2 --.. —-— 23 19 010 Indianapolis and 0100105001-- 2,497,952 540,048 25,099 1,689,900 1,802,284 140,689 s,458,108110.0 448,858 230,834 0 100 31000104 84.0 —-— __ 15... Ind.,P1ttsburg and Cleveland 2,786,556 ~- 1,872,000 997,000 . 2.975.878 840 771.763 307.83: .... . 1 Dec. 702 78.0 -—-— 11.0 -. 15 14 201 Jeiferaonville --.. .......... -- 1,549,518 0 278,834 1,015,907 621,000 2,1'I5,223108 627,868 268.1 __ 31 M9.r.’.64 86.0 46.0 8.0 —- 1710 268 Indianapolis andlhladison -... 1,464,847 4" 819,900 640,000 1,588,768182.0 315,172 117,941 6 100 .- .. ’58 288.0 —-— ..... —-— -.- ... .-...Lou1sv. N.A1b9.n &Chioago 0,000,000 - * 2,800,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 6,000,000 288.0 645,827 871,40- _... 3 00 Nov.’64 78.0 —-—. ..- 21 28 440 Terra fi9ut0Iand ohmond -. 1,988,150 . 109,379 1,900,150 88,000 ——-——- 8,063,108 73.0 1,007,979 521,25418 1, OWL. 30 Apr. ’65 75.6 --- ...- 176.5 .... .... ----. Burlington and 1}IzsaauriR1'17e1 2,603,689 173,787 1,497,947 1,343,870 ---—— 2,929.739 75.5 112,434 431,606 155,347 —-— ____ 31 Dec. ’59 86.0 —-— --... ~—-— -..- ..- -..-.. Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska- 1.350-000 " 516,072 860,000 369,984 —-------- 860 7 m0’2. 35.239 46.771 -— ____ 31 Dec. 7641000 —-—, -... 220.0 11 7 187 Dubuque and Sionx Cit ....... ,4 678,123 68,951 -—--- 3,649,396 960,000 27 364 4,891,849 100.0 200,818 412,156 162,268 ___ ____ 1Jun. '58 38.5 —-1 ...... 101.8 4 1 64110015., Ft.Deamo11_1es& 11. 1,037,576 ,499 921,449 570,000 ----- ..- .... -.-... 38.511 m0’B. 453,821 21.355 ____ .”.0 Jun, ’65 135.0 95-9 , ..-. 312.0 ..-- .... .-... Mififilflflipfii and M1asoar1...-.. 10,715,052 * 3,452,800 7,145,252 118,000 10,715,552 230.0 ..-. -..- ---- ---- ---- ---- -—- ENTUOKY. , “Got. ’59 80.0 --- —— --. .... ---.. Oovington and Lexington .-... 8,748,971 276,024 1,582,169 2,980,000 837,632 4,375,993111.8 -.-. -—-- 426.403 227.534 ____ .0 Jun. 105 29.0 —~ . 0.1 .-3 4 ,3 2,9 3Lex'.ngton and Frankfort -. 000.298 523"" 514,573 79,000 ._.——-— 736,513 29.0 23,, 0,1 188.403 63,774 7 30 Jun. ’65 65.1 -- . 0.4 —— Lqulgville and Frankfort-.. 1,532,645 126,735 12,200 1,109,594 276,000 ..-.—— 1,713,324 65.1 ’ 419,548 139,817 6 55 30 Jun, '64 185.0 83.1 , ‘.8.8 36.5 52 47 529 Lou12v111.esL0.nd Nashville ...... 9 730,101 * 5,605,834 3,930,500 235,670 11,886,430 300.0 841,558 8,261,690 1,803,953 6 ____ OUISIANA. 91 Dec. 100 80.0 —g -.. 178.0 12 12 210 N. 0. elausas and Gr.W’est"n 3,954,420 505,200 8,242,818 566,000 939,297 5,855,320 00.0 180,204 481,922 223,440 ____ 31 Mar. 101 206.0 —— -.. 205.0 45 87 513 N. 0. acksonand Gr.N0rthem 5,570,4521,040,752 ---.-.-.- 2,005,000 1,150,717 ....--.-. -200 ---.--.- 1,282,024 55541 ___ 81 Aug '60 59.7 —-— 135.9 .-. .... 7ics0urgb:.MS‘rw8p0rt 5- Texas. 1,002,091 ~ 1.209015 248,909 108,434 1,710,819 507 .-.....- -....... -....... ..-... ‘ IOHIGAN. , _ V 80 Sep. ’62 57.0 —— -... —— Chi0.Detroit&cOan.G.T.Jun0. built and equi p ed by G r.Tr'k R. R. Co. of Canada ' ___ , 30 Jun. '62 188.0 —, _.-. —-— -.. ___ ____, Detroit and Miz.mukee.._. ---- 3,270,023 047, 90 2,050,000 4,250,000 -___ __.- 9,008,309 188,0 _---___- 340,898 ..-. -... —-—. ____ 81 May :65 234-3 ‘H’ A8-4 -— 97 88 1,589 Miehlgan Central .......... -- 13,806,576 * 168,225 6,491,886 7,565,439 14,781,671329.3 1,682,798 4,121,213 1.715.063 18 115 81 Mar. 05 240.0 27 , ..-_ ___. 90 101 1,359 Mich. S’t1]1;:n 65 N7th’n Indiana 18,619,185 1,044,259 1,098,708 9,720,200 8,564,115 18,284,315 623.8 2,187,124 4,289,400 1,881,113 7 33 Inxnaon. 31 Dec. ’62 14.5 -- i —--608.5 2 2 10 Minnesota and PacgIfic.-.. ...- 1,400,f""‘ _, .-.......... 1,550,000 .-... ---- ..... .-... ..... -.. - -------- —-— ..... 31 Dec. :62 -- -7 , —‘190.2-—- —-— -—:S‘oytnern Minnesota ........ .- _-..--... " ....-.... , .--. .-.. ..... -.... .... --. -—-— . 81 D00. ’62 -- -- . — 114... .-—-— Mgnneazpalzs and C_edar Valley— .......-.... , , ........... 600,000 ___. .-.. ..--. -.... ..... .....-... ..-. ..-. -——- ___. 31 D00. 62 —-— ---| -~268.0————— —— l}Iznnesot¢iIIs‘Iéz§:;fi,;;..-.. ....... ........-.. ..r....... 500,000 -.... --... .-......1. ..... .......... ..._...... ——~ __ 00 Apr. 100 200.0 +1 —— 25 22 386 Mgasgaetppg oenzraz--'......-.. 4,900,022 750,297 1 2,000,901 2,554,792 095,992 6,881,899 290,0 .... 584,842 828,009 ____ 81 Oct. ’59 71.4 —— 7 ___. 27.8 7 4 41Mwsmnppz {mg Tennesau -..... 1,254,894 159,018 798,285 456,94 276,060 1,974,444 59.7 ............ 176,462 116,433—-,— ___ 81 D60. '58 '83-2 —- , ---. 60.4 -... -.... ----. IS'0‘u”l31"I5.0fi88lll£ppi ..... ..... 2,750,000 . * 1,000,000 1,400,000 .-.-..--.. .... -.-... 83.2 -.-. -..- 250,047 £121,659 —— ___, ~ ISBOURI. » ’ . - 31.Aug.’63 06. —— 3.2 —— 31 24 525 H¢m.m‘bal_and.S't.Joaeph....... 12,983,740 “' 7,158,886 7,177,600 ..-. --... 206.8 579,3241,047,567 420,026—-.-- 40 81.Feb. :65 -- ', 17.7 68.0 23 21 272 Nltzth M1.saou1ti.........;....... 6,743,482 697,768 2,469,540 4,350,000 98,378 7,965,870168.8 480,186 900,499 649,641——— __ 81 D00. ’62 5 . -- », 3.6 -.... ... .-- .-.. P t_te County -..- ......... ___. ,0o0 500,000 70 , __.._.... .......-..... 52. .--. ..,..- -... ..-.. -.... .-.. —-— ___ 28 Feb. 65 283.0 — , 4.4 —— -13 26 566 Pact .-.-...-... -..-............ 1 , 15,7281,101,791 8,091,971 490,433 649,21212,580,808196.7 598,415 1097,7913 211,810-—,~ ___ 28 ueb. '05 77.0 -~ . 3.9 200.0 I, South-Watern Branch....... 8,098,940 110,927 70,513 3,407,234 ........ |3,883.402114.0 100,502. 197,744 .941 896--. _,___ 28 sep. ’84 86.5, ' .2 000 8 .- 10 18 _219 .s7.:Losm-andlrqm Mmmtain..| 0,437,080 900,029 1,971,222 8,501, 40,058 0,802,109 00.1 280,189 1899291 9123